AMS Celebrates International Women’s Day!

March 8th is a good day to ask the women… “How are we doing?” It’s International Women’s Day, making it a perfect time to consider how gender inclusive a company is. Are women in positions of authority at AMS? Is there gender balance? Are women receiving equal pay for equal work? These are questions that AMS is considering, and as we do so, we encourage others to do the same.

The movement to bring parity to the workplace has been going on for years, and it has made progress. Women who were beginning their employment experience in the 1960s remember well when there was no gender parity. The work climate has changed a great deal in 50+ years, but still there is more to do and progress to make.

The organizers of the International Women’s Day 2018 campaign explain the theme as follows:

“With the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report findings telling us that gender parity is over 200 years away – there has never been a more important time to keep motivated. While we know that gender parity won’t happen overnight, the good news is that across the world women are making positive gains day by day. Plus, there’s indeed a very strong and growing global movement of advocacy, activism and support.”

Actions that the organizers recommend are easy to accomplish, and yet challenging. The challenge to any change in society comes with changing minds by bringing awareness. The organizer’s recommendations to bring awareness are: 1) maintain a gender parity mindset, 2) challenge stereotypes and bias, 3) forge positive visibility of women, 4) influence others’ beliefs / actions, 5) celebrate women’s achievements.

Today we celebrate the achievements of five women in executive positions at AMS, and we also celebrate all of the women working as Associates at AMS, holding this company up with their dedication, intelligence, and caring service.

AMS Executive Vice President, Betty-Lou Wiseman, had this to say about the fantastic women who work at AMS: “It has been my honor and privilege to work with the amazing, strong, goal setting women at AMS, many of whom have overcome what seemed like insurmountable challenges and succeeded in all areas of their lives!”



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