
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

AMS has long been committed to a high level of integrity and community service in its hiring practices. The commitment is evidenced in the community organizations AMS works with including those that represent individuals with disabilities, formerly incarcerated individuals, veterans groups, seniors, and the homeless.

We know that in many instances the greatest help one can give an individual in an underserved group is to offer a job and training on the job, and AMS has made this a practice for a number of years.

To this end AMS has created an apprenticeship program, an on-campus classroom in cooperation with College of the Canyons, a clerk mentoring program, safety training program, ESL and citizenship classes and other such programs. Most important in this effort is the community groups that AMS works with in order to give opportunity to underserved individuals.

Recently Ken Wiseman, AMS CEO and Betty-Lou Wiseman, Executive VP of Client Services attended a “Women’s Leadership Series” event at Getty House Foundation, organized by the Los Angeles
 Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, Office of Reentry.

The event featured a dialogue moderated by Mayor Eric Garcetti. Panel members were Dr. Stephany Powell, Executive Director of Journey Out; Dr. Kathryn Icenhower, co-founder and CEO of SHIELDS for Families; Romarilyn Roslyn, Program Coordinator of Project Rebound and Boa Smith, Program Officer for Just Detention International.

One of the groups involved in this effort to serve the underserved is Five Key Charter Schools. This organization has the contract with LA Sheriff’s Department to provide education, counseling, and employment opportunities to individuals that were formerly incarcerated. AMS has enjoyed successful employee referrals through this organization.

Five Keys Charter Schools is a nationally recognized education management (non-profit) corporation that operates accredited charter schools and programs for youth and adults across California. Their goal is to restore communities through education and other programs that respond to the students’ and community needs. Through Five Keys, young women and men who are incarcerated can receive their high school diploma, career and technical education, digital literacy, ESL, cognitive behavioral, recovery programs, case management, correctional education consulting and college access.

Some statistics presented at the Mayor’s Women’s Event that truly impacted Ken and Betty-Lou, were as follows: 90% of all women entering prison have suffered from domestic or sexual abuse; 66% of women that come out of prison that do not enter employment, will end up back in jail; while only 3% of women that come out of jail and into employment ever return to prison.

AMS will continue to work with the SCV Sheriff’s Department and Five Keys Charter Schools to focus on the third statistic – that only 3% of women who come out of jail and into employment ever return to prison.

Ken, Betty-Lou and the AMS corporate family would like to thank the Los Angeles
Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, Office of Reentry, The Getty House Foundation, Five Keys Charter Schools and all of the excellent presenters and participants at the enlightening and inspiring Mayors Women’s Event.

AMS Fulfillment strives to be a corporation that truly serves the community in which we operate our business. We do this because fully realize that the community serves us with wonderful employees, excellent business partners, good friends, great humanitarian organizations and a prosperous and safe environment.

AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman, is President of the Sheriff’s Foundation and a long-time search and rescue volunteer. For years employees and management of AMS have been very proud to join him in supporting our community’s heroes – First Responders, Search & Rescue, Sheriff’s Station and others who address our safety needs.

AMS would like to give special thanks to an organization that recently supported our First Responders with an inspiring and culturally enriching Heroes Banquet that raised more funds and further benefited the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation and LA County Fire Department Foundation.

The Heroes Banquet was organized by the Human Ummah Foundation (Ummah means Community) of Newhall, California.

AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman, who serves as President of the Sheriff’s Foundation, had this to say about the Heroes Banquet:

“It is greatly rewarding to meet such an impassioned and committed group of individuals seeking to exemplify the meaning of community; a group that shares our commitment to our families, communities, and our country.”

Ken went on to talk about the sincere and respectful manner in which our First Responders were acknowledged, and how it touched him personally. He shared that whatever one’s faith might be, we can gain inspiration from a shared sense of values with the Muslim community, a shared concern for us living as one nation, and an appreciation for a higher power.

AMS Fulfillment stands with our CEO Ken Wiseman, and with the Sheriff’s Foundation in uplifting shared humanity, knowing that Santa Clarita Valley can be an example community where discrimination against Muslims does not take place. AMS employees and management alike are grateful for the HUF mission of peace, brotherhood, and love of family and community, and we thank them for contributing so generously to SCV Heroes!

