Thanks AMS Bosses!! It’s National BOSS Appreciation Day!

Boss appreciation - AMS FulfillmentAccording to Google, “National Boss’s Day in the United States has been celebrated annually on or around October 16th since 1962. If October 16 falls on a weekend, it is observed on the following working day. This day was created to show your appreciation to a great boss who inspires and supports you.”

Well we do have some great Bosses here at AMS, so this message comes with heartfelt appreciation for every one of them starting with our CEO and Executive Team – Thumb’s UP to our top “Boss” Bosses!

In the dictionary there’s Boss and “Boss,” and sometimes a Boss is also “Boss!”

A Boss would be the person in charge. A “Boss” is excellent at what they do, even if what they do is a mop up a spill. If you do your chore like a “Boss”… well that’s the meaning of the word!

So at AMS we’re celebrating our “Boss” Bosses!

We asked a few co-workers some questions: #1 What makes a good boss? #2 What would you like to tell your boss? # 3 Describe your boss in three words.

Ten inspiring responses came back!! Here they are!!

Ida L. #1 A good boss respects you as a person. #2 Thanks, Boss – you’re good. #3 Sharp, skilled, kind.

Gawain W. #1 A good boss is someone who teaches, supports, listens, and helps you grow. #2 Thanks for the support and opportunities! #3 Supportive, funny, firecracker.

Stacy C: #1 A good boss presents a hard-working mindset, determination as a unit, and remaining neutral. #2 Thank you for pushing me as hard as you do. #3 Intelligent, hardworking, and analytical. 

Marelyn M: #1 She’s understanding when it comes to work and outside of work situations. #2 That you have grown to be an amazing person. #3 She’s funny outgoing has a lot of patience. (to Vanessa H)

Rich G: #1 Her integrity makes her a good boss. #2 After leaving an employer I worked for 32 years, I have not regretted one day since coming to AMS. The major reason I can say that is because of the support I receive from my boss Kim. #3 Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control, Indomitable Spirit. (to Kim P)

Cassandra C: #1 A good boss is someone that shows appreciation, kindness and great leadership skills. A good boss will always be willing to listen. #2 I would like to tell my boss thank you for always wearing their heart on their sleeve, for encouraging me to grow and to always reach for the stars. #3 understanding, motivated and a leader. 

Alma D: #1 A boss will lead by example and always have a positive mood which encourages his Team to have a positive attitude. #2 After so many years working side by side I learn new things daily from you overall. #3 Great Dad, ambitious, accommodating, empathetic. (to Michael G)

Pearl R: #1 A good boss is someone who will not get upset when you lose your temper. #2 That he or she is doing an awesome job and thank you for being there when I need to talk. #3 Great teacher thanks!

Veronica L: #1 A good boss listens, supports and encourages his/her employees personally and professionally. #2 Thank you for your guidance and support. #3 I admire my boss for her tenacity and perseverance, always setting the example of working hard and meeting goals. She is smart, empathetic and amazing in every way!

Melissa L: #1 A good boss is transparent, inclusive, compassionate, and caring. #2 You are genuine, a great leader and a role model. I truly appreciate you and I’m thankful to have you as my boss. #3 Leader, Dedicated, Committed. (to Bobbi)

Thank you ALL for appreciating your Boss!

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For the past few months we’ve been celebrating the women in leadership here at AMS with a series of blogs in which we interview each individual Boss to find out about their journey and shine a spotlight on them. AMS has a very good balance of men and women bosses and we’re not just proud of that, we’re enjoying the benefits of it. We invite you to visit our NEWS page and enjoy the “Women in Leadership” series!

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And there we go!! Happy Boss Day to every “Boss” Boss here at AMS. We truly do appreciate you – a good boss means a LOT!




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