AMS – Celebrating Pride Month

Pride Month 2020 - AMS FulfillmentAs AMS celebrates Pride Month, we also join in the celebration of the Supreme Court decision that workers cannot be fired for being gay or transgender. AMS places high value on our diverse workforce, and we are very pleased to see Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 upheld and clarified.

AMS has long stood for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion and our commitment is to continue, and always look for ways we can do better. At the recent AMS ‘March for Change’ event Ken Wiseman, Chief Workforce Development Officer, spoke on our commitment to do better both as a B-Corporation and a corporate family. Ken promised to take intentional steps to ensure better inclusion: “Acceptance of a diverse and inclusive workplace will be a condition of being in this family.”

In the past, while LGBTQ workers in many locations were protected by local laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, there was no federal law that explicitly barred LGBTQ workers from being fired on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Now that failing has been overcome by a decision of the Court. Diversity is one of the ways that B-Corporations serve to better the world, so this is indeed a month for celebrations within the B-Corp community.

As employers with a long-time commitment to diversity, AMS knows from experience that a diverse workforce creates a stronger corporate family. We have a stronger company and a happier family because of the diverse talent, diverse backgrounds, and diverse experiences of our teams today, and we intend to continue on that foundation and improve whatever needs improvement as we go forward.

Pride Month is important to all of us because it marks the start of huge change in society as well as within the LGBT+ community. The Pride celebrations began as a tribute to those involved in the Stonewall Riots, occurring in response to a raid on a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn. In 1969 raids were routine, but this time the patrons fought back. It was a message of rebellion, letting society know that harassment and intimidation would no longer be allowed.

This victory is celebrated every June with parades, festivals and concerts going on across the globe. The message of these events: Although attitudes and injustice still remain, we have come a long way since the riots of 1969 and by continuing in this long standing tradition we continue to raise awareness, improve the attitudes of society and encourage inclusiveness.

Many Pride 2020 events have been cancelled, due to COVID-19, but there has been a calendar of virtual events during the month. Coming up on June 27 the Global Pride virtual celebration will be taking place. The Global Pride virtual celebration will be live-streamed and is set to include speeches, musical performances and appearances from human rights activists. More information is available HERE.

We hope you will join with AMS employees in celebrating the virtual events commemorating the brave stand taken against harassment and intimidation more than 50 years ago. The years have brought many changes, and yet we can and must to do better… to Be the change we wish to see in the world.



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