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Ready for a Global Festival? It’s Chinese New Year in the Fulfillment Business!Chinese New Year 2016 - AMS Fulfillment

The 4713th Chinese Year! The official Chinese New Year celebration began on the 7th of February and continues through the 13th. This is the year of the Red Monkey. What that means could be good luck or bad luck, depending on which character of the Chinese zodiac is related to a person’s particular year of birth.

For the fulfillment business, Chinese New Year does have an impact. It isn’t just a day; it’s a global festival, celebrated by 1/5th of the world’s population. The dates are public holidays around the world. In China, school children get almost a month off, and universities even more. Another interesting fact is that people travel long distances to celebrate and the numbers are astounding. There are almost 3.5 billion journeys of over 50 miles during the holidays as compared to 100 million traveling long distances during the Christmas holidays.

The best cities for Chinese New Year celebrations in the U.S. are considered to be San Francisco, Chicago and New York. The list of things a person might enjoy in these cities, and many others as well, is long. There will be storefront decorations, flowers, vendors, glitzy costumes, hundreds of thousands of firecrackers, streamers, dancers and drummers, arts and crafts and novelty toys for sale, lanterns, concerts, and the Big Excitement… lion dance teams in parades, with floats and marching bands.

In Chicago, a 100-foot long dancing dragon will make an appearance. In San Francisco the parade may draw a million people. In New York, Columbus Square will be filled with flowers and at least 600,000 firecrackers will announce the beginning of the parade. And of course, people will eat and drink, and restaurants will be full to the brim. The most important days of this celebration will be February 7, Chinese New Year’s Eve, which is the time of family reunions, and February 8, Chinese New Years Day, the day of close family visits.

How does this global holiday affect the fulfillment business? First of all there is a tremendous amount of buying and selling as people wear new clothes, give gifts, clean their houses, and buy lots of decorations. Secondly, Chinese port operations are slowed, and this would include loading and barging schedules that would affect product availability. Many factories and businesses will shut down for at least a week, and this can be felt in a number of countries. And finally, traffic will be very congested, affecting freight moving to and from China.

When a celebration is this big, and this worldwide, an international product fulfillment company such as AMS Fulfillment will have taken take note of the dates and times, making sure that they are staffed and ready.

Now for the curious readers wondering, “Am I a monkey,” here are the dates: if you were born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 you will be an intelligent, playful monkey with a magnetic personality. With regard to luck, you will have to make your own in 2016.

Author:  Ida Lawrence
[email protected]

It’s Holiday Fulfillment Time! Who is Your Chief Giving Officer?

Corporate social responsibility – it’s a subject we seldom think about. What do we expect of a corporation when it comes to charitable giving and responsibility to the community in which they do business? What does a responsible corporation look like? From what we’ve seen, a business that is personally and financially involved with the community is very definitely an exception to the rule.

Any company that designates a Chief Giving Officer has to be doing Raul_Eflsome giving! Recently we talked with Raul Domrique, who is the Chief Giving Officer and a Client Services Account Manager for AMS Fulfillment. AMS is a privately owned corporation located in Santa Clarita Valley, California.

With holiday fulfillment in full swing, we recently interviewed Raul about his tasks this season. Raul said that AMS has created an employee friendly atmosphere, and that the people are really there for each other like a family would be. “We have such good vibes,” he said. “We know that the people with the best attitude get the best outcome in life, and that works for a company too.”

Raul went on to explain how the atmosphere at AMS carries over into the community. He is in charge of all donations in and out of AMS but focuses on the Thanksgiving and Christmas outreach, which are stories of ‘happiness’ for the AMS family. In addition to AMS employees, the happiness is spread around between the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department and Officer Bryan Rooney, Ralph’s Supermarket, Vallarta Supermarket, lots of local families and plenty of little kids.

For the last four years, during holiday fulfillment time, AMS has participated in the Santa Clarita Youth Activities League’s ‘Adopt a Family’ program. Officer Bryan Rooney of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department runs the program and selects the families for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations.

