
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

Workforce Safety - AMS FulfillmentPrior to the COVID-19 pandemic, AMS had a great safety record of only one lost time injury in two and a half years, and thankfully our safety record during the pandemic has been excellent. With 400+ employees in the organization, we have had very few individual cases, and we are confident that they did not arise from within the workplace.

When the pandemic was declared and the CDC released guidelines for business, we put the recommendations in place in our offices, gathering spaces and warehouses. From our experience, the risk to essential workers can be diminished greatly with the right action. We are pleased to offer this blog series as and example for others to utilize in creating a safe warehouse environment.

Personal Protective Equipment – PPE

For the past four months AMS has required facemasks and encouraged gloves. When the pandemic was first declared we had gloves and masks in stock, so early on we could provide PPE for anyone who requested it. Soon, when it became clear that masks should be strongly encouraged, it also became clear that getting more masks might be difficult. Gloves, on the other hand, were only recommended if the employee desired, as contact infection had become less of a concern. Frequent hand washing and glove replacement is still strongly encouraged at AMS.

Marco Pelaez, Vice President of Operations, describes the challenge:

Yes, with our purchasing department (Veronica Lopez) and myself googling for masks every day from 6:00 AM, we were able to purchase enough masks to keep our employees safe. Then we found a local T-shirt manufacturer who created 600 washable cloth masks with our AMS logo, and we also purchased about 600 bandanas for our employees. It was Veronica doing the majority of the work and searching. She has done an excellent job for AMS.

Carmen Kernek, Human Resources Director, offered her perspective:

We began requiring PPE/Masks, as well as checking everyone’s temperature (including outside vendors) in March and while it was new and some employees were skeptical, and did not want to wear them, they certainly have expressed how genuinely happy they are that we care enough about their safety, health and wellbeing to implement new and consistent safety measures. At this point, we now know this is the new norm for our environment, until a preventive treatment is created/tested and approved. We are all aware, here at AMS, that wearing the proper PPE is not an option, it’s a must to keep our AMS family safe and healthy.

Our next blog will be about implementing social distancing in the warehouse and installing protective barriers.

B Corporation - Diversity - AMS FulfillmentRecently B Lab (the organization that created B Corporation) shared a unified anti-racism statement as follows:

“As an organization, we stand against anti-Black racism and all forms of oppression including transphobia, classism, sexism, and xenophobia. We commit to a focused and sustained action to dismantle racist systems, policies, practices, and ideologies within ourselves and our networks. As we continue to learn about injustice, we embrace radical reorientation of our consciousness and will listen to the voices of Black, Brown, Indigenous and marginalized peoples to catalyze equitable outcomes for all.”

Another quote from a previous article explains a bit more about B Lab and B Corporations:

“B Lab has always been a proponent of change — that change has been directed toward capitalism. Capitalism and racism can be seen as “conjoined twins,” and that “… the origins of racism cannot be separated from the origins of capitalism … the life of capitalism cannot be separated from the life of racism” (Kendi, 2019).”

Even though AMS Fulfillment became a B Corporation 3 years ago, our mission has always been in alignment with the B Lab viewpoint, rejecting the inhumane concept of ‘profit above all’. The following quote is from the AMS website.

“Since opening our doors for business we have worked to create a principled corporate culture, recognizing that financial performance and growth are not goals unto themselves, but merely outcomes achievable through uncompromising attention to our customers, our organization, our community and ourselves.”

Recently AMS employees held a “March for Change” in response to the police murder of George Floyd and the racism that motivated it. The employees made signs and marched from their various warehouse locations to meet together, enjoy a ‘social distanced’ lunch and listen to remarks on racism and police brutality from Jeffrey Forrest, VP of Economic and Workforce Development at SCV’s College of the Canyons. AMS’ Chief Workforce Development Officer, Ken Wiseman had this to say:

“As we march into the future and visualize the world we want to live in, what is it we will want to see in this new world? We know we will need all of us acting like family. We will need kindness; we need to listen to each other. We will need to look for ways we can create opportunities for those that need our help. We will need to shed our biases, both conscious and unconscious. We will need to treat people like we want to be treated.”

The AMS Diversity and Inclusivity Program has been very active for over 15 months. We had a Diversity and Inclusivity Breakfast on Tuesday, July 21 and will continue this program by hosting monthly meetings for all employees to attend.

