
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

holiday - AMS FulfillmentIf you’re able to pick up your phone and call your Mother on Sunday, or if you are fortunate enough to be able to go and see her and get a hug… that’s wonderful. Do it! There’s nothing like Mother. In honor of Her we’re going to begin with Something Extra!

Something Extra!

*When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mothers bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.

*For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mothers tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades.

*Research has shown that if a mother’s heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialize in mending the heart.

*The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby.

*It’s incredible how mothers bodies protect the baby at all costs, and the baby protects & rebuilds the mother back – so that the baby can develop safely and survive.

*Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain 18 years after she gave birth.

*If you’re a mom you know how you can intuitively feel your child even when they are not there… well, now there is scientific proof that moms carry them for years and years even after they have given birth to them.

From an article by Nargis Kizalbash [LINK]

And there we have it. No amount of thinking or tinkering in the laboratories can compare to the creation power and wisdom of Mother Nature. Don’t mess with Her.

Flowers for All Moms

We know there are biological mothers and adoptive mothers, teacher mothers, neighborhood mothers and company mothers – Mother is a person and also a caring, encouraging type of energy. When you ‘mom’ somebody you take an interest in their concerns. We’re confident there are more than a few ‘company mothers’ at AMS.

A Little Something

In these blogs we like to learn a little something, so we’re going gain a little cultural information and look at different ways people in five countries celebrate their Mother’s Day: Peru, Japan, Mexico, Haiti and Thailand. [LINK]

Peru: Mother’s Day in Peru is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, as in the U.S. Mothers are given flowers and cards and gifts, but there is one more thing they do that is not done in the U.S., they celebrate in cemeteries. The celebrants honor the mothers who have passed away along with the mothers that are living. They clean the gravesites and bring food and drinks, balloons and flowers and celebrate Mother’s Day with ancestral mothers.

Japan: Celebration in Japan is very similar to the U.S., celebrated on the second Sunday with gifts and flowers and home-cooked meals. One thing different is a classroom activity that Japanese children do. The activity is to draw pictures of their mothers and enter them in an art contest. Drawing the pictures and entering a contest started back in the 1950s. The winners of the contest would have their work showcased across the world.

Mexico: May 10th is Mother’s Day in Mexico. No matter what day of the week the 10th falls, there is going to be a celebration. Flowers are tradition and it’s a day when it’s a priority for children to be home. Another tradition is a mariachi band for Mother, serenading her with the song, Las Mananitas.

Haiti: Haiti has its celebration on the last Sunday in May. One tradition in Haiti is to extend the church services into a time for prayers for Mother and songs to honor her. Another tradition is to wear a flower with a different color indicating if the Mother is living (red), recently passed away (white) and if Mother left many years ago the flower is lavender.

Thailand: Things are quite different for Mother’s Day in Thailand. First of all the day is August 12th. The reason for this is August 12 is the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, the Queen Mother in Thailand. The holiday honors her in order to honor all mothers. The holiday includes fireworks and candle-lighting ceremonies. Children give white jasmine flowers to mother, and many mothers visit their children’s school where the child will publicly show respect.

To all AMS Moms… and to all Moms everywhere… have a wonderful Sunday!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to putting People and Planet before profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

AAPI.2 - AMS FulfillmentIn the month of May we’re celebrating the contributions of AAPI cultures, and our first question is… what groups and cultures are AAPI? The acronym stands for Asian American and Pacific Island. This includes approximately 50 ethnic groups speaking over 100 languages.

If we look at the history, the first Japanese immigrants arrived on May 7, 1843. Also, the month of May marks the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. AAPI also includes Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander immigrants.

We decided to look for the contributions of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans, and we found some info at the History website [LINK]. This website points to contributions in atomic science, farm workers rights, civil rights, ethnic minority psychology, the USB, the development of YouTube, a functional cure for HIV-positive infants and rights for assault survivors. That’s quite an impressive list! We will cover atomic science, farm workers rights, civil rights, the USB and YouTube in this writing, and refer readers to the article for more.

AAPI Immigration

Let’s begin with a quote from the article outlining the early immigration circumstances. “Though the Gold Rush triggered the first major wave of Asian immigrants to the United States in the 1840s, their presence in America predates the country itself. For example, in 1763, facing a life of forced labor and imprisonment during the Spanish galleon trade, a group of Filipinos jumped ship near New Orleans and established the settlement of Saint Malo, forming one of the first documented Asian American communities in North America.”

Atomic Science

The development of Atomic Science points to a Chinese-born physicist named Chien-Shiung Wu, Ph.D. She was instrumental in the research into atomic weapons during World War II. Specifically, she improved existing technology for the detection of radiation and the enrichment of uranium in large quantities. Two other male physicists who worked with her received the Nobel Prize while she was not included. Quoting from the article:

“An early advocate for women in STEM, Wu spoke at a symposium at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1964, famously telling the audience, ‘I wonder whether the tiny atoms and nuclei, or the mathematical symbols, or the DNA molecules have any preference for either masculine or feminine treatment.’”

Farm Workers Rights

Farm Workers Rights points to an immigrant to the US named Larry Itliong. He immigrated to the United States in 1929 from the Philippines at the age of 15 and he worked as a laborer, up and down America’s West Coast. He became a labor organizer and eventually, a union leader, helping to form the Filipino Farm Labor Union in 1956. Quoting from the article:

“In 1965, Itliong and some of his union colleagues organized the Delano Grape Strike: a walkout of 1,500 Filipino grape-pickers demanding higher wages and improved working conditions. As the movement gained momentum, Delores Huerta and Cesar Chavez from National Farm Workers Association joined Itliong and the Filipino Farm Labor Union. Eventually, the two groups combined to form the United Farm Workers, and the strike ended in 1970—but not before making major strides for agricultural workers, regardless of ethnicity.”

