September 21st is the 25th anniversary of the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace. Isn’t that a wonderful intention… a culture of peace?
“In a world with rising geopolitical tensions and protracted conflicts, there has never been a better time to remember how the UN General Assembly came together in 1999 to lay out the values needed for a culture of peace. These include: respect for life, human rights and fundamental freedoms; the promotion of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation; commitment to peaceful settlement of conflicts; and adherence to freedom, justice, democracy, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue and understanding at all levels of society and among nations.”
We would venture to say that there is not one among us who would prefer war over peace. How do we bring peace to the world? We will offer readers the answer given by the UN.
“The ideas of peace, the culture of peace, need to be cultivated in the minds of children and communities through formal and informal education, across countries and generations.”
Children’s Poems for Peace
The UNICEF website has published videos of children offering their poems for peace. We have taken the liberty of transcribing two poems and we link the reader to the YouTube video of the child poet. The featured children are from Haiti and Ukraine.
But I believe that happy days will break through the pain
The war will end, the air raids will stop forever
And our classrooms will be full of kids again
My school, I’ll come, I love you
A Peace Culture for Our Children
The UN asks for a culture of peace and the people of the world certainly pray for it. Let’s look a little further into the message from the UN:
“The Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) starts with the notion that “wars begin in the minds of men so it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed”. The ideas of peace, the culture of peace, need to be cultivated in the minds of children and communities through formal and informal education, across countries and generations.
“The International Day of Peace has always been a time to lay down weapons and observe ceasefires. But it now must also be a time for people to see each other’s humanity. Our survival as a global community depends on that.”
We couldn’t agree more, at AMS Fulfillment. Everything a B Corporation does, for employees, clients, the community and our Earth, is a foundation for peace. It’s time for people to see each other’s humanity, and when we do see each other… there will be an end to war.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
We’re seeing something in the corporate world that is inspiring to the human spirit. Over the past 100 years there has been much social progress. We have seen human beings uplifting our world from one in which people and nature were exploited and harmed into one where people and nature are respected and nurtured.
In this series we will be discussing an audit that corporations undertake related to this progress. The auditor investigates the way the corporation treats its employees, their treatment of the environment and the integrity of their service to clients or customers.
As with all upliftment of our world, this inspiration is motivated by ‘we the people’. We, the people, want to see employees treated fairly, within a safe and healthy work environment; we want to see nature respected and protected; and we want to see business ethics. We want a better world… and we are willing to be the change we wish to see.
Prior to the audit taking place in the first quarter of 2025, we will be disseminating SMEDA Audit information for our AMS employees and other stakeholders. Throughout this process, we aim to educate our employees about their rights and responsibilities during the audit. We encourage the involvement and cooperation of our employees, and we assure them of confidentiality and protection from retaliation.
Bottom line – AMS seeks to add transparency and value to our stakeholders: our employees, our community, our clients, our environment and ourselves.
What is a 4 Pillar SMETA Audit?
A SMETA Audit, stands for Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit. It is a social auditing standard recommended by Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange). The audit serves as a framework for businesses to evaluate a supplier’s working conditions in labor practices, health and safety standards, environmental responsibility, and adherence to ethical business practices.
We want our clients to be able to evaluate AMS’ premises, operations, documentation procedures and technical systems and this is the reason for the SMETA audit. The audit findings are assessed against the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code and relevant local regulations. The SMETA audits rely on a certified third-party provider to conduct inspections at AMS premises. Upon our completion of the audit, our clients will be able to tell their customers how AMS performs in the following four areas:
#1 Labor Standards:
This aspect covers areas such as working hours, wages, discrimination, child labor, and forced labor. The auditor evaluates whether the supplier adheres to national and international labor laws and regulations.
#2 Health and Safety:
This aspect includes workplace safety, emergency preparedness, and employee access to healthcare. The auditor evaluates whether the supplier has established suitable health and safety policies and procedures in place.
#3 Environmental Performance
This aspect includes waste management, water usage, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. The auditor assesses whether the supplier adheres to relevant environmental laws and regulations.
#4 Business Ethics:
This aspect includes corruption, bribery, and human rights. The auditor evaluates whether the supplier has established adequate policies and procedures to prevent unethical behavior.
Why is AMS Scheduling the SMETA Audit?
We are scheduling the audit for the first quarter of 2025 because we want to assure our stakeholders that we ‘walk the walk’, i.e. we intend to provide Transparency! Retailers, brands, and customers are placing growing emphasis on ensuring that their goods are manufactured in a manner that guarantees fair treatment for all employees across the production supply chain. AMS is a B Corporation… a company committed to our stakeholders: our employees, our clients, our community, our environment and ourselves, and as a B Corporation, we are very pleased to schedule and undertake this audit.
Benefits of a SMETA Audit
The SMETA audit 1) improves understanding of the current working conditions, 2) it provides a framework for corrective action plans, 3) it allows companies to assess our performance, 4) it improves AMS’ overall industry reputation and 5) it demonstrates that we comply with existing and upcoming legislation.
Sustainability is neither a beginning nor an end, but a constant journey forward. As a B-Corp, we put people, customers, and the planet first.
Our California employees are volunteering for the 29th River Rally Cleanup and Environmental Expo, coming up on September 21st. We’ve become curious about the river… what is so special about this river that 1,200 people come out every year to take care of it? The River Rally is our Climate Action… where our California AMS employees show up and show love! So, let’s look at the river!
The Santa Clara River
We went to the US Fish and Wildlife Service [LINK] for some information on this river:
“Southern California rivers are not known for their abundance of water flow. Yet, when the rains do come, the rivers can swell in dramatic fashion. Attempts to tame inconstant rivers have resulted in channelized, dammed or leveed waterways that resemble concrete canals more than Instagram-worthy landscapes. But one wild river remains: the Santa Clara River.”
