Green Team - AMS FulfillmentIn our previous AMS Green Team reports we have talked about the projects undertaken by Green Team Volunteers, the Vanpools we’ve organized to help our employees save money and avoid Co2 emissions and traffic, and the extensive Green efforts in our warehouses and offices. Our last report focused on the AMS TrashTag Clean Up Challenge 2021, which took place in October. Please see the photos below! 

In this report we’ll be talking with Samantha Hicks, HR Business Partner and head of AMS Programs and Services, about two very inspiring future plans. The first is for AMS West Green Team and the AMS East Green Team to officially launch their joint efforts, and the second is proposed internships of College of the Canyons LEED certified students who will help our Green Team in their efforts to increase environmental sustainability in our warehouses across the board. 

Q: AMS East and AMS West have already joined forces and the joint launch will take place in January 2022. It seems challenging to bring together the many facets of environmental sustainability and yet an exciting opportunity. Can you tell us, Samantha, what your hopes are for AMS East and West to accomplish together in the next year? 

Samantha: “As a Member of the Green Team, I am excited to be an active part of bringing AMS East and West up to par with top B-Corp standards. Our passionate Green Team Members have been designated to get together monthly to identify opportunities that improve the sustainability of our organization and to develop actionable solutions for these goals. Having individuals from various departments ensures all areas of the business are being taken into account, and it invites open collaboration of ideas and resources.

“This team of like-minded employees typically focuses on two main areas of responsibility: operations and culture. The operations focus covers developing strategies to change policies and processes that protect the environment and potentially improve the efficiency of the business. The other focus, creating a green culture, covers employee participation and educating employees about the why’s and the how’s of sustainability, ultimately encouraging engagement and participation.

“Through employee engagement, our Green Team will encourage a sense of open communication and collaboration across levels and departments. When barriers like this are broken down and a sympathetic outlet for observations is established, the employees who interact and observe the processes or operations almost daily can create valuable insight into improving the company. This second aspect of the Green Team’s responsibility is paramount to ensure a lasting culture of sustainability and a program that successfully drives change.”

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The proposed internship with College of the Canyons seems an excellent opportunity both for AMS and for COC students. LEED students (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) will be able to get direct experience of warehousing issues and AMS will be able to learn how to increase the sustainability of our warehouses across the board.  

Q: First of all, Congratulations Samantha on this exciting proposal. We understand that we’re looking at Spring of 2022 for this program to begin. Since this program is in the development stage we look forward to a much more detailed report in the future. For now, could you tell us how you came up with this idea, which seems like a Win-Win for both the students and for AMS? 

Samantha: “I am excited for the opportunity to potentially partner with 3rd parties, such as COC LEED Certified Interns, in our Green Walk-Throughs. A more tangible business value of sustainability stems from improving operations through on the ground expert level observation that otherwise may be overlooked or go unreported. This can range anywhere from facility efficiency, energy efficiency or operational process efficiency and can provide a strong economical return on investment. Ultimately, as our CEO, Jay Catlin states, our goal is to be carbon neutral.”

We truly appreciate the AMS Green Team and Samantha Hicks for helping AMS uphold its commitment as a B Corporation.

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Photos of the AMS TrashTag Clean Up Volunteers!




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