The goal is to train participants on how to build inclusive teams, facilitate diversity-related conversations within their divisions, and identify other practices that can promote a positive workplace culture. It is a voluntary program intended to equip participants with knowledge and information allowing them to intervene when they see bias or harassment unfolding, and training them how to talk to others about organizational diversity.

In spirit AMS has always been a B Corporation. We are happy to see the B Lab anti-racism statement, and happy to share it with our clients, community and workforce, reiterating our commitment to enact change and build a more just world for all people.

Click here to read the statement.

Postal Rates - AMS FulfillmentThe following Rate Action Notice is of interest to all international shippers that are using International Postal Services and/or those governed under the Universal Postal Union (UPU). This would include DHL eCommerce and Passport international services.

The UPU Rate Case will be in effect July 26, 2020. The timing of this rate action is in alignment with postal service providers’ price changes as a result of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) vote to allow for postal entities to transition to self-declared rate models.

This action means that all countries are now allowed to (self declare) or set their own rate models going forward. This change will have some effect with certain countries based on the shipping methods used. We are seeing a larger impact on rate increases for those using the International Standard DDU services. However, the International Parcel Direct Service will have minimal or very slight changes.

We have been working with both DHL eCommerce and APC Passport on dynamic routing, which will help to navigate through the UPU Rate Case. The UPU Rate Case is impacting the industry in that all postal carriers’ rates will increase, some more than others. DHL eCommerce network built with layers of redundancy will allow for more favorable pricing than postal carriers, solely dependent on USPS services.

The DHL eCommerce Parcel International Standard Services will be affected as these services use international postal lanes, however, the DHL eCommerce Parcel International Direct services will have little to no change due to our direct injection routes. We will help guide our clients as to the best shipping strategy utilizing DHL eCommerce or APC Passport suite of services.

USMCA - AMS FulfillmentJuly 1, 2020 is an important date for US small and medium-sized businesses. As of this date, the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) has entered into force.

USMCA is a modernization of NAFTA into an agreement that the State Parties believe will lead to freer markets, fairer trade, and robust economic growth in North America. A fact sheet on the agreement can be found on the website of the Office of the US Trade Representative. Regarding small and medium-sized businesses, the document states:

“Increasing the de minimis level with key trading partners like Mexico and Canada is a significant outcome for United States small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These SMEs often lack resources to pay customs duties and taxes, and bear the increased compliance costs that low, trade-restrictive de minimis levels place on lower-value shipments, which SMEs often have due to their smaller trade volumes.”

The de minimus rule states that if a discount is less than 0.25% of the face value for each full year from the date of purchase to maturity, then it is too small (that is, de minimis) to be considered a market discount for tax purposes. Instead, the accretion should be treated as a capital gain.

The document goes on to state:

“Canada will raise its de minimis level for the first time in decades, from C$20 to C$40 for taxes. Canada will also provide for duty free shipments up to C$150. Mexico will continue to provide USD $50 tax free de minimis and also provide duty free shipments up to the equivalent level of USD $117. Shipment values up to these levels would enter with minimal formal entry procedures, making it easier for more businesses, especially small- and medium-sized ones, to be a part of cross-border trade.”

We’re very pleased to share this good news with our clients and the public, and we encourage those interested in cross-border trade to look into the new agreement and its benefits:

“New traders, just entering Mexico’s and Canada’s markets, will also benefit from lower costs to reach consumers. United States express delivery carriers, who carry many low-value shipments for these traders, also stand to benefit through lower costs and improved efficiency.”

Read the full fact sheet here:

Workforce Safety - AMS FulfillmentWhen the COVID-19 pandemic began, and AMS was deemed essential, the company scrambled to implement all of the CDC recommendations for businesses. We quickly placed hand washing and sanitizing stations throughout the warehouses and installed more bathrooms. We changed around workstations for distancing and we restructured assembly lines; we brought in a 3rd party cleaning agency and sanitized high-touch areas; we provided gloves and masks as soon as we could get them – everything that could be done, we did.

Recently we took two more steps to protect our warehouse workers – the AMS team located appropriate dividers and had them installed on the assembly lines and in the lunchroom. Protecting the health of our essential workers, the men and women who have stood with us through these extreme times, remains our top priority. There has been no indication of a spread taking place within the company, and we are thankful for that.

Our VP of Operations at AMS West, Marco Pelaez, has been dedicated to keeping our associates safe at the workplace. Marco has the full support of the company as he continues to make our environment as safe as possible.