The article goes on to talk about the river, how it behaves during dry months, how important it is to wildlife and to agriculture as well.
“In dry months, many areas of the Santa Clara River flow completely underground. Despite this lack of water, much of the Santa Clara River is alive with riparian trees and shrubs like willows, fragrant mule fat and native pollinators like buckwheat. These provide habitat for local birds that feed on the bugs zipping through the air or crawling along the sandy river bottom. Eleven federally listed species, and several species with dwindling population numbers, rely on the Santa Clara River as a food and habitat source.
“That the Santa Clara remains relatively untouched by modern humans is due in no small part to a long-standing partnership of federal, state, local and non-governmental organizations who work to ensure it stays that way.”
The Importance of Preserving Agriculture
With just that small amount of information we can see why people come out every year to give attention to the riverbed and shoreline. As we learn in the article, the Fish and Wildlife services from the US and California turned the riverbed in some protected areas into a Nature Conservancy.
“Much of the conservancy’s work along the river focuses on habitat restoration through invasive species removal. Preserving farmland within the floodplain is also key to maintaining the river’s wild state. Together with the Ventura County Watershed Protection District and the Farm Bureau of Ventura County, The Nature Conservancy developed a concept that addressed the needs of farmers, the needs of wildlife and habitat in the river, and the need to control flooding.”
The River Rally Cleanup
Several days ago, Samantha Hicks, AMS’ ESG Program Manager, sent a reminder to the AMS employees about the date of the River Rally Cleanup. We will share some of that message with readers, and ask anyone who would like to be a part of the AMS team on the 21st to email Samantha and let her know you would like to join!
“Let’s take care of our environment together! This is AMS Climate Action in real-time! Join AMS and the hundreds of Santa Clarita residents in this 3-hour volunteer event, cleaning a portion of the Santa Clara riverbed north of Creekside Road! Gloves and trash bags will be provided. This is a great outdoor volunteer opportunity for families and groups. Open to all ages.
“All participants must wear closed-toe shoes and appropriate clothing for picking up debris in the riverbed and are highly encouraged to wear sun protection such as sunscreen and a hat. Volunteers should plan to bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated with the opportunity to visit an on-site water refill station, provided by SCV Water.
“Additionally, volunteers are encouraged to carpool, walk, ride public transportation or cycle to the event, where a FREE bike valet service will be provided by Incycle.”
Date/Time: Saturday, September 21, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Location: William S. Hart Pony Baseball and Softball Complex (23780 Auto Center Drive, Santa Clarita, CA 91355)
“Participants should also take advantage of the Environmental Expo to explore non-profits, community groups and organizations offering tips on preserving the City’s local watershed, pollution prevention, sustainability efforts, recycling and climate action. For safety reasons, pets are not allowed at this event.”
“Eleven federally listed species, and several species with dwindling population numbers, rely on the Santa Clara River as a food and habitat source. This includes other sensitive or listed species like the southwestern pond turtle, the unarmored threespine stickleback, and southern steelhead. The loss of this habitat could compromise the stability of existing populations and the ability to recover already tenuous populations of these species. The Nature Conservancy developed a concept that addressed the needs of farmers, the needs of wildlife and habitat in the river, and the need to control flooding.”
You are invited to join us in appreciating, respecting and cleaning up the beautiful Santa Clara River.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
It starts on the 15th of September and the celebration lasts until the 15th of October – we get to enjoy and appreciate and celebrate the culture and heritage of our Hispanic friends and co-workers. We will begin with some thoughts from the National Today website [LINK].
“Every year from September 15 to October 15, Americans celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by appreciating the community’s history, heritage, and contributions of the ancestors of American citizens who came from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and South- and Central America.
“Hispanic Heritage Month originally started with one week of commemoration when it was first introduced by Congressman George E. Brown in June 1968. With the civil rights movement, the need to recognize the contributions of the Latin community gained traction in the 1960s. Awareness of the multicultural groups living in the United States was also gradually growing.”
What is Hispanic Heritage?
The previous quote told us a little about Hispanic heritage, but not enough for us to grasp just how unique Hispanic heritage is. We wanted to know more, so we asked the question of Google, and took note of the first five offerings. Number 5 is certainly true:
#1 Hispanic heritage refers to a person who is from, or a descendant of someone from a Spanish-speaking country. Latino/a or Latinx heritage refers to a person who is from, or a descendant of someone from a country in Latin America. Hispanic and Latinx communities continue to grow and impact the built environment.
#2 Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.
#3 Hispanic countries are Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
#4 Hispanic cultures are known for their vibrant festivals, and food is an integral part of these celebrations. From Dia de los Muertos in Mexico to La Tomatina in Spain, festivals often feature traditional dishes that showcase the unique flavors of each region.
#5 The Hispanic population has been integral to the prosperity of the U.S. Their contributions to the nation are immeasurable, and they embody the best of American values. The Hispanic-American community has left an indelible mark on the U.S. culture and economy.
Roots in Colonization
There was a time period when the country of Spain colonized a large portion of the North, Central and South American region of the Americas. The language and the culture of Spain traveled with the ships and Latin America became ‘Latin’. The Indigenous People of the region took on some of the Spanish culture and somehow, through the beauty of the human spirit, incorporated their already existing culture and beliefs into the Spanish culture to create something entirely new… Hispanic Heritage.
Hispanic Heritage Celebrations
The Smithsonian provides a wonderful website in which to explore Hispanic Heritage, called “The National Museum of the American Latino.” [LINK] We’ll offer two brief paragraphs and encourage readers to visit this excellent page in order to learn and enjoy!
“Hispanic Heritage Month provides an additional opportunity to explore the incredible impact Latinas and Latinos have had on the United States for generations. The Latino presence in America spans centuries, predating Spain’s colonization of what is now part of the United States, and they have been an integral part of shaping our nation since the Revolutionary War. Through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Treaty of Paris that followed the Mexican-American and Spanish-American wars, the United States gained territories in the Southwest and Puerto Rico. This incorporated the people of this area into the United States and further expanded the presence of Hispanic Americans.