Civil Rights

In the arena of Civil Rights we find a Japanese American woman named Yuri Kochiyama. Her civil rights work extended to the causes impacting Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Peoples, as well as Asian American communities. She spent two years in internment camps during WWII, and her experience led to her advocacy of civil rights. Quoting from the article:

“Kochiyama befriended and collaborated with Malcolm X in the 1960s, and continued to work with Black civil rights activists following his death. Then in the 1980s, she, along with her husband, campaigned for reparations and a formal government apology for Japanese Americans interned during World War II. Their work became a reality in 1988, when President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act into law.”


The acronym USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. The developer of this device is an Indian American computer architect named Ajay Bhatt. He had a hand in developing a number of technologies, but the one he’s best known for is the USB. The beginning of USB technology was in the late 1990s. It became very popular as a convenient way to transfer data from one device to another. Ajay Bhatt became something of a celebrity. Quoting from the article:  

“’I was totally surprised by how it has impacted everybody,’ Bhatt told CNN in a 2013 interview. ‘I mean, my name became a common name—at least at schools and in technical communities. I truly get a rock star treatment and that is quite unusual to me—people asking for your signature, people asking for your picture.’”


The creator of YouTube is a Bangladeshi-German American named Jawed Karim. Along with Karim, the core team behind YouTube included Taiwanese American Steven Chen, as well as Pennsylvania native Chad Hurley. The year was 2004. We certainly have a lot to thank them for! What would we do without YouTube!! Quoting from the article:

“What started out as a way of watching and sharing funny cat videos grew into a much broader platform that captures the attention of billions of people every day.”

We encourage readers to visit the linked website for information about the AAPI individuals who made significant contributions to ethnic minority psychology, a functional cure for HIV-Positive infants and rights for assault survivors. [LINK]

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to putting People and Planet before profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

celebration - AMS FulfillmentAMS will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo on Monday, May 6th with a potluck fiesta in every location. For this we can thank the Activities Committee!! Let’s go ahead and call out their names and locations:

HQ Teresa G. // Client Services Ray A. and Gabriela G. // LIV Saul M. // WIT Tangie D. // WIL Cristy G., Elizabeth S. and Roxanne W. // HR West Jamie B., and Rocio A. // New Castle Jada T. // Churchman’s/Newark Gabrielle F. // New Holland Sharon S., Emma A., Wendy M., Alyssa F. and Bill C. // Thank you Volunteers and a big thank you to the program lead, Samantha Hicks.

The extra good news is that AMS will be providing SHAVED ICE at all locations! Please come and have some Cinco de Mayo fun with potluck and shaved ice. 

What is Cinco de Mayo celebrating?

As most of us know, Cinco de Mayo literally means “the fifth of May” in Spanish. This year the 5th of May lands on Sunday. It really celebrates two things – a victory of the Mexican army over France and a civil rights movement in the United States. Civil rights in the US? Yes, during the revolutionary time in the ‘60s the Chicano Movement sparked national conversations and the holiday drew attention to that movement. This is why Cinco de Mayo is celebrated more in the US than in Mexico.

With regard to the battle on the 5th of May, it is known as the Battle of Puebla Day. It celebrates the Mexican Army’s victory over France at Puebla on May 5, 1862, during the French-Mexican War. This was a pivotal battle, but it was not fought for Mexico’s independence. The Independence Day battle was against the Spanish, and it is observed on September 16.

The Chicano Movement

The Chicano Movement was a farm workers movement fighting discrimination against Mexican Americans and Latinos during the 1960s and 70s. The Chicano movement fought for equal rights, equal education, equal jobs, and equal housing opportunities.

Two people who were instrumental in this movement are Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta. These familiar names were leaders in the fight against the unfair treatment of farm workers in the United States.

According to the History website [LINK] “César Chávez and Dolores Huerta co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, which later became United Farm Workers (UFW) in California to fight for improved social and economic conditions. Chavez, who was born into a Mexican-American migrant farmworker family, had experienced the grueling conditions of the farmworker first-hand. 

“In September 1965, Chávez lent his voice to a strike for grape workers, organized by the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC), a predominantly Filipino labor organization. With the help of Chávez’s advocacy and Huerta’s tough negotiating skills, the union won several victories for workers when growers signed contracts with the union.”

The Chicano Movement did not seek to overturn a government or start a revolution. Instead, the Chicano Movement sought to empower Mexican Americans, and give them a voice. How they did this was varied and depended on what group one dealt with. The Chicano Movement had many goals, some of which varied by location. Overall, the movement aimed to end discrimination and negative stereotypes against Mexican Americans, and it sought to expand workers’ rights, voting rights, educational equality, and land usage.

Letter from Delano

“‘We are men and women who have suffered and endured much and not only because of our abject poverty but because we have been kept poor,” Chávez wrote in his 1969 ‘Letter from Delano’. “The color of our skins, the languages of our cultural and native origins, the lack of formal education, the exclusion from the democratic process, the numbers of our slain in recent wars—all these burdens generation after generation have sought to demoralize us. We are not agricultural implements or rented slaves, we are men.’”

The Chicano Movement was inspiring and successful, and Cinco de Mayo became associated with this movement aimed at combating institutional racism and guaranteeing equal labor and political rights. The idea of triumph in the face of overwhelming odds and adversity resonated with Chicanos who fought for equal rights. In short, Cinco de Mayo is a lot more than a party… it celebrates Victory in the battles against discrimination, exclusion and oppression!

Happy Cinco de Mayo to AMS employees – be sure to enjoy your treats!! Happy Cinco de Mayo to clients, friends and all readers!! 

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to putting People and Planet before profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.


Autism - AMS FulfillmentBefore we leave the month of April, we would like to join in the global awareness campaign for Autism, as April is Autism Awareness Month! Before becoming a B Corporation, and years before incorporating the policies of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, AMS was working with specific community organizations to hire individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. Caring about and for the community is what we do, so Autism Awareness Month is meaningful to us.

It was in April of 1970 that Autism Awareness Month was founded by a psychologist and researcher, Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. It was President Ronald Regan who issued the first proclamation. He is credited with opening opportunities for people with autism to live fuller and more productive lives.

