
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

Ken Wiseman - AMS FulfillmentNowadays we hear about corporations and businesses following Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) principles. While we understand what diversity means, and equity and inclusion, we might not have a good understanding of what DE&I looks like in practice and how these principles might affect decision making within a corporation.

Recently the organization Diversity Works conducted an interview with Ken Wiseman, Chief Workforce Development Officer for AMS Fulfillment. AMS is a bi-coastal fulfillment company that is recognized for its DE&I efforts over the years. The company employs around 600 individuals, so the workforce is quite large. AMS is also a B Corporation as well as a Social Enterprise, with Ken being the driving force behind the efforts to serve the community through its hiring practices and empower and protect the wellbeing of the workforce.

There is a video of the interview available, which we will include below, but we also would like to offer a story that we feel is an excellent example of what DE&I looks like in practice.

During the interview, Ken told the story of some decisions AMS had to make when the COVID pandemic shut down some of the businesses for which AMS was providing fulfillment. AMS found itself in the position of having to downsize the staff by 35%, and the question was, “How can we do this fairly and equitably.” While another company might have made the decisions based on tenure or on keeping the ‘best workers’, AMS took a different path.

The company created a survey for the employees, recognizing that some employees would want to be home to care for children, or due to health concerns they need to be home. By choosing this first option the employees could temporarily be laid off. The survey also offered the option of willingness to be unemployed, and absolutely want and need to stay employed.

AMS was able to downsize the workforce with just the employees who had indicated the first option – I want or need to be at home during this crisis. And the beautiful outcome was that with the stimulus dollars in people’s pockets the economy improved and AMS was able to bring back all of the employees.

This is but one inspiring example of what DE&I looks like in practice. We encourage readers to listen to the full interview HERE.

Green Team - AMS FulfillmentIn our previous AMS Green Team reports we have talked about the projects undertaken by Green Team Volunteers, the Vanpools we’ve organized to help our employees save money and avoid Co2 emissions and traffic, and the extensive Green efforts in our warehouses and offices. Our last report focused on the AMS TrashTag Clean Up Challenge 2021, which took place in October. Please see the photos below! 

In this report we’ll be talking with Samantha Hicks, HR Business Partner and head of AMS Programs and Services, about two very inspiring future plans. The first is for AMS West Green Team and the AMS East Green Team to officially launch their joint efforts, and the second is proposed internships of College of the Canyons LEED certified students who will help our Green Team in their efforts to increase environmental sustainability in our warehouses across the board. 

Q: AMS East and AMS West have already joined forces and the joint launch will take place in January 2022. It seems challenging to bring together the many facets of environmental sustainability and yet an exciting opportunity. Can you tell us, Samantha, what your hopes are for AMS East and West to accomplish together in the next year? 

Samantha: “As a Member of the Green Team, I am excited to be an active part of bringing AMS East and West up to par with top B-Corp standards. Our passionate Green Team Members have been designated to get together monthly to identify opportunities that improve the sustainability of our organization and to develop actionable solutions for these goals. Having individuals from various departments ensures all areas of the business are being taken into account, and it invites open collaboration of ideas and resources.

“This team of like-minded employees typically focuses on two main areas of responsibility: operations and culture. The operations focus covers developing strategies to change policies and processes that protect the environment and potentially improve the efficiency of the business. The other focus, creating a green culture, covers employee participation and educating employees about the why’s and the how’s of sustainability, ultimately encouraging engagement and participation.

“Through employee engagement, our Green Team will encourage a sense of open communication and collaboration across levels and departments. When barriers like this are broken down and a sympathetic outlet for observations is established, the employees who interact and observe the processes or operations almost daily can create valuable insight into improving the company. This second aspect of the Green Team’s responsibility is paramount to ensure a lasting culture of sustainability and a program that successfully drives change.”

* * *

The proposed internship with College of the Canyons seems an excellent opportunity both for AMS and for COC students. LEED students (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) will be able to get direct experience of warehousing issues and AMS will be able to learn how to increase the sustainability of our warehouses across the board.  

Q: First of all, Congratulations Samantha on this exciting proposal. We understand that we’re looking at Spring of 2022 for this program to begin. Since this program is in the development stage we look forward to a much more detailed report in the future. For now, could you tell us how you came up with this idea, which seems like a Win-Win for both the students and for AMS? 