For the Thanksgiving holiday, AMS partners with Ralphs Supermarket in creating full Thanksgiving dinners. This year AMS sent invitation cards to 36 families to come to the Youth Center where they received their gifts from AMS Executives Ken Wiseman and Jay Catlin, Marco Pelaez and two of the youth workers who are employed at AMS.

Christmas is an even more personal event for AMS employees. Officer Rooney gives AMS the family list and the employees who wish to participate personally purchase and wrap gifts for their chosen children and family members. AMS also partners with the Vallarta Supermarket, allowing employees to pre-purchase dinners in the form of coupons. Families that receive a coupon can go and pick up their freshly cooked Christmas meal at the supermarket.

When the time comes for the one-on-one gift distribution, AMS employees meet with the families at the Youth Center. Every year it becomes a joyful celebration for all – one of the favorite events shared by the AMS family.

Raul, the AMS Chief Giving Officer, recently received his own gift for the holidays. He was granted a scholarship from the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) for his focus on education and networking of supply chain students and professionals. He will be finishing up his Associates Degree in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Spring 2016, and will be starting a Bachelor’s Program in Biological studies in the hope of one day owning his own biological testing facility.

Thank you Raul and AMS Fulfillment for helping to make another Thanksgiving and Christmas full of joy for Santa Clarity Valley families.


Author:  Ida Lawrence
[email protected]

There are few things more damaging to the mental and physical health and wellbeing of the individual or family than being homeless. And homelessness can come about for any number of reasons, not associated with drug or alcohol abuse or mental illness.

 In moments of vulnerability, many of us have come to realize how close to homeless we would be if we lost a few paychecks, or our good health. So, it makes sense that caring for the homeless is a sign of a healthy community, made up of people who are not only kind-hearted, but wise, as in the proverb, “There but for the grace of God, go I.”

 AMS Fulfillment is a Santa Clarita Valley business recognized as exceptional in its community involvement. The company nurtures the ‘AMS as a caring family’ ideal, with management and employees volunteering and giving to the community in many different ways. The benefits of being committed to the community are seen in the sense of personal worth and wellbeing of employees, and their dedication to the company.

 Among the many community help organizations that AMS supports is the Santa Clarita Valley homeless service agency, Bridge to Home. Not only does Bridge to Home provide emergency winter shelter from November to March, they provide an exceptional shelter; safe, warm, welcoming, with beds, showers and three meals.  Last year, Bridge to Home’s shelters served a total of 772 individuals, of whom: 55 were chronically homeless; 45 were veterans; 53 were victims of domestic violence; 130 had disabilities; and 124 had mental illness. Its other programs served 300 additional homeless and low-income clients.

 Additional vital services are offered as well, including the opportunity to receive case management, health services and referrals for additional programs including job placement. Jay Catlin, President of AMS, recently expressed his desire to work with Bridge to Home in identifying homeless persons who qualify for employment, so that AMS can do its part and offer jobs when they are available.

AMS is already involved in supporting an important Bridge to Home fundraising event, their Soup for the Soul Fundraiser, which takes place in November. AMS has joined with a number of other SCV Businesses who have become sponsors of this event. Sponsors are invited to join in a meal of various soups, breads, desserts and beverages, and enjoy entertainment as well. November 14 will be the third time this event has taken place in recognition of clients, staff and donors.

Santa Clarita’s homeless population is growing and AMS is happy to be able to help in meeting the service demands. Last year a number of homeless individuals in Santa Clarita lost their lives from illness and exposure to the weather. These tragic losses served to increase the dedication and drive to help Santa Clarita’s homeless residents, assisting them to transition out of homelessness. Key goals of Bridge to Home include the relocation of the temporary Shelter to a permanent location and further expansion of services that will provide comprehensive care, including: medical help, mental health assistance, job resources and placement, case management and access to affordable housing.

Job resources and placement is where AMS Fulfillment has proven itself to be of great benefit to so many. For a number of years AMS has been working with at-risk youth and hiring disabled persons, veterans, members of the aging population and students. We look forward to the opportunity of working in support of Bridge to Home.

Management and employees of AMS are proud of our company’s commitment to the community. CEO Ken Wiseman has often said how warm his heart feels when walking through the offices and warehouses, and seeing people that he knows have been greatly helped – people whose lives have been turned around simply because AMS is a family that cares for its community.