In general, most of us know very little about autism unless we have a family member or friend with the diagnosis. Therefore, our first goal has to be answering the what and why and how questions – what is autism, why does it occur, how is it treated. We have turned to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for some basic information. [LINK]

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

“Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Some people with ASD have a known difference, such as a genetic condition. Other causes are not yet known. Scientists believe there are multiple causes of ASD that act together to change the most common ways people develop. We still have much to learn about these causes and how they impact people with ASD.

“People with ASD may behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. There is often nothing about how they look that sets them apart from other people.  The abilities of people with ASD can vary significantly. For example, some people with ASD may have advanced conversation skills whereas others may be nonverbal. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives; others can work and live with little to no support.”

ASD is a lifelong condition, although symptoms may improve over the years. It begins most often in the first year of life, although with some children the symptoms may not show up until 24 months. When children with ASD grow into adolescents and young adults, they may have difficulty communicating or understanding. They may also suffer from anxiety, depression, or ADHD. These disorders occur more often in people with ASD.

Signs, Symptoms and Diagnosis

Social communication and interaction is often difficult for people with ASD. There may be repetitive behaviors as well and different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention. Life can be very challenging for individuals with ASD and for their families. Diagnosis is difficult as well, as there is no medical test for diagnosis. Usually ASD is diagnosed in early childhood, however the child may not receive a final diagnosis until adolescence or adulthood.

The CDC article goes on to talk about treatment: “Current treatments for ASD seek to reduce symptoms that interfere with daily functioning and quality of life. ASD affects each person differently, meaning that people with ASD have unique strengths and challenges and different treatment needs. Treatment plans usually involve multiple professionals and are catered to the individual.”

Employment for Individuals with Autism

As previously mentioned, AMS has worked with community organizations to offer employment to individuals with autism and other development disabilities. Two community organizations in the Valencia community we are grateful to work with are Desert Haven Enterprises and Pleasantview Industries. These organizations provide training and prepare their clients for the workplace environment, and we in turn welcome their clients to AMS.  

For the enjoyment of our readers, we are including a TedX Talk entitled “Autism: Neurodiversity at Work Works Best | Layne Kertamus | TEDxRexburg” – It’s enlightening – please enjoy! [LINK]

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to putting People and Planet before profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Safety - AMS FulfillmentAs our readers know, safety is a primary concern at AMS. Every new employee undergoes OSHA-based safety training. This includes monthly safety walks through the warehouse, conducted in English and Spanish, pointing out any potential for an accident or injury.

Employees are urged to communicate any safety concerns they have to their supervisor. They are also given monthly financial bonuses for having no lost time injuries in the warehouse. And, with regard to lost time injuries, we are proud to say that AMS comes in far below the national average.

The safety of our employees is a top priority. We know that injuries can happen in a warehouse, and we’re dedicated to preventing all injuries with rigorous safety training.

World Day for Safety & Health

While we know about safety measures in the US and the work of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) we know very little about how other countries look at the safety and health of workers. Let’s take a look.

April 28 is a commemoration created by the UN: the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Like all commemorations, it is a campaign to bring awareness and promote safe, healthy and decent work conditions.

Quoting from the National Day Calendar [LINK] we see the following:

“By far the greatest proportion of current work-related deaths, 86 percent, come from disease. An estimated 6,500 people a day die from occupational diseases, compared to 1,000 a day from fatal occupational accidents. 317 million accidents occur on the job annually; many of these resulting in extended absences from work. The human cost of this daily adversity is vast and the economic burden of poor occupational safety and health practices is estimated at 4 per cent of global Gross Domestic Product each year.

The International Labor Organization points to climate change [LINK] as a cause of injuries: As climate change intensifies, workers around the globe find themselves at an increased risk of exposure to hazards such as excessive heat, ultraviolet radiation, extreme weather events, air pollution, vector-borne diseases and agrochemicals.”

Climate Change, Occupational Safety & Health

According to the UN [LINK], climate change is having a serious impact on human health and the world of work (see the ILO quote above.) The UN adds to that risk list cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory illnesses, and mental health disorders.

The ILO and the UN have integrated climate concerns into Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) practices, and they are asking for collaboration between governments and social partners.

“The annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April promotes the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally. It is an awareness-raising campaign intended to focus international attention on the magnitude of the problem and on how promoting and creating a safety and health culture can help reduce the number of work-related deaths and injuries.”

The report goes on to say, “As employers we are responsible for ensuring that the working environment is safe and healthy. As workers we are responsible to work safely and to protect ourselves and not to endanger others, to know our rights and to participate in the implementation of preventive measures.”

Emerging Risks

According to the UN report there are new and emerging occupational risks. Keep in mind that this report is international.

*New technologies and production processes, e.g. nanotechnology, biotechnology

*New working conditions, e.g. higher workloads, work intensification from downsizing, poor conditions associated with migration for work, jobs in the informal economy

*Emerging forms of employment, e.g. self-employment, outsourcing, temporary contracts

*They may be more widely recognized through better scientific understanding, e.g. the effects of ergonomic risks on musculoskeletal disorders.

*They may be influenced by changes in perceptions about the importance of certain risk factors, e.g. the effects of psychosocial factors on work-related stress.

Worker’s Right to Safety

Every worker has the right to a safe and healthy working environment. The UN asserts that governments, employers, and workers must actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment and we agree. At AMS we have a strong focus on safety and we appreciate the efforts of OSHA, the ILO and the UN to improve worker safety at home and around the world.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to putting People and Planet before profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

EOM - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of March: MEGGAN S., KEVIN W., MANNY M., GIANA U., ANTONIA T., ANTONIA M., CINDY H., BUNTHAN C., MARKEZ P. and LUCY M.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them. Every month we see our employees working hard with such outstanding dedication and we are continually impressed by the results they produce!

Congratulations to this month’s winners! All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch!

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MEGGAN S., Operations Supervisor II (06/08/2008), Boulden, DE

Meggan is the supervisor of seven B2C/B2B Clients. She has been instrumental in helping the CS team establish the SOP for B2B shipments for one of our new clients. Meggan is always up to the task that is given to her, and she has consistently maintained productivity with running her existing clients while taking on two new clients. Meggan has also been working closely with her leads, to mentor and help them grow professionally for the future of AMS. -Josh F.

