
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

Thanksgiving - AMS FulfillmentThanksgiving is celebrated on November 28th this year. We envision a day wherein everyone celebrates the harvest – a gift from our Mother Earth – to keep us well and fed through the winter to come.

We speak often about the growth and evolution of the American culture. We are realizing our shared humanity, we are rejecting fears and prejudices toward others, we are making amends regarding past wrongs committed, and we are seeking out and wanting to know the true history that brought us to where we are.

Human beings are realizing… the ‘other’ is my brother – we are all sparks from the same Sun.

Be Thankful for the Truth

Thanksgiving is a holiday we really love as for many of us it means family time. Beautiful memories are made at Thanksgiving – memories that last a lifetime. But lately there has been a realization that we haven’t been told the entire story. We’ve been told a story of how the holiday commemorates a gathering filled with shared gratitude for food and life. From a website called Native Hope [LINK] we learn about the Thanksgiving story.

“The dominant cultural and historical story has been told from the perspective of the European colonialists who landed near Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620. In this version of the Thanksgiving story, the holiday commemorates the peaceful, friendly meeting of English settlers and the Wampanoag tribe for three days of feasting and Thanksgiving in 1621.”

We can move down a few paragraphs and find a continuation of the story. “Most children are only taught this brief snapshot in American History, which leaves a frozen memory of peace and generosity. However, in a short time after these Thanksgiving events, circumstances and relationships between the European settlers and the Native American tribes drastically changed. Unfortunately, very few educators have the opportunity to teach students about the massacres of Native tribes like the Pequot which took place in the years that followed. They also do not mention that English settlers robbed Wampanoag graves and stole food from them to survive during their first years on this new continent.”

What an incredible time it must have been. Can we know the true story of how America came to be what it is, and still celebrate Thanksgiving? While we are enjoying a traditional meal with our loved ones, can we know the truth and still give thanks?

Thanksgiving and Native American

We did a Google search for Thanksgiving and Native American and came up with the following:

“When considering “Thanksgiving” and “Native American,” it’s important to understand that for many Native Americans, the holiday is viewed as a day of mourning rather than celebration, as it represents the beginning of colonization and the devastating impact it had on their people, despite the traditional narrative of a shared harvest feast between Pilgrims and Native Americans; many tribes, like the Wampanoag, see the holiday as a reminder of the land loss and displacement that followed the initial contact with European settlers.”

We ask again… is it possible to give thanks and also mourn the great loss experienced by the Native Americans? Yes it is possible. We can show respect for our fellow human beings – respect and gratitude.

Respect for All

On November 1st we published a blog celebrating Native American Heritage Month [LINK]. The following quote answers our questions:

“Many times we have talked about our gratitude for the evolution of the human spirit. European colonization of North America brought much pain and loss to many Native Americans. We have realized the inhumanity of it, and we are working on making it right. Reparations were made to Native Americans after WW2, and the desire exists to see them fully restored. By dedicating the month of November to honor America’s Indigenous Peoples we move closer to restoration and respect.”

The AMS Culture

At AMS we will be celebrating Thanksgiving along with millions of Americans. We are thankful for our families and friends. We are thankful for the bountiful harvest that allows us to enjoy a shared meal. We are very thankful for the way in which our culture has evolved from the inhumanity of slavery, colonization, misogyny and racism to a realization of a better, higher way of being. We honor all Native American Peoples who have suffered, we mourn with them the lives lost, and we support all efforts toward their restoration.

We’ll close with another quote from the Native American Heritage blog:

“It is a great benefit to us to study the history and understand the experience of Indigenous Peoples, so to be an advocate for the full restoration of their culture, peace and prosperity. The Indigenous Peoples include the Native Americans, Native Hawaiians and Alaska Natives. The experiences of the many tribes and families is different and all of them have worked to regain and retain their true cultural wisdom. We thank them for sharing their wisdom and knowledge with us.”

We hope all of our employees, friends, families and readers have a very enjoyable Thanksgiving!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Culture - AMS FulfillmentNovember 13th is World Kindness Day and November 16th is the International Day for Tolerance. We will examine what kindness is, what tolerance is, and ask if we need a “day” to commemorate these ways of being.

We would be very surprised, at AMS, if one of our employees were to report experiencing cruelty on the job. If any employee is having the experience of cruel treatment, we encourage the employee to speak to their manager, contact HR or our CEO, or report it to our confidential hotline. Kindness is a natural way of being and we expect it from all of our AMS family. We also will not tolerate intolerance.

Kindness is Natural

With that said, let’s see what Google does with World Kindness Day: “World Kindness Day will be celebrated around the world on November 13, 2024. First introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, World Kindness Day offers an opportunity to highlight good deeds in the community and the common thread of kindness.”

It is a pleasant chore to look for the good deeds that have been done. We found some enjoyable content at the Random Acts of Kindness website [LINK].

“But, what if we started being intentional about not only noticing and absorbing them (acts of kindness) when they happen to us, but creating those moments for others? What if we made it a point to go slightly outside of our comfort zone at least once a day to make someone smile? To share a compliment with a co-worker or friend? To reach out to a family member we haven’t spoken to in a while? What if we stopped thinking about them as random acts of kindness and started thinking about them as intentional acts of kindness?

“There are things we do every single day with intention, yet we don’t even think about them. We wake up, take a shower, brush our teeth, get dressed, drive to work or school… all part of our invisible routine. What if we added a moment of kindness to our invisible routine? What if we woke up and as we turn the alarm off, we immediately send an uplifting text message to a friend? Or during the morning commute, what if we let that guy merge into traffic with a wave and a smile instead of feeling upset or slighted?”

We all know what kindness feels like and we love to give and receive it. But what about tolerance. How did that “Day” come about and what did the creators seek to achieve?

The “Day” for Tolerance

Here’s what Google gives us in a search for the definition of tolerance and the purpose of the International Day for Tolerance:

“DEFINITION: the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. “the tolerance of corruption”

“PURPOSE: In order to generate public awareness, emphasize the dangers of intolerance and react with renewed commitment and action in support of tolerance promotion and education, the United Nations solemnly proclaimed 16 November the annual International Day for Tolerance.”