In a recent communication to all associates, AMS CEO Jay Catlin encouraged everyone as follows:

“Let’s continue to stay vigilant in our fight against COVID-19… keep your hands clean and masks on please, especially when you’re speaking with others!! It’s natural to want to pull your mask down when speaking with someone… easier to be heard, more comfortable… but this is precisely when you need to keep the mask in place. The warm months are coming and we understand that wearing a mask isn’t ideal in that environment. AMS will be sourcing and supplying masks that are not quite as heavy as our “Safety First AMS” cloth masks, giving some level of comfort to our Team members out on the floor.

Pride Month 2020 - AMS FulfillmentAs AMS celebrates Pride Month, we also join in the celebration of the Supreme Court decision that workers cannot be fired for being gay or transgender. AMS places high value on our diverse workforce, and we are very pleased to see Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 upheld and clarified.

AMS has long stood for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion and our commitment is to continue, and always look for ways we can do better. At the recent AMS ‘March for Change’ event Ken Wiseman, Chief Workforce Development Officer, spoke on our commitment to do better both as a B-Corporation and a corporate family. Ken promised to take intentional steps to ensure better inclusion: “Acceptance of a diverse and inclusive workplace will be a condition of being in this family.”

In the past, while LGBTQ workers in many locations were protected by local laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, there was no federal law that explicitly barred LGBTQ workers from being fired on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Now that failing has been overcome by a decision of the Court. Diversity is one of the ways that B-Corporations serve to better the world, so this is indeed a month for celebrations within the B-Corp community.

As employers with a long-time commitment to diversity, AMS knows from experience that a diverse workforce creates a stronger corporate family. We have a stronger company and a happier family because of the diverse talent, diverse backgrounds, and diverse experiences of our teams today, and we intend to continue on that foundation and improve whatever needs improvement as we go forward.

Pride Month is important to all of us because it marks the start of huge change in society as well as within the LGBT+ community. The Pride celebrations began as a tribute to those involved in the Stonewall Riots, occurring in response to a raid on a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn. In 1969 raids were routine, but this time the patrons fought back. It was a message of rebellion, letting society know that harassment and intimidation would no longer be allowed.

This victory is celebrated every June with parades, festivals and concerts going on across the globe. The message of these events: Although attitudes and injustice still remain, we have come a long way since the riots of 1969 and by continuing in this long standing tradition we continue to raise awareness, improve the attitudes of society and encourage inclusiveness.

Many Pride 2020 events have been cancelled, due to COVID-19, but there has been a calendar of virtual events during the month. Coming up on June 27 the Global Pride virtual celebration will be taking place. The Global Pride virtual celebration will be live-streamed and is set to include speeches, musical performances and appearances from human rights activists. More information is available HERE.

We hope you will join with AMS employees in celebrating the virtual events commemorating the brave stand taken against harassment and intimidation more than 50 years ago. The years have brought many changes, and yet we can and must to do better… to Be the change we wish to see in the world.

It was a moving, inspiring event indeed – the AMS March for Change. After witnessing, via television, the murder of George Floyd, there was a strong desire within the AMS family to do something to bring about change; to bring an end to the racism and race-based prejudice and discrimination so damaging to us all.

March for Change - AMS Fulfillment
Jeffrey Forrest

It was a moving, inspiring event indeed – the AMS March for Change. After witnessing, via television, the murder of George Floyd, there was a strong desire within the AMS family to do something to bring about change; to bring an end to the racism and race-based prejudice and discrimination so damaging to us all.

As the world marched and demonstrated with the message, things must change and we’re calling for it, Ken Wiseman, AMS’ Chief Workforce Development Officer was inspired to give voice to the feeling by organizing a march for all employees who wanted to participate.

The plan was made, when to leave each building to arrive at the Livingston warehouse location at noon where there would be a ‘socially distanced’ meeting, with lunch provided and a special guest. Fortunately for the attendees, Jeffrey Forrest, long-time friend of AMS and collaborator in developing the Logistics Apprentice program, was the special guest speaker. Jeffrey serves as VP of Economic and Workforce Development at SCV’s College of the Canyons.

As AMS CEO, Jay Catlin, introduced Jeffrey, he pointed out some of his many achievements. Jeffrey delivered passionate and inspiring remarks, bringing strong applause from the nearly 280 attendees plus many more listening from home via Zoom. Ken Wiseman then took the podium and delivered some very well received remarks, and plans for AMS to ‘turn the light on’ and embrace what we want and need to be as a company committed to diversity.