“Today, the Latino population in the United States is over 60 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This makes up 18.9% of the total population and is the largest racial or ethnic group. Latinos continue to help fuel our economy and enrich our nation as entrepreneurs, athletes, artists, entertainers, scientists, public servants, and much more.”
AMS Appreciates You!
Allow us to give a ton of appreciation to our employees who are celebrating their Hispanic heritage this month! We Appreciate You during this commemorative month and year-round! You are a big part of AMS’ Success and we are Grateful!
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
It’s our bet… but let’s do it. We bet every one of our readers is distressed and revolted by images of plastic pollution, i.e. islands of plastic floating on the water. It’s an awful sight. Because of those images we try to make some shopping changes. We hesitate to buy things wrapped in plastic or inside plastic bottles. We do our very best to recycle when we do. None of us wants our Earth suffocating under plastic!
When a fulfillment company speaks about ‘circular models’ it means when products are returned to the seller, and that return comes to us, we can fix it if it’s broken, we can re-package it and put it back on the shelf if it’s the wrong item, if it’s broken beyond repair we can recycle it, or we can donate it for some other use. Basically, we do everything we can to keep things from a one-way trip, from manufacturing to the landfill. Circular model means re-use, repurpose, recycle.
What the UN Says
We’re going to take this moment to praise and thank our AMS employees for their dedication to recycling, and re-purposing. We have two very inspiring stories from our employees, but first, from an article posted on the UN Environmental Program website [LINK] we read the following:
“Our economies have for too long been built on the relentless extraction, use and wasting of resources, which destroys nature, warms the climate, pollutes ecosystems, feeds inequalities and throws away resources that still have huge value to economies.
“So, reducing the resource intensity of key economic sectors and adopting circular models is central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To hitting the targets set by global agreements on climate, biodiversity, chemicals and pollution. To delivering equity, justice and a healthy planet for all.”
Re-use, Recycle, Repurpose
In the past two years AMS found a way to recycle and repurpose stretch plastics. It was a challenge for the AMS Green Team, and they searched until they found a solution. They wanted to keep stretch plastic out of the landfill, so they investigated and researched and found a company that recycles clean stretch plastic in large amounts. They purchased containers and our employees accumulated the plastic on site at every warehouse. Our employees were pleased and proud to turn plastic waste over to be re-used and made into other plastic items.
More Power to the Employees
Now we’re going to tell the stories of the wisdom and dedication of employees. We’re so proud to see the concern for plastic waste that we all share, bringing about ingenious solutions. The following letter is from one of our valued employees on behalf of the Facilities team in the Witherspoon warehouse location:
“There is a client in Witherspoon that ships its product in a plastic bag in a cardboard box. Every box has a bag. In the past, Facilities has separated these bags during the cardboard recycling process and included them in our plastic recycling effort. In a move to decrease our costs to purchase trash bags, and ultimately reduce our footprint in the landfills, Facilities has for the last 8-10 months, gathered thousands of these bags, and distributed them to all our warehouses to be reused. They are frequently reused multiple times before becoming unusable and sent for recycling. It is a double win for AMS and the environment!” – George, Facilities Director
Samantha Hicks, AMS’ ESG Program Manager, responded to George’s message as follows: “This was such a great idea to reduce plastic waste from the landfills AND reuse old materials to stop AMS from having to purchase more. This initiative would have gone unnoticed by others who do not particularly work in this daily task, so it proves that change is a collective action, and everyone can make a difference in their day-to-day, one thing at a time.”
Another Inspiring Story
Samantha shared a 2nd inspiring letter with us as follows:
“This week I started a project that will reduce waste on a broader scale. I have been receiving the mail here at AMS NH and have found that each and every day it is loaded with junk magazines, catalogs and flyers. What I have been doing is calling these companies and asking to be taken off their mailing list.
“I explain to them that we are a B Corporation and we strive to cut down on waste. So far, 99% of them appreciate our sentiments of saving the planet. Every little bit helps the green movement.
“If any person needs to find a product and or vendor, we are typically drawn to “google” for the desired result. Not only are we reducing the waste here at AMS, we are also reducing the waste for many of our vendors. In addition, we are helping to reduce costs as well. Printed matter is expensive.
“I feel like this is a small step to a greener planet, however, this is an important step that we here at AMS can do to help the movement.”
Bill C., Accounting Specialist
We All Care – The Earth Matters
We’ll conclude with one more quote from the UN:
“Every day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes.”
That statement, in and of itself, should make an environmental activist out of every one of us. Thank You to our AMS employees for reducing the environmental impact of plastics in our warehouses and reducing the waste of printed material. Thank You for wisely re-using, repurposing, recycling and reducing!
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
Early in September a message went out to all AMS employees, encouraging the men to ask their doctor for a prostate cancer screening. The message encouraged a PSA blood test. We join in that encouragement. Yes, please do it!!
September is designated as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and as we do for Breast Cancer Awareness, we do for Prostate Cancer Awareness… these cancers take lives, and if diagnosed early, lives are saved.
Let’s Learn About It
Of course just the word ‘cancer’ brings up fear of illness and death, but as we know from experience, many cancers can be cured. There may be surgeries involved, and perhaps other treatments, but cancer can not only be survived, it can be cured!
Let’s begin with a quote from the American Association for Cancer Research [LINK] about screening.
“Screening options for prostate cancer, which include a digital rectal exam and a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), often catch the disease before it spreads. As a result, the five-year survival rate is 97.5%.”
That is definitely good news – very good news in fact! Next we visited the website of the American College of Surgeons [LINK]:
“Though prostate cancer may not receive as much media attention as breast cancer, it is nearly as common, affecting about 1 in 8 men in their lifetime.