The LA Cancer Challenge is coming up again soon and for the seventh consecutive year AMS is stepping up to the challenge. October 29th is the date of the 20th Annual run, UCLA is the location, and registration can be done on the event’s website, or in person at the event.

Since 1998, the LA Cancer Challenge has raised more than $7.3 million to benefit the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research. The Foundation was established 13 years ago by Agi Hirshberg in honor of her husband, Ronald Hirshberg. Her desire was to fund much needed research on a disease that continues to be one of the most fatal and least funded of all cancer types.

A few years ago the event grew too large for the organizers to assemble the gift bags, and Teri Fox of the Hughes Family Foundation brought their concern to AMS President Jay Catlin. AMS responded immediately, offering to open the facility on the weekend and provide space for their volunteers as well as assistance from AMS.

This year AMS employees have taken contributing to an even greater level, asking if they could volunteer their time, come in an hour early and stay an hour late as their donation to the cancer challenge. Betty-Lou Wiseman, Executive VP of Client Services at AMS, said, “We are often proud of the way our employees contribute to the community. The response of the AMS family to this event is heartwarming and so appreciated. We’re very proud of our employees.”

In addition to building the gift bags, AMS management and a number of employees bring their families to take part in the 5K, 10K and 15K runs and be a part of the fun. Included in the LA Cancer Challenge is a giant Fit Family Expo with music and entertainment, food and beverages, as well as health and fitness booths.

The event also features a run for the littlest runners (2-4 years and 5-7 years) where children follow “The Bee” around the Expo and participate in the Children’s Costume Parade. There are costume prizes in various categories including Best Adult, Best Team and Best Volunteer, and of course there are gift bags for everyone.

In appreciation of employees, Bettty-Lou offered: “We’ve all been affected by cancer in some way, even here at AMS where we lost a co-worker who was very dear to our hearts. As we participate in these events we honor the memory of our friends and family members who have fought this battle.”

Please consider joining AMS at this event: visit the LA Cancer Challenge website, register, and participate. It is a fun day and a meaningful day for all participants, benefiting a Foundation that is doing a very great work on behalf of pancreatic cancer patients and their families.

AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman, has long been involved in community service, in particular Search & Rescue volunteering and support of the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation. Recently co-workers and friends of AMS, and of the Sheriff’s Foundation, joined him in a fundraising event that broke records.

On September 18th, 112 golfers took to Valencia’s Tournament Player’s Club (TPC) golf course in The SCV Sheriff’s Foundation & Search and Rescue 11th Annual Golf Tournament.

The tournament has become quite an AMS Fulfillment tradition as many of their key vendors, associates and clients participate in the event, while the AMS associates also play an important role in gathering raffle gifts, arranging the sign printing, making the gift bags and so on.

At the event, golfers were treated to a full breakfast, BBQ Lunch, and Dinner along with an Opportunity Drawing. The greens at TPC were in perfect shape on what turned out to be a beautiful day for golf. To top it off, the Laker Girls once again joined the group at the award ceremony.

But the biggest award for everyone is that a record $33,000 will now go to our local Sheriff Station for the purchase of lifesaving, law enforcement and search and rescue equipment and training.

The SCV Sheriff’s Foundation, currently chaired by AMS Fulfillment’s CEO Ken Wiseman, was formed in 1984 by local citizens. Their intention was to assist local law enforcement and station volunteers in a tangible way, purchasing equipment and crime prevention materials as well as raising funds to help community service programs at the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

The Santa Clarita Valley Search & Rescue Team is a volunteer group formed to assist the Sheriff of Los Angeles County in search and rescue operations or any other governmental agency, upon request. They also promote wilderness recreation safety for the people of the community. The SCV Search & Rescue Team works under the direction of the SCV Sheriff’s Station.

Regarding the success of the tournament, Ken said, “This event goes a long way in showing our Deputies and SAR volunteers just how important they are to this community.”

Significantly, the event gave tribute to LASD Sergeant Steve Owen, who was killed in the line of duty on October 5, 2016. In his honor and memory, a $2,000 scholarship was presented to the Hart Union High School District representative, Susan Reynolds, to be shared with 4-excelling students that are pursuing a law enforcement career.

AMS joins the organizations in offering thanks to the major sponsors, listed below, the long list of support sponsors and the many, many others who have lent their support to the success of the tournament. Many of the major sponsors of the event have been supporters for all eleven years.

