Congratulations to AMS’ ESL Graduates!

The AMS commitment to retaining, educating, training and advancing employees was established from the start. And yet, for the past three years, AMS has taken its family culture to another level by creating some unique and groundbreaking partnerships with businesses and organizations the community.

Several years ago AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman met with educators and administrators from Santa Clarita’s College of the Canyons (COC) with the aim of establishing an education and job-training partnership that would have a broad benefit. Describing their efforts Ken said, “The business and the college have been working together to explore educational opportunities and funding initiatives.” The AMS-COC partnership is now several years old, and has been a great success.

AMS provides classroom space within one of the AMS buildings; a space that employees have named the “Advance My Skills Learning Center.” Included in the space is a 25-person computer lab. In addition to this classroom, AMS provides books and materials, and offers the classes free of charge. College of the Canyons provides the instructors, coursework and registration of students. This partnership works extremely well as it meets the needs of AMS, the employees, the College and the community.

Among the courses offered is English as a Second Language (ESL 1), and May 2017 is the one-year anniversary of the first ESL course. This course is one that employees have been eager to take advantage of. By studying English through a respected school, without having to leave the workplace, they are more able to write and respond to emails, letters and so on, and possibly pursue more skilled positions at AMS or elsewhere.

Recently a group of AMS employees who had completed their fourth segment of ESL were presented with certificates of achievement at a COC ceremony, attended by more than 300 people. Ken was the guest speaker at this event, where he was able to express his pride in the students and the program and talk about the significance of their achievement.

Ken said, “Although these certificates symbolize a finish line, they really are the starting line for something new and something greater.” He encouraged the students to continue making commitments and working hard to achieve a goal.

Some of the other courses taught in the AMS classroom are the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt course, Microsoft Excel, Clerk Mentoring, Supervisor training, Hazardous Material Handling, CPR, AMS Safety Certification, OSHA Certification, and a first of its kind Apprenticeship Program. The benefit of these classes to AMS is apparent. A large fulfillment company needs trained staff. Well-trained employees are happier, and happier people do a better job for the clients.

Congratulations to all of graduates!



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