“In 2024, about 299,010 men will be newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, more than any type of cancer aside from skin cancer, and about 35,250 men will die from prostate cancer—the most deaths from any cancer in men after lung and bronchus cancer.
“Receiving proper health screenings can be lifesaving. Unfortunately, research shows that men are less likely to visit their primary care doctor than women. A 2022 survey by the Cleveland Clinic revealed that more than half of men surveyed said they do not receive regular health screenings, and 77 percent of men did not know their complete family history regarding urological issues.”
Please Get the Screening – We LY
As readers can see from the previous quote, men are less likely to visit their primary care doctor and get the health screenings than women. For that reason alone we are going to double down and repeat the message to AMS employees, clients and friends… don’t avoid the screening. It could save your life.
Let’s just say to the men we value so highly… we are your Mothers, Sisters, Daughters and Wives. We want you to get the tests as we do for breast cancer. AMS employees have some excellent health benefits, and AMS encourages employees to go ahead and use their sick time off for doctor visits and wellness checkups. So, no excuse!
We also did some searching online for the best resource material regarding prostate health, and we ended up at the Prostate Cancer Foundation. There is quite a lot of good information at this website, and we encourage a visit.
Message from the US President
We’ll conclude with the message that the Whitehouse posted regarding prostate cancer awareness [LINK]:
“Too many Americans know the grief of losing a father, son, brother, or friend to prostate cancer. Nearly 300,000 American men get diagnosed with this terrible disease and over 35,000 people lose their lives to it, making prostate cancer the second leading cause of cancer death for men. This National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, we mourn all the courageous men we have tragically lost too soon to prostate cancer. We honor the extraordinary resilience of those currently living with and surviving this disease. And we thank the families who tirelessly support their loved ones every step of the way.”
Chances are we have cancer survivors in our midst at AMS and they (we) know well that this disease can be survived. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Before October comes around we want the men we love and appreciate to visit the doctor and get tested. Early awareness of the disease is vital to survival. Bottom line… we care about you – our employees, clients and friends – and we want you with us for a good long time!!
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
Sometimes, when paying attention to the ‘commemorative days’ in the calendar, we come across a very good idea arising at exactly the right time! On September 6th, this Friday, we are reminded to put Food on the Food Bank Shelves. Why now? The holidays are coming!!
As we enter September, we begin to think about the upcoming holiday season. Our holidays are times when food must be on everyone’s table. We want everyone to be well fed at all times of course, but our hearts go out to respond to needs even more during the holidays.
National Food Bank Day
According to Google, the 6th of September is National Food Bank Day. “National Food Bank Day on the first Friday in September encourages you to commit to contributing to the cause that believes no one should go to bed hungry.”
We certainly share in that belief, and we’re confident that the AMS Activities Committee is gearing up for our annual food bank drives, benefitting the communities in which we exist. AMS has supported local food banks for years, even delivering meals to families on Thanksgiving. Readers can expect a report on our food bank drives in the weeks to come, with appreciation for the hard-working and dedicated volunteers in our Activities Committee!!
At National Today [LINK] we read the following: “Hunger is a continuing problem in our global community and National Food Bank Day is a reminder to others that no one should go to bed hungry. Food banks provide food to the poor with the help of volunteers and social workers. They also promote tools for self-sufficiency. This day is to honor those workers, volunteers, and food bank charities who work in this regard.”
History of the Commemoration
The following history is from National Today: “St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization that was founded by John van Hengel in 1967. Van Hegel was looking for a way to prevent the wastage of groceries and eventually came up with the idea of redistributing any food that was not eaten to the hungry. St Mary’s was the first organization to operate using the food bank model. It is considered the first food bank, making St. Mary’s a pioneer in the food banking system. The organization has been successfully alleviating hunger for almost 50 years. This idea of food banks spread and many other food banks were created across the country.”
Mr. Van Hengel went on to found other food banks. Readers may be familiar with the organization, Feeding America, which is one of his creations. “He also founded the Global Food Banking Network and has since been known as “the father of food banking.” National Food Bank Day was selected on behalf of Van Hengel to commemorate his extraordinary works.”
The International Effort Against Hunger
While we are thinking about the holidays and hunger, and making our plans to help however we can, let’s take a look at what the UN is doing and encouraging, and the role of food banks in their effort:
“In September 2000, world leaders established Millennium Development Goals and they signed a commitment to achieve them by 2015. The first goal was to end extreme poverty and hunger. They also specified three targets: The first was to halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015. The second was to decrease the likelihood of a child dying before age five due to hunger and finally the third was to reduce the rate of extreme poverty. About 40 countries have already achieved the first target and extreme poverty rates have been cut in half since 1990. Food banks are a key component in the realization of these goals. In the U.S. alone, about 42 million people struggle with food insecurity and food banks are helping these people.”
Do’s and Don’ts of Donating
Common sense tells us to donate food that can be safely stored for a month or more, so of course we do not donate foods that need to be refrigerated or frozen. Around the holidays it is recommended to contact the food bank to see if you can donate frozen or refrigerated food for that special holiday meal.
Feeding America provides a guide on what to and what not to donate, which is linked [HERE]. We’ll offer a small bit of info, and we recommend visiting the web page and reading the full article:
“The number one rule to remember is this: if your donation is perishable, i.e., it’s something with a limited shelf life if not refrigerated, food banks won’t accept it.” The article goes on to say, “While an individual can’t donate a bunch of bananas or a frozen turkey, many food banks do work directly with farmers, retailers, restaurants, and other companies to source these perishable foods for donation. And, Feeding America helps ensure its network has access to these healthy foods year-round.”