Certainly the “Day” wasn’t created to encourage us to tolerate corruption. In fact there are more than a few things we need not tolerate… cruelty for example, as previously mentioned. Let’s go to the UN and see what they intended with the encouragement of tolerance. This is a statement from the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon [LINK].

“Societies are ever more diverse – but intolerance is growing in many places.  Sectarian tensions can be found at the heart of many conflicts, with the rise of violent extremism, massive human rights violations, and cultural cleansing. And the biggest crisis of forced displacement since the Second World War has spawned hatred and xenophobia against refugees and others.

“Tolerance is much more than passively accepting the other.  It brings obligations to act, and must be taught, nurtured and defended. Tolerance requires investment by States in people, and in the fulfilment of their full potential through education, inclusion and opportunities. This means building societies founded on respect for human rights, where fear, distrust and marginalization are supplanted by pluralism, participation and respect for differences.”

Tolerate Our Differences

Engaging in Tolerance, as encouraged by the UN, is what we are asked to do when it comes to cultural differences, political differences, ethnic differences, racial differences, gender differences, and so on. The following language is from the UN proclamation:

“The idea of tolerance is deeply rooted in the fabric of the culture, heritage and traditions. The principles of peaceful and tolerant education also apply to educational content produced in conflict-affected areas. It is inarguably important that this material is free from inaccurate, biased, or discriminatory depictions of different groups in society and that students are taught the values of peace, responsible citizenship, equality, and tolerance in all circumstances. In conflict zones, peace education aids peacebuilding and conflict resolution. Attitudes promoting peace, tolerance, and non-violence range from a national to an international context or one that blurs the lines between the two.”

Perhaps the day will come when we Appreciate and learn from our differences. Let’s enjoy creating a few acts of kindness on the 13th and on the 16th let’s let go of the judgmental intolerance of differences, including those political differences that recently rocked our world.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Every year on November 11th our thoughts go to the men and women who have served in an arm of the US Military. To put your life on the line is courageous, doing it on behalf of your country is even more so. We’ll begin with a big, warm, appreciative Thank You to all readers who are Vets. This is your day – we salute you.

How It Began

From the Military dot com [LINK] website, we offer the following:

“Veterans Day — originally called Armistice Day — began as an occasion to reflect upon the heroism of those who died in our country’s service. It falls on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended World War I.”

“In 1954, the name of the holiday was changed from “Armistice Day” to “Veterans Day” in order to recognize veterans of all wars. We celebrate and honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Veterans Day is a time for us to pay our respects to those who have served. For one day, we stand united in respect for you, our veterans.”

November 11th honors Veterans of all of the branches of the US Military, those who gave their lives, and those who served and survived to return home: The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard are the armed forces of the United States. The Army National Guard and the Air National Guard are reserve components of their services and operate in part under state authority.


There will be a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery with the laying of the wreath. Also there is a ceremony at the National World War II Memorial in D.C., a ceremony at the U.S. Navy Memorial, a ceremony at the California State Capitol for California’s veterans, and a ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in D.C.

Also at the Military website we read: “Some of the national ceremonies, such as the one held at Arlington National Cemetery, are often live-streamed, providing viewers the opportunity to witness the wreath-laying and other tributes. Additionally, many local communities, schools, and organizations use YouTube, Zoom or social media platforms to host virtual events like webinars, panel discussions with veterans, and online tributes that feature video montages, speeches, and concerts.”

What Does It Inspire?

As we think about veterans, and we appreciate them and admire their courage, what else comes to mind? Nowadays we are reminded of mental and physical health issues arising from their service and, surprisingly, homelessness. We are saddened by what we hear as it seems so very unfair. How could we let a soldier be homeless? We asked Google about homeless veterans and received the following information:

“Veterans are more likely to experience homelessness than the general population due to a number of factors, including:

Mental health and substance use: Many veterans experience mental health disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorders, such as alcoholism or drug abuse. These disorders can be a coping mechanism for the pressures and traumas experienced during service. 

Lack of transferable skills: Military training and occupations aren’t always transferable to civilian jobs, making it difficult for veterans to find employment after leaving the military. 

Income inequality: Many veteran households spend a large portion of their income on housing. Female veterans are particularly vulnerable because they tend to have lower incomes and are less likely to own homes.” 

The article goes on to point toward a lack of support from family and society and other factors such as childhood trauma and government policy. The author does not explain what government policy could be a cause of homelessness.

Message to Landlords

When we ask about homelessness at the VA dot Gov website, we find a message for landlords [LINK]: “Landlords have a unique opportunity to give back to those who have served. Veterans have selflessly defended our nation in times of need — and landlords can make a positive impact by protecting these individuals from the risk of homelessness. Housing Veterans doesn’t just provide shelter, but can lead to life-changing health, social, and socioeconomic outcomes for them and their families. Furthermore, housing Veterans provides a mutually beneficial relationship; landlords will benefit from responsible, often long-term, renters, support from VA, and guaranteed payments that come through Housing Choice Vouchers or grantees offering short-term subsidies.”

Healthcare for Homeless Veterans

At the VA website we find the following question: “How do I get help if I’m homeless or at risk of becoming homeless?”

The VA offers some help: “We offer many programs and services that may help—including free health care and, in some cases, free limited dental care. We can also help you connect with resources in your community, like homeless shelters or faith-based organizations.”

For readers who want to help veterans in need, we would like to offer what help we could find. The National Call Center for homeless veterans is 877-424-3838, and the Veterans Crisis Line is found at this [LINK]. You don’t have to be enrolled in VA benefits to call or contact the crisis line.

We Thank You and We Care

To all of the veterans at AMS Fulfillment we say Thank You and we do care. On Veteran’s Day and every day if you or any member of your family needs help please contact HR and get connected with the free employee assistance program – it covers employees and their families who need mental health services.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Health - AMS FulfillmentWe hear the term Movember, and we associate it with growing a moustache, but what is the commemoration for? We asked Google and got this answer:

“In the month of November, you may see more men donning mustaches than usual. It’s all part of an initiative called Movember, in support of men’s health. Movember is a charity helping raise money for various aspects of men’s health, including mental health and suicide prevention, testicular cancer, and prostate cancer. As part of the Movember movement, men across the globe grow mustaches to raise awareness and spark conversations about the cause.” 