Samantha: “I am excited for the opportunity to potentially partner with 3rd parties, such as COC LEED Certified Interns, in our Green Walk-Throughs. A more tangible business value of sustainability stems from improving operations through on the ground expert level observation that otherwise may be overlooked or go unreported. This can range anywhere from facility efficiency, energy efficiency or operational process efficiency and can provide a strong economical return on investment. Ultimately, as our CEO, Jay Catlin states, our goal is to be carbon neutral.”

We truly appreciate the AMS Green Team and Samantha Hicks for helping AMS uphold its commitment as a B Corporation.

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Photos of the AMS TrashTag Clean Up Volunteers!


Native American History - AMS FulfillmentAs a B Corporation, AMS Fulfillment takes pleasure in recognizing the commemorative “History Months” where the focus is to learn more about the histories of Hispanic-Latino Americans (in September), Native Americans (in November), Black or African Americans (in February), and Women (in March.) Our focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion would be remiss if we fail to acknowledge that the people who make up this great country have stories that, for many of us, are largely untold. When the stories are told from the mouths of the people, they become real to us all, and highly valuable.

November is Native American Heritage Month, and November 26 is Native American Heritage Day. This year’s theme is, “Rising Above Adversity: Bringing Native Voices to the Forefront.” It centers on the history and journey of Native Americans as sovereign Nations with distinct cultures, Nations that have made many meaningful contributions to American society.

A good place to enter into the history and heritage is the website, NativeAmericanHeritageMonth.Gov. At this website, visitors can see an online exhibition called “Why We Serve,” which honors the generations of Native Americans who have served in the armed forces of the United States since the American Revolution. Another section on the website contains a library of 18,000 photographs from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). There is also a video featuring interviews with cultural leaders and a guide for educators with information from a number of sources.

The following quote is from the “About Native American Heritage Month” page:

“One of the very proponents of an American Indian Day was Dr. Arthur C. Parker, a Seneca Indian, who was the director of the Museum of Arts and Science in Rochester, N.Y. He persuaded the Boy Scouts of America to set aside a day for the “First Americans” and for three years they adopted such a day. In 1915, the annual Congress of the American Indian Association meeting in Lawrence, Kans., formally approved a plan concerning American Indian Day. It directed its president, Rev. Sherman Coolidge, an Arapahoe, to call upon the country to observe such a day. Coolidge issued a proclamation on Sept. 28, 1915, which declared the second Saturday of each May as an American Indian Day and contained the first formal appeal for recognition of Indians as citizens.”

Finally, there is a very comprehensive timeline worth studying on the website. It begins with an entry from 1492 about Christopher Columbus. It says, “Believing at first that he had reached the East Indies, he describes the natives he meets as “Indians.” On his first day, he orders six natives to be seized as servants.”

The final entry in the timeline tells us just how much the culture has changed: “March 15, 2021: Representative Deb Haaland of New Mexico is confirmed as Secretary of the Interior, making her the first Native American to lead a cabinet agency.“

AMS Fulfillment benefits greatly from its focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. When the workforce is diverse, the opportunities are equal and everyone’s story is included, the workplace culture is vibrant and engaged in our B Corp purpose.

This link will take you to an enjoyable video by some representatives of today’s Native American youth.

Veterans Day - AMS FulfillmentIt began as Armistice Day, marking the end of World War I. It fell on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 wherein the entire country reflected on the heroism of those who fought and died in service during that devastating World War. Then in 1954, the commemoration was changed to “Veterans Day” in order to recognize and appreciate all veterans in all wars.

Today Veterans Day remans on the 11th day of the 11th month, regardless of the day of the week as a federal holiday. This is a day to honor all who have served, living or deceased, but in particular the living veterans among us. For that reason we greet and honor the military veterans working at AMS Fulfillment and the veterans in our communities. Thank You for your service to our country!

At AMS Fulfillment we support all efforts toward improved healthcare and services to our Veterans in any way that they need care as we HONOR their service and appreciate their sacrifice.

At there is a very helpful listing of meaningful ways to celebrate Veterans Day, such as adopting a military family, donating to a veteran’s organization, participating in the two minutes of silence across the country, and participating in the VA’s “Be There” campaign, which is an effort to connect with veterans who are at risk of suicide. We encourage readers to visit the website and participate in a meaningful way. Click HERE.

