
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

It’s not just the holiday season coming up – it’s flu season too. Those of us who have experienced the flu definitely don’t want it again, and nobody wants to be sick during the holidays. How can our co-workers and families best avoid the flu as we enter our busiest, and also most enjoyable season of the year? There are a few things to know and remember that might help.

First, some basic information: The flu is a virus that is spread through the air due to the sneezing or coughing of an infected person. You can breathe in the virus or you can get it on your hands from objects that you touch (when your hands touch your eyes, nose or mouth the virus enters.)

A logical way to avoid getting the flu is to keep your hands clean; make use of the hand sanitizers when at work or out in public. But since we can’t avoid breathing in a virus if it happens to be in the air where we are, many of us look to vaccines to help avoid the flu, or we might choose vaccine alternatives or natural medicines.

At AMS we ask our employees to avoid spreading the flu by staying home when they don’t feel well; stay in bed and get well. (You can tell the flu from a cold in that there is usually a fever above 100 degrees with the flu, and extreme fatigue.) We encourage the use of hand sanitizer by providing it in various stations. and we encourage our employees to look at the different ways of fighting the flu and choose what they feel is best.

Vaccines for influenza have been around for a long time – since 1938. Invented by Dr. Jonas Salk, a flu vaccine was used to protect US military forces during WW II. Since the flu virus constantly changes, the vaccine must change as well. Every year researchers suggest what the most common viruses will be and a vaccine is produced to protect against those.

Many people simply get vaccinated if their doctors recommend it. Others may look into vaccine ingredients such as egg protein, thiomerosal (mercury derivative), latex, antibiotics and so on, and reject the vaccine, choosing instead an alternative vaccine. FluBlok and Flucelvax are two different options for the flu shot that people with allergies or concerns about vaccine ingredients sometimes choose.

Many others turn to diet and supplements to boost the immune system and thus protect against the flu. Research has shown that persons with Vitamin D deficiency are more likely to get the flu, so taking D supplements is recommended (it’s easy to do and doesn’t require getting a shot!).

We hope that all of our employees, family and friends stay well during the upcoming holiday (and flu) season. Take care of your health, have a good time, and stay well!!

California wildfires are in the news. Across the US we see photos and headlines every day, and as is common nowadays, some of the messages are dire. A recent example is a photo of fires burning on the hills and a headline saying, “California is becoming unlivable.” This news is not only of concern to California residents; it is of concern to those with family and friends and those who do business in the state.

For an ‘on the ground’ report on the situation, especially as it relates to AMS Fulfillment and the AMS employees, we have requested an interview with Ken Wiseman, Chief Workforce Development Officer and former CEO. Ken is a long-time volunteer with SCV Search and Rescue, a supporter and friend of the SCV Sheriff’s Department and President of the Sheriff’s Foundation. As such, he is more informed than most on natural disasters.

Thank you for agreeing to an interview, Ken. First, could you give us an overview? To the best of your knowledge, what’s going on with CA fires and power outages that we hear about in the news? We hope it’s not as dire as portrayed in some reports.

With the warmer and dryer weather trends, mixed with our Santa Ana winds, it seems that the fire season now extends throughout the year. It is particularly dangerous with the winds and dry air as the fires grow that much more quickly and are much more difficult to fight. California is staffed with some of the best First Responders in the world, and through careful planning, resources are always near at hand as we enter the particularly high-risk times. Personally, I think that, as part of good planning, the fire department utilizes existing fires, under controlled circumstances and where appropriate, to burn away non-resident threatening areas to help eliminate the fuel for future fires.

As you probably know, burning off the dried brush areas has long been a natural part of California life. Once burned, the areas are much less susceptible to fires in the coming years. What has made the fires more dangerous is the steady desire of many builders to develop lands deep within increased fire risk areas. These developments, coupled with the warming and drying trends become a reason for the increased risk to homes.

Are there fires are located near your HQ and warehouse areas, or have there been power outages or air quality issues?

The fires this year so far have caused evacuations for several of our employees. (An employee’s father lost a boat and camping trailer, but did not lose his home.) While we have not had any fires or smoke near our buildings this year, we have had a number of freeway and school closures that have impacted our employees, making it difficult for them to come to work. Travel time for some employees more than doubled, or in some cases blocked their commute altogether. Also, electric outages, most done as a precautionary measure, have caused a fair amount of challenge for employees who must wrestle with home issues while still trying to come to work.