Time to Grow a Moustache

There are a lot of really good people working at AMS and we care about their health. The intention of Movember is to encourage people to wear a moustache (Mo) in November and while doing so, look into the symptoms of prostate and testicular cancer, adopt a healthier lifestyle if needed, get tested if needed, and if depression is an issue, seek help. We want you well and strong and with us for a long time.

According to Wikipedia, the goal of Movember is to “Change the face of men’s health. By encouraging men (whom the charity refers to as “Mo Bros”) to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detectiondiagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Using the moustache as the driving symbol of the movement, Movember focuses on the three key areas of prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.”

Male Reproductive Cancers

We went to the Mayo Clinic website for some information on prostate cancer and here is the [LINK] to their information. We will give readers a brief quote and encourage a visit to the website. “Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland in males that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate cancer that’s detected early — when it’s still confined to the prostate gland — has the best chance for successful treatment.”

The Mayo Clinic also gives beneficial information on testicular cancer and we encourage a visit to the website for information on the symptoms [LINK]. “Testicular cancer is highly treatable, even when it spreads to other parts of the body. Treatments depend on the type of testicular cancer that you have and how far it has spread. Common treatments include surgery and chemotherapy.”

The Movember Organization

From the Movember website we find out who started it all: “Movember is the only global charity focused solely on men’s health. The Foundation raises funds to deliver innovative, breakthrough research and support programs that enable men to live happier, healthier, and longer lives. Awareness and fundraising activities are run year-round by the Foundation, with the annual Movember campaign being globally recognized for its fun, disruptive approach to fundraising and getting men to take action for their health.

“During Movember, men are challenged to grow a moustache, and men and women can be physically active and move or host a fundraising event. Not only do these commitments raise vital funds, they also generate powerful and often life-changing conversations.”

Learning about the Movember organization is a real pleasure and we encourage a visit [LINK]. Under “Men’s Health” we find the following:

Men will die on average 4.5 years earlier than women and for reasons that are largely preventable, which means that it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s five ways you can give yourself the best chance at living a healthy and long life.

# Spend time with people who make you feel good
# Talk more (be there for someone)
# Know the numbers (get a PSA test)
# Know what’s normal (do your self-checks)
# Move more (add more activity to your day)

Depression and Suicide Prevention

We have talked about prostate and testicular cancer, and we will conclude with some information on the prevention of depression and suicide. On the mental health page [LINK] we find information on what the Movember organization is doing.

“Globally, on average, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day. In the US, the rate of male suicide is alarmingly high: approximately 4 in 5 suicides are men. With the help of Movember, five community-based coalitions are working with either men and boys of color, or military service members, veterans, and their families, in rural and urban communities throughout the United States. This work involves connecting with men and boys in places where they spend time, through activities that they enjoy. Key to the initiative is helping men and boys cope with trauma and stress by strengthening social connections.”  

Our Message to Men

We hope you decide to look into the information on men’s reproductive cancers and make sure you are doing well. We also encourage learning how to self-check for cancer and if depression is an issue, call and get some help. If you work at AMS, call HR and get connected with the free employee assistance program – it covers employees and their families who need mental health services. Plus, AMS is bringing awareness to Mens Health by celebrating Movember as well. The following quote is from Samantha, ESG Program Manager: [EMAIL] “In support of our donation to the non-profit organization ‘Movember’, we are calling all Employee Mo Bros and Mo Sisters – to send me a pic of their mustache, which will be displayed on our TV screens and socials throughout the month of November.”

“’Movember’ makes a difference in mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Our donation and your pictures contribute to and bring awareness to help save a father, a brother, a son, a friend, a partner, a man’s life.”

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Native - AMS FulfillmentNovember is both Native American Heritage Month and National American Indian & Alaska Native Month. We’re going to explore this subject and give honor and well-deserved respect to the Indigenous Peoples of North America.

As an introduction, here is a quote from the Bureau of Indian Affairs [LINK]: “National Native American Heritage Month is celebrated each year in November. It is a time to celebrate the traditions, languages and stories of Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and affiliated Island communities and ensure their rich histories and contributions continue to thrive with each passing generation.”

This is certainly a well-deserved commemoration and we join with the BIA in gratitude for the fact that the Indigenous Peoples of North America have been able to retain some of their traditions, languages and histories so vital to the human experience. The article continues: “This November and every month, we celebrate the culture and heritage of these remarkable Americans who deeply enrich the quality and character of our Nation. We celebrate Indian Country with its remarkable diversity of American Indian and Alaska Native cultures and peoples while remembering and honoring our veterans who have sacrificed so much to defend our Nation.”

To Commemorate is to Remember

Many times we have talked about our gratitude for the evolution of the human spirit. European colonization of North America brought much pain and loss to many Native Americans. We have realized the inhumanity of it, and we are working on making it right. Reparations were made to Native Americans after WW2, and the desire exists to see them fully restored. By dedicating the month of November to honor America’s Indigenous Peoples we move closer to restoration and respect.

Two of the Citizenship Heroes  

Also from the BIA website we read about some of the early leaders and inspirations:

“After 1900, one of the earliest proponents of a day honoring American Indians was Dr. Arthur Caswell Parker (b. 1881, d. 1955), a Cattaraugus Seneca and the director of the Rochester Museum in New York (now the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences). Dr. Parker (Gawasco Waneh) was a noted anthropologist, historian, and author whose great-uncle was Brigadier General Ely S. Parker, secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant during the Civil War and the first American Indian to serve as Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the Department of the Interior. Dr. Parker also served as the first president of the Society for American Archaeology (1935-36).”

Dr. Parker went on to found Indian rights organizations including the National Congress of American Indians in 1944. Through his organizations he advocated for Native Americans to be given US citizenship. The article goes on to introduce another advocate.