From the White House – A Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2021

“On Veterans Day, we honor our Nation’s veterans, who have given so much to protect our freedoms and the freedom of others around the globe.  They represent the highest ideals of our country.  While we can never fully repay the debt we owe these heroes, we will honor their service and provide them the care and support they deserve.  We also salute and show gratitude for all who ensure our Armed Forces remain strong, united, and unmatched.

“In respect and recognition of the contributions our veterans and their families, caregivers, and survivors have made to the cause of peace and freedom around the world, the Congress has provided (5 U.S.C. 6103(a)) that November 11 of each year shall be set aside as a legal public holiday to honor our Nation’s veterans.” Read the full proclamation HERE.

In appreciation of all US Military Veterans we offer an inspiring video dedicated to the men and women who served and are now serving our country in all branches of the Armed Forces. We Thank You!

B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentThis week in our B Corporation blog series, we are inspired by an article at the website about a B Corporation that is reshaping hiring and employment practices to diversify the workforce. As our readers are aware, AMS is known for its hiring practices. Being both a B Corporation and a Social Enterprise, we have focused on hiring a diverse workforce and offering education and training as well.

Even though AMS Fulfillment is well established in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) practices we recently engaged an organization to provide additional training. About the training, Ken Wiseman, AMS Chief Workforce Development Officer, had this to say:

“But like any employer, we know we have blind spots. Recently we engaged Diversity Works, which used a rigorous data-driven approach to evaluate our DEI performance. We approached the effort like an individual would take up exercise and eating well – we wanted to set an intention to do better because we knew we’d come out the other side stronger and more resilient. The results confirmed some things that we already knew, and it identified opportunities for us to hardwire the changes we had made to ensure they last. Most importantly, the recommendations were tailored to our business and aligned to our values – our people are more than inputs, they are integral to our success and future performance.“

The following article from talks about a digital marketing company called Two Octobers that developed an apprenticeship program for Black, Indigenous and other People of Color that does not require a college degree. We hope you enjoy this inspiring article.

How B Corps Are Reshaping Hiring and Employment Practices to Diversify Their Workforce and Strengthen Their Business

Through New Programs and Training, B Corps Live Their Values and Expand Their Teams

“Research shows the benefits of a more diverse workforce — financial, societal, professional, and otherwise. But it was firsthand experience as a marketer and educator as well as a desire to better resemble and serve the community that inspired Nico Brooks and his colleagues at Two Octobers to establish a new hiring program. Similarly, other Certified B Corporations are adopting practices and policies to eliminate common barriers to employment.

“Earlier this year, Denver-based B Corp Two Octobers launched a digital marketing apprenticeship to provide an on-ramp to careers in the field for applicants who are Black, Indigenous, or other People of Color or do not have a college degree. The 20-person digital marketing agency provides analytics, paid media management, SEO and content services. It works primarily with purpose-driven organizations, including nonprofits and fellow B Corps, with an emphasis on teaching, coaching, and training.”

Read the full article HERE.

Warehouse Safety - AMS FulfillmentOver the past months, we’ve produced a number of safety blogs focused on COVID safety, as AMS Fulfillment has been a leader in protecting employees during the pandemic. Every measure that could be taken for employee protection was taken, including a number of very successful vaccine clinics held on the AMS campus. The AMS vaccination rate is 90% fully vaccinated. We continue promoting the clinics, including a booster shot this coming week for the safety of our employees. But we also know that while the COVID protection effort is going on, general safety practices and training have to be engaged as well.

According to an article produced by on warehouse safety, the most common workplace injuries in warehouses are: Heavy Equipment Accidents; Slips, Trips, and Falls; Exposure to Chemicals; Being Hit by Falling Objects; and Machine Entanglement. The article goes on to list tips for the warehouse safety experts to follow.

AMS has an outstanding safety record and we know this is from the training and attention given to safety. Recently we saw that once again, in September, there were NO lost time injuries in any AMS warehouse.

What Does Lost Time Injury (LTI) Mean? According to, a lost time injury is an injury sustained on the job by an employee that results in the loss of productive work time. An injury is considered an LTI only when the injured worker: 1) Is unable to perform regular job duties; 2) Takes time off for recovery, and 3) Is assigned modified work duties while recovering.

