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Thank You!! AMS Fulfillment Employees of the Month for July, 2019: Vanessa H., Yadira S., Tanya C., La Tanya T. and Gabriela G.

AMS is a large, bi-coastal fulfillment company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. Even though we are large, AMS has nurtured a corporate family culture from the beginning to this day. We are committed to workforce development; training and educating the people who work here. Our employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and prosperity of the business. Their success is our success.

Each month all employees within AMS’ Valencia CA facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the clients. The nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month for July, 2019.

Vanessa H., Supervisor Operations (July 2017)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Vanessa has been an Ace in her new returns supervisor role. She has taken on kitting jobs for our clients and is able to complete all of her other tasks in a timely manner. Vanessa has great communication with her team as well as Client Services. She not only gained trust of her managers but also our clients at Witherspoon. Her hard work is greatly appreciated. I am very proud of the growth that she has made in her new role.

Yadira S., Supervisor I Operations (September 2002)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Yadira is doing such an amazing job supervising. She has great communication with her employees, management, and client services. Yadi is always thinking outside of the box to get all orders out with extremely tight turnarounds. Even through all the obstacles she faces with large volume, and the extensive work orders, she keeps calm and manages to get it all done. Yadi is an awesome supervisor and always is patient and available to answer questions. Working with her is fun and she makes the job fun. She is always at work to take on the requests of her client and gets the job done in all aspects. She is a great person to work with and has a great attitude. I don’t know what SCO would do without her.

Tanya C., Clerk I Data Entry (March 2016)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Tanya is always so helpful to everyone. She is a fantastic employee and a true team player. Recently she took on a task of being part of a client implementation team and is doing an amazing job communicating with the internal team, as well as the client. She certainly has risen to the occasion in being a part of the team. She is very detail oriented in her job, which makes everyone’s job easier. We are very fortunate to have Tanya as a part of the AMS Team.

La Tanya T., Assistant Account Manager (October 2010)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Latanya does such a great job on all of her work, and she can really brighten up the day. She always has a smile on her face and loves to laugh with others. LT is the type of person you can go to when you’re feeling down or blue and she’ll say just what you need to hear to cheer up! She is very dependable and truly cares about her work. She is a pleasure to have on the Client Services team and is so very valuable to the company! We love you LT!

Gabriela G., General Warehouse II (October 2018)
WIL1: 28936 Avenue Williams

As an employee, Gabriela is the most reliable when it comes to helping us stay late, if necessary. She has perfect attendance and remains positive all the time. Her work ethic is inspiring and she never complains about the amount of work we have. Her accuracy is outstanding, and she is a good role model for the Williams Team. Gabriela is always at work and ready to complete her tasks. She is reliable and never late. We can rely on Gaby with any task given to her.  She is a big part of our team.


No matter which department they work in, which task they do, or which location or warehouse we find them in, our outstanding employees are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow. Employees of the Month recognition is meant to be a sincere Thank You from the entire AMS Fulfillment Family! You are the reason for our success!

The AMS Learning Center is turning out to be a busy and enjoyable space this summer as AMS hosts 28 young students registered in the S.T.R.E.A.M. program.

S.T.R.E.A.M. is a program that helps students 16 years or older become better youths, which will make then greater adults, by preparing them for a strong future. The students are offered the opportunity to learn basic work ethics and industry identified skillsets while gaining exposure to various companies like Amazon, California Highway Patrol, SoCal Gas, PPG and AMS Fulfillment.

S.T.R.E.A.M. Global Innovations (SGI) in cooperation with Goodwill Industries registers students, ages 16-20, for participation in this summer leadership and career readiness pilot program. (S.T.R.E.A.M. stands for Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts, Manufacturing.) This summer they have partnered with AMS to make it happen.

There are 28 students who began the program at the AMS Learning Center during the week of July 8th. They are enthusiastic and anxious to participate. The energy and excitement they bring with them during class is infectious!! There are two groups of students taking classes twice a week from 8 am to 12 noon. The classes, which involve a wonder project, are four weeks in length and end the last week of July / first week of August.