For participation in this event next year, either as a sponsor or a golfer, please contact Ken Wiseman, SCV Sheriff’s Foundation President, at [email protected].

Thank You to Sponsors: Global Trade Marketing/Ziglift, Sun Valley Paper Stock, Inc., Six Flags Magic Mountain, AMS Fulfillment, Vance Wealth, Coyle Reproductions, Numatic Engineering, Santa Clarita Studios, Pape Material Handling, California Resources Corporation, Auto Dealers Association of Santa Clarita Valley, Merchants Bancard Network, Wintrust Mortgage, Galpin Motors, Global Protective Services, Accurate Freight, International Airport Centers, PPOA (Professional Peace Officers Association), Chiquita Canyon, City of Santa Clarita, Exact Staff, The Signal, The Magazine of Santa Clarita, KHTS AM 1220.

Congratulations to Todd G., Rony V., Charles F., Maynor J. and Teresa R., selected from each AMS Facility for Employee of the Month honors. Thank you!

Every month the supervisors in the various AMS facilities nominate a team member who has provided outstanding service to our clients. The nominations and comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has not only done the job well, but has cared enough to go above and beyond.

AMS Fulfillment is a large company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. All of our facilities are located in Valencia, CA, City of Santa Clarita. Even though we are large, we have nurtured a corporate family culture and a close environment that takes note of and cares about the people, their well-being, and their job satisfaction. We are very grateful for the efforts of this month’s honorees!

Todd G., Director of Core Operations (February 2012)
AMS Facility: HQ Administration, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Todd is thirsty for knowledge. He’s the kind of guy that wakes up at night and starts analyzing a challenge. He is always ready to help people. Todd thinks beyond his job description and responsibilities and looks at the big picture of how he can help AMS grow. Todd has shown us that he is like a sponge, taking in information and always looking for a new way to solve a problem. When he faces roadblocks and hurdles he is not stopped, instead he figures out how to get over them.

Rony V., Clerk (August 2004)
AMS Facility: HQ Warehouse, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Rony is a great co-worker, always willing to help out when needed. He knows a lot about the returns department and helps keep us organized. He’s always on time and ready to help out. Rony has been with AMS for a long time and he is a super star. He is a great co-worker, comes in early most of the time and we can count on him. He is a multitasking type employee who shows exemplary performance on his job and demonstrates a positive attitude with his co-workers. Rony’s recognition is Overdue!

Charles F., General Warehouse II (July 2015)
AMS Facility: SCO3, 27801 Avenue Scott

Charles is consistently our top picker on all of the clients. We are amazed how every time we see Charles he is working at a pace a step ahead of everyone else. He definitely deserves this recognition and a big thank you from supervisors and co-workers.

Maynor J., General Warehouse II (November 2015)
AMS Facility: WILL/WIT, 28936 Ave. Williams, 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Maynor is a great worker. He is always on time and ready to get the job done. He works in one of the most challenging areas and handles it well. All around great employee. He comes to work ready, works super hard and always has a smile on his face. Maynor is proud of his work and achievements and this has been noted by multiple managers and assistant managers. He was recently given a task to re-organize the bottom pick levels for a client and did an amazing job! He helps other employees and has been spotted picking up trash and keeping our work environment clean.

Teresa R., General Warehouse II (January 2011)
AMS Facility: IND1, 28220 Industry Drive

Teresa is a hard worker, great team player and always comes in with a positive attitude. She is very helpful when it comes to pulling orders or helping others, and she will work hard to meet any deadline. Teresa is very friendly to co-workers. In the past few weeks she has proven herself to the daily operation as a quick learner and this had made her a very important part of our team.


No matter which department they work in, which task they do, or which AMS facility we find them in, our outstanding employees are the reason that we succeed so well and continue to grow. Employees of the Month recognition is meant to be a sincere Thank You from the entire AMS Fulfillment Family! You are the reason for our success!

Employee appreciation - AMS FulfillmentIn the fulfillment industry employees are much more than human resources. They directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business.

AMS Fulfillment is a large company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. Even though we are large, AMS has nurtured a corporate family culture from the beginning and to this day. We value a close environment that takes note of and cares about the people who work here, their wellbeing, and their job satisfaction.

Each month the supervisors within AMS’ Valencia CA facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the clients. The nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month for July 2017: Raul G., Jerry F., Adela V., Christy G., Danny B.

