
Read All About It! AMS News and Local Updates

When it comes to understanding how the supply chain, the wholesale distribution center may be one of the unsung heroes of commerce. It’s an essential element that keeps goods flowing from manufacturers to consumers, but many people don’t really understand what it is or what happens there. Without it, however, industries ranging from consumer products to health care to food and beverage would be unable to keep their items on store shelves. Read on to learn about this crucial link in the supply chain and the many roles it serves.

Understanding Wholesale Distribution

Before getting into the role of a distribution center, it’s important to talk about how wholesale b2b fulfillment works. In the simplest terms, wholesalers function as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the retailer. Manufacturers, for the most part, are concerned with the actual production of goods, and retailers market these goods to consumers. Wholesalers fill a variety of roles in-between, such as arranging for the transportation of products and storing excess inventory. They also may be involved in repacking or kitting, which is the process of assembling or packaging the finished product into the form it takes when it reaches the consumer.

The benefits of utilizing a wholesale model are numerous. First and foremost, a wholesaler gives the original manufacturer the ability to concentrate on its core competencies, rather than spending time and money on logistics. The wholesaler buys goods in bulk from the manufacturer, which keeps purchase costs down and enables the price of each item to be kept as low as possible. Because the wholesaler handles all the elements of transporting and storing those goods, the manufacturer doesn’t need to keep an inventory or concern itself with arranging for shipments and deliveries.

Value-added services — such as kitting and assembly — also provide an attractive incentive for working with wholesalers. A wholesaler has the equipment and capability to handle these steps with ease, so the manufacturer doesn’t have to. A manufacturer makes the product, but the wholesale distributor makes that product presentable and sellable.

Wholesalers also sell products directly to retailers at a slightly higher price than they paid themselves, meaning the manufacturer doesn’t need to worry about finding buyers for its offerings. All these tasks would be exceedingly difficult for a manufacturing company to incorporate into its operations, and the need to maintain its own warehousing, distribution and transportation processes would add a significant amount to the cost of each individual SKU. Having a wholesale fulfillment center in the middle of the process means consumers can enjoy lower prices on what they buy at the store.

An Essential Element

Having wholesalers serve as the go-between for manufacturers, retailers and consumers makes much of today’s commerce possible. Wholesale order Fulfillment is proud to be that vital link in the chain for a large number of companies in electronics, food and beverage, and other sectors. Our expertise and multi-channel flexibility in e-commerce as well as wholesale/retail fulfillment and distribution make us an ideal partner for your business, too.

To learn more about everything we can do for you, get in touch with us today.

Green Team News - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment is very concerned about respecting our Earth and protecting our future. As a B Corporation, we have made a commitment to do our part on behalf of the planet.

In our last Green Team report, we talked about plans to work with College of the Canyons LEED Interns to identify and increase environmental sustainability in our warehouses across the board. This program has not yet been officially launched, but we are confident it will be launching this year. COC and AMS are working out the details and looking forward to the “green light” to begin.

We also mentioned in our last report that we are looking forward to collaborating with 3rd party Carbon Neutral Experts. We have been actively seeking a consultant and meetings are scheduled in the coming weeks to find the best option for AMS. Samantha Hicks, AMS’ Senior Programs Administrator, offered the following:

“We are committed to being Carbon/Climate Neutral by this year, and we ARE going to do this right! Once we’ve calculated this year’s emissions, it will be time to purchase eligible verified carbon credits to avoid and/or remove an equivalent amount. That’s how AMS can become “neutral”: one carbon credit removes or avoids one tonne of carbon emissions. Projects like reforestation remove carbon from the atmosphere, while renewable energy avoids emissions from fossil fuels, which is another reason why AMS contributed to RainForest Trust in 2021.”

There is vanpool progress to report as well. AMS is looking to start vanpool at the East Coast facilities, and at the West we will be having Vanpool Meetings beginning April 6th, for all employees, in order to get more vanpools started.

Another exciting step forward involves our Safety Training. The OSHA training walks, mentioned in THIS BLOG, have now evolved to include OSHA/Green Team Training Walks, effective April 6th, and every 3 weeks following. These walks will train a group of AMS employees who will be responsible for completing the Green Team Checklist for their warehouse, on a monthly basis, to ensure their warehouse is maintaining a Green Culture. This group can be contacted at [email protected].