Part of their learning is interviewing and work internships. Twenty of the 28 will be working with AMS during their summer break and potentially during their school year. AMS is very pleased to be a part of the S.T.R.E.A.M. and Goodwill effort on behalf of the youth of the Santa Clarita Valley.

For more information on the program, please contact Elizabeth McCubbin at (661) 481-6708 or [email protected].

Corporate Vision Unveils the Winners of the 2019 Logistics, Warehouse & Supply Chain Awards

United Kingdom, 2019- Corporate Vision Magazine has announced the winners of the 2019 Logistics, Warehouse & Supply Chain Awards.

The Logistics, Warehouse & Supply Chain Awards rewards those industrious individuals and firms within the sector who have gone above and beyond to provide a top-class service.

Getting goods from A to B, at the correct time and quantity, can be the most crucial part to retaining clients and customers. Through these awards we recognize the behind the scenes efforts of those who, through extensive planning and execution, allow their clients to trade with ease.

Discussing the success of their winners, Natalie Farrell, Awards Coordinator stated: “Incorporating all traders and businesses within the sector, from supply chain management, to third party logistics, freight logistics and warehouse services, this awards program shows the best of the best from across the market, and I am proud of all of my winners. Best of luck for the future, I look forward to hearing of your future success.”

To learn more about the winners, and the AMS award please visit CV Magazine at the following link:

Classes have begun at the AMS Learning Center, 28624 Witherspoon Parkway. These classes are designed to help individuals, who are living and working in the community, advance their job skills and employability. The classes are scheduled at convenient hours and at a convenient location with some being free of charge, and others at low cost.

Recently the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation announced that they would be hosting the classes in partnership with AMS Fulfillment and College of the Canyons. The courses cover job skills that are in high demand,

Low cost courses include Distribution & Warehouse Safety and Forklift Operation, and free courses include Computing & Internet Fundamentals and Digital Communication in the Workplace. There are also legally mandated courses offered on Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for both non-supervisory and supervisory employees.

Following is a list of courses, prices and dates with links to register:

* Distribution & Warehouse Safety – Cost: $60

This series of classes will covers basic warehouse safety skills including picking carts, shipping pallets, ladder safety, ergonomics, and personal safety. Participants will receive a Safety Awareness Certificate.

4 Week Sessions on Thursdays, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM:
Beginning July 11 (7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/1)
Beginning Aug 22 (8/22, 8/29, 9/5, 9/12)
Beginning Oct 3 (10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24)
Register Here

* Fundamentals of Counterbalanced Vehicles (Forklift Operation) – Cost: $200

Our 8-hour, hands-on course will teach attendees operation of three different types of lift-trucks: Stand-up Reach Truck, Order Picker and Sit-Down Forklifts, along with the fundamentals of counterbalanced vehicles, and OSHA-compliant safety practices. Participants will receive a Certificate of Course Completion.

Class dates:
June 22 | July 13 | July 27
Saturdays, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Register Here 

Computing & Internet Fundamentals – Free

This series of classes introduces basic computer processes, operating systems, and internet technologies that includes file management and social media.

12 Week Sessions:
June 18 | Sept 24 (Register now!)
Tuesdays, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Register Here

* Digital Communications in the Workplace – Free

This series of classes analyzes applications for communications required in a typical office setting like Outlook, Adobe Acrobat and Power Point.

11 Week Sessions:
July 10 | Oct 2
Wednesdays, 4:30 – 6:30 PM
Register Here

The legally mandated Supervisory and Non-Supervisory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training is free of charge.

Non-Supervisory Classes
Offered June 21, July 12, August 2, and August 16
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Register Here

Supervisory Classes
Offered June 21, July 12, August 2, and August 16
9:15-11:15 AM

Register Here

Congratulations and a very big Thank You to these outstanding members of our corporate family: Max L., Danery A., Maria L., Adam H., and Keith E.