Bridge to Home: Soup for the Soul

Soup for the Soul-2


Author:  Ida Lawrence
[email protected]

Friday October 9, 2015
October is National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month, commemorated across the US. This year happens to be the 70th anniversary of the commemoration, which makes this month a special time to observe what has been achieved. At many events, recognition will be given to the people who fought for better laws, demanded better treatment, and overcame ignorance of and indifference to developmental disabilities.

Despite all that people with disabilities contribute to society and the workplace, they are still underemployed, they still face discrimination by employers, and they have limited access to skills training. But, fortunately those things are changing, due in part to the efforts of various city governments and companies such as AMS Fulfillment.

A recent event, attended by AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman, highlighted the importance and the benefit of hiring persons with disabilities. Like many other cities across America, the Santa Clarita Valley Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities celebrated National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month. As part of the celebration, the SCV Mayor’s Committee held an Employer Recognition Event that honored employers who not only hire people with disabilities, but know first-hand how valuable these employees are.

AMS Fulfillment was invited to attend this recognition event due to their longstanding involvement with Pleasantview Industries & New Horizons. Some years ago AMS initiated a program with Pleasantview Industries, which has as their mission providing employment opportunities to Developmentally Disabled Adults. Ken Wiseman spoke about how pleased AMS was to begin working with the program: “Our first recruit from Pleasantview so warmed the hearts of our staff with his dedication, hard work and positive spirit, that AMS now employs 18 adults from the program.”

National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month dates back to 1945, when Congress declared the first week in October “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week.” The word “physically” was deleted in 1962 to acknowledge individuals with all types of disabilities. The week was expanded to a month by Congress in 1988 and its name was also changed to NDEAM. When the Office of Disability Employment Policy was created in 2001, it was given responsibility for NDEAM, including selection of its annual theme. The official theme for the observance this October is: “My Disability Is One Part of Who I Am.”

AMS Fulfillment can certainly verify the truth of that statement, knowing that their employees with disabilities are people first, and the disability is just one part of who they are.

Regarding the Employer Recognition Event, Ken expressed his support and gratitude for the work of the SCV Mayor’s Committee, and his pleasure at being in the company of other employers who share the same heartfelt commitment to employing people with disabilities: “Some decisions are key to good business, and others are key to the heart.  Our decision to work with these organizations are key to both.”

Ken_Robert David Hall (Actor).10.06.15-2Picture: Ken Wiseman, AMS CEO, with The Mayor’s Committee returning keynote speaker, actor Robert David Hall, who for the past 16 seasons has starred as Dr. Al Robbins, medical examiner on “CSI: Crime Scene Investigations.” Mr. Hall told the inspirational story of his journey through a near fatal accident, recovery, dealing with disability issues, and his life today.

Author:  Ida Lawrence
[email protected]

Family, Community & Paying it Forward:
Although the general public may not have a clear idea of what the fulfillment industry does, product designers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers certainly do. At AMS Fulfillment we deal with information, products, packaging, warehousing and shipping, which in industry parlance is called Order Management, Warehouse Management and Fulfillment Services.

AMS is very focused on the nuanced needs of every client, and they serve a very broad range of clients, so the management and employees really do have to be committed: nothing can be slack, response cannot be slow, details cannot be overlooked. One of the reasons AMS employees work so well together is that a family and community supportive atmosphere is very much a part of the company.

For this reason it’s very difficult for AMS to reduce staffing when the need calls for it, and the company is delighted when they can re-hire and rebuild. You’ll read about one of the difficult situations that turned into a great succes in the AMS story in a recent article.

About CheckWorks:

CheckWorks, Inc. manufactures and sells checks directly to Consumers and through Banks and Credit Unions. CheckWorks is known for Innovation in Check Printing technology and Unique Personal Check Designs at Cheap Prices. CheckWorks is a privately owned company and is not affiliated with any other check printing company.

At CheckWorks, our goal is to bring you the best the marketplace has to offer for the least amount of money. You’ll find a wealth of money-saving tips on our blog to help you trim costs without sacrificing quality. Did we mention that we sell top-quality personal and business checks at prices up to 50% cheaper than the banks and other major providers?