The reason LTIs are so significant is that they are key indicators of the effectiveness of the company’s safety program. To find out more about AMS’ safety program and LTIs specifically, we asked Matthew Warholy, AMS Security & Safety Supervisor for his comments:

“At AMS, the fact that our Lost Time Injury rate is very low is due to our O.S.H.A. safety training courses every month and the amount of employees that have been through the course.

“A large portion of our employees that have been through the course are now empowered to look out for and report any safety issues. We can’t do it alone. The employees are our eyes in the warehouses. We have been able to curtail a large portion of accidents and injuries with simple preventative maintenance. That goes a long way. Coming up in 2022, we will be offering our OSHA course in Spanish for our non-English and limited English speaking employees who haven’t been able to take advantage of our current course. This will empower the majority of our workforce to use our safety initiatives.

“With our peak season looming, our workforce increases significantly. Safety is of the highest regard in our warehouses. 

“The majority of our injuries are caused by simply not paying attention to surroundings or taking shortcuts while working. These injuries create workers comp claims which can be expensive and cause our insurance rates to rise. Keeping injuries to our employees low ensures safer work locations, healthy employees and lower insurance premiums. As I stated earlier, preventative maintenance goes a long way.”

Ken Wiseman - DE&I - AMS FulfillmentWorkers across the Midwest walked off their jobs at John Deere recently, echoing the frustrations of workers at Kellogg the month before. After years of relatively low strike activity, a spike in 2018 and 2019 followed by a disruptive global pandemic may be shifting the power dynamic between employees and owners, who often view their people as inputs, the same as they view materials, buildings, or equipment.

This mindset creates unnecessary risks, not just the risk of strikes but the risk of unsafe working conditions, high turnover, lawsuits, and low productivity. And it is why companies that take diversity, equity, and inclusion seriously are already a better investment and will continue to outperform their peers in the future.

Many companies started thinking about DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in the wake of George Floyd’s death, particularly as employees started asking how their employers would respond to the problem of structural racism and the call for social justice.

Certified B Corporations like AMS Fulfillment have this commitment baked in, and it is a significant factor in our success. We focus on DEI to create a safe environment for our employees which in turn makes us a more attractive employer than some of our competitors. We use our DEI values to make sure managers follow the rules and to coach all of our employees on how to resolve conflict and improve communication. As a result, we perform better and improve our margin.

But like any employer, we know we have blind spots. Recently we engaged Diversity Works, which used a rigorous data-driven approach to evaluate our DEI performance. We approached the effort like an individual would take up exercise and eating well – we wanted to set an intention to do better because we knew we’d come out the other side stronger and more resilient.

The results confirmed some things that we already knew, and it identified opportunities for us to hardwire the changes we had made to ensure they last. Most importantly, the recommendations were tailored to our business and aligned to our values – our people are more than inputs, they are integral to our success and future performance.

When we were acquired by a private equity firm a few years ago, it was these values that made us an attractive investment. Thirteen investor teams made us an offer. In the end, we selected an investor who didn’t offer us the most money but the one that agreed to sign the B Corporation agreement and saw our DEI commitments as a competitive advantage.

There are rewards for doing well by your people and considering your employees’ success as your own success. As the former CEO and now, in semi-retirement, Chief Workforce Development Officer of AMS Fulfillment, I see our B Corporation certification and our DEI strategy as part of my legacy.

We’ve created opportunities for people who often have very few, such as individuals who have been involved in the justice system. We’ve worked with our customers to support organizations that help vulnerable mothers provide for their kids and that help people with disabilities find work. And we celebrate every time one of our employees advances their career because of the leadership training that we provide. We do all of this while also giving our investors a good return.

It remains to be seen if striking employees in the Midwest or even right here in Los Angeles with the film and television workers are able to shift the balance of power in their favor. But it doesn’t have to be an adversarial relationship. In our experience, you can value and invest in your employees while also being profitable and competitive. We can do better and protect the bottom line.

By: Ken Wiseman, Chief Workforce Development Officer, AMS Fulfillment

Follow this link to read the above article at


“Change starts with a culture of respect, acceptance, encouragement and progresses on the basis of providing opportunity and education while instilling confidence and trust,” said Ken Wiseman.