We will keep readers updated on AMS’ food bank drives. If readers wish to make a personal donation, we recommend a quick search for a ‘food bank near me’ and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. There is nothing more rewarding than giving of what you have to feed a hungry family.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
Labor Day is the holiday in which we honor, and thank, and appreciate the men and women who make up the labor force – our highly valued employees! We appreciate and honor every single one who contributes to our success as a business. Thank You!
We know that AMS is successful because of our employees, who serve our clients with skill and dedication. Simply said, our employees are the reason that AMS Fulfillment is prospering. Labor Day recognizes the high value of America’s men and women who keep things going – all along the supply chain we find reason to appreciate labor.
Asking Google about Labor Day we get the following message:
“Observed each year on the first Monday of September, Labor Day is at heart a celebration of the hard-won achievements of America’s labor movement and a recognition of what workers have contributed to the nation’s prosperity.”
Message from the CEO
Before we talk about the history of this holiday, we’d like to offer a message of gratitude from the AMS CEO, Jay Catlin:
“As the leader and founder of AMS Fulfillment, Labor Day is incredibly meaningful to me because I know that it takes so much mental and physical energy to do what we do as a Team. Fulfillment is a pretty wild business, and through teamwork, coordination, attention to detail, hard work and intelligence, we help other businesses succeed with the service we provide, while also helping AMS grow and thrive as a national player in 3rd party fulfillment. Ours is a People business and I have so much appreciation and respect for the people at AMS that make it happen each day. My respect goes out to all hard-working citizens who contribute their gifts, talents and energy at work as they make their way through life… and my sincerest gratitude goes out to Team AMS as we have built something special together over the past 22+ years!”
The History of Labor Day
The Labor Day holiday originated during a time when workers faced long hours, unsafe conditions and low wages. It was the height of the Industrial Revolution when labor unions went to battle for reasonable hours, safe conditions, and a living wage. We went to the History website [LINK] for information on how it began.
“Observed the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.
“Before it was a federal holiday, Labor Day was recognized by labor activists and individual states. After municipal ordinances were passed in 1885 and 1886, a movement developed to secure state legislation. New York was the first state to introduce a bill, but Oregon was the first to pass a law recognizing Labor Day, on February 21, 1887. During 1887, four more states – Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York – passed laws creating a Labor Day holiday. By the end of the decade Connecticut, Nebraska and Pennsylvania had followed suit. By 1894, 23 more states had adopted the holiday, and on June 28, 1894, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday.”
Who is the Founder
Apparently there are two people in competition for the founder credit – the representative of the machinists or the representative of the carpenters!
“Some records show that in 1882, Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, suggested setting aside a day for a “general holiday for the laboring classes” to honor those “who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.”
“But Peter McGuire’s place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that machinist Matthew Maguire, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday.
“Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, New Jersey, proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York.”
How to Celebrate
There will be some parades, and some speeches, and some workers getting the day off and some workers at their jobs getting ‘holiday pay’. Labor Day is also a picnic in the park with family, an outing to the movies, and just plain rest and relaxation. However you celebrate, we want it to be a day of appreciation for the men and women who keep the business of the world running, keep our deliveries coming, keep us fed and housed, keep our cars repaired, build the houses, stock the shelves at the grocery store – there is nothing more valuable than the men and women who make up the labor force!
“American labor has raised the nation’s standard of living and contributed to the greatest production the world has ever known and the labor movement has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker.”
Happy Labor Day to all!
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
Monday, August 26th, was celebrated as Women’s Equality Day. Our question is… do women still experience inequality? Have we survived the patriarchy and moved into a time of equality and balance, with each having an equal voice? Rather than celebrate the day mindlessly, we would like to look into this commemoration to celebrate victories and acknowledge issues that may continue.
At AMS Fulfillment, we do have a very good balance in management, with a slight percentage in favor of women. AMS has its share of smart, strong, hard-working women and smart, strong, hard-working men in leadership and we’re a successful business, so we would venture to say that women’s equality can be found here. And we’re grateful for that!
AMS is committed to practice DE&I, which means we want a workforce that reflects the diversity of our country and our community, we want equity in pay and in responsibility, and we want to include individuals who may have been excluded in the past. We will talk more about DE&I and JEDI, but first let’s look at history up to the present.
The History of Human Rights
We recall, some years ago, an advertisement campaign encouraging women to smoke cigarettes, declaring… “We’ve come a long way.” Today we know that women’s equality is not measured by our right to cigarettes!! Let’s look at the reality.
We’ll begin with some information from the US Department of Interior [LINK], published on the centennial of the 19th amendment, which was 2020.
“Changing the Constitution was a lengthy and complicated struggle and began in 1848 with the first Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York. The Seneca Falls Convention had more than 300 attendees, including organizers Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. The meeting launched the Women’s Suffrage Movement, and it was where the rights of American women were outlined in the Declaration of Sentiments and signed by 68 women and 32 men, including Frederick Douglass.
“Even though the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, many women of color were unable to exercise their right to vote. Though these women rallied alongside white suffragists, many women of color remained disenfranchised until the mid-20th century: Native American women (1924); Chinese American women (1943); and Japanese and other Asian American women (1952). As late as 1962, some states still prevented women of color from voting on contrived grounds, such as literacy tests, poll taxes, voting ID requirements, intimidation, and claims regarding the legitimacy of residence were all obstacles. It was not until the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 45 years after the enactment of the 19th Amendment, that Black women were able to exercise this right without restrictions.
“The struggle for Women’s Suffrage was only the first step toward equality for women. Even though women have made great strides towards equity, diversity, and full inclusion the fight for equal pay continues. While women are paid less than men, women of color are often paid even less. Yet, in virtually every sector of our society, women are significant contributors to enriching life experiences in the United States. Their resolve, innovation, leadership, passion, and compassion have changed the world and continue to inspire future generations of women.”