DroughtThe California drought is all over the news, and people around the world are concerned, with those in the USA deeply concerned. California is a major agricultural producer for the nation, so when people see images of dried up reservoirs and read news reports about how Californians are dealing with water restrictions, they’re interested.

Readers also want to know how non-agricultural businesses are impacted by the drought. Is it affecting business with higher prices or other pressures? How is it affecting the employees? Are there worries about no water? Are California citizens thinking about solutions and adaptations, and if so, what solutions are they moving to, and will these solutions affect business?

One of the many California industries not dependent upon water availability is fulfillment. AMS Fulfillment is a large company that warehouses and ships products around the world. AMS is located in the Los Angeles area, which is logistically perfect, having close proximity to the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. Tthis is a benefit to clients, to the ports, and to the California economy.

AMS is in the perfect location, we don’t depend upon water to do business, and we wouldn’t want to relocate out of California, so are we affected by the drought in any way? For answers, we talked to Jay Catlin, President of AMS.

Jay first expressed the concern he shares with others about what’s going on with regard to dwindling water resources. “The drought is something every Californian needs to take seriously. While people might be concerned about restrictions on water usage, or higher prices for water, it seems we really haven’t started to take it personally, or at least the awareness is not widespread,” he said.

“I do take it personally, my family does, and AMS Fulfillment does. And we notice some changes in public awareness, which are encouraging,” Catlin said. “We’re seeing more homeowners and businesses moving to synthetic lawns, and others are changing to semi-desert landscaping. The synthetic lawns are very realistic, and a perfect solution for those who enjoy the aesthetic appearance of a green lawn, or appreciate a lawn as a play area for their children.”

Catlin went on to talk about how he expects real growth in the businesses that manufacture and provide synthetic landscaping of all types. “We’d love to do the fulfillment for these manufacturers, as they are prospering, and will continue to do so,” he said.

California’s drought is now in its fourth year, and the economic impact on the agricultural sector indicates more than two billion dollars lost, and 17,000 seasonal jobs. In addition to agriculture, the businesses hardest hit by the drought are food processing, semiconductors, energy (hydroelectric power), tourism and leisure, and water utilities.

“It is hard to assess these stresses in relation to how they affect all California businesses,” Catlin said, “but the impact on the fulfillment industry, which is international in its scope, is very minimal. We’re grateful for that, and grateful that we can add to the California economy and employ as many people as we do.”

Catlin went on to say that the company and its employees do face water restrictions and higher prices for water, but these things are taken in stride. He’s aware that long-term changes in water usage could affect the price of food, and if consumers become concerned for the future it could affect consumer purchases. For this reason he would like to see care for the environment a part of everyday life, as it always has been for AMS in its focus on conservation and ‘green’ living.

It’s not expected that the drought will have a significant impact on statewide economic activity, or that it will significantly affect state and local tax revenues, but it is changing agriculture. Farmers will fallow more fields, and switch to crops that require less water, so if a community economy is concentrated in one particular aspect of agriculture, it could be severely affected. That is where experts expect the greatest impact… in local economies and food-related manufacturing.

All in all, the impact on California-based businesses is small, and the people are well able to handle the changes that they are experiencing. “But we can do better,” Catlin said. “We can always do more to protect and care for the world we’re living in.”

[email protected]

Article by Jana Adkins  (May 13, 2015)

It’s not quite as dramatic as the phoenix rising from the ashes, but each time AMS Fulfillment is met with a business challenge, the Valencia firm confronts and overcomes it quicker than most companies can plan a strategy for their next move. And that phoenix just acquired another building on Witherspoon Parkway.

The full-service order fulfillment company experienced a meteoric growth in business in the past decade – at one point it occupied 13 warehouse buildings in the Santa Clarita Valley. As the Great Recession darkened, the company continued to grow and add employees.

Last year AMS said farewell to its largest client, Toms shoes, when it couldn’t find an existing building large enough to accommodate a new automation system and process for the retailer. Graciously, AMS ensured Toms was able to make a successful move over to one of their competitors.

