Series: What B Corporations do for the world #28

B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentThere are many inspiring, dedicated, skillful business leaders embracing the B Corporation concept, and each of them has a story. These businesses may be small or large, with 3 employees or 300 or 3,000. We see them upholding integrity in a changing world; businesses taking responsibility for the wellbeing of much more than the bottom line. These businesses are changing the world and we are proud to stand among them. 

Several years ago AMS Fulfillment joined the ranks of the B Corp community as one of the few fulfillment companies willing to take the pledge in a legally binding agreement. The B Corporation commitment has created a culture within AMS that employees, clients and the community fully support. Employees want to work for a B Corp, clients want to choose a B Corp, communities want to support a B Corp, and owners and shareholders want to invest in a B Corp. And finally, Mother Nature prefers the B Corp as well.

In preparation for B Corp Month, coming up in March, we are pleased to bring to readers the inspiring spirit of these companies by telling their stories. We begin by featuring a company called CNOC Outdoors. Nathan Oetting, Impact, Outreach & Logistics Manager has agreed to talk with us about CNOC Outdoors and what they are doing to B The Change. 

AMS: Hi Nathan! Thank you for the interview. We have enjoyed going through your website, looking at your products and getting an idea of your company’s culture and spirit. You tell the story of how you came to be, and how you selected and created your outdoor gear. You also talk about DE&I. As we move through Black History Month, could you talk about your focus on the community and how you have sought to bring more diversity to the enjoyment of the outdoors? 

NATHAN (CNOC): Thanks very much for the opportunity to chat and tell our story! CNOC Outdoors is a small company, with only 3 full time employees. We have been in business only a few years, but since day one, CNOC has endeavored to make the outdoors more accessible to everyone. We do this by designing products that are durable, easy to use, and repairable. The throw-away culture does not sit well with us. We want our customers to be able to repair our stuff if necessary, instead of having to buy new.

We also give back to the outdoor community and our local community. We have committed to donating at least 20% of profits to non-profits, and we have far exceeded that goal every year. The groups we choose to work with are in-line with our ethos of diversity, equity and inclusion in the outdoors. For the last few years, we’ve held a fundraising campaign in the Fall for different outdoor organizations. We’ve supported The Venture Out Project – an organization whose mission is to provide safe and fun space for queer, trans and LGBTQ+ people to experience the outdoors. And Unlikely Hikers which is a diverse, anti-racist, body-liberating outdoors community of people featuring the underrepresented outdoorsperson.

This year, we are working with a local non-profit here in Portland called Love is King. Love is King aims to eliminate fear in the outdoors and to provide equitable access and safety to ensure an enriching and exhilarating experience in nature for BIPOC folks. We use our platform and money to raise awareness for the causes of these organizations, and we donate gear and funding to help them achieve their mission to diversify the outdoors. As we continue to grow as a company, we hope to be able to reach more people through our platforms, and to raise money for these local and small organizations that are making a difference in the BIPOC and underrepresented community. 

AMS: We really appreciate the work CNOC Outdoors is doing this year to make a difference in the BIPOC community, and your past work as well. When we look into your B Corporation story we see inspiring and uplifting human beings making the world better. Thank you so much for the interview!

Pictured: Nathan Oetting



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