Thank You Employees of the Month – November 2017

Employee Appreciation - AMS FulfillmentCongratulations to AMS’ November 2017 Employees of the Month! We are very pleased to recognize Jordan K., Jocelyn G., Felipa Molina G., Marcela B., Serena C., Lucas H.

AMS Fulfillment employs several hundred people, in warehouse and HQ facilities located in Valencia, CA. Each month supervisors at our facilities nominate individuals who are doing an outstanding job for the clients. The months of November and December are especially busy for our company. This month the supervisors in our various facilities had a hard job nominating just one employee, as many did an exemplary job. With appreciation for all, six individuals were selected who went above and beyond.

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month:

Jordan K., IT Manager – 06/19/2017
HQ Admin: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Jordan is a wonderful addition to the IT team. He is extremely knowledgeable, is an excellent listener and is always ready to help. He has a keen sense of urgency, which is great and exceptional. He is very thorough and will work on a problem until it is solved. He explains things in a non-technical way so a person can understand. He has a calm demeanor and is very friendly. I truly appreciate Jordan and believe that he is a terrific asset to AMS and to our IT Department.

Jocelyn G., Returns Clerk I – 09/07/2016
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

I have chosen Jocelyn to be employee of the month because since she got to work in the Returns Department in HQ she has demonstrated a good attitude in the functions entrusted in her and she shows great initiative to get her job done.” “I would like to nominate Jocelyn as employee of the month. She is an excellent worker, has 100% commitment to do the job correctly and in an efficient way. She is a great asset to the Returns team. She is always on time and willing to help out where needed. She has a great personality and is fun to be around. She is a shining star.

Felipa Molina G., Shipping Clerk I – 12/08/2003
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Felipa is a great worker! She is always on time and willing to stay overtime on short notice. Felipa does not have a problem with switching tasks at any given time. She knows all of the clients at IND1. She has a positive vibe and attitude all day, every day. Felipa is a great employee for AMS to have as part of their team.

Marcela B., General Warehouse II – 06/09/2014
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Marcela demonstrates she can work in all departments. She always helps everywhere with a great attitude.

Serena C., General Warehouse II – 11/10/2017
WIL1: 28936 Ave Williams

Serena is a seasonal AMS employee that just started with our team and became an expert with our SLU program and she is impressively fast and accurate. She is a strong team player for the fourth quarter with one of our busiest clients. Serena is always ready to learn new procedures with a positive attitude.

Lucas H., Inventory Clerk I – Forklift Driver – 11/24/2015
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Lucas comes to work on time and ready to get the job done. He gives 100% whether it is in his own department, containers or helping others. His attendance, attention to detail and work ethic make his addition to WIT2 AMS so valuable. He always has a positive attitude that spreads across to other AMS team members. Lucas is always willing to help out others. He comes to work every day in a great mood and is always ready to work. He always has a positive attitude.

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One might think that with multiple facilities it would be hard to notice individuals and their achievements, but in the fulfillment industry, employees are much more than human resources… they are the reason for a company’s success.

So it is with the spirit of family and the spirit of the holidays we offer a sincere Thank You! No matter which department or which task our outstanding employees are honored for, we know they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.



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