KEVIN W., Operations Associate I (01/24/2024), Churchmans, DE

Kevin deserves to be nominated for Employee of the Month because not only does he keep the warehouse looking great and in tip-top shape, but he is also ALWAYS willing to help in other areas as well. Kevin has been a tremendous help in receiving when we need pallets broken down, labels placed, and even as far as tagging pallets with all the info needed on them. Kevin arrives to work on time and is ready to go every day he is scheduled. He consistently has a smile on his face with an awesome optimistic personality. He ALWAYS does what is asked of him with no complaints and will always ask “Do you need anything else.” Kevin has come a long way with AMS in his short time here and I see bigger things coming for him at CHURCHMANS. Congratulations Kevin you have EARNED this, and no one is going to steal you from us lol !!!! – Rob T.

MANNY M., Account Coordinator I (07/18/2022), HQ, Valencia, CA

Manny has become a great asset to our team. He has earned the client’s trust and respect through hard work and dedication. He is a team player and is always willing to help others as needed. We truly enjoy working with him; his Dad Jokes always uplift the team’s rapport. Thank you for all your hard work, Manny! Your dedication and professional growth do not go unnoticed! We look forward to helping expand your knowledge. – Esperanza E. & Evelyn R.

GIANA U., Operations Associate I (03/10/2022), HQ WH, Valencia, CA

Giana is a great and kind person. Since I started working with her, I have seen that she is a really hard worker and she knows what she is doing. She comes every day to work, and she is focused on doing her job. Since she started working in returns she has learned a lot, and she is not afraid to learn new things. She processes the returns efficiently and pays close attention to detail for all clients. Giana always has a smile on her face, and she is always happy to help you. Her hard work, dedication, and willingness to learn new processes helped make a significant impact on the team and have contributed to the team’s success in the Returns Department. She is an essential part of the Returns team. – Teresa G. & Estefani G.

ANTONIA T., Human Resources Manager (06/12/2023), Human Resources, PA/DE

Antonia is an exceptional HR manager who helps all employees no matter her workload. She has been a great resource to all our Delaware locations. In my opinion, she always has a positive attitude. – Lori F.

ANTONIA M., Operations Associate II (11/10/2021), LIV, Valencia, CA

Antonia is an Outstanding Employee here at Livingston who comes to work every day and will give 100% effort from the time she reports to work until the second she leaves work. Antonia demonstrates amazing urgency the entire shift, her dedication, attendance, and work ethic is AMAZING, and she will stay overtime whenever needed. Antonia always suggests making things better in our PPSH department. Thank you, Antonia, for all your hard work, commitment, and amazing urgency. – Saul M.

CINDY H., Operations Associate I (12/04/2023), Newark, DE

Cindy has been with us for a while now and we knew her potential on the very first day. She is dedicated to her work and the team, always helping others, and teaching new employees. Cindy is always in a positive mood and just has a good energy that will rub off on everyone. She shows up every day on time and is ready to work. We appreciate you and all your hard work Cindy, Thank you!!!! – Amber S.

BUNTHAN C., Operations Associate I (03/21/2022), New Holland, PA

Buntham is one of my team members. He is rather quiet, but he gets the job done. He does what needs to be done without any issues. Buntham is very thorough and precise. It is so refreshing to be picking in the aisles and hearing him singing. He is always there to offer others a hand, without any hesitation. I am so glad he is a part of my team!! -Linda L.

MARKEZ P., Operations Associate II (09/13/2022), WIL Valencia, CA

We’d like to take a moment to acknowledge Markez’s hard work. Markez’s skills keep our shipping department running. Mainly he does double duty, he is cross trained with all our clients, and he is always on time. Marquez, we appreciate your hard work as it has truly helped us achieve great business results! -Ana R.

LUCY M., Operations Associate II (08/30/2021), WIT, Valencia, CA

For the past two months, Lucy has done an excellent job helping the receiving department with data entry tasks. She is very detailed in her work and always asks questions to ensure accuracy. She has learned the process fast, and we can always depend on her to get the task done on time. She is an excellent employee, and I am very lucky to have her on our returns team. Thank you, Lucy, for always coming to work with a great attitude. You are very much appreciated here at AMS. – Vanessa H.


To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, committed to put People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Mentors - AMS FulfillmentIn this blog we’re going to look into training and mentorship at AMS. AMS is a B Corporation. The “B” means a lot – it stands for “Benefit” and that means the business wants to do more than make a financial profit. AMS wants to “Benefit” the people working at AMS with more than a paycheck. This quote below speaks our view quite well.

“Invest in your employees. Happy employees are enjoyable to work with, they are creative, collaborative, and excited to grow. Look for solutions that are mutually beneficial for the employee, the business and the community.”

Training at AMS

New employees are trained in their tasks when hired, and that is a given. What more does AMS do? We offer education and professional development courses in a classroom on campus where employees can learn during work hours, while staying ‘on the clock’. Below are some of the things employees can learn while working for that paycheck!

*Skills-Based Training- Excel, Customer Service

*Cross-Job Skills Training- includes training that is not related to an employee’s core job responsibilities, but rather allows them to learn new skills that help them better understand other departments and positions.

*Life Skills Training- Training on life skills for personal development includes training that may not be related to the business, but rather enhances skills in employees that they can use throughout life. Examples include Money Management, Workplace Communication Strategies, Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace, and English as a second language.

*Management Training- For non-managers and managers, beginning and advanced.

Employees have easy access to the training as it is done onsite at Valencia HQ and remotely in all other locations. We provide the laptops in conference rooms, and we also utilize large screens. Our classes include beginning and advanced courses.

There is excellent participation in the classes and we believe the training not only increases job satisfaction but improves the earning potential, potential for promotions and future opportunities for our employees.

For AMS there are benefits as well. The training helps us to attract and retain talent and helps increase collaboration and networking. And importantly, the training is a pipeline for new managers and executives of the company.