And finally, AMS West Green Team and the AMS East Green Team officially launched their joint efforts this January. Samantha said, “Green Team Meetings continue to take place weekly, to ensure AMS is making traction on our efforts. The Green Team could not have better Representation with a group of passionate department Reps who truly care about making a difference in the company and in the world we share. Last week’s win, Purchasing has designed a Catalog of best options for our packing material and our COO, Daniel Butera, is working towards less wasteful shrink pallet wrap. Each meeting we are excited to bring ‘Being the Change’ to the table.”

Leadership - AMS FulfillmentSince the covid pandemic began, businesses have been confronted with immense challenges. In 2020, the Fulfillment industry was tasked with operating in the midst of the crisis as an essential business. While millions of us, avoiding the pandemic, relied on fulfillment companies to handle our packages and products and get them delivered, the companies faced the enormous challenge of keeping their employees safe, and assisting their clients in dealing with a world turned upside down. It has been a time when great leadership is called for.

Now that we are beginning to see a return to normalcy, we can look at the functioning of business leadership during this crisis, and has done that. In a recent article, the author states: “While leaders differ greatly in many respects, according to a new study from consultancy Potential Project that examined 5,000 companies in nearly 100 countries, all the best ones share one essential trait in common. Wisdom + Compassion = Exceptional Leadership.” 

The article goes on to state, “When compassion and performance seem to be at odds, which should leaders focus on? According to the authors of the new Potential Project study, the answer to this question is what sets great leaders apart from mediocre ones. The research shows the best leaders refuse to compromise on either.” 

We are so proud to state that AMS leadership has not compromised on compassion for our employees and has not faltered on performance for our clients. Our AMS safety series of blogs tell of the extraordinary steps taken to protect our employees, and our B Corp blog series covers the compassionate manner in which AMS listened to the employees when it became necessary to lay off staff. Guided by the employees themselves, honoring their requests, the company came through the crisis, and served both the employee and the client needs.

The above-mentioned article concludes with the following regarding successful leaders: “They might need to make tough choices, but they never let that reality desensitize them to the human impacts of those choices nor distract them from carrying out those tough choices in the most humane way possible. It’s a difficult balance, but the ability to strike it well is a hallmark of the very best leaders.” Read the full article HERE.

AMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation, dedicated to placing Purpose before Profit, and we are seeing, as the above article reinforces, that wisdom and compassion are the actual ingredients that create business success. It is a winning recipe in a changing world and our leadership is proving it, by its focus on workforce development, safety, environmental awareness and community involvement. Excellent service to our clients is the outcome.

Recently AMS Fulfillment was featured in the B Corporation newsletter in celebration of B Corp Month. In the article, AMS CEO, Jay Catlin, talks about our focus on training: “Offering paid courses during work hours allows all of our employees the opportunity for betterment. This has been a major step in equity at AMS.” Ken Wiseman, Chief Workforce Development Officer, is also quoted in the article: “Our challenge is to look within our company at areas such as retention, promotional opportunities, and performance coaching to make sure we are creating and maintaining equity in all areas.” Read the full article HERE.

Finally, in speaking of wisdom and compassion in leadership, the President of AMS West, Betty-Lou Wiseman, was featured by one of the members of our B Corporation family in an article celebrating International Women’s Day. Betty-Lou talked about how a fulfillment company reduces its environmental impact. Please click HERE for the article published by 5&Vine!

We celebrate purpose before profit as this is not only the humane way to live life, it is also a recipe for success. We live in a changing world and it is changing for the better. B Corporations are the evidence of that, and we are proud that our leadership has chosen to Be The Change.

Warehouse Safety - AMS FulfillmentIn previous Safety Series blogs we have spoken about OSHA training that is offered for AMS employees, OSHA certification, and the warehouse competitions for graduates of the training course – the OSHA Challenges.

What is OSHA? It is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. An OSHA safety plan is a written plan that describes the potential hazards in the workplace and the company policies, controls and work practices designed to minimize those hazards.

According to the OSHA dot Gov website, “OSHA’s mission is to ensure that employees work in a safe and healthful environment by setting and enforcing standards, and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance. Employers must comply with all applicable OSHA standards. They must also comply with the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act, which requires employers to keep their workplace free of serious recognized hazards.”

AMS Fulfillment is very proud of its safety record, which is in the top percentile for warehouses in the US and has been for some time due to our focus on safety.