AMS downsized staff and planned to terminate leases on several of its warehouses when the team found it had generated more new business – in part due to the good relationship they maintained with Toms. That new business led to some rehires and of some of the buildings they were about to let go of, they kept.

Fast forward to later in 2014 and AMS had been re-growing so quickly it needed a larger building to accommodate its new growth. Management had been in preliminary negotiations with a developer to build a larger warehouse for them, when an existing one suddenly became available.

“Our immediate need for a new facility made the availability of the existing building a better option rather than building from scratch and waiting until December 2015 for it to be ready,” said Ken Wiseman, AMS CEO and managing partner along with President, Jay Catlin.

The building that previously housed Hitachi Power Tools on Witherspoon Parkway became available when that company moved to new space, and a chance encounter at the groundbreaking for the new IAC Commerce Center last November led to an important introduction, Wiseman said.

“We hit it off at the event to introduce the commerce center we’re developing,” said Michael Daniels, managing director for IAC. “We realized what they needed for space and knew that we had the Hitachi space coming up so we negotiated a mutually beneficial deal.”

The deal officially closed April 3, but AMS had been allowed inside earlier to start setting up racks to receive inventory. It’s a 7-year lease on 210,000 square feet of space, Wiseman said. And a much better deal than the one the company had been looking into because for one, AMS could move in quickly. Doug Sonderegger with CBRE handled the transaction.

“Our growth was just outpacing our ability to get into a building fast enough,” Wiseman said. “The new building will be almost exclusively for client growth. We only let one smaller lease go – 40,000 square feet on Franklin.”

Indeed, within a month of first moving racks into the Witherspoon building, AMS has filled nearly the equivalent of five football fields full with merchandise. And most of that inventory is from just four clients who are rapidly growing, he said.

As for future growth needs, Daniels from IAC said the two continue to have dialogue and as the needs of AMS increase IAC will be there to accommodate them.

“We’re very excited about the new relationship with IAC,” Wiseman said. “We can foresee that their strategy of putting up new buildings could align well with our growth.”

This story published in the May 2015 edition of the SCV Business Journal. Photo’s by Dan Watson.

The article may be found on The Signal website as follows:

Hitachi-1 Hitachi-2



social enterprise - AMS FulfillmentThere are mutually beneficial reasons for a company to be involved with the community in which it operates. Corporate social responsibility doesn’t just create a good public image, it can actually improve the quality of life of the local residents and give the employees of the company a reason to take pride in their employer.

AMS Fulfillment, headquartered in the Santa Clarita Valley of Southern California, has placed a high priority on community involvement since opening its doors for business. The programs that AMS has become involved with are almost too numerous to mention, but some, of which the company is most proud, have benefited the community and the company greatly.

For AMS, hiring from the community is vital. AMS has made it a point to hire at-risk youth in cooperation with the Sheriff Department’s Youth Activity League, youth from the federal GAIN program, at-risk youth from the Santa Clarita’s YES program, developmentally disabled adults, veterans, interns from local high schools and community colleges, and the aging workforce. In addition, AMS gives hiring preference to candidates from the local community in the Santa Clarita Valley in order to benefit the community and benefit AMS.

Ken Wiseman, CEO of AMS and President of the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation, has a long-time personal working relationship with the Sherriff’s Department, being a part of the volunteer search and rescue team, and running the annual Golf Tournament fundraiser, now in its 9th year  . Ken recently expressed his great pride in the diverse workforce: “At AMS Fulfillment, we experience the satisfaction that comes from our shared mission each time we walk through our operations and sense the true wealth that comes from embracing our community.”

Among the many organizations that benefit from the involvement of AMS with the community is one that supports a segment too often overlooked… the aging population. In support of local seniors, one of the owners of AMS, David Catlin, and his wife Linda, dedicate time and effort to Senior Concerns. David is a member of the Board of Directors of Senior Concerns, and AMS CEO Ken Wiseman and President Jay Catlin support the organization as well.

Serving eastern Ventura County and western Los Angeles County, Senior Concerns’ focus is to enable people to create the best possible second half of life. Their wide range of programs are aimed at creating a positive aging experience for family caregivers and for all adults in the community.