Our Growth as a Nation
While the reality of inequality may burden our hearts, we do have a great deal to appreciate. When this country was founded, upon an inspiring Bill of Rights and Constitution, the reality was that these rights were granted only to white men of means who were landowners. Still, over the decades and centuries the People saw to it that slavery ended, the right to own property and vote was granted to women, and eventually to all. We HAVE come a long way, not with regard to smoking, but with regard to equal rights for every citizen of this country. And the growth is still embraced – we want every human being, no matter the sex, no matter the ethnicity, no matter the history – every human being must enjoy freedom and equality.
Our Growth as a Business
At AMS, our dedication to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion speaks to efforts to work within our community to hire individuals who experience obstacles to gainful employment. We hire individuals with disabilities, persons who are suffering homelessness, single parents, persons who are burdened with a prison record – AMS works with organizations in the community, and we have done so for years. In addition, we offer free, on the clock training and higher education to all of our employees and we are delighted that many employees take advantage of this offering.
JEDI refers to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, so basically JEDI adds Justice to the mix. Who among us does not want Justice, in the way we are hired, in the way we are promoted, and in the way we are paid? Justice is not only a beautiful word… it is a beautiful reality when enacted. As the Department of the Interior asserted, women of color are still facing injustice in the workforce and we are committed completely to justice in our hiring and promotion – for all people of color, both men and women.
As we reach the end of August, 2024, we salute the People of the United States for the ongoing efforts to create a just world, for all. Women’s Equality Day, August 26th, allows us to review our history and re-commit to true equality for everyone. At AMS, we live it and we’re so glad that we do.
Let’s Conclude with a Story
Contemplating this subject, we ran across a story on Facebook. We’d like to share the story of Cecilia Payne with readers and attribute it to the writer, Nana Nti Boakye.
“Since her death in 1979, the woman who unveiled the fundamental composition of the universe has remained largely unrecognized. Her legacy is marked only by a commemorative plaque on a university wall, with her groundbreaking discovery scarcely mentioned in her obituary. Every high school student knows that Isaac Newton discovered gravity, Charles Darwin explained evolution, and Albert Einstein formulated the theory of relativity. Yet, when it comes to the composition of the universe, textbooks merely state that hydrogen is the most abundant atom, without acknowledging the person behind this crucial discovery. That person was Cecilia Payne.
“Cecilia Payne authored what is considered one of the most brilliant doctoral theses ever written in the field of astronomy. Ironically, her journey in science began with opposition from her own mother, who deemed it a waste of money for a woman to pursue higher education. Undeterred, Payne earned a scholarship to Cambridge, where she completed her studies. However, because she was a woman, Cambridge refused to grant her a degree. Determined to continue her work, she moved to the United States and joined Harvard, where she became the first person to earn a doctorate in astronomy from Radcliffe College. Otto Strauve, a respected astronomer, described her thesis as “the most brilliant doctoral thesis ever written in astronomy.”
“Cecilia Payne not only discovered the composition of the sun but also laid the foundation for the study of variable stars. Her contributions to astronomy were monumental, yet she is not celebrated with the respect and recognition she deserves. She was the first woman to be promoted to professor at Harvard, a remarkable achievement that, even today, is often overlooked.
“This brief text serves as a tribute to Cecilia Payne, the woman who discovered what stars are made of, and whose legacy should be remembered with the honor and respect befitting her contributions to science.”
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
Thank you for your exemplary performance during the month of July: STEVEN Z., ELIZABETH R., CADE R., JESUS N., NATALIE L., BRIAN N., JADE B., STEPHEN C., ELVIRA A., and YOLANDA R.
In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them. Every month we see our employees working hard with such outstanding dedication and we are continually impressed by the results they produce!
Congratulations to this month’s winners! All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch!
STEVEN Z., Inventory Receiving Supervisor I (12/08/2021) Boulden
Steve has been a nonstop ‘workhorse’ for us this month, handling the receiving of a new client. He has been one of the first people in the building and one of the last to leave. He does a great job communicating to his team and management on the daily tasks at hand and overseeing all the receiving that is coming into the building. He also spent a lot of time this month helping with the replenishment and inventory side of the operation. Overall, “Zip” has been a great asset to the team this month. – Cory P.
ELIZABETH R., Operations Associate I (05/05/2024) Churchman’s
Since joining us as a temporary associate Elizabeth has been nothing but amazing day in and day out for our clients. Elizabeth has since been onboarded as a full-time operations associate. I have watched her learn from the very beginning how to perform every task needed to meet tremendous deadlines with very complex, busy, and demanding clients. She is always willing to stay late come in early, work weekends, and literally do whatever is asked!!! We feel comfortable giving her the biggest most complex worst of the worst orders knowing they will get done on time and perfectly! With Elizabeth, it is a family affair we have had the pleasure of bringing her son (Albert) and her sister (Karla) on as seasonal associates and they have both been awesome additions to the team here!! – Paul S.
CADE R., Assistant Account Manager (01/02/2024) Client Services
Cade is a valuable employee. He brings positive attitude, a can-do demeanor and reliability. Every day new challenges come from all directions to which Cade keeps a calm focus while tackling each. In addition, Cade shows a desire in his long-term success by being open to learn at every opportunity and bringing forward effective contributions. As a team member, he is exceptional. Cade has risen to help when requested. During our team meetings, he shows engagement every time and works towards building positive relationships. – Ingrid I.
We would like to nominate Cade R. as he is a great team player. He came on board with no experience in the industry and has been able to expand his knowledge rapidly. He is willing to help where needed, as needed, and helps us make sure his tasks are completed. He brings a unique competitive energy to our team and are proud of his progress. His music is not for the weak but we thank him for showing us a whole new genre! – Esperanza E.
JESUS N., Operations Associate II (11/23/2015) Headquarters WH
Jesus N. continues to be our top performer. He consistently helps others, does all tasks assigned with no hesitations, and his extensive knowledge of the business makes him a great asset in all fields, from labeling to QC, pulling orders, and driving a forklift to data entry in inventory and receiving. He can do it all and always with a friendly smile… HQ receiving team. – Ignacio F.
