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Plastics Recycling at AMS

Plastics - AMS Fulfillment

It’s our bet… but let’s do it. We bet every one of our readers is distressed and revolted by images of plastic pollution, i.e. islands of plastic floating on the water. It’s an awful sight. Because of those images we try to make some shopping changes. We hesitate to buy things wrapped in plastic or inside plastic bottles. We do our very best to recycle when we do. None of us wants our Earth suffocating under plastic!

When a fulfillment company speaks about ‘circular models’ it means when products are returned to the seller, and that return comes to us, we can fix it if it’s broken, we can re-package it and put it back on the shelf if it’s the wrong item, if it’s broken beyond repair we can recycle it, or we can donate it for some other use. Basically, we do everything we can to keep things from a one-way trip, from manufacturing to the landfill. Circular model means re-use, repurpose, recycle.

What the UN Says

We’re going to take this moment to praise and thank our AMS employees for their dedication to recycling, and re-purposing. We have two very inspiring stories from our employees, but first, from an article posted on the UN Environmental Program website [LINK] we read the following:

“Our economies have for too long been built on the relentless extraction, use and wasting of resources, which destroys nature, warms the climate, pollutes ecosystems, feeds inequalities and throws away resources that still have huge value to economies.

“So, reducing the resource intensity of key economic sectors and adopting circular models is central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To hitting the targets set by global agreements on climate, biodiversity, chemicals and pollution. To delivering equity, justice and a healthy planet for all.”

Re-use, Recycle, Repurpose

In the past two years AMS found a way to recycle and repurpose stretch plastics. It was a challenge for the AMS Green Team, and they searched until they found a solution. They wanted to keep stretch plastic out of the landfill, so they investigated and researched and found a company that recycles clean stretch plastic in large amounts. They purchased containers and our employees accumulated the plastic on site at every warehouse. Our employees were pleased and proud to turn plastic waste over to be re-used and made into other plastic items.

More Power to the Employees

Now we’re going to tell the stories of the wisdom and dedication of employees. We’re so proud to see the concern for plastic waste that we all share, bringing about ingenious solutions. The following letter is from one of our valued employees on behalf of the Facilities team in the Witherspoon warehouse location:

“There is a client in Witherspoon that ships its product in a plastic bag in a cardboard box. Every box has a bag. In the past, Facilities has separated these bags during the cardboard recycling process and included them in our plastic recycling effort. In a move to decrease our costs to purchase trash bags, and ultimately reduce our footprint in the landfills, Facilities has for the last 8-10 months, gathered thousands of these bags, and distributed them to all our warehouses to be reused.  They are frequently reused multiple times before becoming unusable and sent for recycling.  It is a double win for AMS and the environment!” – George, Facilities Director

Samantha Hicks, AMS’ ESG Program Manager, responded to George’s message as follows: “This was such a great idea to reduce plastic waste from the landfills AND reuse old materials to stop AMS from having to purchase more. This initiative would have gone unnoticed by others who do not particularly work in this daily task, so it proves that change is a collective action, and everyone can make a difference in their day-to-day, one thing at a time.” 

Another Inspiring Story

Samantha shared a 2nd inspiring letter with us as follows:

“This week I started a project that will reduce waste on a broader scale. I have been receiving the mail here at AMS NH and have found that each and every day it is loaded with junk magazines, catalogs and flyers.  What I have been doing is calling these companies and asking to be taken off their mailing list.  

“I explain to them that we are a B Corporation and we strive to cut down on waste. So far, 99% of them appreciate our sentiments of saving the planet. Every little bit helps the green movement.

“If any person needs to find a product and or vendor, we are typically drawn to “google” for the desired result. Not only are we reducing the waste here at AMS, we are also reducing the waste for many of our vendors. In addition, we are helping to reduce costs as well. Printed matter is expensive.

“I feel like this is a small step to a greener planet, however, this is an important step that we here at AMS can do to help the movement.”

Bill C., Accounting Specialist

We All Care – The Earth Matters

We’ll conclude with one more quote from the UN:

“Every day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes.”

That statement, in and of itself, should make an environmental activist out of every one of us. Thank You to our AMS employees for reducing the environmental impact of plastics in our warehouses and reducing the waste of printed material. Thank You for wisely re-using, repurposing, recycling and reducing!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.



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