At AMS Fulfillment we recognize that our employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. AMS Fulfillment is a large company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. Even though we are large, we make it a point to get to know and appreciate every individual, because we know their importance.

Each month the supervisors or team members within AMS’ Valencia CA, City of Santa Clarita facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service. It’s our pleasure to recognize the June Employees of the Month:

Max L., HQ Billing Coordinator (March 2019)
HQ Administration, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Max is an important member of the billing team. He continually demonstrates a professional, positive, “can do” attitude and is always willing to take on additional accounts and lend a hand when needed. Some comments from coworkers: “Max is doing a great job! When we get a new Billing Coordinator, I like to audit closely. I check all invoices and they have been spot-on correct down to every last line item, unit and order! He even went above and beyond to find a few orders that didn’t have a value to make sure that we bill for them!” “Fast learner, wants to be helpful, asks lots of questions and verifies work instead of assuming its correct. Quickly understood all processes.”

Danery A., Inventory Clerk (March 2016)
HQ Warehouse, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Danery has proven to be a team player. He has developed his system’s knowledge and shows a willingness to perform any task requested, efficiently and accurately. He works weekends when needed and has proven to be a huge asset to the team. Danery has a great sense of humor and is liked by his peers. “Thank you Danery for all of your contributions.”

Maria L., Clerk I Shipping (March 2004)
WIT2 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Maria has been with the company since 2004. For all of these years she has been an excellent employee, always working hard to complete every task that she is given in an accurate and timely manner. Maria always comes to work with a positive attitude and is very respectful to her co-workers. She deserves our thanks and Employee of the Month appreciation.

Adam H., General Warehouse II & Janitorial (November 2018)
WIL1: 28936 Avenue Williams

Adam is a good worker, always available to help in any task, pulling orders, packing and even on our production lines. He deserves Employee of the Month. Adam is at work every day, on time and ready to complete any task that is given to him. He is responsible and gets along well with others. He is always full of energy and has a positive attitude.

Keith E., Operations Manager (July 2012)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Keith stands out in his desire to always embrace new technology and ideas to help improve operations. When a new feature or idea is released or discussed, Keith is the first one to jump on it and work it into his operational process. He works to ensure that he knows the new feature well, so that he’s getting the most from it, and shares his ideas on how the changes would be impactful.

# # #

These outstanding employees, part of the management team, warehouse and janitorial, shipping, inventory and billing, are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

Once again… a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family!

Employee appreciation - AMS FulfillmentCongratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for May 2019! We are very grateful for your efforts! Thank you Louise A., Eric W., Roy D., Daniel L. and Tanner D.

Each month the AMS supervisors nominate a team member who has provided outstanding service to our clients and our company. The individual being recognized has not only done a job well, but has gone above and beyond. Nominations are listed according to the facility that the employee represents. All of the AMS facilities are located in Valencia, CA, City of Santa Clarita

Louise A., VP of Finance (2004)
HQ Administration, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Louise is our VP of Finance. She is a forward thinker with a strong handle on AMS accounting down to the details, leading the company toward its ultimate financial goals. She has made AMS as financially successful and profitable as possible. Thank you Louise for keeping our financial system STRONG!

Eric W., Operations Manager (2003)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Eric always goes out of his way to be of assistance. He is polite, patient and will to help in any way that he can. His positive attitude is very much appreciated. Eric has been with AMS since 2003 and has taken on many roles. His heart is in Operations, which includes all of the employees he works with. He loves working on safety and teaching all that he can. Eric is a good leader and always fair to everyone. Thank you Eric!

Roy D., Lead 1 Inventory (2016)
WIT: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

I nominate Roy for employee of the month for our facility at WIT2. Roy has demonstrated, time and time again, his willingness to help anyone in need. It’s a trait that every employee should follow. Roy’s expertise and assistance are highly sought after when we face challenging tasks and he has never failed to assist. Roy’s skills can be seen in his work. Combined with his conscious efforts, these skills have aided in maintaining a high efficiency throughout our department.