Raul G., Account Manager (02/2012)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

During the month of June, Raul helped to launch a full service model client called Bandolier. Raul located the best platform to use for customer service, and set it up by himself with the clients’ email credentials, auto responses and customer service templates. He learned a new apparel management system that handles the client’s credit card processing, Hilldun factoring, order entry and customer profiles. He has already become proficient in both systems and didn’t just utilize clients’ knowledge, but did lots of his own research online, on the phone with technical support agents and through the help pages that these systems had to offer. During this launch, Raul also created and supplied all of the UPC barcodes for the product. He did an excellent job communicating with the client and operations teams alike and was always available to talk. Raul never complains or gets stressed about his workload, and is an amazing asset to our team and to AMS.

Jerry F., Return Clerk I (04/2015)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Jerry is a great and fun co-worker. He’s very dedicated to the returns department. He is very well organized, on time and receives our incoming mail and distributes it in a timely manner. Jerry is a hardworking man, always on time and gets the job done with a positive attitude at all times. He is very organized with handling the mail, and he has helped out organizing the return department and throughout the warehouse. He’s a great asset to our company and always a pleasure to work with. Jerry’s dedication, talent and abilities reflect what we are doing with the company. We thank him for all of his good work and support throughout the year and hope that he will remain with us for many years to come! We are very glad to have Jerry on our team.

Christy G., Operations Lead (04/2012)
WIL1: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Christy has been working in Receiving for a short time and has already made a great impact with the new clients. She is always willing to learn and has great attention to detail. She has shown she can take responsibility and work well with the entire team. Christy goes above and beyond to get the job done, she always stays busy and is cross-trained on multiple clients, excellent with instructions and goes the extra mile. She is a key to the WIL1 Warehouse Team.

Adela V., Shipping Lead (01/2004)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Adela has taken on the role of shipping lead in our facility and is doing an outstanding job. She is always here on time and with a smile no matter how much the workload is. She has become a great trainer and mentor for the picking staff and a great leader.

Danny B., General Warehouse I (05/2016)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Danny is a great worker, has a great attitude, quality driven, positive outlook focused on his work. He is willing to help out at any time. We really appreciate all that Danny does and the quality of his work.


No matter which department they work in, which task they do, or which location or warehouse we find them in, our outstanding employees are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow. Employees of the Month recognition is meant to be a sincere Thank You from the entire AMS Fulfillment Family! You are the reason for our success!

Not pictured: Danny B.

AMS Fulfillment takes to heart the relationship between business and community, and the relationship between employer and employee. When employees and friends of AMS are facing challenges, we use whatever means of helping that we can through word of mouth, social media and charitable events.

We have enjoyed a long-standing relationship with donors to AMS’ own SCV Sheriff’s Foundation & Search and Rescue Golf Tournament. One of those donors, a friend of the AMS family, is Teri Fox. Teri describes herself as wife, mother, philanthropist, advocate, President and Board Member of the Paul A. Hughes Family Foundation.

AMS has worked with Teri and her husband Michael on a number of projects, including the Hirshberg Pancreatic Cancer Foundation 5k – 10k Run/Walk. Teri also shares AMS’ passionate commitment to veterans’ causes, in particular veteran homelessness, so we know how Teri and her husband have gone to bat for others for a long time.

Like any one of us, they prefer to be the givers of help, rather than the ones who need to receive help. But life doesn’t grant us exemption from personal mountains to climb.

The family has been fundraising for gene replacement therapy for their son Sebastian, a therapy that could save his life and the lives of others who suffer from a rare and fatal disorder called Batten Disease CLN8. This regression disease is expected to take away Sebastian’s life before he turns 20.

So for Teri and Michael this is the real fight of their lives – to be able to raise the millions of dollars needed to provide cutting-edge gene replacement therapy for their son. They have decided to partner with anyone in the community who wants to help.

Sebastian’s story can be found on the website of the Sebastian Velona Foundation, which invites direct donations and guides the fundraising effort and the partnerships.

In telling the story, Teri says, “For several years, we searched the world for treatments or therapies to stop this disease. There was nothing. However, in 2016, we met the Gray family. They have two young daughters who suffer from Batten Disease CLN6, and they were instrumental in putting together a genetics team to develop a gene replacement therapy for children suffering from Batten CLN6. Their daughters both received the gene therapy eight months ago, and they are doing very well.