Wiseman is a well-known figure in the SCV community, appreciated for developing the workforce at AMS Fulfillment, and for his extensive volunteering while guiding AMS as its CEO. Wiseman has served on a number of boards including Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation, 10-year SCV Sheriff’s Foundation, former Chair of the SCV Mayor’s Committee for the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities, member of the College of the Canyons Business Alliance and current President of the Piru Neighborhood Council. He also served until recently as an 18-year volunteer with the SCV Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Team.

In 2019, Wiseman made the decision to go into semi-retirement and serve AMS as Chief Workforce Development Officer. Among his many achievements are the establishment of an employee learning center, and the creation of opportunities for persons struggling to enter and achieve success in the workforce. Wiseman continues to focus on training and creating a diverse, equitable and nurturing work environment.

Halloween Fun - AMS FulfillmentHalloween is an evolving holiday with a long and weird history, but for most people nowadays it’s a time for children to wear costumes and have some fun going door-to-door for treats. The intention in 2021 is to have fun and be safe, whether or not the most popular costumes can be found on the store shelves! 

A recent article in pointed out that the ‘scream’ mask and animal and mythical creatures costumes are in short supply as well as gaming costumes. The Wall Street Journal reported as well on the supply chain issues affecting the availability of Halloween decorations and costumes.

In a recent blog John Bevacqua, VP of Logistics at AMS Fulfillment talked at length about supply chain issues and how they are affecting the upcoming holidays. John stated that “… a huge and massive surge in demand for products far outweighs the market’s capacity,” and the supply chain issues will not be resolved soon. He recommended ordering early.

We know that costume creation can be done by inventive Moms and Dads, and while specific characters and items might not be available, creative face paint and sewing machines can come to the rescue. All parents and celebrants want to see this year’s holiday season, including Halloween, be something very enjoyable and also very safe for all, despite obstacles!

The tradition of Halloween actually can be traced back 2000 years to a Celtic festival where the people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. It was called Samhain. The Samhain celebration took place in the area that is now Ireland, the UK and Northern France. The paragraph below, from the History website explains how ghosts came into the picture:

“This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.”

The Samhain celebration began to be associated with All Saints Day around the eighth century. Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as a time to honor all saints, and soon some of the traditions of Samhain were incorporated, making the evening before into All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween.

In the US, Halloween was not celebrated to any degree until the second half of the 19th century when immigrants from Ireland came in, fleeing the Irish Potato Famine. The early Halloween tradition had Americans dressing up in costumes and going house to house asking for food or money. That practice eventually became today’s “trick-or-treat” tradition.

Today Halloween has lost most of its superstitious and religious overtones and has become a time for children (and adults who feel the ‘spirit’) to dress up in costumes for the pure fun of it. While parents may not be able to find the exact choice of costume, with some imagination they can still provide an exciting look for the little ones as they safely go out to collect candy and gifts and the adults who create costumes will still get to collect some laughter and smiles.

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Halloween!!

Thank you for your exemplary performance during the month of September! Damion D., Sarah M., Jenn H., Thomas C., Gabriela H., Lisette B., Ana M., Armando C., Raul G.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we know the value of our employees, and we respect them and invest in them.

The following nominations demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond, and deserves Special Thanks! All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate & T-Shirt!

Damion D., DFC Supervisor (08/16/2010), Newark, DE

I would like to nominate Damion for September EOM because he is an outstanding clam truck driver that keeps us going day to day. His knowledge and work ethic shine through to everyone daily. He is a pleasure to work with.

Sarah M., Inventory Manager, New Castle, DE

I would like to nominate Sarah for September EOM. When it comes to dedication it is undeniable that Sarah pours her heart and soul into this job here at AMS. A great person to have on our team!!! She comes in early and stays late. A person that is always willing to step up and take on any task that is asked of her. Thank You Sarah for all you do here in New Castle!

Jenn H., DFC Supervisor (09/17/2019), New Holland, PA

I would like to nominate Jenn for September EOM. Jenn joined our team Sept 17th, two years ago. She has been fantastic to work with. She works so hard and takes initiative to learn whenever able. She never hesitates to ask questions or ask for advice on professional matters. Jenn has overcome so many obstacles during her career with us and never once gave up. She doesn’t let anything shake her and I love that quality about her! She has proven to be dedicated, loyal, and committed to her clients and team members. It has been and still is a pleasure to be able to coach and guide her along the way.