Daniel L., Inventory/Receiving Clerk 1 (2019)
WIL: 28936 Avenue Williams

I nominate Daniel for employee of the month. He has improved in such a short amount of time and shown that he can multitask. He is a pleasure to work with and always comes to work with a great attitude. Daniel gets along with others and he is always willing to help anyone who needs help. He gets his job done and is willing to stay, when necessary. Daniel has gone above and beyond since the first day he came to work at AMS. He comes ready and prepared to accomplish any task given to him, doing an amazing job in receiving. We are so happy to have Daniel as part of our Team.

Tanner D., Custodial/Janitorial (2015)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Tanner does an amazing job every day, making sure our facility is very clean. He is always willing to help whenever needed and he always makes suggestions on how to keep our building in great condition. It is a pleasure to see the pride he takes in his work. Tanner does an excellent job, and is very fast. Also, Tanner is very friendly. Thank you Tanner!

No matter which department they work in, which task they do, or which location we find them in, our employees are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow.

Thank You May 2019 Employees of the Month from the entire AMS Fulfillment Family.

Congratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for April! We are very pleased and proud to recognize Paula Z., Jorge M., Bobby A., Anubhav D. and Ciara H.

AMS Fulfillment has several facilities and several hundred valued employees. We are recognized within the Santa Clarita community as a company that cares, through training and development of a diverse workforce. Our employees are the reason for this reputation and a very big part of our endeavor.

Every month the supervisors at our facilities nominate individuals who are doing an outstanding job for the clients and for their team. These nominations and supervisor comments are filled with appreciation for the individual being recognized. Thank You to the following members of the AMS Family!

Anubhav D. (Bhav): IT Support Level I (June 2018)
HQ Administration, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

I nominate Bhav for Employee of the Month. He is an IT Technician and is always helpful to everyone, at any time. Bhav has been so very helpful with my own computer problems, whether it is the system or the Internet or other programs. He has a great sense of urgency, jumps right in to help and he always gets the problem solved. I sincerely appreciate his help and his knowledge. Bhav is truly a great asset to the AMS team.”

Ciara H.: Supervisor I (March 2012)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

I would like to nominate Ciara for these reasons: She has outstanding characteristics and her helpfulness in the returns department stands out, she is a dedicated Supervisor, and she is well organized and a great communicator. Ciara makes our department fun! 1. A great team leader. 2. She comes up with good ideas for the returns department. 3. Well organized. 4. Great communicator with her team. 5. She always has plans for the following day. Ciara deserves Employee of the Month. She is always willing to help with any situation that comes our way and she has a great deal of knowledge about our system. She motivates us to learn new things and comes to work with a smile.

Paula Z.: Clerk I Shipping (September 2010)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Paula has been with AMS since 2010. In this time she has worked with some pretty busy clients. She is always on top of her work for those clients. Paula helps out wherever she can, and she does it with a great attitude. She has a great relationship with all of her peers and is always making sure she takes the time to adhere to working safely.

Jorge M.: General Warehouse II (August 2018)
WIL: 28936 Avenue Williams

Jorge should be the Employee of the Month because he is a quick learner and is always willing to help out if anyone needs help. He comes in with a good attitude and is ready to start the day. He has improved in such a short amount of time and is ready to help out in any department. Jorge is reliable and can get the work he is handling done. He is a key addition to our team and an excellent co-worker with 100% commitment to do the job correctly, quickly and efficiently. He takes initiative, accepts all challenges and carries out additional responsibilities. His attitude is bar none. Jorge is a key player in Williams and we appreciate his commitment to his work.

Bobby A.: General Warehouse II F (August 2015)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Bobby is my nomination for Employee of the Month. He’s always at work and on time. He sticks to the tasks he is given and gets them done in a timely manner with high accuracy on his order picking process. He always has a positive attitude and gets along with everyone. Bobby is a team player and is ready to take on any task. He is always asking to help others. My team would not be the same without him.