“In the spring of 1914, another Indian rights advocate, the Reverend Red Fox James (b. 1890-95, d. ?), also known as Red Fox Skiukusha, whose tribal identity is undetermined, began a 4,000-mile trek on horseback to Washington, D.C., to petition the President for an “Indian Day.” The following year, on horseback, he traveled from state to state seeking gubernatorial support for U.S. citizenship to be extended to American Indians.”

We searched for the date when Native Americans were granted citizenship, and the BIA website offers the answer: “In 1924, Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act, extending citizenship to all U.S.-born American Indians not already covered by treaties or other federal agreements that granted such status. The act was later amended to include Alaska Natives.”

The Value of Studying the History

It is a great benefit to us to study the history and understand the experience of Indigenous Peoples, so to be an advocate for the full restoration of their culture, peace and prosperity. The Indigenous Peoples include the Native Americans, Native Hawaiians and Alaska Natives. The experiences of the many tribes and families is different and all of them have worked to regain and retain their true cultural wisdom. We thank them for sharing their wisdom and knowledge with us.

Many of our readers know that AMS is a B Corporation. Knowing how on point the B Corp members are, we checked to see what has been published at some of our favorite B Corp websites. At the website “Indigenous Pact” we found an excellent, informative article about building health equity for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Just click the [LINK] to visit that website.

Another excellent article can be found at this B Corp [LINK]. The title, “Weaving Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous Communities into Work” leads to an interesting article that aligns with our message. Here is a brief quote regarding Canadian B Corps: “When organizations open themselves to acknowledge the impact of colonialism on Indigenous peoples’ cultures, economies, and well-being, the task of reconciliation may seem overwhelming. But all organizations and businesses, no matter their realm of work, can turn to reconciliation resources and frameworks to redress the harms of colonization on Indigenous peoples.”

Finally, please enjoy a brief YouTube video entitled “Six Stories Celebrating Native American History and Culture.” The video follows a native chef and we are able to see some of the foods, farming and cooking traditions. It also goes into art created by Native People that gives the message of “We’re alive and we’re Thriving.” The video continues with several more interesting stories readers may enjoy [LINK].

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Employees - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of September: OMAR M., STEVEN D., SANDY V., MARIA B., JEFFERY B., LILIS A., OCTAVIA J., ESTIBALY C., and MARIA O.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them. Every month we see our employees working hard with such outstanding dedication and we are continually impressed by the results they produce!

Congratulations to this month’s winners! All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch!

OMAR M., Operations Associate I (06/05/2023) Boulden

Omar is a hard worker who never shies away from a task, from receiving to replenishing to helping to build set up for new clients. He is a great help in every area and does his best at everything he does. – Steven Z.

STEVEN D., Operations Associate I (06/06/2023) Churchman’s

Steve has been with me since I started here, and I have watched him grow with the B2B team. He is always willing to help where needed. Steve is just super polite and probably the nicest person at AMS. He has recently been visiting his mother in the hospital as she recovers from a health issue. As stressful as that is, Steve never let that affect his attitude at work; he is always smiling and is considered the “muscle” when big things need to be moved. – Paul S.

SANDY V., Account Manager II (09/13/2021) Client Services

I have worked with Sandy for two years now, and it has been a great experience to learn from one another! We appreciate everything she does for our team, thank you for leading by example and the guidance you’ve given me to get to where I am now. Her hard work and dedication have led to success! You rock, thank you for bringing the great energy to our team calls. I’m happy to be working beside you and conquer every day. – Joce G.

Sandy is a great leader, coworker, and mentor. Her thoroughness, attention to detail, and speed are all qualities that are recognized by us as her team and by clients. We appreciate her contributions and help. – Ingrid I.

Sandy is a very calm leader who is easy to approach, listen to, and learn from. She is very smart and can offer great advice! She cares about everyone in the team and genuinely makes a great effort to create a relationship with everyone and break that ice. Her work ethic is very admirable. – Cade R.

Sandy’s thoroughness with every account is second to none. She demonstrates a high level of care to every client, going above and beyond in every instance, while simultaneously providing a pillar of support to her client services team. – Manny M.

MARIA B., Operations Associate II (11/14/2021) Headquarters WH

Maria is the fastest picker in Space (AMS SPACE that is). But for real, she is a very efficient and effective worker. If she could, she would jump on the cherry picker and pull the items herself. She is always actively getting orders pulled and processed, is consistent in her work, and always smiling.  When she is not in “space” you will see her packing and then helping all other clients. She is not afraid to stack some boxes, do a few bin moves, and clean up the warehouse. AMS should be proud to have her on our team. – Ignacio F.

JEFFERY B., Operations Associate II (04/12/2021) Livingston

Jeffery is an outstanding sorter here at Livingston. We had two big launches recently for one of our biggest clients and he kept his line moving with great efficiency, and organization, and he is great at multitasking. He takes care of all our carriers which helps us succeed. Thank you, Jeff for all your hard work, commitment, and amazing organization and work ethic. – Saul M.

LILIS A., Operations Associate I (03/28/2021) New Holland

Lilis is an absolute pleasure to work with! She is always seen smiling and consistently maintains a professional and very polite demeanor, even under stress. She has an amazing work ethic and bounces from department to department with ease, happy to work wherever she is needed. Lilis has a strong willingness to learn. She is extremely reliable and dependable. I can trust her to train others in the correct processes and she doesn’t hesitate to bring an issue to attention. I really enjoy having her on my team and I’m so proud of all her hard work. Great Job Lilis!!! Keep up the great work! – Jade B.

OCTAVIA J., Operations Associate I (11/06/2023) Newark

Octavia started as a temp for peak season of last year and has been with us since. She is the key shipper of one of our clients but she also has experience with all other clients in our building. She is one of the people who comes in every day, early too, and just gets right to work. She will put her music on and just keep going all day. Octavia has helped train new people and knows what’s expected of us as a team. She sticks to herself and doesn’t get mixed up in anything extra or unnecessary. She works hard and is dependable, whenever there is an order that may not be right, she will bring it right to our attention. Anytime we have conversations she really listens to what is being said and works on pushing herself even harder. Octavia is actually about to be heading off for school at the end of the month, so she won’t be here at the building anymore, but if situations arise and she wants to come back, she would always be welcome. We really appreciate what you do over here in the Newark building, Octavia, and wish you the best of luck on your new chapter. Thank you so much. – Amber S.