Ken’s remarks were as follows: As we march into the future and visualize the world we want to live in, what is it we will want to see in this new world? We know we will need all of us acting like family. We will need kindness; we need to listen to each other. We will need to look for ways we can create opportunities for those that need our help. We will need to shed our biases, both conscious and unconscious. We will need to treat people like we want to be treated. We will need to be colorblind. Now we need to drag that image of a better world back into the present and implement a plan to make it happen.

As the meeting closed, and employees returned to their work locations, they had the commitment of AMS ownership, the executive team and every one in attendance to achieve even greater diversity goals.

“Acceptance of a diverse and inclusive workplace will be a condition of being in this family.” Ken Wiseman

Please click this link to see more great photos from the March for Change:

On Thursday, June 11th, AMS employees will be taking a walk from their HQ building and nearby warehouses to the Livingston warehouse location. Through the upcoming “March for Change” AMS will express its solidarity with the peaceful demonstrations taking place across America and around the world.

For AMS management, team leaders, and organizers, the march expresses the company culture, which has focused on being an example of diversity in hiring. As a result, the AMS workforce of several hundred individuals is very diverse, and very much concerned with changing systems that unjustly target minority populations.

Through this march, AMS’s Chief Workforce Development Officer, Ken Wiseman, is able to respond to and give voice to AMS employees who are deeply impacted by recent events. Invited guests include individuals in the community that have worked with AMS to create a culture of diversity that the company values highly.

There will be a ‘social distanced’ lunch meeting at the Livingston location. After a few welcome comments from CEO Jay Catlin. speakers will include Jeffrey Forrest, VP Economic and Workforce Development at College of the Canyons, speaking on the need for reform and respect of diversity, and AMS’s Ken Wiseman, whose commitment to a diverse workforce is well-known in the SCV community. Ken will be joined by a few AMS champions.

Employees are encouraged to make signs positively addressing the need for reform and respect for people of color, and for all people. The focus of the AMS response to these heart-wrenching events was articulated a few days ago by CEO, Jay Catlin in a message to all employees:

“For the most part I stay away from talking politics, but with the movement that has been started in this latest example of brutality, I want you all to know that my heart and my thoughts are with the oppressed.  It would be wrong of me to think I have any depth of understanding for what has lit the fire behind the protests, or for that matter the plight of immigrants and the practices our Hispanic population has had to face with respect to law enforcement.  Just know that my eyes and ears are open, and as a B-Corporation, we will continue to be a company that cares for its people and the betterment of our community.”

Special thanks go out to Greg, Marco, Mark, Carmen, Sam, Veronica, and all of the wonderful volunteers giving their time and energy to this event.

The “March for Change” is for employees and invited guests only – it’s simply AMS’ way of saying… “We’re making another commitment to ‘Be Good For the World’.”


Workforce Safety - AMS FulfillmentHow can we best protect essential fulfillment workers – those that come to work in the warehouses, to receive, assemble and ship the products? Supply chain employees are playing an essential role and we cannot underestimate their importance in battling this pandemic. How do we reduce their risk of exposure?

As a B-Corporation, with a longstanding commitment to the safety and wellbeing of our employees, AMS Fulfillment has taken a number of actions that may serve as a guide for other 3rd party logistics companies faced with the challenges of this unprecedented time.

Our company employs around 500 individuals in three cities. We are headquartered in Valencia, California and we occupy several warehouses on both the West and East coasts. AMS is a full service fulfillment services company with a large and diverse client base.

When the coronavirus first came into our awareness in early February, we adopted the recommendations of the CDC, and began sending email communications to every employee.

The actions that followed took place over an approximate three-week time period that followed, as we responded daily to the quickly changing situation.

*We distributed detailed information from the CDC about the virus and encouraged employees to stay at home if they felt at all unwell.

*We asked employees to talk with their manager or HR if they felt they were at risk and needed to be at home. We made it clear that if they chose that option, they would have an equal opportunity towards continued employment with AMS

*We followed up our written communications with Leadership team visits to each building to talk directly with employees.

*We made a commitment to share with employees if an associate were to leave for self-isolation due to either having the COVID-19 virus, or having been possibly infected with the virus.

*We opened up more bathroom facilities, and brought in portable “studio” grade bathroom trailers to allow less use of existing locations, and making it easier to keep all locations sanitized.

*We placed additional hand washing/sanitizing stations, pumps and wipes in our buildings for convenient and frequent hand hygiene.

*We changed around workstations to allow social/professional distancing.