“Because it is relatively new, the treatment and research are extremely costly, time consuming and not covered by insurance. Nevertheless, we are determined to raise the money necessary to treat Sebastian and other children diagnosed with Batten CLN8. No one should have to suffer like this.”

Here at AMS we agree: no one should have to suffer like this. We encourage our employees, friends, and readers of this blog to visit the Sebastian Velona Foundation website, contribute if you can, and share the information. Teri is much loved by AMS and many others in the SCV community. One way we can thank her for her dedication to helping others is to help her son Sebastian have a chance at life through gene replacement therapy.

Dan Watson
Sebastian kisses Annabelle after their riding demonstration at the 19th Annual Heart of the West, “Home at Last” event held at Carousel Ranch in Santa Clarita.

There is a corporate family focus at AMS, and we often talk about what this focus achieves: from the free educational and job training opportunities to the wide-ranging hiring practices to safety training and community service, we focus on the family. AMS knows it’s our employees who serve the clients and make a fulfillment business successful. But what we don’t often talk about is how AMS started, and the fact that we are not just family-focused, we are also family-owned and operated.

Recently the Santa Clarita Business Journal ranked AMS the #1 family-owned business in Santa Clarita. Santa Clarita is the 3rd largest city in Los Angeles County, with Los Angeles and Long Beach coming in as one and two. At AMS we are very proud to employ more than 300 individuals, and grateful to the Journal for the ranking as #1.

The AMS family began with Jay Catlin and his father David Catlin. David had been a successful business owner for a number of years when he acquired an independent packaged media (DVD/CD) company. Since Jay had been working in fulfillment for nearly a decade, he was a perfect fit to assist David in shoring up his company’s distribution operations. Jay’s first order of business was to form a new fulfillment entity to assemble packaged media, warehouse and manage inventory, fulfill orders and process returns. That was the beginning of AMS – Advantage Media Services, Inc. – and the year was 2002.

Now, fifteen years later, AMS has grown tremendously from 15 employees to over 300, and from one client and product line to 50+ clients and 10s of thousands of unique product types. David Catlin remains Chairman of the Board and co-owner along with two others: Jay, who serves as President, and Ken Wiseman who serves as CEO.

Reflecting on the past, Jay comments, “It’s really incredible to see how much AMS has grown over the past 15 years, and fun to tell the story of our journey from packaged media to where we are today with so many unique clients and industries that we serve.”

Jay and Ken have managed the rise of AMS into a large and successful fulfillment company with Jay focusing primarily on client development and Ken focusing on workforce development, training and community relations. Both business partners work together in overseeing operations, technology and finance.

AMS has tapped into the skills of three more Catlin family members as well; Jay’s step-brother, Craig McCracken, works part-time for AMS in online marketing, Jay’s mom Ida Lawrence writes web content and blogs for AMS, and his 16-year-old daughter Trinity Catlin was recently introduced to the family business as she worked an internship in client services and sales.

Ken and Jay were acquaintances within the fulfillment industry at the time AMS was formed in 2002. Ken’s son Eric was actually the first Wiseman to join AMS, after Jay hired Eric to serve in warehouse operations. Within months (after a ‘thumbs up’ report from Eric about the team at AMS), Ken joined Jay and David as a partner in the business, coming in as CEO.

Ken and his wife Betty Lou have been together for 38-years, and have worked together for 37 of those years! The two were reunited at AMS soon after Ken’s arrival, with Betty Lou coming in as Vice President of Client Services (now EVP). Ken and Betty Lou’s older son Justin Wiseman, a fulfillment-lifer himself, arrived at AMS in 2004 as well, and holds the position of Director of Operations. Eric now serves as Operations Manager at AMS.

Ken summed it up well by saying, “It is very fulfilling to share my career with my wife, my boys, and the Catlin and AMS family. We have had the chance to grow together. I’ve watched people start in entry-level jobs and develop a career at AMS. There is a level of trust, expectation, and reliance that comes from working with family and long-time associates that feel like family.”

Thank you again from AMS to the Santa Clarita Business Journal for ranking AMS the #1 family-owned business in Santa Clarita! We are proud of our company and of the city we call home.

AMS Fulfillment CEO Ken Wiseman would like to announce one of our favorite events of the year! The SCV Sheriff’s Foundation & Search and Rescue 11th Annual Golf Tournament has been scheduled to take place on Monday, September 18th at TPC Valencia, 26550 Heritage View Lane, Valencia, CA 91381.