ESTIBALY C., Operations Associate II (09/16/2024) Williams

We would like to nominate Estibaly for employee of the month for her hard work and dedication in completing her task on time. Though Estibaly has been with AMS for a short period of time, she started as temp and has been able to show she is determined to accomplish goals. She started as a packer in one of our departments and then moved up to help in our returns department. She has demonstrated that she is always willing to learn all aspects in returns. Estibaly is a friendly and helpful person and is always willing to help others when needed. We are grateful to have her as part of our team. – Cristy G.

MARIA O., Operations Associate II (09/22/2021) Witherspoon

Maria has been with the company since 2021 and is in the packing and shipping team. Maria is an outstanding employee who comes to work every day on time and ready to work. She is always ready to take on any task that’s given to her and is willing to work extra hours if needed. I am glad to have her on my team. Thank you for all your hard work. It does not go unnoticed. – Edith S.

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

We all know that before October is over, at AMS we’ll be having some playful fun. It’s called Halloween and it truly is a unique holiday. We get to put the imagination to work and dream up a costume, or some décor, or even better… have some fun with the boss.

The Party Plans!

Last year we had a blast with “Mummify Your Boss” and we’ll be doing it again this year! Here’s what the invitation looks like: “Employee Challenge to “mummify” their supervisor, manager, or director by wrapping them in warehouse materials. Get creative! 1 winning mummy per facility! Winners get bragging rights. Submit your photos by Monday, Oct. 21st.”

Mummifying the bosses is only one of the fun things we have planned. AMS has been holding a costume contest for 7 years! Here’s the invitation: “AMS 7th annual employee costume contest is Thursday, 10/31! See your Activities Committee Rep for details on the “parade” schedule to see everyone at once. Each facility will vote their winners for each category: Individual, Duo, Department. The prize will be a trip to the prize room!” BTW… the prize room has some pretty nice prizes on the shelves.

We have a couple of decoration contests going on as well. There will be a pumpkin decorating prize and there will be a decoration contest for the workspaces… breakrooms, lobbies, offices, departments. Winners of the pumpkin contest will get a trip to the prize room. For the decorate the workspace winners the prize is a trophy that stays with the winner for one year. Readers can find out more and get involved by contacting Samantha Hicks, ESG Program Manager. Here is her email. [email protected]

A Little About Halloween

We all know that Halloween simply means some fun for us and our children, but how did it start, and why did it start? We went to the History website for some info. “The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats.”

Okay – that answers the questions of why and how. Being a little more curious we asked how Halloween is celebrated around the world. The NPR website gives us information on seven countries and we have decided to include the first two… Mexico and England. Readers can follow this [LINK] to read about the others.

Halloween in Mexico and England

Mexico: While children in Mexico also go trick-or-treating on Oct. 31, it acts as a primer for another celebration: el Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, which takes place on Nov. 1 and 2. Observers say the Mexican holiday, which dates back 3,000 years to pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, occurs when the gates of heaven open, allowing the spirit of a deceased loved one to be reunited with their still-living family. Family members may prepare a feast with the deceased’s favorite foods or leave gifts on their gravesite. Festival-goers will don skull masks and eat skull-shaped sweets. And the holiday, once typically celebrated only in rural, Indigenous parts of the country, is now celebrated in major cities, including the capital, Mexico City.

England: The increasing popularity of Halloween in pop culture means that British children may partake in the holiday. But like other countries, it can often be overshadowed by another, much larger event: Guy Fawkes Day. On Nov. 5, British citizens celebrate the failed assassination of King James I by Guy Fawkes and other participants in the plot. Because Fawkes attempted to kill the king with barrels of gunpowder — before being found by the authorities and being sentenced to death — the holiday is celebrated with bonfires across the country. And instead of trick-or-treating for candy, children will walk around asking for a “penny for the Guy.”

Have a Good Time on the 31st

We hope you join with us in having some Halloween fun at AMS. Let’s see who gets mummified!!! We’ll be there for some photos of the costumes as well!!! And… have a ton of fun decorating your workspace!

Make a Difference Day is October 26th. Is this just another one of those awareness days or does it bring us to examine ourselves? At AMS we actually do care about making a difference in our communities and with our employees, so let’s talk about it. How can a corporation truly make a difference… let’s see.

What Is the Origin of This Day?

From Google we find out the following:

“The idea behind Make a Difference Day is to show that anyone can impact their community positively, no matter how big or small the action. The date is firmly set on the fourth Saturday of October each year, which, for 2024, falls on October 26.”

The organizations that founded this commemoration more than 20 years ago were USA Weekend Magazine and an organization called Points of Light. The National Day website talks about not just individuals making a difference, but organizations, of which AMS is one. Quoting from their website we see the following:

“National Make A Difference Day brings community service to a whole new level each year. Organizations join forces on the fourth Saturday in October to make a difference, big or small.”

How Does AMS Make a Difference?

We highly value our employees and we try to make it known to them that we appreciate them as human beings, far greater than a robot. People have a high level of intelligence that allows them to learn, reason, and make diverse decisions.

We often talk about the free personal and professional development courses that our employees can choose and utilize during work hours. We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with College of the Canyons at our California location and Delaware Technical Community College at our Delaware and Pennsylvania locations. It’s a privilege for us to help in this way. And there are many other offerings of training in our classroom, every one of them capable of improving lives, such as ESL (English as a Second Language), in both beginning and advanced classes. Employees at AMS East are connected to the classroom through technology and they are able to attend every class and every session.

Our benefits package is excellent, our wages are fair, and we pay a whole lot of attention to workplace safety. We also offer our employees volunteer opportunities so they can serve the community if they so desire, and we cheer on and engage with our Green Team in their efforts to reduce waste.