*In addition to work station distancing, we restructured assembly lines to accommodate the 6’ rule in distancing as well, and we enforced the distancing rule during breaks and lunches.

*We propped open most interior doors, except for secure areas, to minimize ‘hands on door handle’ contact.

*We supplied gloves to all facilities. While a supply of masks has not been immediately available, we distributed existing supply to employees requesting a mask and will continue to do so as more become available.

*We brought in a 3rd Party cleaning agency to first do a deep cleaning in each building, and then provide 2-3 people onsite at each building each day to provide incremental sanitizing and cleaning services.

*We developed a checklist for all high-risk common touch areas that must get sanitized a minimum of 4x per day.

*We discontinued all non-essential meetings, gatherings, and educational classes to minimize distancing challenges. We also stopped any shared food, buffet, pizza lunches – opting instead to have bag lunches brought in when appropriate.

*We suspended all work-related travel.

*We sent as many people as possible to work from home – multiple home offices have been set-up.

*We restricted visitors to our facilities, except for essential business operations and emergency situations.

*We did two sets of surveys to be better aware of which of our employees had requests for part time, remain full time, or take a leave of absence. So far, almost all of our declining workforce has been related to voluntary reductions that have coincided with reducing work-loads.

*We put a hold on returns processing so that packages returning from residences are held for 72 hours prior to processing.

*We made a commitment to give any employee that is hospitalized with the covid-19 virus $500 towards hospitalization costs.

*We are doing routine phone calls to each employee that is out on self-isolation to check on them, and to be informed if their circumstances change.

*We are monitoring for symptoms with associates.

AMS is very fortunate, at this point, as our employees are healthy and in good spirits. We encourage fulfillment companies, if they haven’t already put sufficient changes into effect to protect their employees, to do so quickly. Increased sanitation, hand washing and proper social distancing go a long way toward minimizing exposure.

May we all be safe and in good health as we keep the supply chain moving – “B the Change” you wish to see in the world.

AMS Fulfillment HQPlease enjoy an article about our CEO, Jay Catlin, recently published in “Best Supply Chain Practices” online magazine. We’re proud of Jay, and grateful for his expertise, as well as the expertise of the AMS Executive Team. We’re ‘greater as one’ as we navigate through uncertain times.

AMS CEO Leads Charge to Improve Client Support

When clients turn to AMS Fulfillment, they need to be confident that AMS has the expertise and infrastructure to meet their warehousing, pick-and-pack and fulfillment needs. Over the years, the Valencia, Calif.-based company has built a team of supply chain management and omnichannel fulfillment experts.

“Our clients are supported by fulfillment lifers,” CEO and founder Jay Catlin says. “Our history in this space helps us in collaborating with clients to find efficiencies and support growth.”

A longtime veteran of the fulfillment industry, Catlin started the company in 2002 to help his father’s CD and DVD business. Catlin recalls, “My father was having terrible troubles with his East Coast partners who managed operations, and we basically took control in a move to the West Coast.”

The younger Catlin changed the operating model, ordering DVD components separately and creating finished goods under a just-in-time assembly process to keep up with demand. He explains, “DVD replicators were not delivering the finished goods on time, and we made things easier for them by ordering the individual component parts.”

After helping his father’s business, AMS branched out in 2003 to become a true pure-play fulfillment firm. Catlin says that by using experience that he gained with a top national fulfillment company, “We started marketing ourselves and going after other vertical markets.”

Read More

Supply Chain Management - AMS FulfillmentThe supply chain is vital to America and to the world as we confront this crisis. Much needed medical supplies must be warehoused, packaged and transported as well as all products essential in keeping the country running. The US Government has indicated its commitment to keep supply chain businesses going, particularly the ones that are experienced at shipping products directly to people’s homes. For now, keeping the channel open is of high priority, as online shopping has helped many Americans avoid the risk of crowds.

AMS is fully operational and ready and willing to support distribution challenges on essential products. We are currently assisting in the preparation and distribution of over 30 million bottles of Hand Sanitizer and are also assisting a client with medical supplies arriving at the Port of Los Angeles that will need to be distributed to 11 area hospitals.

Our employees are in good health, as from the beginning we have been carefully following the CDC protocols including mandating social distancing of 6’ in the warehouses. We are sanitizing common areas and frequently touched surfaces, providing gloves, masks (when available) and sanitization stations, and offering part-time or reduced hours. For employees who need to shelter at home, AMS is doing everything we can to accommodate them and help arrange for financial support through whatever State or Federal programs are available.