NATALIE L., Operations Associate II (02/11/2021) Livingston
Within the past couple of months, Natalie took on a role to lead the way for a client when B2B was moved back to LIV and she has done an OUTSTANDING JOB. Her accuracy and pushing to get all orders out promptly has been great. Natalie shows up to work with a smile, has great attendance, and can always be counted on to complete a task even if it means staying overtime. She thrives in her position and we’re all lucky to have her as a TEAMATE AT LIV. Thank you, Natalie, for all your hard work and dedication. – Saul M.
BRIAN N., Maintenance Technician I (03/06/2023) Facilities
Brian has been a consistent leader and a dedicated contributor to the success of the Facilities Department since I got here in May of 2023. Brian is one of three maintenance employees that are responsible for maintaining all our warehouses. Brian’s positive attitude, his teamwork, his cooperation, and his contributions have helped the entire team to gain praise, recognition, and respect from leadership. Everyone can be assured in knowing that “the job will get done.” Brian’s willingness to jump in anywhere to assist is obvious. You will see Brian working on a multitude of projects. He will be running electrical circuits one moment and helping a custodian bale cardboard the next. There is a quote that defines Brian’s work ethic and commitment to AMS. Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes the “team” work. It is a pleasure to have Brian on the Facilities Team!!! Without him, we would accomplish so much less!!! – George R.
JADE B., Operations Manager I (03/27/2017) New Holland
Jade is an absolute pleasure to work with. Her exceptional work ethic and positive attitude make her a valuable asset to any team. Not only is she highly skilled and knowledgeable in her field, but she also possesses a natural ability to connect with others on a personal level. Jade is always responsive and attentive, never failing to lend a helping hand or offer support when needed. Her sympathetic and empathetic nature makes her a trusted confidant, and her ability to truly understand others’ perspectives is a rare quality. Even in the face of challenging situations, Jade remains focused, calm, and professional, refusing to let adversity affect her work. She is determined to find solutions and does whatever it takes to get the job done efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, Jade goes above and beyond her role, taking on additional tasks and responsibilities without hesitation. Her dedication and hard work inspire those around her and set a high standard for excellence in the workplace. Working with Jade is truly a privilege, and she is a shining example of professionalism, integrity, and a true team player. – Antonia T.
STEPHEN C., Director of Operations I (08/28/2020) Newark
This month we would like to nominate Stephen Collins for Newark’s employee of the month. Steve is currently overseeing us out of Boulden right now, but he still doesn’t miss a beat. He knows what’s going on in his buildings, and whenever anything is going on he is ALWAYS there to help us through it. He has completely built the foundation of this team over here to be strong and successful. Steve is the person who pushes you because he sees what you are truly capable of, even if you don’t see it yourself, and he will bring out the best in you, most of the time. He will take his time to explain things and make you understand them. If you want it and are putting the work in, he will push and help you be successful. Steve is always looking for the good in people and does his best to set them up for success. He genuinely wants the best for his team, and to find a leader who is as invested in his teams as he is – truly a blessing. He isn’t afraid to get out on the floor and get his hands dirty, unloading trucks, or shipping orders. He is the leader who delegates but also is right in the mix when need be. Steve has taught our crew over here in Newark so much the past couple of years and has really been what turned this building around, giving it structure and making it productive. We are all so grateful for him and everything he does for not only our crew here but also for the entire company. We look forward to continuing to learn from you, thanks Steve! – Amber S.
ELVIRA A., Operations Associate II (01/03/2017) Williams
Elvira is always being proactive in our accounts in the Williams facility. Elvira is always willing to help in any department needed. She likes to work in a fast-paced environment but makes sure her job is always accurate. Elvira always shows up to work with a positive attitude and as soon as she walks in the door, she is ready to work. We are thankful to her for always being helpful and we are happy to have her as part of our team. – Cristy G.
YOLANDA R., Operations Associate II (07/30/2018) Witherspoon
Yolanda started working at AMS in 2018. She has had a positive impact on our team in the shipping dept. She never complains about the tasks she is asked to do, including helping in assembly. She is kind to her peers and makes good companionship easily. She always shares her great ideas with me for process improvement and is very resourceful. Although she had no prior data entry experience, she learned the system quickly and made her data entry goals daily. In the last month, she has helped us a lot with the high volumes in our shipping department. She has put in the effort to help keep shipping processing up to date for all of our clients while keeping her work accurate. We are really looking forward to seeing her continue to grow in her role here at AMS. – Tangie D.
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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
We’re going to talk about the birthday of something very special – something we can enjoy, something we can see, something that can lift our spirit – it’s the birthday of National Parks. Visiting a National Park is always awe inspiring. The first national park in the US was Yellowstone, so readers can see… this is about America’s awe inspiring special places.
What do national parks do for us? Well, they offer us the utter beauty of our shared Earth, they educate us about places where ‘things’ happened, and they offer us the opportunity to be out in nature, walking an unspoiled path. Due to the decision to dedicate extraordinary places to the people of the Nation and not allow development to change those places, we now have 59 fully designated National Parks to take our children and ourselves to for a refreshed mind and spirit. Over the year, more than three hundred million visitors will seek out and visit a National Park. We encourage our employees, clients and friends to be among those visitors.
The Beginning of a Good Idea
It was 1916 when US President Woodrow Wilson signed the “Organic Act”, which set up a bureau in the Interior Department responsible for maintaining national parks and monuments. The Organic Act established the National Park Service (NHS). The NHS is a federal bureau within the Department of the Interior. The date when this Act was signed was August 25, so this date in 2024 is the 108th birthday of a very good thing.