Recently AMS made a significant change to OSHA training that enhances our capacity to train employees in warehouse safety. In an interview with Matthew Warholy, Security & Safety Manager at AMS, Matt pointed out that the changes are simply common sense:

“In the past, all of the AMS safety training courses were offered in English. When Ken Wiseman (retired Chief Workforce Development Officer) wondered why we were running out of participants, I realized that we weren’t providing equal resources for our Spanish speaking, and limited English speaking employees.

This week we had our first OSHA Safety Walk in Spanish, and it was a huge success. In the past, our OSHA walks have been instructed in English and we realized that we left out our Spanish speaking and limited English speaking co-workers. This left a large portion of our employees out of the loop. It also kept safety procedures, suggestions and solutions limited.

Today, March 16th, we had seven AMS participants and it was probably the most engaging team that we’ve ever had.

Eric Wiseman and I always lead the OSHA Safety course, but starting today, we had a valuable resource added to our team…….Operations Supervisor Tanya Crespo. Tanya translated our safety procedures in Spanish and our employees not only learned from us but offered valuable suggestions and solutions. At the end of our tour, we always thank our employees for taking time to learn about safety. Our seven participants actually thanked us for inviting them and adding them to our Safety Advocate team. We look forward to our next Spanish OSHA class.”

As a B Corporation, AMS is focused on creating a work environment where there is Diversity and Equity, and Inclusion of all employees. The decision to offer safety training in both English and Spanish is not only common sense, it also brings inclusion to the warehouse floor and the highly valuable OSHA Safety Training, the OSHA walks, and the very enjoyable OSHA Challenge.

B Corporation - AMS Fulfillment

March 8th is International Women’s Day; the month of March is Women’s History Month, and the month of March is also B Corporation Month! As a B Corporation, we have a lot to celebrate this month!

There are women in leadership positions at AMS Fulfillment, coming from diverse backgrounds, having climbed their unique mountains, and we are proud of them, and proud that our story is one of fairness and respect. We will feature and celebrate “The Women of AMS” in an upcoming blog.

In today’s world businesses are increasingly committed to being fair… a whole lot more fair than the culture was 50 years ago. Looking at history is valuable as is shows the distance we have come, which allows us to create the way forward based upon experience. No one is the loser in a fair world, and the progress that has been gained by humanity in the past few hundred years is astounding. And yet there are many mountains left to climb.

In this writing we will focus on AMS Fulfillment’s commitment as a B Corporation and the value of commemorative months to us. The intention of commemorative days and months is to allow us to explore the past, learn from past experience, examine ourselves and determine how we can improve, and then go ahead and Be the Change we wish to see in the world. 

In the past years we have celebrated in our blogs… Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Earth Day (and month), Pride Month, Hispanic Heritage Month and Disability Employment Awareness Month. As we look into the history of the American culture and look into our culture at AMS we have reason to celebrate. Many things have changed in the world and AMS has been on the forefront of change.

As a B Corporation we have focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and as a result our AMS culture is committed to being fair, respectful, and rewarding for those who have faced discrimination or exclusion in the past. At AMS women are in positions of leadership equal to that of men – Equity. We have focused on workforce development, and as a result our workforce enjoys many opportunities for education and advancement – Inclusion. We have worked with organizations in the community to hire individuals that are too often excluded from the workforce – Diversity. And yet there is room for improvement, and we examine ourselves and make efforts to improve wherever we see it is called for.

One of the most profound changes in the American culture is the arising of the B Corporation. What is profound about a B Corporation? In a few words… a B corporation puts Purpose before Profit. A B Corp is legally committed to be good for the world! History shows us that ‘good for the world’ is a profound commitment. As we continue through B Corporation Month we will not only look at our own history and our own progress, we will look at other B Corporations and enjoy their history and progress with regard to being the change we all want to see in the world.

Happy International Women’s Day!! Happy B Corporation Month!! Let’s celebrate Being The Change!

Employee Appreciation - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of January: Sandy V., Jerry F., Elvira A., Rogelio D., Slava F., Ivan R., Dave N., Jim G. and Brooke KP.!

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them.

The following nominations demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond and deserves Special Thanks! All winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate & T-Shirt!