Thomas C., General Warehouse II (04/01/2021), Harrison, CA

I would like to nominate Thomas for September EOM. He has shown that he is a great team player, also he has currently added extra Responsibilities to his daily task and has shown that he is open to learning new processes. Also Thomas has been a great team player, helping the team in other areas and other buildings.

Gabriela H., General Warehouse II (11/27/2020), Williams, CA

I would like to nominate Gabriela for September EOM. Gabriela is a Punctual employee and a hard worker. She can always be counted on her to get the job done very Efficiently and correctly. She has been a great addition to the Williams warehouse and is a key person to the team. She has shown she can handle a task on her own and train and mentor other employees. Gabriela is also eager and ready to help in other departments if necessary and ready to always learn something new. She is a go getter in every way and a joy to have in our building.

Lisette B., Operations Manager (05/20/2012), Witherspoon, CA

I would like to nominate Lis for September EOM. We have been changing processes, learning new technology, and dealing with a semi slow period. She has done a great job implementing along with properly managing her departments and labor needs. Lis is consistently looking for improvements in the department, helping other departments, and handling employee relations very well. She is also always willing to go above and beyond to ensure her team succeeds.

Ana M., Receiving Lead (11/30/2005), Livingston, CA

I would like to nominate Ana for September EOM. Ana has been a great employee for the last 16 years. She is very smart, caring and dedicated, and she helps with training new team members. Ana has so much system knowledge and physical ability, making the Receiving process efficient and accurate. Ana is a great team player, always happy to help, respectful, honest, smart, and caring. She is the employee of the year for me.

Armando C., General Warehouse II (10/12/2020), Headquarters, CA

I nominate Armando for September EOM because he is always the first to work more. He comes in early and leaves late. The bell rings and he will finish the task and not leave it for the next day. He helps everyone on the team including every person in this warehouse. He always comes in with a positive attitude and wants to learn more. Everyone goes to him for help. Armando is an all-around nice guy and a great asset to the team.

Raul G., Account Manager (02/01/2012), HQ Admin, CA

I would like to nominate Raul for EOM for September because Raul is the type of team member who comes in and works hard every day. He never complains, never makes excuses, and does whatever he can to finish the workload. When someone asks Raul for help, he never tells you what he’s working on or how busy he is, he makes time to complete the job and keeps a good moral through thick and thin. Raul has a good friendship with all of the members on our team and we appreciate him very much.

To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!



Peak Season - AMS FulfillmentFulfillment Companies are wise to prepare early for Peak Season in 2021, as the issues that companies face, due to the effects of the pandemic, are unique and challenging. The following is a brief report on AMS Fulfillment’s early preparations with regard to employee safety, staffing and transportation.

Safety Measures:

*Our Client Service, IT and Accounting teams continue to work from home, but now in a hybrid environment.  We have invested in laptops to create a “plug and play” environment for our teams, allowing them to rotate coming into the office.

*We have our own sanitation team “in house” to continue best practices of sanitizing and cleaning.

*We have eased back into meetings, gatherings, and educational classes, keeping the groups to a minimum. We continue to have bag lunches brought in when appropriate.

*We encourage social distancing during lunch and breaks by limiting seating to one chair per table. We also designated additional lunch shifts to avoid any lunchroom crowding.

*We take temperatures of employees when they arrive at work along with vendors who come into the building.

*We have eased into allowing visitors to our facilities, having anyone who visits always adhere to social distancing and masks on.

*We are continuing to support our employees’ desire to become vaccinated by holding clinics and paying for the time to get vaccinated if the associate goes offsite. AMS has held (5) vaccination clinics, opening them up to surrounding companies within our communities.


*A wide range of companies are having staffing challenges due to COVID, and AMS continues to do our best to recruit, work with agencies, and welcome friends and family.

*We are starting earlier in our recruitment efforts as peak season for our clients will likely start earlier and spread out over a longer period of time (which we encourage!).

*With recruiting of new associates comes training, and we are gearing up for training, and working with our valued clients when appropriate.


Freight challenges across the country, from small parcel carriers, post office, LTL and containers have continued to be an issue.  We are adding carriers such as Laser Ship (East), GLS (West), Pitney Bowes and EasyPost, and we hope to have contracts plus integrations in place to launch before peak.

For a more comprehensive and detailed report on global transportation, please see our recent interview with John Bevacqua, VP of Logistics, on Holiday Shipping and Transportation.