Our outstanding employees are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow. Thank You from the entire AMS Fulfillment Family!

Congratulations to the AMS Fulfillment Employees of the Month for March! We are very grateful to these outstanding members of our corporate family! Thank you Jason I., Mike R., Yolanda R., Jose R., and Dovon H.

AMS Fulfillment occupies a number of facilities in Santa Clarita, CA, and employs several hundred individuals. Even though we are large, it’s not difficult for us to notice the achievements of our valued employees. In fact, we make a point of it. Each month the supervisors within our facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the clients. The nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month:


Jason I., CIO (2002)
HQ Office: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

I nominate Jason for employee of the month. Between ERP integrations for new business, shipping software projects, East Coast DC system maintenance, daily CS requests, and no shortage of existing client projects, Jason is tasked with a demanding and extremely complex workload. While we may not always receive the completion notice for our requests right away, Jason does a good job prioritizing open tickets and projects across 50 + accounts making sure that he and his team focus on the most critical items first. He has a knack for working with all different types of personalities including our client’s staff and developers. He also has the incredible talent of staying calm in almost all situations by providing truth, facts and examples without hearsay and opinion. One could imagine that a high-level IT position is a selfless job in some respects. You only really hear from your coworkers and clients if there is a new issue or request, so I wanted to nominate Jason to show much we really appreciate him. His IQ systems-fulfillment knowledge is awesome and he is such an incredible asset to AMS.

Mike R., General Warehouse II (September 2013)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

I nominate Mike for Employee of the Month because of his outstanding characteristics and his helpfulness. He has a positive attitude and is a hard worker. Mike does whatever he can to assist others. He always takes responsibility for his job and he cares for his co-workers and their safety. He is always on time and is willing to help others no matter how difficult it might be. He is a great worker, very respectful, and he deserves this recognition.

Yolanda R., General Warehouse II (July 2018)
WIT: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

I nominate Yolanda because she works hard and is dedicated to AMS and to our clients. Yolanda does an amazing job in the Witherspoon building. She has excellent attendance and is one of the top pickers at Witherspoon. She pays close attention to detail and no missed picks. Yolanda’s positive energy and hard work have a great impact on the success of the Witherspoon building.

Jose R., General Warehouse II (October 2018)
WIL: 28936 Avenue Williams

Jose is a very hard-working individual and is always ready to learn new things. He has set up new challenges and gets the job done with excellence. Jose is always willing to help in any area where assistance is needed and he has great communication with his co-workers. He has 100% commitment to do the job correctly and in an efficient way the first time. He always has a positive attitude which spreads across to others. We appreciate Jose’s commitment to his job.

Dovon H., Clerk I – Inventory Receiving (June 2018)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Dovon works hard and is always willing to lend a hand to others in the department. He is great at unloading containers!! He is a team player and we appreciate having him in our department. Dovon deserves to be Employee of the Month.


These outstanding employees are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow. Employees of the Month recognition is offered as a sincere Thank You from the AMS Fulfillment Family!

We’re celebrating! AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman, has been nominated for a prestigious award – the Santa Clarita Valley Man of the Year. According to the organization’s website, the purpose of the Santa Clarita Valley Man and Woman of the Year Recognition is to honor men and women who have given outstanding volunteer service to the Santa Clarita Valley area.

Ken was nominated for the honor by the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation. LASD Capt. Robert Lewis talked about Ken’s contributions to the station which include 15 years with Search & Rescue and 8 years as President of the Sheriff’s Foundation. He further highlighted the new DIVERT program that is a partnership between the station and AMS Fulfillment, This program, along with county funding, will allow AMS to provide adolescents who have had a brush with the law (and have been referred by the station) employment and educational opportunities at AMS.