Over the last year, their Adult Day Program provided 156,000 hours of social and cognitive stimulation for physically or cognitively challenged elders, prepared over 35,000 fresh hot lunches and light evening meals for the homebound, served over 12,000 lunches to community elders, provided 6,000 seniors with counseling about Social Security, Medicare, Medi-Cal and housing options, and the list goes on and on.

While supporting seniors may not benefit a company directly, it creates a great deal of good will and brings the executives of a company into closer understanding of the needs of the community that they would most likely not recognize if they were not personally involved.

One of the community outreach events that AMS employees enjoy most is the Sheriff Department’s annual toy drive. This annual Toy drive gathers gifts that are shared with families in need during the Holidays. Over the past several years there have been several donations of product from AMS clients that have been directed to this event, for which AMS is very grateful.

Another organization wholeheartedly supported by AMS executives and employees is the Domestic Violence Center of Santa Clarita. Betty-Lou Wiseman, Vice President of Client Services, is a former board member of this organization. For the past two years, AMS employees have run a rummage sale with clothing and items donated by the AMS employees, and in turn opened to the employees and their friends. All proceeds from the event are donated to the Center.

The Domestic Violence Center provides shelter bed nights to victims of domestic violence and their children seeking sanctuary, solace, and safety in an emergency. It responds to crisis hotline calls and provides supportive services to new outreach center clients.

These efforts, and many more, bring AMS into a close relationship with the Santa Clarita Valley community, and they bring employees together in ways that make the company a team and a family. Everyone wins when companies are involved in their communities.

[email protected]

welcome to the blog - AMS FulfillmentWelcome to the AMS Fulfillment Blog! We are happy you have joined us. As leaders in the fulfillment industry we feel it is important to offer both general and in-depth information in order to help others understand more about fulfillment services and fulfillment needs. We work with major brands and some of the best companies, providing a wide variety of warehousing and fulfillment services. In other words, we know the industry very well. Please enjoy the information offered in this blog… we hope it is beneficial to you.

Valencia, CA (December 18, 2012) – Valencia, CA based AMS Fulfillment has been featured in the inaugural ranking of Inc.’s Hire Power Awards, recognizing job creation, and the private businesses that have generated the most jobs in the past three years.

AMS Fulfillment generated 227 jobs from 2008 to 2011, placing it at #6 among the 10 private business job creators within the Logistics and Transportation Industry honored with Inc.’s Higher Power Awards. Additionally, AMS ranked # 1051 on the 2012 Inc. 5000 list.

AMS CEO Ken Wiseman said, “AMS Fulfillment has enjoyed an over 300% growth over the past three years, and we continue to grow. At the end of 2011 we had 297 employees, and today we employ more than 500, which includes our temp labor force. There is great satisfaction in making our success into success for our community. We have sought to balance personnel requirements with the inclusion of individuals that are facing challenges in the workforce. At AMS, these targeted groups include at risk youth, developmentally disabled adults, veterans, and others simply trying to get back on their feet.”

In addition to this prestigious award, AMS Fulfillment has received accolades from:

  • State of California Enterprise Zone Business of the Year for employment of at-risk youth and those with barriers to employment
  • San Fernando Valley Business Journal Largest Family-Owned Business Award
  • Santa Clarita Valley’s #1 Family Business 2012
  • Jewish Vocational Services L.A. Strictly Business Corporate Partnership Award
  • Santa Clarita Valley Mayor’s Committee for employment of developmentally disabled adults
  • City of Santa Clarita for mentoring / training youth – YES Program

Inc. is the only major business media brand aimed solely at CEOs of fast-growing private companies. The Hire Power Awards will appear in Inc.’s December/January issue, as well as the brand’s web site,

“The top 100 companies on the list have created 73,032 American jobs in the three-year period from 2008 to 2011 – an amazing feat, given that much of that job growth came during the heart of the recession,” explains Inc. editor-in-chief Eric Schurenberg. “And it isn’t just the big guys that are adding jobs. Companies with less than $50 million in annual revenue make up nearly one-third of the Hire Power list.”

