AMS Holds Communication Team Luncheon

In order to improve communication between different branches of management, the AMS Executive and HR teams organized a Team Lunch for Managers, Directors and Executives. The luncheon took place in the on-campus Advance My Skills Learning Center in June. The task of participants was to learn methods of communicating effectively, and then utilize those methods in communicating with members of different teams.

The teams were: Operation Directors, Client Service Senior Account Managers, Sales Team, Client Billing Leadership, IT, Facility and Core Operations and Human Resources.

The teams were asked to first enjoy lunch with their own group and discuss communication within their workgroup function area, covering what is working and what needs improvement. They then watched a short video on communication in the workplace and ‘broke up’ into four other groups to discuss different aspects of effective communication.

The questions that the new groups considered, were: 1) what are the areas of current communications that you see need improvement, 2) what are the key things you see will improve communications, and 3) what are some things you will do differently in your communications after participating in this Team Lunch?

In the days following the lunch, several Sr. Account Manager team members came back with even more responses to the third question. In stating what she will do differently, Evelyn said, “Know your audiences, this will help to know how to communicate with each person.” Michael emphasized one of the points from the video, “Communicating with a positive tone can make all the difference. Starting off a conversation with a negative tone will cause the listener to lose focus on the details and topics thereafter.” Zuleka added, “It’s not what you say, it is how you say it!”

Thank you to all participants for a very successful workshop!



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