According to SCV history, Santa Clarita Valley Man and Woman of the Year was started by the Newhall-Saugus Chamber of Commerce as the “Outstanding Citizen of the Year.” The year was 1964. The Newhall-Saugus Chamber became the SCV Chamber of Commerce. Today the event is operated by the SCV Man & Woman of the Year Committee, an independent nonprofit organization. Winners are selected by the Committee of previous honorees. Honorees receive a cash award that they may give to the charity of their choice.

The SCV Man & Woman of the Year Committee has put forward a group of 9 men and 13 women who are inspiring leaders in the community.

The 53nd Annual Premier Volunteer Recognition Event, 2019 Santa Clarita Valley Man and Woman of the Year dinner, will be held Friday, May 3, 2019, at 6 p.m., at the Hyatt Valencia.

The global community observes and celebrates International Women Day annually, on March 8th, and Women’s History Month during March. It is usually in the human rights community that we hear about the progress of women and look into the history of that progress. But in reality, women’s rights are with us every day in the corporate community, and women’s history is being made every day in the corporate world.

AMS was established during the time when equality between men and women in the business world and the workplace was recognized as needed and even accepted as a ‘must’. The pattern and prejudice of the past was being overcome in equal pay, maternity leave, breaking the glass ceiling at the executive level, and so on. We’re proud of our record at AMS, and very proud of the women who have achieved so much.

Why women’s history recognition? While the world, including the business world, is still working to achieve ‘higher ground’, it remains vital to study, learn and teach our children about the past efforts of women to gain equality in the world and to be considered of equal value in society. The world is changing, and history is vital to understanding and lifting the change onto higher ground.

As we grow, we can assist others in their growth. Information from the global human rights community tells us that there is much to do. Here are just a few facts to consider, among many: Around the world, 62 million girls are denied an education, which often dooms them to a life of poverty and dependence. Education for girls is often the lowest budget priority in many countries. Many girls begin working as early as five years old – mainly in agriculture or in homes as domestic servants. Child domestic workers are particularly vulnerable to trafficking, forced labor, sexual violence and many health issues.

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) advocates on behalf of women around the world. The following quote is from Ms. Stephanie Crider, AHRC Advisory Board Member.

“In today’s climate, our society should be more protective of women than ever before. Despite overcoming years of hitting the glass ceiling, women are still at the front lines fighting for equity and inclusion at too many tables. To many women, it feels like we’re on the brink of something new, something powerful and life changing for the generation behind us.”  

Society will achieve its highest potential when women have achieved their human rights.

“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” ―Rosa Parks

Employee appreciation - AMS FulfillmentCongratulations to the AMS Fulfillment Employees of the Month for February, 2019! We are very grateful to these outstanding members of our corporate family! Thank you Janet R, Rosa Emma Q., Fatima C., Giovanny R., and Andrew D.

In the fulfillment industry employees are much more than human resources. They directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. We know their value, and we respect and invest in our employees.

Each month the supervisors within AMS’ Santa Clarita, CA (Valencia) facilities nominate an employee who has provided outstanding service to the clients.The nominations and supervisor comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following Employees of the Month:

Janet R., Account Support (February 2016)
HQ Administration, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

I Nominate Janet as Employee of the Month because… she is a GOLDEN STAR! Janet joined the CS team less than a year ago, and she has shown immense amount of growth since! She is always on top of her work, always positive, and she is willing to learn and help the team when needed. We’re proud to have her on the team!

Rosa Emma Q., General Warehouse (February 2015)
HQ Warehouse, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

I nominate Rosa for February Employee of the Month because she works hard and works smart. Rosa has developed a method of opening boxes that turns the box into a tray, preventing product from falling out to the floor or to the boxes below. Her method also removes the cardboard that is in the way and allows the plastic bags that are also in the way, to be opened and removed after putting the product into the box. The ‘pick’ now becomes a ‘grab and go’ rather than a ‘fuss and find’. Her method also eliminates the hours required to return product to proper locations. If this catches on and everybody starts following her example, Rosa has my vote for employee of the year!