The SCV Sheriff’s Foundation & Search and Rescue Golf Tournament has been honoring fallen officers since 2014. The officer to be honored this year is the late LASD Officer, Sergeant Steven C. Owen.

Ken Wiseman has been a long-time member of the Search & Rescue Team, and he has also served as President of the Sheriffs Foundation since 2011. Ken created the golf tournament eleven years ago as a fundraiser and has been putting it on and managing it ever since.

Tournament proceeds will go toward supporting our local Sheriff Station’s purchase of state-of-the-art lifesaving and law enforcement equipment, training for professional and volunteer staff, and for the Search and Rescue Team’s equipment and training.

A $2,000 scholarship is also granted to four local, deserving students who have been selected by the William S. Hart Union High School District Board.

The proceeds of the Golf Tournament are in excess of $200,000. Ken states: “Early on, when I joined the team, I found that in addition to the incredible amount of time that our volunteers were providing to our community, there were also a fair amount of costs that our team incurred to support their participation. I really felt that we could cover those costs, and also make sure that our team had access to cutting edge safety and technical resources.”

AMS Fulfillment has been a Diamond Sponsor of the event for nearly eleven years. Most of the sponsors of the event have also been involved since the inception including: Arrow Recycling, California Resources Corp, Chiquita Canyon, City of Santa Clarita, Coyle Reproductions, Global Protective Services, Global Trade Marketing/Ziglift, Merchants Bancard Network, Numatic Engineering, Paul A. Hughes Family Foundation, Santa Clarita Studios, SCV Auto Dealers, Six Flags Magic Mountain, The Laker Girls, Sun Valley Paper Stock.

Ken, Jay and the AMS team would like to thank all past participants, and welcome and invite new participants to this very enjoyable event benefiting our local Sheriff’s Station.

For details on the Golf Tournament and registration, you are invited to call Ken or Margie at 661-775-0611, or email Margie Melendez: [email protected].

Congratulations and a very big Thank You to these outstanding members of our corporate family: Mayra J., Ignacio G., Alex L., Mariela M., and Francisco G.

In the fulfillment industry employees are much more than human resources. They directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. AMS Fulfillment is a large company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. Even though we are large, we make it a point to notice individuals and their achievements.

Each month the supervisors or team members within AMS’ Valencia CA facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the clients. The nominations and supervisor and team member comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves special Recognition!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the June Employees of the Month:

Mayra J., Account Manager (March 2015)
HQ Administration, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Mayra has demonstrated her dedication to her job. She is always available to help and understands the needs from the client and the AMS point of view. When it comes to taking on a new task, Mayra is always willing. She has a great attitude with her clients and co-workers.

Nacho G., Operations Director (February 2005)
HQ Warehouse, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Nacho is a great boss to work for. He is very motivating to his leadership team and supports the team making the calls on their own, while at the same time he is always open for team members to come and ask his opinion. He is always open to trying new ideas to improve process and efficiency. Everyone in the warehouse feels comfortable coming to talk to Nacho. His views and opinions in Operations are respected by all HQ employees. He is the kind of boss you want to do a great job for.

Mariela M., Shipping Clerk (February 2008)
WIT2/WIL1: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway & 28936 Avenue Williams

Mariela is always willing to take on new challenges in the warehouse, including learning new procedures. She is there to explain and teach the team on procedures, how to pack, ship and teaches routing whenever someone needs to learn. She is always thinking of safety. Mariela is respectful, has a smile on her face, and her area is organized, and clean. She is a very good motivator and it is important to her that the team is in a happy environment.

Alex L., General Warehouse II (February 2016)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Alex shows great leadership skills as well as the ability to maintain good communication with the client service team and his management team. He is also able to prioritize orders and manage his work staff to a peak performance. Alex always does a great job on a daily basis but he really stepped up to the plate the last 2 weeks of the month while Joseph was out on paternity leave. His communication with client service and his ability to meet some very important order deadlines was great. He made the transition to running an entire department seamless.

Francisco G., General Warehouse I (April 2015)
IND1: 28220 Industry Drive

Francisco is always on time and does not miss work. He is willing to help out any department or facility. He has a positive attitude towards everybody and is a pleasure to work with. We appreciate Francisco and enjoy working with him.