At AMS we try our best to make a positive difference in the lives of our employees, and as we said before, we see it not only as a privilege, but a commitment as a B Corporation.

Working In Our Community

AMS has relationships with organizations in the community that allow us to make a big difference in the lives of people who have a difficult time finding employment. We work with organizations that train people with disabilities for the work environment as well as organizations that support and help unhoused job seekers, single mothers and fathers, and individuals who have been incarcerated in getting trained and employed. We are grateful to these organizations for the difference they make in the lives of people who come to them, and we have hired excellent employees from them that we consider AMS Family.

Another way we make a difference in the community is when our employee/volunteers join in various clean-up projects, such as clearing out trash in riverbeds or parks. Our employees also take part in breast cancer awareness events and other similar causes, and AMS is very pleased to partner with local non-profit organizations to donate inventory appropriately within the community in need, on behalf of our clients who wish to donate.

How Else Do We Make a Difference?

AMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation (the B stands for Benefit). The entire intention of the B Corporation is to Be the difference we wish to see in the world. We mentioned the employees and the community, and we haven’t yet mentioned the natural environment and our clients.

Our Green Team

AMS is very dedicated to recycling, providing earth-friendly packaging, utilizing efficient lighting and power-saving methods… everything a fulfillment company can do to protect and preserve the environment. Our employees have formed a Green Team to lead in this effort and they are hard at work.  We have been carbon neutral since 2022, and we’re doing our best to continue that achievement, including annual CDP reporting, and by being transparent, focusing on smart initiatives, and engaging our stakeholders, we strive to make climate impact real and meaningful! Thanks to the Green Team, it’s going well.

And we are dedicated to serving our clients exceptionally well. They are the reason for it all!! Our experienced and passionate Client Services department is here to communicate with and assist every one of our valued clients. We’re transparent, and we care as would a business partner.

The Difference Is Positive

Let’s go ahead and celebrate the October 26th as “Make a Difference Day.” Every one of us is here on this earth to make a positive difference.

We will conclude with some recommendations on how to celebrate from the National Day website:

Making a difference can come in many forms so this day is wide open for participation!
#Volunteer in your community or for an organization with merit.
#Be a mentor. Help a youth or another professional to gain new skills.
#Make a donation to a charity with meaning to you.
#Say a kind word of support to someone who is struggling.
#Put your skills to work. Sometimes our hobbies can bring joy to others in ways we least expect it.

Do what you can to make a difference and enjoy the privilege. It’s what we’re here for.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

Monday, October 14, is Columbus Day, and Indigenous People’s Day. This reality could take us into a painful place, if we allow it. Is it possible to celebrate both and recognize them both? Let’s look into it.

The states that celebrate Indigenous Peoples or Native Americans are Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin and Washington D.C.

Columbus Day

Let’s see what Awareness Days says about the history of Columbus day:

“The history of Columbus Day dates back to the late 18th century when Italian-Americans began celebrating Christopher Columbus’s voyages as a way to honor their heritage and contributions to American society. In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Columbus Day as a national holiday, recognizing its historical significance.

“While Columbus Day is celebrated in the United States, it is worth noting that its observance has evolved over time and is subject to debate and discussion regarding its historical context and impact on Indigenous communities.”

Our Evolution

We have seen continuous changes in our collective consciousness as we begin to manifest a balanced and just world. This land was taken in a process called colonization. As our ancestors came to the United States the Native Americans were pushed into reservations and forced to assimilate into an entirely different culture than the one they had been enjoying. As the European-descended people of the US built their world, they also began to realize what wrongs had been done on their behalf.

There is, within all of us, a desire for morality and justice in our world. It was that desire that brought an end to slavery. The people also saw to it that the Native Americans received reparations. And, a few years ago, the people began to question whether the arrival of Columbus should be celebrated. We are left with that question today as we reach October 14.

Indigenous People’s Day

Let’s see what Wikipedia says about Indigenous People’s Day:

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a holiday in the United States that celebrates and honors Indigenous American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures. It is celebrated across the United States on the second Monday in October, and is an official city and state holiday in various localities. It began as a counter-celebration held on the same day as the U.S. federal holiday of Columbus Day, which honors Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. Some people do not observe Columbus Day at all, citing the lasting harm Indigenous tribes suffered because of Columbus’s contributions to the European colonization of the Americas.”

Appreciating Both

Can we appreciate the European explorers who first sailed to the Americas Region and opened the way for our government’s founders while also appreciating the Indigenous Americans who suffered loss at their arrival?

We are very grateful for the principles of freedom that the founders created the US Government upon. It is these principles that have fed our evolution and will continue to feed our evolution. Because of a natural love for individual freedom, justice and equality we see wrongs done as something we must and will correct.

The B Corporation concept is, within itself, a commitment to correct the corporate ‘profit above all’ mindset. The B Corporation is committed to respect and appreciate all employees and not only treat them fairly, but in fact commit to them as stakeholders. The B Corporation also considers the clients, community and environment to be stakeholders in the company.

We can be grateful that the founders of America, brought here through the explorations of Columbus, created a government structure that embraces freedom and justice for all. And we can be grateful for all of the wisdom and natural beauty of Native American Peoples. We appreciate that Native Americans have maintained some of their culture and have shared their wisdom with us.

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.

cancer awareness AMS FulfillmentWe’re all aware of the pink ribbon… when it shows up, we’re going to talk about early detection of breast cancer. According to Google, more than 360 thousand people will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2024. Breast cancer can be survived, and when caught early, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%. Like prostate cancer, breast cancer is a subject worth talking about.

At AMS we have supported the American Cancer Society’s annual Relay for Life Event for many years through our Signature Sponsorship. Additionally, our Activity Committee engages in employee luminaria fundraising, lighting up our community and honoring every life touched by cancer. Employees make a small donation to dedicate a Luminaria to a loved one lost, someone currently battling, or anyone who has overcome cancer by decorating their Luminaria to make it a completely personal experience. At the event, our Activities Committee sets up a fundraising booth to raise additional funds, and our valued clients will donate their inventory to the cancer survivors. Together, making a difference.