Fatima C., General Warehouse (November 2018)
WIL: 28936 Avenue Williams

I would like to nominate Fatima for Employee of the Month for all of the effort she puts in to learn different processes. She started as a seasonal and became AMS recently. She has given her best since day one. Fatima has succeeded in every area; she is always here on time and is accurate in every single job assigned. She is a team player and helps as much as she can with a very positive attitude.

Giovanny R., Inventory Clerk (October 2015)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Gio always gets his work completed correctly and quickly. He is our ‘go to’ when we need something done quickly. He has good attendance and a good relationship with management and his fellow employees. Gio will never turn down a challenge and he is a key part of our Inventory/Receiving department here at WIT2. “

Andrew D., General Warehouse (May 2017)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Andrew is a great worker! He is always accurate on UPC’s and bringing down overstock. He helps out picking the B2C orders and does a great job. Andrew is a team player and ready to jump in wherever needed. He deserves to be named Employee of the Month.


These outstanding men and women are the reason that AMS succeeds so well and continues to grow. Thank You Employee of the Month Honorees from the entire AMS Fulfillment Family!

We’re nearing the end of 2019 Black History Month in the US, and we sincerely hope that every reader has set aside some time this month to learn more about the occurrences and figures in Black American history that many of us didn’t hear about in school. Perhaps it wasn’t taught because it was not the history of the majority, and perhaps because it is a history that can be uncomfortable to look into.

Black Palm Springs – Val Verde

We’re nearing the end of 2019 Black History Month in the US, and we sincerely hope that every reader has set aside some time this month to learn more about the occurrences and figures in Black American history that many of us didn’t hear about in school. Perhaps it wasn’t taught because it was not the history of the majority, and perhaps because it is a history that can be uncomfortable to look into.

Fortunately, today the Internet is a great source of information on black history, with numerous documentaries available and much written information. We came across a number if informative articles when searching the Internet with the question, “Do we really still need Black History Month.”

One reason we found for a month of study and recognition of black history is outlined in an article from

“…black history is more than a chronicle of atrocities. It is a tale of how tens of thousands of people strived and achieved much, despite all their hardships and limitations imposed upon them by both society and the government. Those achievements were often intentionally ignored, in both the press of the day and by the writers of history books. These stories can be found in every community in the nation, if one cares to look.”

Continuing the search, we looked for information on black history in California and in our community, and came across an article from Cultural Weekly that points to the history of Val Verde.

“Even though the city of Los Angeles was founded by 44 Black and Brown Spanish citizens in 1781, it remained one of the most segregated cities in North America for most of the 20thCentury. Restrictive housing covenants and redlining policies enforced by banks and insurance companies propagated these policies across Los Angeles County well into the 1970s, even after the Supreme Court declared them unconstitutional between 1948 and 1954. Such policies were even enforced in cemeteries.

“For many years, the Evergreen Cemetery in Boyle Heights was one of the only places people of color could be buried in Los Angeles County. Not surprisingly these policies also extended to places of recreation like parks and beaches. There were only a few parks and beaches that allowed the presence of people of color. One of the few early communities that did not restrict African-American Angelenos was Val Verde and Val Verde Park in Northwest Los Angeles County, just a few miles shy of the Ventura County line.

“Located just beyond Magic Mountain between hills in a lush pocket of the Santa Clarita Valley, Val Verde was considered the Black Palm Springs in the 1930s. Founded in 1924, it was designated as a resort area for African-Americans right from the beginning. In 1939, they built an Olympic swimming pool. The first African-American actress to win an Oscar, Hattie McDaniel, was known to frequent Val Verde during the 1930s.” Read more:

Another enjoyable find was a YouTube video entitled “LA Stories from the Map Cave.” It’s a very informative look at black history through maps of Los Angeles neighborhoods, and stories that go with those maps.

We hope Black History Month has been an enjoyable time of learning, and celebrating the great contributions Black Americans have made to our diverse world.