While training is something the business does, mentorship is something the people do – it is an offering of help and advice and encouragement from one employee to another, and it is a beautiful thing – both beautiful to have a mentor and beautiful to be one. AMS encourages mentoring, recognizing it as ‘job shadowing’.

For our look into mentorship, we have asked Ray Acharon, Assistant Account Manager, for an interview. Ray has both received mentoring and offered mentoring and we thank him for agreeing to tell us about his experience at AMS. Thank you, Ray.

Q: When you started at AMS what was your experience in learning the job. Did you have the help of a mentor?

Ray: When I started, my experience in learning the job was to be extremely curious. I had a thirst to learn and understood that helpful communication, hard work, and being genuine was the best way to prove my value. That was some of the advice from my mentor who played an important role in my development here at AMS. From sharing experiences and expertise, they helped me navigate challenges, capitalize opportunities, and grow both personally and professionally.

Q: Have you had the opportunity to mentor others?

Ray: Yes and I found mentoring to be incredibly fulfilling. I’ve been able to share what I learned from my experiences with others to help create their own paths and focus on achieving their goals.

Q: Could you offer your observations about both training and mentorship at AMS?

Ray: The training programs and mentorship at AMS cultivated not only my individual skills, but also an understanding of our company’s goal and core values which is to do good as a business while doing great things for our clients, employees, and shareholders. I’m inspired by our leaders for advocating these initiatives and empowering me to make meaningful contributions to both AMS and our community. I believe that’s what being a B Corporation is all about.

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We are proud to be a B Corporation, and we feel like we benefit from the commitment in many ways. We have happier and more fulfilled employees; we have a wonderful safety record; we appreciate being able to benefit the community; we are dedicated to protecting the environment; and we serve our clients as if we are their partner. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Earth Day - AMS FulfillmentWe’ve been talking about it, and waiting for it, and here it is… Earth Day. Are we doing anything special at AMS to celebrate? The answer is… of course! AMS’ Green Team is doing some planting – veggies, wildflowers, indoor potted trees and fruit trees!

At AMS HQ in Valencia the volunteers are creating a vegetable garden; at LIV two citrus trees are going in the ground and at WIT HR there will be one citrus tree. At WIL the team is planting wildflowers and adding an indoor tree to the breakroom. At our New Holland PA location the Team will plant an apple or cherry tree, and in Delaware we will have a new apple or cherry tree at the Newark and Churchmans locations and an indoor conference room tree in New Castle. Thank you volunteers for the new life!!

Earth Day History

The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970. There were some serious environmental issues coming to light. Activist John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson spoke out and encouraged a demonstration. They gave evidence of toxic drinking water, air pollution, the effects of pesticides and more. The protest they organized was massive – 20 million Americans, which was 10% of the population, marched and engaged in protest.

Because of the massive protests, President Richard Nixon led in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. This was followed by laws being passed, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

The Farmer’s Almanac [LINK] speaks about today’s activities as follows: “Today, not only is Earth Day meant to increase awareness of environmental problems, but it is also becoming a popular time for many communities to gather together to clean up litter, plant trees, or simply reflect on the beauty of nature.”

UN Recognition of “Mother Earth Day

From the UN website [LINK] we read the following: “The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 22 April as International Mother Earth Day through a resolution adopted in 2009. The Day recognizes the Earth and its ecosystems as humanity’s common home and the need to protect her to enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and stop the collapse of biodiversity.

“Climate change, man-made changes to nature as well as crimes that disrupt biodiversity, such as deforestation, land-use change, intensified agriculture and livestock production or the growing illegal wildlife trade, can accelerate the speed of destruction of the planet.

“Mother Earth is clearly urging a call to action – a need to shift to a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the planet. Protecting the planet is everyone’s responsibility.”

National Parks Week

In the US, National Parks Week takes place from April 20 to April 28. It is an excellent time to visit a national park. We went to the National Parks website for more on their celebration:

“Join us for National Park Week, a nine-day celebration of everything “parks”. Not just about more than 400 national parks nationwide of different shapes, sizes, and types. Also discover what the National Park Service does through our programs and partners to preserve natural and cultural heritage and provide recreational opportunities in places across the country—and even the world!

During National Park Week entrance fees to the park are waived so that everyone can enjoy the National Park nearby. To find the closest National Park, follow this [LINK].

Thank You AMS Green Team, Activities Committee & Volunteers

The AMS Green Team and Activities Committee is a dedicated group of AMS employees who don’t just care on Earth Day, they care every day, helping AMS in so many ways to reduce the negative impact of our business on the environment.

Happy Earth Day everyone, and especially the AMS Green Team and Activities Committee! To inquire about helping and joining the Team, please contact [email protected].

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to putting People and Planet before profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.


Minorities - AMS FulfillmentAmong the commemorations in April is one that deserves significant attention – April is Minority Health Month. Throughout the US, racial minority groups experience higher rates of illness and death, with health conditions that include diabetes, hypertension, obesity, asthma and heart disease. Let’s talk about it.

An article published at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [LINK] attributes these disparities to racism, defining racism as follows:

“Racism is a system—consisting of structures, policies, practices, and norms—that assigns value and determines opportunity based on the way people look or the color of their skin. This results in conditions that unfairly advantage some and disadvantage others throughout society. Racism—both interpersonal and structural—negatively affects the mental and physical health of millions of people, preventing them from attaining their highest level of health, and consequently, affecting the health of our nation.”

The article points out that where one lives, learns, works, worships and plays has an impact on a range of social and economic benefits—such as housing, education, wealth, and employment.

 A growing body of research shows that centuries of racism in this country have had a profound and negative impact on communities of color. The impact is pervasive and deeply embedded in our society. The article states, “These conditions—often referred to as social determinants of health—are key drivers of health inequities within communities of color, placing those within these populations at greater risk for poor health outcomes.”

The life expectancy of Black Americans is four years lower than that of White Americans. This is a sad reality. It is painful to ask… why is this sill woven into our culture? And we also ask… isn’t it about time racism comes to an end and we realize the beauty and worthiness of all human beings?