Have any fire related issues affected fulfillment services for your clients?

So far, our AMS team has done a great job handling the volume of orders we receive, in spite of the lower attendance on some days. Everyone pitches in, and non-time critical work is given an extra day or so to complete while all available hands are focused on time critical product shipments.

We live in an ever-changing environment and business climate, and the key to survival is to accept change and modify our processes to accomplish our customers’ objectives. We do so with an amazing group of employees that are driven to support our customers through thick or thin smoke!


Thank you Ken for informing us, first hand, on what is happening with the AMS family. Thank you to the employees for staying strong during what must be a frightening situation for many.

Veterans Day is coming up soon, on November 11th. Every year, on this date, we are asked to remember and appreciate the men and women who serve now or have served in a branch of the US Military. Like millions of Americans, AMS management and employees join in this time of recognition, saluting AMS employees and family members who are vets.

We, like other Americans, realize that military service can bring about the ultimate sacrifice, and we honor veterans for being willing to make that sacrifice on behalf of our country. We are grateful that military training and service can be a benefit to soldiers when they leave the military by educating, strengthening and empowering them for a lifetime. On the negative side, we know that military service can involve a sacrifice of health and wellbeing along with other unanticipated challenges. For most citizens, the desire to help is a natural part of honoring our veterans.

As an employer in the Santa Clarita Valley, AMS is aware of employment issues that veterans face after discharge from service. We look for ways to help those who are returning to civilian life, making veterans an important part of our workforce development programs. With the assistance of partners in the community, we hire and train veterans, persons who are homeless, individuals with disabilities, and individuals with criminal justice involvement.

Due to mental health and substance abuse issues, veterans can and do become involved in the criminal justice system. Reports also indicate that around 10% of homeless people are veterans. And we all know that many veterans suffer service-related disabilities. One of the biggest challenges faced by service agencies is helping homeless and vulnerable veterans find and keep good jobs. This is where a company’s employment practices and workforce development can come into play.

There are many rewards that come with being a B-Corporation and Social Enterprise, not the least of which is having a workforce development structure and programs in place to help veterans who for one reason or another are facing employment challenges.

On this Veterans Day, 2019, we honor the American Veterans: all men and women who took service to their country on their shoulders. Rather than looking toward government as the exclusive source of solutions for veterans, we recognize that business and the community, working together, can change things for the better for our Vets.

Employee appreciation - AMS FulfillmentCongratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for October 2019! We are very grateful to and proud of Robert N., Nancy G., Rick V., Melody V. and Salvador G.

Our employees directly serve the company’s clients and their daily efforts are vital to the growth and success of AMS. Knowing how important our employees are, we make it a point to appreciate those who excel in their work. Each month all employees within AMS’ Valencia, CA facilities are encouraged to nominate individuals that they believe have been excellent members of their team. To the nominated employees we give Employee of the Month kudos and our Special Thanks!

It’s our pleasure to recognize the following individuals:

Robert N., IT – Data Entry (June 2016)
HQ Administration: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Robert has an amazing work ethic and makes sure the job gets done no matter what the timeline might be. He always has a great attitude and is willing to help out, whether it’s crating bartender documents or assisting with computer related problems. He also looks to pick up new tasks and is eager to learn new things. He deserves Employee of the Month.

Nancy G., Shipping Associate (July 2019)
HQ Warehouse: 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Nancy has been a huge help with shipping, and assisting others at the pack-out stations. Her contributions to the team have allowed for a more efficient workflow. Also, she has been a huge help with pending orders.

Rick V., Receiving Clerk (March 2018)
WIT2: 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Rick is an asset to the WIT-N Receiving Team and has made improvements over time in his attitude, enthusiasm and responsibility. He is a team player who is conscientious and aware of others when they need assistance, pitching in where necessary. He effectively performs for many clients. Recently, when receiving got very busy and several co-workers were out he really stepped up. Rick is proactive in seeing that tasks are completed with minimal guidance from management, asking questions whenever necessary. The receiving team is lucky to have him.

Melody V., General Warehouse I (October 2018)
WIL: 28936 Ave. Williams

I nominate Melody for Employee of the Month. She is a big help on the Returns Team. She comes to work with a great personality, and is always ready to take on new tasks.