“National Park Service Founders Day is observed every year on August 25. The day recognizes the superior conservation and preservation efforts of the National Parks System. Whenever you are enjoying scenic trails, open spaces, watersheds, or recreational areas, remember that the National Parks Service works hard to provide a natural outdoor resource accessible to every American. They are also responsible for making hiking and biking trails accessible to all of us. The National Parks System is committed to creating outdoor experiences like no other. All national parks in the US charm us with their beauty and teach us so much about local geography and history.”
Some of the Top National Parks
As we mentioned, Yellowstone was the first national park. We are going to mention nine favorite parks, but first we’ll look at Yellowstone:
“The first national park, Yellowstone, was established in 1872. Congress passed legislation to preserve the land as a public park that would benefit the Americans. This made America the first country in the world to create a public park solely for the benefit of its citizens. This would be the first of many steps that the government would take to create and preserve national land, forests, coastal regions, wildlife refuges, and historic sites for posterity.”
When we searched for top national parks, at a website called Viator we found a list of nine, on which Yellowstone was the first. Best park #2 is Glacier in Montana, and #3 is Yosemite in California. After that we go to Hawaii and visit Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island. The next is not so well known… Denali National Park in Alaska. Number 6, Bryce Canyon in Utah, #7 Olympic in Washington, #8 Acadia in Maine, and finally, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in both North Carolina and Tennessee.
Why AMS Celebrates National Parks
We are a fulfillment company so why are we interested in national parks enough to commemorate the birth? Because we and all AMS employees are human beings whose mind and spirit do need the inspiration of our beautiful Earth. Nature’s beauty can be enjoyed while families improve their health by walking the paths.
We encourage our valued employees, clients and friends to take a beautiful walk in a beautiful park before Summer 2024 is over. We will conclude by connecting readers to the National Park Service’s website and social media.
“About the National Park Service. More than 20,000 National Park Service employees care for the 430 parks in the National Park System and work with communities across the nation to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities. Visit us at [Website] [Facebook] [Twitter] [YouTube]
One more thing we would like to mention, is that this Fall, Apple Maps will include thousands of hikes across US National Parks with turn-by-turn guidance for all who decide it’s time to visit our Earth’s masterpieces.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
At AMS we are not only committed to BE a B Corporation, we also seek to inform our readers about B Corporations. For this 42nd blog in our Series, we are going to focus on DEI and JEDI. What is it, what can we learn about it and how do we put it into practice? Let’s see what B provides for us.
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
At this first [LINK] readers will find a number of articles, 13 to be exact, that go into such subjects as anti-racism business resources, how B Corps are structuring anti-racism into their business models, engaging and retaining a diverse workforce and hiring formerly incarcerated employees.
AMS has been committed to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion for years. Our commitment to community led us to apply for B Corporation status, which we achieved in 2017. Searching through the listing of B Corps we find very few fulfillment companies. So, yes, AMS Fulfillment is relatively unique in our commitments to these five stakeholders: employees, community, environment, our clients and ourselves. We try our best to do right by all.
AMS Fulfillment has long-time, beneficial relationships with community organizations, and through these relationships we hire individuals with disabilities, persons who are homeless, at-risk youth, the aging population, single parents, and individuals involved with the justice system.
What is a ‘DEI Hire’?
We have heard people using “DEI hire” as a means of insult, implying that the person was not qualified for the job, but was hired in order to fill a quota regarding race or sexual identity. Such an accusation is both racist and sexist, and it is also not the way DEI works.
At AMS, when we hire individuals with disabilities, they are trained and well qualified by the community organizations we work with. The same goes for at-risk youth, the aging population, single parents and individuals involved with the justice system. And in addition, we provide free on-the-clock training and higher education for all employees.
A quote from DEI consultant, Adriele Parker, underlines the reality: “DEI can’t die as long as there are people. Our diversity is what makes us, us—humans…if we want to coexist peacefully in these shared spaces, DEI is a requirement. Folks may want to call it something else, but the core goal—fostering understanding and fairness amongst people—continues to be the same.”
If underserved individuals are not employed, they are not spending, which means businesses do not invest in capital and labor or try to expand to meet consumer demand. This translates into an economic slowdown and increasing unemployment.
Why do we practice DEI at AMS? We don’t do it to pretend to be virtuous. The answer is, we practice DEI because we believe, and we have seen, that diversity brings many benefits to us. It brings different perspectives and new information, better decision-making, more effective strategies, increased productivity, and improved communication. Our diverse workforce is our strength! We are happy to add to these benefits a better and more just world. We work to B the Change.
Information on DEI and JEDI
In our B Corporation Series we normally link readers to B Corporations where they can explore the various companies, and perhaps do some shopping. In this #42 of the Series, we are going to link readers to two articles with information about DEI and JEDI.
Our first article is entitled “Anti-Racism Business Resource: Commit and Act, Examples and Steps to Drive Real Change.” The following paragraph will serve as an introduction. Please click here [LINK] for the full article.
“We cannot credibly build an inclusive economic system without addressing the fundamental injustice, inequity and violence that disproportionately impacts Black people and other People of Color. Racism is pervasive in the very systems in which our businesses operate and in our communities, and it is only when we center People of Color that we will truly benefit everyone.”— Anthea Kelsick, Co-CEO, B Lab U.S. & Canada
Our second article is entitled “Growing a Diverse Workforce,” and it is described as a “Best Practice Guide to help diversify a company’s hiring pool and team.” The following paragraph will serve as an introduction and please click here [LINK] for the full article.
Looking to diversify your hiring pool and team? This Best Practice Guide focuses on making your recruiting practices more inclusive, reaching a more diverse pool of candidates, and removing bias from your hiring decisions.
We hope you enjoy the articles available at, and we hope you understand the true benefits of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI). AMS has a wonderful workforce, we value each individual highly, and we’re very pleased to be a B Corp.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.