Quoting again from the CDC: “To build a healthier America for all, we must confront the systems and policies that have resulted in the generational injustice that has given rise to racial and ethnic health inequities. We at CDC want to lead in this effort—both in the work we do on behalf of the nation’s health and the work we do internally as an organization.”

We’re pleased to offer readers a video from the CDC [LINK] that is informative and worth watching.

Black Women, Pregnancy & Maternal Mortality

One area where very measurable disparities are found is covered in a National Library of Medicine [LINK] paper entitled: Addressing Black Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the United States. Let’s begin with some statistics from the article:

“Black women are at least three times more likely to die due to a pregnancy-related cause when compared to White women. The estimated maternal mortality rate in 2019 was 20.1 and, in 2020, was 23.8 per 100,000 births which represents about 861 maternal deaths. For Black women, that rate is about 55.3 per 100,000 live births, representing an estimated 1800 maternal deaths, the highest amongst any racial group; this is a number that has continued to increase over the past few years.”

The author states that the problem is compounded by historical legacies of institutionalized racism and bias in medicine. Quoting from the paper:

While each mortality or morbidity circumstance is different, the leading causal factors associated with maternal mortality and morbidity in the U.S. include hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, thrombotic pulmonary embolism, hemorrhage, infection, cardiovascular conditions, cardiomyopathy, and non-cardiovascular medical conditions.

“More recent studies have shown that social factors such as historical exposure to racial trauma, discrimination, and marginalization; systemic barriers such as systematic racism and implicit bias within the healthcare system; the possibility of being uninsured; reduced access to reproductive healthcare services; and socioeconomic factors also contribute to pregnancy complications for Black women and have to be given consideration.”

Legacies of the Past

The disparities that exist today are legacies of the past: transgenerational enslavement, Jim Crow segregation and terrorism, redlining, discrimination, mass incarceration and racism. The past has left an inheritance, and this is a painful reality for all Americans today. Upon hearing of these realities we ask… what can we do… how can we help?

If we look into the history, we will see harsh, horrible, heartbreaking stories including racism in healthcare. The author states that the history must be understood to dismantle racism in today’s healthcare systems and suggests policies that protect Black women. How is history understood? How are fair and just policies created? Certainly an avenue to understanding is learning. There is one month dedicated to Black History, which is eleven months too few. It goes without saying that ignorance of the past is a great mistake. Study of Black history leads to understanding, which leads to informed problem solving and intelligent policies.

There must be systemic changes in order to reduce Black maternal morbidity and mortality, and all health disparities. How are systemic changes made? There needs to be leadership with understanding of the issues. We are grateful to the CDC for its strong leadership and we encourage more of the same.

Businesses that prioritize fairness in hiring and promotions (JEDI) are doing what they can do to build a better world, and we are proud of AMS’ dedication to the highest B Corporation standards. We are also grieved by these disparities, and we encourage all businesses involved in healthcare to work at dismantling racism wherever it can be found.

Commemorative months are created to bring about awareness, even if awareness is painful and solutions are not easily found. We are grateful for all efforts toward eliminating racial disparities in healthcare and we encourage all efforts toward bringing about a just world.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, committed to putting People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

B Corp - AMS FulfillmentWe publish a B Corporation Series blog every three months or so where we feature B Corporations that are doing excellent work. This is our number 40 in the series!! Since we are in Earth Month with Earth Day coming up soon, we decided to look into some examples of B Corp environmentalism. Our information is from [LINK].

At the end of this blog, featuring four exemplary B Corporations, we will offer some of the latest good news with regard to AMS’ B Corp ‘score’!

Four Featured B Corporations

Our four featured B Corps are Catalyst Partners, Legacy Vacation Resorts, Southern Energy Management and Muskoka Roastery Coffee Co. As these companies talk about what they have done, and decisions they have made, all who want to make their company more ‘Green’ can gather some good ideas!

Catalyst Partners [LINK]

“Catalyst Partners is a green building consulting firm based in Grand Rapids Michigan. Catalyst Partners’ efforts started 15 years ago when the firm purchased a small historic building to renovate into office space. Catalyst Partners set a goal of achieving net zero energy, which means it balances its energy needs with energy produced by renewable sources. The B Corp used an energy model to prioritize energy conservation measures that would enable it to meet that goal. Both the goal and the process were important to Catalyst Partners.

“The energy conservation measures employed included daylighting, natural ventilation, building improvements, and a geothermal heating and cooling system. With those measures in place, Catalyst Partners added a 5,000-watt solar system, which has been used for 10 years. With the conservation measures and use of solar photovoltaic panels, Catalyst Partners has seen a 57% reduction in electricity use and energy with 20% on-site renewable energy and 99% building reuse — all amounting to a 60% reduction in utility costs. But Catalyst Partners isn’t stopping there.”

Legacy Vacation Resorts [LINK]

“For Legacy Vacation Resorts, an Orlando-based B Corp, transitioning to renewable energy is part of the company’s commitment to achieving net zero energy and reducing its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. Legacy Sustainability and Social Purpose Manager Madison Daum described the process as a journey that comes with challenges and rewards.

“Legacy worked with Optimus Energy Solutions, a Florida-based general contractor and electrical contractor, to install solar panels at all four of its Florida resorts. Two of the resorts are currently producing solar energy and the team is working to get the other two online. In combination with other energy-saving projects, such as switching to LED lights and installing smart HVAC systems, the resorts have already seen a significant decrease in energy use. For those interested in pursuing solar, companies are advised not to be afraid to advocate for their company — and to remember that smaller steps are also impactful.”

Southern Energy Management [LINK]

“Southern Energy Management, a solar installer and building performance consultant based out of Raleigh, North Carolina, sought to upgrade its facility to better align with its mission of improving how people make and use energy. Southern Energy Management, which was founded in 2001 and has been a B Corp for 15 years, began assessing and improving its building’s energy use after purchasing it in 2018.