Salvador G., General Warehouse II (June 2019)
SCO3: 27801 Avenue Scott

Salvador is an excellent employee. He always has a smile when asked for something, and always comes to work on time. Salvador is very professional with all of his teammates, and he is very hardworking. Sometimes the job requires more than one person and he takes on the task himself. He has a wonderful attitude and helps wherever needed.


Employees of the Month recognition is offered as a sincere Thank You to outstanding individuals from the entire AMS Fulfillment Family! You are the reason we succeed and continue to grow. We appreciate you!!

In February of 2017 we announced that AMS Fulfillment and College of the Canyons (COC) were creating a ‘Great Opportunity’. COC had just informed the media of their partnership program with AMS, beginning in January 2017, in which 17 apprenticeships in warehousing and shipping would be offered.

Our ongoing blogs tell the story of the program being successfully launched and recognized nationally as the first of its kind in California between a college and an employer. The most recent news is that COC was awarded a grant from the Department of Labor to continue its groundbreaking work in apprenticeship.

A number of our valued employees have taken advantage of the apprenticeship opportunity. We’re pleased to announce 17 individuals will be recognized and receive Certificates of Completion from the US Department of Labor at a luncheon, hosted by COC at our AMS Learning Center. The date is November 12th, which coincides with National Apprenticeship Week. This event will be recognized by the Department of Labor on their website.

The names of those apprentices being recognized are: Norma S., Linda E., Cristy G., Preston F., Natalia A. G., Erick R., Rosalio M. Sr., Russell M., Lucas H., Morgan M., Brenda F., Jaime B., Michael L., Leonard L., Vanessa H., Scott L., Rudolfo R.

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW)

Now in its fifth year, National Apprenticeship Week is a nationwide celebration that gives businesses, communities, and educators the opportunity to showcase their apprenticeship programs and apprentices while providing valuable information to career seekers. NAW 2019 will be held November 11-17, 2019.

What is Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential.

The U.S. Department of Labor has recently awarded new grants to promote apprenticeship as a workforce strategy. Congratulations to Santa Clarita’s College of the Canyons (COC), a friend and partner of AMS, for being awarded a grant to continue its groundbreaking work.

Several years ago COC and AMS Fulfillment began working to design a program in response to the employment needs of the company, which are Logistics and Warehousing. The program started in January 2017 and has been ongoing. It is recognized as achieving several “firsts” as follows: 1) The first company in the Santa Clarita Valley to partner with a Community College to create an apprenticeship program; 2) The first company in the State of California to offer an apprenticeship program specializing in warehousing and shipping; and 3) The first company in the United States to apply for a registered apprenticeship with the Department of Labor in the area of warehousing and shipping.

Regarding apprenticeship expansion, a July 2019 Department of Labor press release quoted U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta as follows: “The apprenticeship model of earning while learning has worked well in many American industries, and today we open opportunities for apprenticeships to flourish in new sectors of our economy. With 7.4 million open jobs and job creators searching for skilled job seekers, apprenticeship expansion will continue to close the skills gap and strengthen the greatest workforce in the world – the American workforce.”

Please enjoy a recent article in SCV News on the selection of SCV’s College of the Canyons to collaborate in the new program.

Employee appreciation - AMS FulfillmentCongratulations to the AMS Employees of the Month for September 2019! We are very grateful to you for being outstanding members of our corporate family! Thank you Kristin P., Patty C., Monica G., Analida H. and Stefani H.

Every month employees in our various locations nominate a team member who has provided outstanding service to the clients, the company and their team. The individuals being recognized deserve to be thanked and their efforts appreciated. Nominations are listed according to the location that the employee represents. All of the AMS locations are in Valencia, CA, city of Santa Clarita.

Congratulations the following individuals:

Kristin P., HR Payroll (February 2019)
HQ Admin, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Kristen deserves Employee of the Month. When she began, in February, she took off running! Kristin learned all the multi-function Human Resource tasks from scratch, improved internal process, and kept everything on track. She is very intelligent – has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, is very hardworking, detailed oriented, professional, and a true down-to-earth cool person to be around, all day.

Patty C., Clerk (September 2011)
HQ Warehouse, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Patty is incredibly reliable. She is a huge help to her client, and to us day-in and day-out. Kristin played a pivotal role with documenting pickers and their pick times when we were piloting our new process. She always has a great attitude and is always willing to help out.

