Mother’s Day Tribute! Make it Beautiful!

Mother's Day - AMS FulfillmentHappy Mother’s Day to all AMS Mothers!! We thank you for being working mothers, giving your time and energy to AMS. We know that motherhood has been a great skills training ground for you. We see that you do tend to have well-honed soft skills and emotional intelligence from that experience. We also see that you are very good at multitasking and time management (juggling the demands of work and home pretty well). Thank you for offering support to your co-workers where needed and being someone who can be counted on to lead and deliver.

Thank you AMS Mothers!! You’re the Best!!

Plus… Happy Mother’s Day to all Daddy Mothers – you’re spectacular, super in the role! We see you handing out the Mama love.

And… Happy Mother’s Day to all who have Mothers! Happy Mothers day to all who have Grandma Mothers – they are fantastic!! And Happy Mothers day to all who had Auntie Mothers, all who have learned from teacher Mothers, enjoyed neighbor Mothers, hung out with best friend’s Mom Mothers and on and on.

A Mother is the one who birthed you, and she is also everyone who has loved you, watched over you, hugged and fed you, made you feel ‘at home’, straightened you out sometimes, and made you feel seen and heard. For there to be a world… there must be Mothers.

How can we possibly honor and appreciate Mother on this special day?

#1 Spend some time talking with her. Did you know that more phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year? Apparently holiday chats with Mom have caused phone traffic to spike by as much as 37 percent, so google says. It appears talking with Mom is high on the list of things to do. It brings her happiness – keep it up – do it.

#2 If you were a hard one to deal with, tell her you apologize and you realize that you put her to the test sometimes. She forgave you long ago and you know it, but tell her anyway. Chances are she made some mistakes too. We all do. Forget her flaws and make her feel good – that’s a great gift you can give her. She’ll never forget it.

#3 If you have an idea of something she needs or likes and you can give it to her, do so. Give her something she needs or something you know she loves to have. A gift will last and give her some joy tomorrow. Find the perfect one! Things that matter are great Mother’s Day gifts.

And if your mother is gone from you, remember her in your heart. Talk with her there. Love doesn’t die.

Here’s a Mothers Day poem by Kipling called “Mother o’ Mine” that touches on the depth of Motherhood. Mother is the life-giver – an incredible role indeed. Our Mothers gave us physical life and that is a wonder of nature. The ones who played the Mom role for us gave life to our heart’s trust, which is a life foundation we all need.

“Mother o’ Mine”

If I were hanged on the highest hill,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!
I know whose love would follow me still,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

If I were drowned in the deepest sea,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!
I know whose tears would come down to me,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

If I were damned of body and soul,
I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

— Rudyard Kipling


A lovely and enjoyable tribute is offered in this YouTube video. We’ll include it as a little gift to your heart. You can access the video HERE.

Happy Mother’s day – make it beautiful.




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