We continue to uphold our commitments as a B-Corporation to be ‘Good for the World’ by adhering to our Mission Statement: “At AMS, we recognize that profit and growth are not goals unto themselves, but merely outcomes of uncompromised attention to our customer, our organization, our community, our environment and ourselves.”

Indigenous Peoples | AMS FulfillmentWe often speak about the culture at AMS Fulfillment, and how important it is to the company to hire a diverse workforce, reflecting the communities in which we operate, and opening the doors to individuals who face obstacles in entering the workforce. We offer education and training to the workforce, and equity in promotions not because it is ‘trendy’ and ‘looks good’ from a PR standpoint, but because that is who we are. We want a better world, and so we ‘B The Change,’ as a B Corporation.

What is going on at AMS reflects a much larger cultural change that we have watched take place across the United States and internationally over the past decades. On Monday, October 11th, eleven states celebrated Indigenous People’s Day, while nationally the holiday remained Columbus Day. This gradual cultural change is inspiring, as the American people become more aware of the injustices of the past and take steps to change the way we think about what has occurred, and what we want the future to look like.

In the website we find information about how Columbus Day became a holiday: “Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492, and Columbus Day 2021 occurs on Monday, October 11. It was unofficially celebrated in a number of cities and states as early as the 18th century but did not become a federal holiday until 1937. For many, the holiday is a way of both honoring Columbus’ achievements and celebrating Italian-American heritage. But throughout its history, Columbus Day and the man who inspired it have generated controversy, and many alternatives to the holiday have proposed since the 1970s including Indigenous People’s Day, now celebrated in many U.S. states and cities.”

Also from the History website we find information on Indigenous People’s Day: “Since 1991, dozens of cities, several universities, and a growing number of states have adopted Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a holiday that celebrates the history and contributions of Native Americans. Not by coincidence, the occasion usually falls on Columbus Day, the second Monday in October, or replaces the holiday entirely. As of 2021, the holiday is observed or honored by states including Virginia, Maine, New Mexico, Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Wisconsin, as well as South Dakota, which celebrates Native Americans’ Day, Hawaii, which celebrates Discoverers’ Day, and Alabama, which celebrates American Indian Heritage Day.”

For the first time, in 2021, the U.S. President issued a proclamation on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, stating, “Today, we recognize Indigenous peoples’ resilience and strength as well as the immeasurable positive impact that they have made on every aspect of American society.”

As a B Corporation AMS Fulfillment celebrates what we see as the maturing of the American consciousness in recognition of the experiences of all Peoples as the United States of America came into existence and grew into the multicultural powerhouse it is today. There are wrongs in the past, and we can’t deny that nor do we want to. By being the change we want to see in the world, we actually do change the world, one individual at a time.

As a B Corporation, AMS Fulfillment is committed to ‘Be Good for the World’ in a number of ways. One of our goals is to be responsive to the needs of the communities in which we live.

Community care includes hiring and training practices that serve the homeless, individuals with disabilities, the justice-involved, at-risk youth, seniors and others for whom finding employment is difficult. AMS does that, and we have been widely recognized by the community for our commitment to hiring and training a diverse workforce.

AMS also serves the community by volunteering. One of our programs is called the ‘Multiplier Program’ where the AMS rewards employees who volunteer in the community by finding additional volunteers or providing financial support or both. In addition to this program, employees recently joined in support of a Green Team volunteer request. Employees volunteered to help remove invasive plants in Lancaster, PA and they walked the shoreline of the Santa Clarita River in Santa Clarita, CA to pick up trash and clean up the environment.

During the month of October there will be another Green Team Volunteer event, and this one is aimed to beautify neighborhoods, parks, and any location that could use a clean-up. It’s called the TrashTag Clean Up Challenge 2021! AMS volunteers will pick up their biodegradable trash bags from the Green Team, and qualify for an end of the month raffle by filling the bag with trash, taking a photo of themselves with it and emailing the photo in.

We appreciate all of the AMS employees who volunteer within the community. Whether in hiring, training, volunteering, or giving, it is our goal to be a company that is good for the community that we live and work in. Thank you AMS Employees for all of the good that you are doing in the community!!!

To participate in the TrashTag Challenge, please email [email protected],

AMS Employees are Good for the World!