Monica G., General Warehouse (October 2016)
WIL, 28936 Ave. Williams

Monica is a great co-worker. She always has a positive attitude, and it spreads across to others. Kristin does her tasks quickly and efficiently. She also cares about her punctuality, and is ready to work overtime in any case, if needed. She is also one of the key team players at Williams. We appreciate her commitment to work.

Analida H., Inventory Supervisor (September 2011)
SCO3, 27801 Avenue Scott

I nominate Analida for the immense amount of work she puts into helping the Shipping Department for both sides of our business. Any time we are missing products, she is there to help locate and complete our orders to ship them out in a timely manner. Analida is always positive about having to take time away from her daily duties to get the department the proper replenishment needed, as well, so we have minimal overstock picking possible. She is always at work with a great attitude, and is very friendly with all employees.

Stefani H., Returns Clerk (August 2019)
WIT2, 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Stefani has made a huge impact in the Returns Department since she came on board in February. She is dependable, organized and detailed. Stefani is very respectful to everyone in the building, and is a true team player.


AMS values the people who work here; their wellbeing, their safety, their education and training, and their job satisfaction. The AMS employees are our corporate family, and we know they are the reason for our success. Thank you September winners!!!

Innovation recognition - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment is proud to have been featured in the large and well-read online magazine – the Silicon Review. In their US Quarterly September issue the magazine featured 50 Innovative Companies to Watch 2019, and among them is AMS.

We agree that AMS is innovative in some wonderful ways. We are innovative as a B-Corporation, dedicated to workforce development, community service and the environment – a corporate culture that is good For the world. We are also innovative in the way we utilize technology to benefit our clients.

The Silicon Review describes itself as the world’s most trusted online and print community for business professionals. “This is the place where business professionals and decision-makers of a company come to learn and also share their experiences about products, technologies and latest business trends.”

Please enjoy the Silicon Review article featuring AMS Fulfillment.

50 Innovative Companies to Watch in 2019

Hiring Initiative - Ken Wiseman - AMS FulfillmentOn September 9th, a press conference was held to announce the launch of the LA County Fair Chance Hiring Initiative. AMS’ Ken Wiseman was one of the leaders speaking at the event.

Ken and other business leaders have been involved in the Employer Engagement Workgroup, which was created to help carry out the obligations of the Prison to Employment Initiative. The Fair Chance Hiring Initiative is a part of that important effort, to encourage businesses to actively hire members of the justice-involved community.

Please see below the event press release.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ruthie Thomas
September 9, 2019 310.663.4159
[email protected]

LA County Launches Fair Chance Hiring Campaign to Raise Awareness of the Benefits of Hiring Justice-Involved Workers

(LOS ANGELES) — Today, members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors joined business leaders and community partners to announce the launch of an awareness campaign to promote the Fair Chance Hiring Initiative, which encourages businesses to actively hire members of the justice-involved community.

“Today, we challenge employers to think outside the box when making their hiring decisions,” said Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, who authored the motion to establish the Fair Chance campaign. “Studies clearly show that hiring rehabilitated people with past records is a smart business move: they work harder, stay longer, and promote faster than other employees. LA County also offers incentives and support to businesses that hire individuals who have been justice-involved. Everyone deserves a fair chance to get back on their feet – and when they do, everyone benefits.”

As part of the campaign, business executives will be asked to sign the Fair Chance Hiring Pledge, which is a commitment to provide justice-involved individuals a fair chance to participate and to thrive in our economy by promoting fair chance hiring practices. The pledge is available at Companies that sign the pledge will receive guidance from County Business Services Representatives who will work with them to recruit and keep qualified candidates. The County connects businesses to tax credits, training reimbursement, and other resources when they hire qualified workers who were once incarcerated.

“Hiring justice-involved individuals is not only good for business, but provides an opportunity to transform lives,” said Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. “Stable employment can help individuals reenter society with the tools they need to lead healthy and productive lives, leading to greater safety in our communities.”

The Fair Chance Hiring initiative is a key component of the County’s overall efforts to expand employment opportunities for justice-involved individuals and to reduce recidivism. Research shows that approximately one in three working-age Americans has a felony criminal record and up to 65 percent of individuals released from incarceration are unemployed a year after release.