Wear Pink on October 18th 

In October, during Breast Cancer Awareness month, one of the ways the public is reminded and encouraged to get involved is through the “Wear It Pink” day. The day is October 18th this year. The idea is covered in the Awareness Days website as follows [LINK]:

“Wear It Pink 2024 is an annual event that invites people to wear pink clothing or accessories to show their support for breast cancer awareness and research. This vibrant and positive campaign aims to raise awareness about breast cancer, encourage early detection, and raise funds for breast cancer research and support services. Wear It Pink is an opportunity for individuals, schools, workplaces, and communities to unite in a colorful display of solidarity and commitment to ending breast cancer.”

At breastcancer dot org, we learn a bit more about the history of the awareness efforts.

“The event began in 1985 as a week-long awareness campaign by the American Cancer Society, in partnership with Imperial Chemical Industries, a British company that made tamoxifen. The campaign eventually grew into a month-long event.  In 1992, the pink ribbon came into play after Alexandra Penney, SELF magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, partnered with Evelyn Lauder, Estée Lauder’s Senior Corporate Vice President and a breast cancer survivor, to distribute pink ribbons after the magazine’s second annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month issue. Other variations of the pink ribbon have emerged in recent years to raise awareness that all people with breast cancer are not the same. These include ribbons for raising awareness about metastatic breast cancer, men with breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer, and more.”

Types of Breast Cancer

We went to Google with our question as to the types of breast cancer, and we found that there are many types, including:

#Ductal carcinoma: The most common type of breast cancer, starting in the milk ducts.
#Lobular carcinoma: Starts in the milk lobules and is often found in both breasts.
#Inflammatory breast cancer: A rare, aggressive, and fast-growing type that occurs when cancer cells block lymph vessels in the breast skin. The breast becomes red, swollen, and warm.
#Paget’s disease of the breast: A rare type that affects the skin of the nipple and the darker skin around it.
#Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): A non-invasive pre-cancer that starts in the milk duct lining.
#Invasive breast cancer: Any type of breast cancer that has spread into the surrounding breast tissue.
#Metastatic breast cancer: Also known as Stage 4 breast cancer.

Breast cancer can also be classified as hormone receptor-positive or hormone receptor-negative, depending on whether the cancer cells have estrogen or progesterone receptors. HER2-positive breast cancers have high levels of the HER2 protein, which can make them grow faster.

How to do a Self-Exam

Doing a self-exam is simple, calling upon common sense and observation. It’s recommended to do the exam 4-7 days after menstruation. You can do it standing or laying down. If the choice is to lay down, put your hand behind your head and a pillow under the shoulder. You will use your fingertips to search for lumps, thick spots or other changes. Examine also the skin texture, taking note of any dimpling, indentations, puckering or texture that looks like orange peel.

Check the armpit, above the breast up to the collarbone and check for nipple discharge. Of course… if you notice anything concerning get to your doctor. Do the exam monthly, starting around age 20 forward. The self-exam is something you do in addition to the mammogram. Follow your doctor’s recommended schedule for mammograms. If you do both the self-exam on schedule and the mammogram, you are likely to catch any issues at an early stage.

Remember the 18th

If breast cancer awareness is close to your heart, go ahead and wear pink on the 18th and participate in the cause. It is also a good time to donate to a breast cancer charity or give a gift to a survivor. People are encouraged to use social media to talk about early detection and regular screenings. More than a few of us have experience with breast or prostate cancer, whether ourselves, a loved one, family member or friend. We want a cure for this disease, and we want support for those who are going through treatment. So, go ahead and find that pink shirt!!!

IT - AMS FulfillmentOctober has quite a few awareness days and some of them are definitely worth talking about. The first one we are covering is something every one of us is concerned about – cybersecurity! October is cybersecurity awareness month and we are all very much concerned about the security of our private information.

This is the 21st annual recognition, as the President and US Congress drew attention to the importance of cybersecurity in October of 2004. The history of the commemoration is found at the Awareness Days website [LINK]:

“National Cybersecurity Awareness Month was first observed in 2004 as a joint effort between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance. Since then, it has grown into a global awareness campaign, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity in our increasingly connected world.”

AMS and Cybersecurity

We certainly do live in an increasingly connected world. Where would we be, as a full-service fulfillment center, without this incredible Internet and electronic communications? At AMS we take cybersecurity very seriously.

AMS has a highly skilled in-house Internet Technology team that not only develops our systems, which are exceptionally precise and a foundation for our success, but they are also exceptionally secure. When we integrate our system with the systems of our clients, we fully protect the information of our clients’ customers. We know the importance of cybersecurity to our stakeholders.

Some ‘Stay Safe’ Recommendations

From the Awareness website we are offered the following recommendations on how to stay safe:

“Educate Yourself: Learn about common cyber threats, such as phishing, malware, and ransomware, and how to recognize and avoid them.

“Update Software: Ensure that your devices, operating systems, and software applications are up to date with the latest security patches.

“Use Strong Passwords: Create and regularly update strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and consider using a password manager.

“Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Activate 2FA wherever possible to add an extra layer of security to your accounts.

“Back Up Data: Regularly back up your important data to secure and accessible locations to prevent data loss in case of cyberattacks.

“Share Knowledge: Educate friends, family, and colleagues about cybersecurity best practices and encourage them to participate in NCSAM.

“Stay Informed: Follow cybersecurity news, blogs, and resources to stay updated on the latest threats and security tips.”

What Else Can We Do?

We found some very good information available from Microsoft on how to protect your computer. We’re not going to quote the article, but simply offer the recommendations:

#1 Use a firewall
#2 Keep all software up to date
#3 Use antivirus software and keep it current
#4 Make sure your passwords are well-chosen and protected
#5 Don’t open suspicious attachments
#6 Don’t click unusual links in messages
#7 Avoid visiting sites that offer potentially illicit content
#8 Make sure anything you download comes from a trusted source
#9 Don’t use USBs or other external devices unless you own them

Let’s All Stay Safe

Most of us are aware of the precautions we listed, and yet the threats to our personal information keep evolving and increasing. They can appear in email, tweets, posts, online ads, messages, or attachments. We hope that our readers are determined and successful at keeping personal information safe!!