Sandy V., Assistant Account Manager (09/13/2021)
HQ Admin, Valencia CA

I nominate Sandy for January employee of the month. Sandy has demonstrated commitment to her accounts, always providing the best customer service experience. She’s dedicated to learning and growing and wants more of it! Her drive has allowed her to make great strives during her short time here at AMS. She’s proactive and has used what she has learned to help her figure out new situations. She’s always available to help and we appreciate all her hard work! Thank you, Sandy, for the great job that you’re doing and for always having a smile on your face.

Jerry F., Returns Clerk (04/27/2015)
HQ Warehouse, Valencia CA

I nominate Jerry for employee of the month because he has kept track of all FedEx, UPS and USPS delivered packages at HQ for the past 5 years. He created structure, improved process, and strengthened the communication and tracking of all these deliveries. Additionally, he created ways to store and sort TJ returns as well as supply items. Recently Jerry has worked on improving the prize room layout and organization. Jerry is well liked by his peers and treats everyone with respect. Thank you for all of your hard work!

Elvira A., General Warehouse II (01/03/2017)
WIL, Valencia CA

I nominate Elvira for employee of the month because she is an excellent worker. She has 100% commitment to do the job correctly and in an efficient way the first time. Elvira can easily change from one task to another. She will always ask if she can help others. We appreciate her commitment to her work.

Rogelio D., Inventory Supervisor I (07/13/2016)
WIT, Valencia CA

I nominate Roy for employee of the month because he has been instrumental in leading our team through multiple physical inventories throughout the month. His knowledge and leadership have made each project run smoothly and seamlessly with favorable results. His efforts are truly noticed.

Slava F., General Warehouse III (06/22/2020)
LIV, Valencia CA

I nominate Slava for employee of the month because his work ethic speaks for itself. He has perfect attendance, always willing to go the extra mile, always willing to work extra hours if needed, as well as come in on the weekends when requested. He is truly dedicated to AMS Fulfillment. He always has a great attitude towards all employees. Slava is an OUTSTANDING employee who shows motivation, energy, creativity, and determination to accomplish every task thrown his way. He is very dependable, has a great work ethic, has 100% attendance, and is determined to accomplish daily goals by staying overtime and working weekends if needed. There’s not one day that I don’t tell him how much I appreciate him, and other days I tell him, “What would I have done without you today!”

Ivan R., General Warehouse II F (11/12/2014)
HAR, Valencia CA

I nominate Ivan for employee of the month because he has stepped up and is taking on new roles with inventory. He is handling very detailed work for our clients from QC to weekly inventory inquiries such as supply counts and detailed response for CS to relay to client. He always shows up ready to work and takes on tasks that aren’t in his job scope. He takes the time to teach his teammates and takes ownership of our clients. He is a role model for other associates.

Dave N., Director of Operations (03/26/2004)
New Holland, PA

I nominate Dave for employee of the month because he is always a wealth of information! Dave is often pulled in a thousand directions and involved in everything warehouse. Yet he stills finds the time to brainstorm and teach along the way with a positive attitude. He has the patience of a saint and deserves to be acknowledged!

Jim G., DFC Supervisor (06/12/2001)
New Castle, DE

I nominate Jim for employee of the month because he runs our Xerographic department and has done so for countless years. Jim is always helpful with any associates who have questions and does so with such a pleasant demeanor. His work ethic is exceptional, his reliability and attendance are spot on. This department does not get enough credit for the work they do which allows us to service our clients in assembly, fulfillment, special orders, and all-around warehouse needs. Jim is retiring soon and I, for one, think he is irreplaceable. We will all be extremely sad to see him go. What better way to help send off a dedicated, long-time employee than with the recognition he deserves!

Brooke KP., DFC Group Leader (04/26/2021)
Newark, DE

I nominate Brooke for employee of the month  because Brooke is my EOM. I have only been In and out of Newark for a short period of time, but in that time Brooke has really stepped up with taking on extra responsibility to make sure the facility is running efficiently! I’ve seen her come out of her comfort zone and rise to the daily challenges. She has a great future here at AMS. Thank you, Brooke !”

To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!

AMS CFO - AMS FulfillmentIn February of 2022, Bobbi Booher joined AMS as our Chief Financial Officer. We are so pleased and fortunate to have Bobbi, with her skillset and experience, in this vital executive position. She is aligned with our B Corporation culture, committed to ‘B the Change’ and we welcome her into our corporate family!  