“Upgrades included the installation of high-efficiency heat pumps in several zones in the building, programmable thermostats to optimize conditioning schedules, solar tubes to increase natural light, and updated lighting in the facility’s warehouse. Once Southern Energy Management understood how much energy it needed to offset, the team designed and installed a 52.2 kW solar system to match its energy goals.”

Muskoka Roastery Coffee Co. [LINK]

“The Canadian B Corp Muskoka Roastery Coffee Co. operates using renewable electricity and green natural gas and fuel from fellow Canadian B Corp Bullfrog Power. Muskoka Roastery Marketing Manager Jordan Neudorf said Bullfrog Power provides electricity and natural gas for the roastery. Muskoka Roastery also purchases offsets from Bullfrog Power to eliminate the balance of its energy-related emissions footprint.

“As part of energy partnerships like Muskoka Roastery’s, companies can continue using their existing utilities. According to its website, Bullfrog Power puts renewable energy into the system to displace any polluting utilities. The offsets support new clean energy sources like wind and solar farms, low-impact hydro projects, and green natural gas producers. Bullfrog Power sources its green natural gas from organic waste at landfills or wastewater treatment plants, and its green fuel comes from repurposed waste streams, such as cooking oils from restaurants.”

Congratulations AMS Fulfillment !!

AMS was recently informed that our B Impact Assessment score has risen from 85 to 100.3. The total available for most companies is 140. So… what is the B Impact Assessment and what does this mean… other than “We’re doing good”? The information below should partially answer the questions, and more information is available [HERE].

“The B Impact Assessment is scored to measure a company’s social and environmental performance, both overall and within key impact areas. Scoring within the B Impact Assessment is designed to allow comparability and to identify and track opportunities for improvement over time. Scoring evolves with each version of the B Impact Assessment and is complex and customized based on the company’s specific track.”

We asked Samantha Hicks, Corp. Culture & Org. Development BP, for her thoughts on this good news!

“I am just so proud. Proud to be an integral part of B Corporations around the world actively and passionately driving business decisions to make a positive impact in the lives of workers, outreaching to our communities to see how we can help, taking steps forward to ensure our business practices don’t harm the environment, building accountability and trust with clients with transparency and security, and seeing firsthand the heart our Sr. Leadership Team puts into supporting all of these initiatives. For some, Governance is a tough one, with getting Sr. Leadership buy in on moving away from profit over people and planet. But for AMS, Governance is our highest scoring impact area.

“Environment is our second highest score, and I am so proud of our Green Team which looks ahead in our industry research, bringing new ideas to the table, effortlessly jumping into sustainability projects including delving into waste bins for auditing, so we can alter our actions to have better waste management practices.

“Understanding the impact that Logistics has, our Team provides BGreen shipping options including Pandion, which is our greenest, being carbon neutral, and DHL eCOM offers a “go green” program that adds an additional fee to help fund clean energy projects. To our Purchasing Department for researching curbside recycling packaging options for our clients. To our Client Services Team that assists our clients in their scope 3 carbon neutral efforts. To our Facilities Team for monitoring energy waste and providing timely solutions. To our employees who aid in making sure our plastic stretch film, cardboard boxes, and cans/bottles get recycled.

“But what I am most proud of is OUR PEOPLE. B Corp Certification is holistic, and it takes TEAMS being engaged across our entire company in every department. OUR PEOPLE came together and drove our score from an 85 to a 100.3, within 3 years of hard work and dedication. Working at AMS has so much more meaning to our people than the day-to-day grind of logistics. We have purpose, knowing that every step we take works towards a better tomorrow, for the lives of future generations and the places we call home.”

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Employees - AMS FulfillmentCreating a good balance between our day at work and our life at home is a challenge for many of us and it’s a subject worth discussing. A few days ago, we published a blog on stress. This offering is a follow-up to that blog. Many of us do experience stress, and more-so if our work life and our personal lives are not in balance.

At AMS we do not want our employees’ day at work to take precedence over everything else in life. Having a harmonious work-life balance is important to our employees’ physical, emotional, and mental well-being and we encourage our employees to not put the demands of career above the demands of personal life.

In reading what others say about work-life balance, one of the recommendations is to work from home. AMS is a fulfillment company, and our valued employees work in warehouses and offices on campus, so work from home is an option for very few AMS employees.

Another recommendation is to find a job you love. We definitely do all we can at AMS to make this a place our employees enjoy being in, with labor that is not stressful on the body, and rest when rest is needed. We also offer some ‘extras’ to make working at AMS exciting and beneficial. Primary among the extras is our Volunteer Committee, which engages activities each month for some fun at work. It gives us something to look forward to, something to connect with each other on, something positive to take our mind off other things.  

For those commuting to an eight-hour workday, picking up kids from day-care or running errands, eating dinner, with just enough time to brush our teeth and read a few pages of a book… AMS understands this, and we offer Free education and training for personal and career development during work hours, giving employees what most of us value most, time. We want our employees to love working at AMS.

Moving on, we found some tips for creating a better work-life balance at Business News Daily. Let’s check them out:

In short, work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one’s career and the demands of one’s personal life. Here are eight tips for creating a better work-life balance.

*Accept that there is no ‘perfect’ work-life balance. Don’t strive for the perfect schedule; strive for a realistic one.

*Find a job that you love. You don’t need to love every aspect of your job, but it needs to be exciting enough that you don’t dread getting out of bed every morning.

*Prioritize your health. Don’t be afraid to call in sick on rough days. Prioritizing your health first and foremost will make you a better employee and person.

*Don’t be afraid to unplug. Cutting ties with the outside world from time to time allows us to recover from weekly stress and gives us space for other thoughts and ideas to emerge.

*Take a vacation. Sometimes, truly unplugging means taking vacation time and shutting off work completely for a while.

*Make time for yourself and your loved ones. While your job is important, it shouldn’t be your entire life. You were an individual before taking this position, and you should prioritize the activities or hobbies that make you happy.

*Set boundaries and work hours. Set boundaries for yourself and your colleagues to avoid burnout. When you leave the office, avoid thinking about upcoming projects or answering company emails.