The inaugural Inc. Hire Power Awards are sponsored by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, which is proud to recognize American companies that have greatly increased their workforces. Inc.’s Hire Power Awards celebrates private companies on the forefront of American job creation, giving these businesses the recognition they deserve.

Valencia, CA, November 15, 2012 – AMS Fulfillment is very pleased to announce that the California Association of Enterprise Zones (CAEZ) selected AMS as the recipient of its “Business of the Year” award. The award was presented to AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman, at the CAEZ Conference Keynote Luncheon, hosted by the City of Santa Clarita, on November 15 at the Hyatt Regency Valencia.

AMS was selected from among a number of nominees due to its growth and achievements over the years and its commitment to hiring from within the community. AMS has partnered with several different programs to hire at-risk youth and developmentally disabled adults, and has also embraced the federal GAIN program and recruited from within aging workforce and unemployed veterans groups. Recently AMS achieved Modified Foreign-Trade-Zone status under the auspices of the Palmdale Foreign Trade Zone, which will lead to continued growth and increased hiring.

In his remarks at the CAEZ luncheon, Wiseman stated: “We admire the mission of this group to encourage businesses to seek out a quality and diverse workforce. I know that for many companies, the incentives that are offered through this program help encourage them to make the first venture into expanding their hiring considerations. At AMS Fulfillment, we experience the true wealth and satisfaction that comes from our shared mission each time we walk through our operations and sense the value of embracing our community.”

AMS Fulfillment provides warehousing, assembly and complex pick-pack-ship fulfillment services to both retail chains and direct to consumer. They have a client base across a variety of industries, managing tens of thousands of retail items, product orders and shipments for over 40 active retail clients. They manage inventory, order fulfillment and logistics for a number of brand-companies.

The CAEZ Keynote Luncheon, featuring keynote speaker Bruce Jenner, took place during a two-day CAEZ conference attended by Enterprise Zone managers from across California. The attendees had an opportunity to hear from state leaders, attend workshops on best practices, learn tactics to maximize job creation and business retention from peers, and discuss how to improve the Enterprise Zone program, which remains Santa Clarita’s largest business attraction and retention program.
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AMS Fulfillment Services
Steven Helmle

Valencia, CA, October 20, 2012 – Happy 10th Anniversary AMS Fulfillment! It has been 10 years since AMS, a California-based third-party company for warehousing, assembly and order-fulfillment services, first opened its doors with fewer than 30 employees and began operating, growing and creating its future. AMS Fulfillment, a privately owned company, launched its business operation in the Valencia Commerce Center business park in July 2002 in only 30,000 square feet of warehouse space.

Today, the firm occupies nearly one million square feet of space in 13 facilities. During the past ten years AMS not only grew exponentially with regard to space, it grew in clientele; now managing tens of thousands of retail items, product orders and shipments for 40 active retail clients. Also to its credit, AMS now has 375 full time employees, 111 full time temps and 45 part time rotating temps.

In addition to serving order fulfillment clients and creating employment for many people, AMS has served the Santa Clarita Valley community; local charitable organizations; special needs, kids and senior groups and a number of other organizations throughout the years. AMS has also committed to “Green Fulfillment”, recycling, conserving, and minimizing its environmental footprint.

As a means of celebrating the AMS 10th Anniversary, and recognizing the loyalty of long-standing employees, Jay Catlin, President, and CEO, Ken Wiseman, held a special event at the Catlin home. Fourteen employees who have been with AMS since it was founded were the special guests at the event, joined by many of the eight and nine-year employees and their guests.

In praise of the special guests, Catlin said, “Thinking back to where we were 10 years ago, I never could have imagined getting to where we are today. I am so thankful to our great team here at AMS for all you have done along the way, and the vital role you play in our success.”

Under the guidance of Catlin and Wiseman, AMS has built a great reputation in complex retail pick-pack-ship fulfillment and ecommerce, with a client base across a variety of industries including footwear and apparel. By combining dedication to client success, a committed and much appreciated team of employees, and a company-wide sense of responsibility to the community, AMS has grown into a very accomplished 10-year-old expert in order fulfillment services.

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AMS Fulfillment Services
Steven Helmle