As a licensed CPA and finance professional skilled in Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Financial Accounting, Strategic Planning and Supply Chain Management, Bobbi is responsible for all Finance and Accounting matters at AMS. She also is tasked with overseeing Human Resources. Her previous experience makes her a tremendous advocate for the AMS workforce. 

Bobbi comes to AMS from a position as CFO of Fralock Holdings Group of companies where she served for more than 20 years. In addition to Finance and Accounting, Bobbi has been responsible for Human Resources, Employee Safety, IT and Purchasing. This gives her a unique view that goes beyond the numbers and results in decision making that aligns key areas both strategically and financially.  

While in public accounting Bobbi worked for companies in various industries. Prior to entering the field of accounting, Bobbi worked in procurement for a major aerospace company that was later purchased by Boeing. She received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting from Woodbury University. 

Bobbi is married and is almost an empty nester with four children who are all in college or grad school. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, biking, and wine tasting trips with family and friends.  

AMS CEO, Jay Catlin, had this to say about our new CFO: 

“Bobbi is such a welcomed addition to the team.  Her intelligence, incredible work ethic and true passion to do good for our people, our community and our planet make her an amazing find for AMS.  To say that she has hit the ground running is a severe understatement!”

Welcome to the AMS family Bobbi Booher !! 


Black History - AMS FulfillmentVal Verde CA has a very special history; one we’re featuring in this writing in honor of Black History Month. AMS also has its own history with Val Verde as well, and that gives us even more enjoyment in recognizing this community and its story.

The Val Verde community is much appreciated by AMS. First, we appreciate our employees who come from Val Verde; there have been, and are now, more than a few. Also, over the years AMS has been closely involved with the Val Verde youth and families. Retired executive and current AMS Consultant, Ken Wiseman, is a long-time supporter of the Val Verde Sheriff’s Foundation. This relationship has allowed AMS to provide jobs for at-risk youth (excellent employees) over the years. AMS has also supported the Sheriff’s Department “adopt a family” program for many years. Those stories can be found at the AMS Fulfillment blog.

The stories of Val Verde are important to Black History, as back in the 1930s and ‘40s it was one of the few locations where Black people could buy homes and property and build a community. A recent article from ABC7 quotes several early residents of the community including Timothy Williams, Val Verde historian. They describe enjoyable childhoods in a serene community known as the “Black Palm Springs.”

The article states: “The main park became a gathering place for the community. It’s where they held dances, beauty contests selecting Miss Val Verde and a lot of other activities for both young and old. Including an Olympic size swimming pool.” Mr. Williams, who grew up in Val Verde in the 1950s and still lives in the community, continued with his memories: “Every Friday night we would have a drop in right here at the park dancing for the kids 12 13, 14 to learn all the new dances.”

An article at the SCV History website goes more deeply into the evolution of this cherished place for recreation, development and home ownership for Black Americans at a time when such a haven was truly needed: “The first half of this century was a sad time for many Angelenos. Black-owned businesses were torched. Blacks couldn’t use most beaches or public swimming pools, let alone compete with whites for high-paying jobs. It wasn’t until the mid-1950s that the courts finally struck down restrictive covenants that prevented blacks from owning real estate in certain areas of Los Angeles. For many, the only opportunity for recreation or self-expression came in a weekend jaunt to a part of the Santa Clarita Valley that provided refuge from the big city.”

That community was our own Val Verde. The article goes on to describe the development of the community and the participation of Black professionals including Hattie McDaniel and James Earl Jones, who raised thoroughbred horses on a ranch nearby. The creators of the community put love into it. It was a prosperous, enjoyable, beautiful place to live, and a beautiful place to enjoy recreation for a people who faced rejection elsewhere.

The article explains how things began to change in the 1960s. “The civil rights revolution of the 1960s created new opportunities for blacks in Los Angeles and changed the face of Val Verde forever. People who had used Val Verde as a weekend or summer retreat now established neighborhoods where they had not previously felt at home. Val Verde lost much of its special raison d’etre. But even as its pace slowed and its racial makeup changed, Val Verde retained a sense of community that rivals any other in the Santa Clarita Valley.”

At AMS we certainly have seen the sense of community in Val Verde, and we have participated in it as well. The history of the community, as a place of refuge in which to be oneself, without fear, is a precious legacy and a wonderful example of the creativity, spirit and strength of Black people – a “happening place” at a time when the people truly needed such a place. 

