AMS CEO Undertakes Climb to Fight Cancer

wisemanCommunity service has been at the forefront of the personal life of AMS CEO Ken Wiseman for many years. There is a long list of volunteer positions he has held including Chair of the Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities, six years as president of the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation, 11 years on the Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Team, Board member of the SCVEDC and Member of the SCV Homeless Coalition.

AMS has created a unique corporate culture, with service to family and community being nurtured in many ways since opening our doors for business. We were proud indeed when our CEO received recognition from The Signal as #1 most influential Business Leader in Santa Clarita Valley in 2016 in their listing of “Top 51 Business Leaders.”

Ken has led the company into utilizing a multitude of entry-level positions to help individuals from many parts of the community find entry and reentry into the workforce. AMS seeks out challenged and motivated individuals, provides employability skills training and mentoring opportunities, and prepares these employees for higher paid jobs. In addition, AMS has undertaken a groundbreaking educational effort in alliance with College of the Canyons, offering free classes to employees and the community within two dedicated AMS classroom spaces, one being a new 25-person computer lab.

Once again, with a great deal of pride in our CEO, we ask the community to support him and his son in an admirable effort to serve through personal effort. The following is Ken Wiseman’s message to the public:

Dear friends and associates,

To raise funds for cancer research, my son Eric and I have embraced the Fred Hutch Cancer Research challenge to climb Mount Hood as a father and son team June 10-11, joining other associates of mine from Los Angeles County Sheriff Search & Rescue Teams, of which I am a volunteer. Our group is hoping to raise $25,000 to support Fred Hutch Cancer Research.

Ken is CEO, and son Eric is an Operation’s Manager at AMS Fulfillment. Outside their careers, Ken is President of the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation, and a 12-year volunteer with the SCV Search & Rescue Team. This will be Ken’s 3rd climb to raise money for Cancer research, and Eric’s 2nd.

Why We Are Doing This

Along with the other Search & Rescue team members on this trip, we are raising funds to address the challenge that every day faces individuals who are diagnosed with Cancer. We hope a cure is within our reach.

Almost 11 years ago Ken reached the summit of Mount Rainier and proudly flew the prayer flag that he had carried to the top. Ken and Eric also climbed Mount Rainier last year. Between the two climbs and the combined efforts of the team that climbed, they raised over $50,000 for cancer research.

At the time of Ken’s first climb, his sister Lauren was battling Breast Cancer. We are grateful to say that Lauren has been in remission since that time and is doing well. With much progress in breast cancer treatments, many have put cancer behind them, but others have not had such blessed recoveries.

Like many challenges, the training, the commitment, and the resolve to accomplish are best undertaken when the rewards benefit others. Such is the nature of this venture, and the reason we have once again joined The Fred-Hutch Climbing Challenge. May our victory on the mountain play some small part in the more outstanding one that can be achieved through a cure for cancer.

Please Send a Gift

You can make a difference. Your support, perhaps the names you share with us to place on our prayer flag, and the stories many of you will share, all reinforce our mission. Please click on this link to give to the “Climb to Fight Cancer.” Every gift helps!

Kindest regards,

Ken & Eric Wiseman



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