Whether these outstanding employees are part of the management team, client services, technology, accounting, fulfillment operations, facilities, the warehouse team, taking inventory, answering the phone, training people, making decisions, doing payroll… they are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

Once again… a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family!


June Employees of the Month luncheon from left to right: Mariela M, Alex L, Ignacio G, Francisco G and Mayra J, pictured with Ken Wiseman and Jay Catlin.


AMS is a big business with a ‘family feel’. The AMS management and employees support each other and the community in many ways with education, volunteering, holiday giving, charitable endeavors and more. Recently the AMS family has joined in another effort to be of help in a campaign that means a lot to one of their own… driver and in-house messenger, Gene.

Gene’s daughter Natasha lost her eyesight at age twelve due to a rare condition called Stargardt’s disease, which is a form of macular degeneration that affects people in their younger years. She lost all central vision and was left with limited peripheral sight. At that young age she was informed that there is no cure and that her vision would decline further.

But… change does come, and sometimes it comes like a miracle. There is now a device that can return her eyesight, in that when she wears it she can see again. The device houses a high-speed, high-definition camera that captures everything the user is looking at and displays it on two, OLED screens in front of the user’s eyes. With this device Natasha can clearly see a full color video image with no lag time. She can tilt her head without getting dizzy, zoom in and out, and she has peripheral vision.

It must have been difficult for her to put the device down and walk away without it.

The AMS family would love to see Gene’s family able to purchase the device. AMS President, Jay Catlin said, “Technology and innovation is simply amazing these days, and for Gene and Natasha, it brings hope and positivity in what has otherwise been a heart-wrenching situation. We have a natural culture of caring at AMS Fulfillment, and it’s showing up again for Gene’s family.”

AMS is spreading the word throughout the company and on social media. The message is that miracles do happen. With a combination of technology and generous people Gene’s daughter can experience the gift of eyesight.

During a recent interview, Natasha expressed her hopes and dreams:

“I am so excited to live the life I was meant to live before this disease, to just do simple things like read a book or read my mail! It’s a crazy experience to live with no hope of seeing again and then suddenly, out of nowhere, there is a device that can change my world. I am SO excited to get that chance again!”

We invite you to visit the Natasha fundraising page and share this information far and wide. Thank You from AMS.


Video of Natasha:

The AMS commitment to retaining, educating, training and advancing employees was established from the start. And yet, for the past three years, AMS has taken its family culture to another level by creating some unique and groundbreaking partnerships with businesses and organizations the community.

Several years ago AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman met with educators and administrators from Santa Clarita’s College of the Canyons (COC) with the aim of establishing an education and job-training partnership that would have a broad benefit. Describing their efforts Ken said, “The business and the college have been working together to explore educational opportunities and funding initiatives.” The AMS-COC partnership is now several years old, and has been a great success.

AMS provides classroom space within one of the AMS buildings; a space that employees have named the “Advance My Skills Learning Center.” Included in the space is a 25-person computer lab. In addition to this classroom, AMS provides books and materials, and offers the classes free of charge. College of the Canyons provides the instructors, coursework and registration of students. This partnership works extremely well as it meets the needs of AMS, the employees, the College and the community.

Among the courses offered is English as a Second Language (ESL 1), and May 2017 is the one-year anniversary of the first ESL course. This course is one that employees have been eager to take advantage of. By studying English through a respected school, without having to leave the workplace, they are more able to write and respond to emails, letters and so on, and possibly pursue more skilled positions at AMS or elsewhere.

Recently a group of AMS employees who had completed their fourth segment of ESL were presented with certificates of achievement at a COC ceremony, attended by more than 300 people. Ken was the guest speaker at this event, where he was able to express his pride in the students and the program and talk about the significance of their achievement.

Ken said, “Although these certificates symbolize a finish line, they really are the starting line for something new and something greater.” He encouraged the students to continue making commitments and working hard to achieve a goal.

Some of the other courses taught in the AMS classroom are the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt course, Microsoft Excel, Clerk Mentoring, Supervisor training, Hazardous Material Handling, CPR, AMS Safety Certification, OSHA Certification, and a first of its kind Apprenticeship Program. The benefit of these classes to AMS is apparent. A large fulfillment company needs trained staff. Well-trained employees are happier, and happier people do a better job for the clients.

Congratulations to all of graduates!