“There is a great need for work opportunities among members of the reentry community,” said Vincent Bragg, who founded the advertising agency ConCreates after leaving prison. “Too many of us have been undervalued and overlooked because of complex circumstances. It is vital to have programs like this that can help move the needle toward meaningful change.”

“We have been hiring reentry individuals for several years and can attest to the dedication, reliability and incredible work ethic of our justice-involved employees,” said Ken Wiseman, Chief Workforce Development Officer at AMS Fulfillment. “It is great to see the County offering incentives to businesses that hire from this pool of qualified, talented people.”

The Fair Chance Hiring Campaign also seeks to raise awareness of the State’s Fair Chance Act, which went into effect in January 2018. The law generally prohibits businesses with more than five employees from asking about a job candidate’s criminal record before tendering a conditional job offer.

About LA County Fair Chance Hiring
The Countywide Fair Chance Hiring campaign is designed to raise awareness among businesses of the benefits of adopting Fair Chance Hiring practices. The campaign is a collaborative effort that includes multiple County Departments, under the leadership of the Board of Supervisors, as well as businesses and employers. Partners include: Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS), the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA), the Probation Department, the Department of Human Resources (DHR), the Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR), the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation and the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. To learn more, visit


Employee Appreciation - AMS FulfillmentCongratulations to Regina J., Steve D., Michelle S., Pablo S. and Zamantha J. These employees have been selected for Employee of the Month recognition for August 2019. Employees of the Month recognition is meant to be a sincere Thank You from the entire AMS Fulfillment Family!

AMS Fulfillment is a large company with a number of facilities and several hundred employees. Our primary facilities are located in Valencia, CA, City of Santa Clarita. Even though we are large, we have nurtured a corporate family culture and a close environment that takes note of and cares about the people, their wellbeing, and their job satisfaction.

Our outstanding employees are the reason that we succeed so well and continue to grow. The following nominations and comments demonstrate that the individual being recognized has been an example of ‘outstanding’!

Regina J., Client Services Account Support (October 2018)
HQ Administration, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

It has been a pleasure to work with Regina. She is not only professional on emails but also face-to-face with clients and operations. Regina is very smart, and I have no doubt that she will continue to grow here at AMS. I feel that she will be a great contribution to her new team and I look forward to working with her on future accounts. During the time that my team worked with Regina at WIT2, she was always courteous, professional, and willing to help us get quick answers to our questions.

Steve D., Inventory Receiving Manager (September 2012)
HQ Warehouse, 29010 Commerce Center Drive

Steve is a dedicated employee who always works his hardest to make sure the job is done. He is great at analyzing data and putting that data to good use on our inventory set-ups. Recently, he did an amazing job meeting deadlines for client’s inventory reset. He takes his job very seriously in keeping and maintaining our client inventories as accurately as possible. He is on top of his work and a great guy. His team loves working with him!

Michelle S., General Warehouse II (October 2018)
WIT2, 28624 Witherspoon Parkway

Michelle is consistently our highest pick per hour picker, and she has stayed on top of the list since our dashboard was created. Michelle has great attendance, and is always willing to help out wherever she is needed. She deserves Employee of the Month.

Pablo S., General Warehouse II (January 2017)
WIL, 28936 Ave. Williams

Pablo is an excellent co-worker. He has 100% commitment to do the job professionally. He is fast and efficient. He takes initiative, accepts all challenges, and carries out additional responsibilities. Pablo is very dedicated to the job and always doing the correct things to get the job done. He is a key team player in Williams and we appreciate him.

Zamantha J., General Warehouse II Forklift (March 2019)
SCO3, 27801 Avenue Scott

Zamantha is a great addition to the SCO3 B2C Team. She is one of our fastest and most accurate pickers. She is part of the Sunday shift, which helps SCO3’s large volumes on Monday. Zamantha is a great forklift driver and is always at work ready to get any task done. She is willing to learn as much as she can to help her leadership team get orders out the door. We appreciate the 110% effort that Zamantha puts into her day-to-day tasks.

Thank You AMS Employees of the Month for August, 2019.

B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentA recent article in the Washington Post brought some surprising news: “…the Business Roundtable, which represents the chief executives of 192 large companies, said that business leaders should commit to balancing the needs of shareholders with customers, employees, suppliers and local communities.”

Is the B-Corporation intent of being good FOR the world catching on?