AMS CEO, Jay Catlin, recently communicated the following to all AMS employees:

At AMS, we are taking the threat of spread very seriously, and we should all know that we are in this fight together! You’ve probably heard it said that all of us around the globe need to go about our business as if we ourselves are infected. Staying conscious of the situation, exercising caution for yourself and those around you, will help put a stop to the spread. As a society, we must do our part to slow this thing down and give our healthcare system a chance to accommodate those who fall ill. Social distancing is a must, and it’s also mandated! We also ask that you continue to wash your hands, use sanitizers, wear gloves (and masks if available), use tissues when you sneeze or cough (or the inside of your elbow), and absolutely call in sick if you feel at all under the weather! 

This is the course of action that must be taken by fulfillment companies and all essential businesses to protect employees and their families, and as a B-Corporation we are committed to go above and beyond, which we have been and will be doing.

A Business Insider report out of Florida tells us of the unfortunate outbreak of coronavirus at six Amazon facilities, which drives home the point that all essential businesses need to enforce safe practices, mandate social distancing and put employee health first and foremost.

Once again, we invite companies that are having difficulties in distributing essential products to contact us. We’re healthy, and committed to serve during this time of ‘pulling together’.

B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentAMS participates in an online community of B-Corporations, called B-Hive. From this community we gain inspiration, looking at the decisions and practices of other B-Corps who have a  commitment to responsibility for others in a time of crisis.

As our readers know, AMS has put into practice all available measures of safety for our employees, as well as understanding, responding and helping with employee concerns for family and financial stability during this time. We are responding as well to community needs for equipment and essential products and will likely do more every day to keep essential goods moving, as this is our focus.

We are proud of our B-Corp family, and would like to share with readers just a few brief examples of how these businesses are responding in their communities.

*B Corp The Body Shop is donating 30,000 units of hand soap and body bar soap to local shelters in Austin, Texas.

*To help students who are home from school — and their parents looking for educational options — New England-based ReVision Energy is offering free online webinars aimed at grade-schoolers.

*Like many others in the restaurant industry, Luke’s Lobster faces big challenges and an uncertain long-term future. Nonetheless, the company is stepping up in the present to donate food to the Broward Outreach Center in Florida, Project FIND in New York City, and a series of hospitals in Portland, Maine, and New York City. The company also launched a program in its still-open markets to donate food to front-line hospital workers.

*24Slides is offering free graphic design for any COVID-19 related educational material.

*BDC is offering support for Canadian entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19.

*B Work, a meaningful work platform in partnership with Fitzii, has had an increase in job postings over the last week, with many roles offered virtually. B Corps and benefit corps looking to hire during this time may express their interest and post on B Work.

*Hootsuite is offering a complimentary 3-month subscription to their professional social media management software for businesses in affected industries.

*Organic India USA is offering free immune kits to the community.

*Trebuchet Group, a management consulting firm, is offering a free one-hour consultation to help businesses think about their next steps amidst the current crisis.

*Danone Canada is supporting an emergency fund for food-insecure families throughout Canada.

*EcoLips has partnered with a local distillery in Iowa to manufacture hand sanitizer and distribute it to the community for free.

*The FruitGuys team has donated 56,000+ servings of fruit to hospitals, essential emergency workers, and food banks.

*Facilities Management Services, a cleaning company in Kentucky,, a grocery service in Alberta and British Columbia, and Success Rehabilitation, a healthcare provider in Pennsylvania, are hiring people who lost their jobs in COVID-19 layoffs.

*Mixt is ensuring that all people have access to healthy food by offering free and highly discounted meals to those in need. Customers can also donate and pay it forward.

Ox Verte made a quick pivot from lunchtime office catering to providing grocery and meal delivery for the elderly, doctors and other health care professionals.

*Revolution Foods is ensuring that kids still receive healthy meals during school closures.

*AMS Fulfillment is in the process of donating fulfillment services to assist two clients in shipping essential materials and donated medical equipment.

In many instances global corporations that are not B-Corps are stepping up to assist in state, local and federal government efforts to get essential equipment manufactured and distributed, and to get food, essential goods and medicines into the hands of those that need it. Very inspiring.

And finally, we will share a story that tops them all… “All over the country, homebound Americans are crafting thousands upon thousands of face masks to help shield doctors, nurses and many others from the coronavirus.”

We hope you’ve enjoyed the news – we can all “B The Change’.