AMS Series #5: Women in Leadership

Women Leaders - AMS FulfillmentThis week the Women in Leadership spotlight shines on Dori Bornstein, Human Resources Manager for AMS East. Dori joined AMS Fulfillment in March of 2022, coming to us with 15+ years of Human Resources experience. Her focus has been on performance management, coaching, and training. She spent majority of her career in the nonprofit arena with a focus on HR and community impact. 

Dori is credited with developing the ‘Women of the Y’ program to provide experiences for the women and children of diverse backgrounds that were residents of the YMCA. She has a Business Management degree from Reading Area Community College and Springfield College with a focus on Human Resources. 

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Women Leaders - AMS FulfillmentThank you for being in the AMS Women in Leadership spotlight Dori. Our first question is about what motivated you to join AMS. You came to us fairly recently, in March of this year. Were you inspired by our B Corporation commitment when you considered being our HR Manager? Did you take note of the number of women in management at AMS? 

I was absolutely inspired by the B Corp certification! As a nonprofit professional and someone who is heavily involved in my community, it is imperative to both my professional and personal goals that I work for an organization that shares my values. When I was first approached by the recruiter, I told her it would take a special company for me to leave the YMCA. After four interviews with some of the most interesting and dynamic women and men, I knew AMS Fulfillment was that company. In addition, when I had my in-person interview and got to see the New Holland facility, I was impressed by the number of women in leadership positions in operations as well as corporate and executive positions.  

What do you see as the difference between working in the nonprofit arena, and working for a B Corp in the for profit world? Are you able to enjoy the same satisfaction in being of service? 

I was unfamiliar with B-Corp certification but have since gotten my hands on everything B-Corp that I can. I have read the updated certification handbook, joined two online communities, and now I shop at B-Corp companies intentionally. To be honest, in the almost six months that I have been with AMS Fulfillment, I have the best of both. I am part of an organization (with for profit resources) that is committed to its people, its community, its clients and the environment, and our work in those areas is not limited by grant funding streams.

We’re sure you have mentored many young women who have wanted to not only work a job but work for the betterment of people as well. As Manager of Human Resources, how are you able to make a difference in the lives of employees?   

Training and performance management are two areas of HR that are passion projects for me. It is important to me that I am able to encourage and excite our employees about their career path options within AMS and support them in developing those plans. In our recruiting open house events and new hire orientations I let candidates and new hires know that their career at AMS is as big as they want it to be. There are opportunities for everyone to pursue and starting in operations is a launching pad to the entire organization. It is my role to make sure employees understand what is available to them as an employee at AMS. 

The reason we celebrate women in leadership is because women have historically been denied leadership roles. Did you face challenges in your work experiences because of being a woman, and if so, how did you overcome them? 

While I have had tremendous opportunities and great mentors, both men and women throughout my career, I have experienced some bias along the way. I found the best way to overcome bias was to continue to educate and train myself and gain experience in as much as I could. I also found volunteering was a great way to expand my network and learn skills that I may not have had the opportunity to do elsewhere. I have also found that I have to be willing to step out of my comfort zone and take a chance even when it is challenging in order to continue to advance. I have a son and two daughters that are watching me and that drives me to face challenges head on.

Could you speak about your hopes for all women who are seeking to improve their incomes or careers or lives through advancement up the corporate ladder? 

Find a way to take advantage of every opportunity that is presented, whether it is joining a committee, working on a special project, a coaching session, a training class, no matter how small it seems, and never stop learning.

Thank you for being in the spotlight with this excellent interview – Dori Bornstein, HR Manager!




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