The Roundtable, chaired by JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, issued a statement saying: “Americans deserve an economy that allows each person to succeed through hard work and creativity and to lead a life of meaning and dignity. We commit to deliver value to all of them, for the future success of our companies, our communities and our country.”

Response to this information on social media has been partially welcoming, partially suspicious and at times cynical. The people are not convinced that these top corporations will stop considering shareholder profit more important than the people, the community and the environment.

Here at AMS, we know that it can be done… because we have always done it. Ever since its inception AMS has created a ‘family’ culture that values employees, community and environment. We know that this passion translates into dedicated employees, better service for the clients and a very high performing company.

A few years ago AMS became a B-Corporation and Social Enterprise. B-Corporations agree to the higher social and environmental standards that these 192 leaders expressed as being their goal, i.e. balancing the needs of shareholders with customers, employees, the environment and local communities.

From Wikipedia we can get some idea of what B Corporation means: “Benefit corporation laws address concerns held by entrepreneurs who wish to raise growth capital but fear losing control of the social or environmental mission of their business. In addition, the laws provide companies the ability to consider factors other than the highest purchase offer at the time of sale. Chartering as a benefit corporation also allows companies to distinguish themselves as businesses with a social conscience, and as one that aspires to a standard they consider higher than profit-maximization for shareholders.

If the B-Corp intention of being good FOR the world is catching on, it is because the people… the customers, the clients, the CEOs and even the shareholders, want it and are beginning to require it. We want environmental protection. We want well-being for our communities and purposeful and rewarding work for employees.

When a company applies for B-Corp status, it is rated based on factors like energy efficiency, employee benefits, and corporate transparency. The applicant must achieve a high score and modify their governing documents to acknowledge their commitment. Once certified, they are required to recertify every two years.

AMS successfully applied, and has remained fully committed to a social mission. The achievements of AMS have been primarily in the arena of education and workforce development, undertaken in cooperation with the SCV College of the Canyons (COC).

AMS and COC created a Logistics Apprenticeship program which is a ground-breaking first of its kind in the US. This program, as well as a number of free educational programs offered in the AMS Learning Center, have set the company apart.

Hand in hand with education and training, AMS is keenly focused on the underserved job seekers in the community, spanning a wide demographic from single mothers to the homeless, to veterans and seniors, to formerly incarcerated individuals and to individuals with disabilities.

Because of our experience and longstanding commitment we are very pleased to see the commitment of the Roundtable of top CEOs. We know that there can be a new concept of ‘what is success’. The environment, the people, the communities, the clients, the customers and the shareholders can all benefit from the success of a Benefit Corporation.

Jay Catlin, AMS CEO, offered the following: “Our B-Corp culture has been with us from the beginning, long before we officially became a B-Corp and social enterprise. We make the work experience more than just a paycheck and give meaning that goes well beyond making ends meet. This comes from a genuine commitment to our customers, employees, community, and the environment.”

Hiring Initiative - AMS FulfillmentWhen AMS CEO, Ken Wiseman stepped down from his position, and took on the position of Chief Workforce Development Officer for AMS, he was following his longstanding passion to help business have a positive impact on the world.

Announcing the change, Ken said, “My professional time will be more focused on the myriad of employment hiring and training programs we are doing with the County, State and various agencies to continue to provide employment opportunities to those struggling to enter, or re-enter the workforce.”

In January we announced that Ken had been invited to be one of the business leaders making up the Employer Engagement Workgroup created to help carry out the obligations of the Prison to Employment Initiative. The Workgroup began their efforts in January, and the Initiative is now entering a new phase, which is an awareness campaign.

The campaign, called the Fair Chance Hiring Initiative, has been announced by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. It encourages businesses to actively hire members of the justice-involved community, and it offers tax credits, training reimbursement, and other resources to businesses hiring qualified workers who were once incarcerated.

Ken and other leaders are offering expert advice to help construct the campaign. Since AMS has been involved for several years in hiring men and women looking for a second chance after incarceration, the advice that Ken offered came from a great deal of positive experience.

“We have been hiring reentry individuals for several years and can attest to the dedication, reliability and incredible work ethic of our justice-involved employees. Do not be surprised by the level of appreciation and retention you experience from these individuals. A safe, challenging, and respectful work environment is a far cry from the world they have left behind.”

AMS looks forward to the campaign promoting the Fair Chance Hiring Initiative, and we thank Ken Wiseman and other leaders for their part in it.