Employees - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of August: SHAUN R., KRISTE L., ANA M., NATALIE B., KENNYA L., ALEXANDRA B., ODALYS R., IRMA M., and ROGELIO D.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them. Every month we see our employees working hard with such outstanding dedication and we are continually impressed by the results they produce!

Congratulations to this month’s winners! All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch!

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SHAUN R., Inventory Control Supervisor I (07/10/2023) Boulden

Shaun started with us a little over a year ago as a picker/packer and has moved up to our Inventory Control Supervisor. He has done an amazing job in his new position as he goes above and beyond for all of us (we “bug” him all day) and our clients. Shaun always has a smile on his face no matter what’s going on around him and ALWAYS has an open chair for anyone who just needs a “quick” chat hahaha. He is always on time, ready to work, and always willing to help where needed. He has been a major addition to our leadership team, and we appreciate all that he does. We all are looking forward to seeing him continue to grow here at AMS. – Meggan S.

KRISTE L., Operations Lead I (08/16/2019) Churchman’s

Kriste came to us from New Holland to assist in the QA department for one of our B2B clients. She had previously come down on numerous occasions to help during VAS projects or last year’s PI while we were adjusting to the new building and growing our team. Needless to say, she has always gone above and beyond to be a team player and assist wherever necessary. The more recent move to the QA department was a permanent move and quite a tremendous commitment on her end. Kriste commutes tirelessly almost two hours a day to be a part of our team and then goes home to be with her children – to me, she is the epitome of a working mom, and she does it with such grace! Each day she brings her A-game, and it shows in her communication with the B2B ops team as well as the CS team. She has also spent time training another associate new to QA/logistics and his progress is a testament to how patient and thorough she is when it comes to teaching others. It has been a pleasure to have Kriste join our team here in Churchman’s and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her as we continue to expand! – Sarah M.

ANA M., Account Coordinator I (11/30/2011) Client Services

Ana has consistently demonstrated exceptional performance in her role. Her hard work, dedication, and attitude have made a significant impact on the team and have contributed to our successes. When one of our clients came on board with over 875+ B2B orders per month, Ana said no problem! She has proven to be a force reckoned with! There is no denying that Ana is always willing to put in the work to ensure that not only her clients are feeling great but also the different teams that she works with. She has a strong relationship with operations and does a great job of making sure that those around her feel appreciated. Our team wouldn’t be complete without Ana and her fun energy! Thank you, Ana, for all that you do and all you bring to the table. We could not do this without you! – Stacy C.

NATALIE B., Inventory Receiving Specialist (08/27/2015) Headquarters WH

Natalie is on the Shipping team that takes care of all outgoing orders. She is always working hard to ensure all orders get prepped to be picked up accordingly. She helps Lou manage all the chaos of the shipping side checking in all drivers, verifying the details, and getting them ready to roll out. She continues to be a great help and is always fun and outgoing. She also helps in receiving by checking in drivers and getting them to the correct docks and at times helps offloading and loading trucks.  She is and continues to provide great value for AMS! – Ignacio F.

KENNYA L., Operations Associate II (05/02/2022) Livingston

Kennya is an outstanding employee here at Livingston who comes to work every day and will give 100% effort from the time she reports to work until the second she leaves work. Kenya demonstrates amazing communication, urgency, and great input. What separates Kenya is her outstanding attention to detail that she demonstrates at “the wall” and she is always aware of what needs to be completed before the next set of orders. Even on our busiest of days, I could count on her at the pack stations. I could say with 100% confidence that she cares in many ways, especially within SLA is what stands out. Thank you, Kenya, for all your hard work, and commitment and for communicating with me when I need you most. Thank you!!!! – Saul M.

ALEXANDRA B., Seasonal Operations Associate (05/21/2022) New Holland

Alex has been a valuable part of the 2nd shift team. We don’t just focus on one area but need to be flexible and fill in where there is a need. Alex will work anywhere and do so with a positive attitude. She has a strong work ethic and can be left to work with a high degree of independence. A good example would be one of our major clients. On nights that only require one person to work in the area, she will both pick and pack and do so in a highly efficient manner. Alex also spends time working in another client where she typically performs her duties as part of a team. No matter who Alex is assigned to work with, the team will make sure that they are meeting their goals. – Jeffrey T.

ODALYS R., Operations Supervisor I (10/02/2023) Newark

Odalys is the Operations Supervisor here in the building and has been with us for a year on October 2nd. The growth that she has shown in the past year has been amazing. She takes complete ownership of her role here in the building, helping guide others to their success, handling her regular duties, and is always wanting and willing to learn something new. Odalys really is someone who you can count on, as an employee and as a friend. She shows up every day and is always showing a positive attitude. If she has questions about anything she will ask, she’s the person who wants to make sure everything is done correctly. She is a good role model in the building, and we aspire for people like her in the workplace. Thank you so much for everything you do Odalys, I am super proud of you! – Amber S.

IRMA M., Operations Associate II (10/06/2022) Williams

We would like to nominate Irma for Employee of the Month for her hard work and dedication to her position in the company. Irma is very detailed and organized. She is always willing to help others when help is needed. Irma is very flexible with her work schedule no matter the time. She is also willing to help in any department, and she always has a positive attitude. We are so grateful to have Irma as part of the Williams team. – Cristy G.

ROGELIO D., Inventory Manager (07/13/2016) Witherspoon

Rogelio has been with us since 2016 as he has grown tremendously as he is now an Inventory Manager. He gives his best efforts every day and takes the initiative to get things done. He has 100% commitment to do the job correctly and in an efficient way the first time. He is always willing to learn new things. He is a good team player when it comes to helping with things that he may not be accustomed to daily. He shows up every day very positive-minded and is someone we can always count on. It has been a pleasure watching his growth!! Thank you !! – Tangie D. & Yesenia P.

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!

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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.