CONGRATULATIONS! AMS Employees of the Month for December 2019!!

Employee appreciation - AMS FulfillmentEvery month, and especially after our busiest month of the year, it’s such a pleasure for supervisors and employees to recognize a specific employee as having been outstanding. This month we are very pleased to recognize Ken R., Andy P., Erica B., Lidia P., Tervon N. and Devon N.

There are a number of AMS facilities, with over 300 employees, and we value every one. From the beginning of AMS to this day we enjoy a close environment that takes note of and cares about employees, and their job satisfaction.

The nominations and comments below demonstrate that the employees being recognized did an outstanding job during the month of December. We truly appreciate them.

Ken R., IT Technical Solutions Manager (July 2019)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Ken has joined AMS as an IT Project Manager. He immediately fit into the company culture so well, and is willing to help out in so many areas including helping through the craziness of 4th quarter. Ken’s personality is so professional, and he is kind to everyone.The CS team really likes working with him, and we are lucky to have found such a great person to be on the AMS IT Team.

Andy P., General Warehouse (November 2018)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Andy played such an important role in helping with the busy 4th quarter with one of our larger clients. He embraced learning as much as he could during this high-pressure time and truly was a superstar. Andy has been recognized as an amazing hard worker and a very smart guy. We look forward to him keeping up the momentum in learning and growing with us. We are really lucky to have him on our AMS Team.

Erica B., Returns Clerk (October 2019)
WIL1: 28936 Ave Williams

Erica has been very hands-on, and always has a positive attitude. She is a fast learner, and such a big help to our department. She is extremely dependable. Erica is always willing to learn new material and she is great to have on our team.

Lidia P., General Warehouse (December 2018)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Lidia is a great asset to the client’s team that she works on. She is always very helpful, and a great mentor to all new employees who join the team. She is a very hard worker, and does everything she can to make sure everything is in order. Lidia is very fast and knows what she is doing. She is an all-around great person to have on the team.

Tervon N.., General Warehouse • AND • Devon N., Receiving Clerk (Both August 2016)
WIT: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Tervon and Devon are twins… and both are always willing to help wherever needed. They always work hard, and are great assets to our team at WIT. We could not see one of them winning and not the other, as they are both very hard workers and very smart guys! So both of them are our nominees for December Employees of the Month.

Our ‘Employee of the Month’ recognition is meant to convey extra appreciation to individuals in the AMS Fulfillment Family! Whatever role they play, our employees are the reason for our success. Congratulations to this month’s honorees and Thank You!



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