*Set goals and priorities (and stick to them). Pay attention to when your most productive work time is and block that time off for your most important work-related activities.

The article is quite a bit more extensive than what we have quoted here, and if readers would like to check it out, here is the Business News Daily [LINK].

In our recent blog on stress [LINK] we encouraged our employees to utilize the AMS Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which provides free counseling for AMS employees and their families. We encourage employees to contact HR for information on the EAP services. If talking with a professional might help in solving struggles with work-life balance, please take advantage of this excellent program.

More good information can be found in an article at the Mental Health America website. Their focus is on stress caused by juggling workloads, managing relationships and family responsibilities, and squeezing in outside interests. The article states that “More than one in four Americans describe themselves as ‘super stressed’ and that’s not balanced—or healthy.” The article offers some practical steps as follows:

At Work

Set manageable goals each day. Being able to meet priorities helps us feel a sense of accomplishment and control. The latest research shows that the more control we have over our work, the less stressed we get. So be realistic about workloads and deadlines. Make a “to do” list and take care of important tasks first and eliminate unessential ones. Ask for help when necessary.

The article goes on to suggest the following:

*Be efficient with your time at work. 

*Ask for flexibility.

*Take five. Small breaks at work—or on any project—will help clear your head.

*Tune in. Listen to your favorite music at work to foster concentration, reduce stress and anxiety, and stimulate creativity.

*Communicate effectively. Be honest with colleagues or your boss when you feel you’re in a bind. Chances are, you’re not alone.

*Give yourself a break. No one’s perfect!

At Home

*Unplug. Recognize the need for personal time.

*Divide and conquer. Make sure responsibilities at home are evenly distributed and clearly outlined.

*Don’t over commit. Shed the superman/superwoman urge!

*Get support. Chatting with friends and family can be important to your success at home—or at work.

*Take advantage of your company’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

*Stay active. Make time in your schedule for the gym or to take a walk during lunch—and have some fun!

*Treat your body right.

*Get help if you need it. Don’t let stress stand in the way of your health and happiness.

As with the previous article, there is more valuable information offered at the Mental Health America website [LINK].

At AMS our employees are highly respected and appreciated as people. We care. Our employees are the reason for our success and we hope that they, and all readers, get some value from these guidelines. May we all find a peaceful balance between work life and home life.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, committed to putting People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.


Volunteers - AMS FulfillmentIn the United States, the entire month of April is designated as National Volunteer Month. At AMS we celebrate our Volunteers, and we know that even small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect of positivity, inspiring others to join the movement of volunteerism.

Introduction and Thank You!

First, we would like to introduce the Volunteer Committee at AMS and give our thanks to them personally. For those readers who don’t know which locations are AMS East, and which are AMS West, here are the AMS East locations – New Holland, Boulden, Churchmans; and here are AMS West locations – WIT, WIL, LIV, HQ Office and HQ. These individuals are presented in random order:

Alyssa F., Account Manager I, New Holland

Bill C., Accounting Specialist I, New Holland

Emma A., HR Business Partner, New Holland

Wendy M., Account Manager, New Holland

Sharon S., Billing Specialist II, New Holland

Jada T., Operations Associate, Boulden

Tia W., Operations Lead, Churchmans

Gabriel G., Asst. Account Manager, HQ Office

Ray A., Asst. Account Manager, HQ Office

Samantha H., Corp. Culture & Org. Development BP, HQ Office

Teresa G., Returns Supervisor, HQ

Tangie D., Operations Supervisor, WIT

Jamie B., Field HR Business Partner, WIT Office

Rocio A., Talent Acquisition Manager, WIT Office

Roxanne W., Operations Associate II, WIL

Cristy G., Inventory/Receiving Manager, WIL

Elizabeth S., Data Entry Clerk, WIL

Saul M., Operations Supervisor, LIV

Interview with Samantha Hicks

We have asked Samantha Hicks, Corp. Culture & Org. Development BP, if she could tell us more about the AMS Volunteers. We have several questions:

Thank you Samantha. We don’t really understand the work of the AMS volunteers. Could you explain what they do?

“AMS always had a “family-like” culture. As the company started to grow, with opening new warehouses across CA, PA, and DE, it was important to engage and include all employees. Company culture can’t be driven alone, we needed a team.

“Our warehouse in PA, dba. Echo Data, has a long rich history of people working at that organization, and it was important to preserve their culture, bridging the cultural gap. With at least one representative from each facility, it enriches our organization as one.

“The AMS Volunteer Committee is a cross-functional team of employees from each of our warehouses who volunteer their time during the workday to engage our teams in cultural and fundraising activities. I like the call them “Culture Champions.” They keep our day-to-day from becoming stagnant, ensuring new ideas come from all areas of the company.

“We call it “Volunteer” because there are no requirements or expectations of the Representatives, the program is completely organic and holistic. We get what we put into it. We recruit openly within our organization, and those who have a real passion for creating a positive experience for themselves and their teams are the ones who volunteer their time and efforts. I am proud to say, the Representatives who initially joined are still part of it.

“To maximize inclusivity, our strategy is to have meetings monthly, and we get together on a blank platform to brainstorm activities for the following month. There is input, collaboration, and co-creation from these Champions. There is no hierarchy, as everyone is on the same level. We aim to celebrate cultural holidays, tying in a fundraising activity, which proceeds will go to helping out the nonprofit organization for that month’s theme.”

Where are the Champions volunteering?

“Mostly, at work during work hours. For example, we hold food and clothing drives and donate to our community. On some occasions, we go outside the organization, like for our annual Santa Clarita River Rally Cleanup. We have fundraising events, like “Pie the Boss” to donate back to non-profit organizations.”

How do the volunteers find the places and ways to serve the community?

“I would go to the city website and see what activities are planned. Other times, the Representatives will have an event they are connected to which we support as an organization.”

Thank you Samantha, and THANK YOU to the AMS Volunteers!! We’re proud of you and grateful for your efforts. You ARE Champions!! 

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to putting People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.