B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentThere are many inspiring, dedicated, skillful business leaders embracing the B Corporation concept, and each of them has a story. These businesses may be small or large, with 3 employees or 300 or 3,000. We see them upholding integrity in a changing world; businesses taking responsibility for the wellbeing of much more than the bottom line. These businesses are changing the world and we are proud to stand among them. 

Several years ago AMS Fulfillment joined the ranks of the B Corp community as one of the few fulfillment companies willing to take the pledge in a legally binding agreement. The B Corporation commitment has created a culture within AMS that employees, clients and the community fully support. Employees want to work for a B Corp, clients want to choose a B Corp, communities want to support a B Corp, and owners and shareholders want to invest in a B Corp. And finally, Mother Nature prefers the B Corp as well.

In preparation for B Corp Month, coming up in March, we are pleased to bring to readers the inspiring spirit of these companies by telling their stories. We begin by featuring a company called CNOC Outdoors. Nathan Oetting, Impact, Outreach & Logistics Manager has agreed to talk with us about CNOC Outdoors and what they are doing to B The Change. 

AMS: Hi Nathan! Thank you for the interview. We have enjoyed going through your website, looking at your products and getting an idea of your company’s culture and spirit. You tell the story of how you came to be, and how you selected and created your outdoor gear. You also talk about DE&I. As we move through Black History Month, could you talk about your focus on the community and how you have sought to bring more diversity to the enjoyment of the outdoors? 

NATHAN (CNOC): Thanks very much for the opportunity to chat and tell our story! CNOC Outdoors is a small company, with only 3 full time employees. We have been in business only a few years, but since day one, CNOC has endeavored to make the outdoors more accessible to everyone. We do this by designing products that are durable, easy to use, and repairable. The throw-away culture does not sit well with us. We want our customers to be able to repair our stuff if necessary, instead of having to buy new.

We also give back to the outdoor community and our local community. We have committed to donating at least 20% of profits to non-profits, and we have far exceeded that goal every year. The groups we choose to work with are in-line with our ethos of diversity, equity and inclusion in the outdoors. For the last few years, we’ve held a fundraising campaign in the Fall for different outdoor organizations. We’ve supported The Venture Out Project – an organization whose mission is to provide safe and fun space for queer, trans and LGBTQ+ people to experience the outdoors. And Unlikely Hikers which is a diverse, anti-racist, body-liberating outdoors community of people featuring the underrepresented outdoorsperson.

This year, we are working with a local non-profit here in Portland called Love is King. Love is King aims to eliminate fear in the outdoors and to provide equitable access and safety to ensure an enriching and exhilarating experience in nature for BIPOC folks. We use our platform and money to raise awareness for the causes of these organizations, and we donate gear and funding to help them achieve their mission to diversify the outdoors. As we continue to grow as a company, we hope to be able to reach more people through our platforms, and to raise money for these local and small organizations that are making a difference in the BIPOC and underrepresented community. 

AMS: We really appreciate the work CNOC Outdoors is doing this year to make a difference in the BIPOC community, and your past work as well. When we look into your B Corporation story we see inspiring and uplifting human beings making the world better. Thank you so much for the interview!

Pictured: Nathan Oetting

Green Team - AMS FulfillmentIn this blog series we discuss the work of the AMS “Green Team” in creating an earth-friendly workplace environment. Recently, when we looked into green energy practices undertaken by other fulfillment companies, it became apparent that AMS stands out as a model for other companies that are ‘thinking green’. 

When we look at fulfillment companies, we see big warehouses that need to be heated, cooled and cleaned; we see racks and pallets, cardboard boxes and filler packaging; we see forklifts and powered machinery; we see an office with supplies, paperwork, and we see a lot of people traveling to work, eating and drinking, and traveling home. All of these things offer an opportunity to consider the environment, and AMS has a history of doing just that. 

AMS is a B Corporation and a “green” fulfillment company, and some of our efforts to be environmentally conscious have been in effect since we began. Recycling started in the company’s office nearly 20 years ago. Over the years the recycling became companywide and included racks and pallets. We gave attention to using the right size of packaging to prevent waste and began choosing packaging with air-filled biodegradable plastics. In 2018 the Green Team implemented our first partnership with Republic in recyclable bin sortation to sort landfill vs. recycling. And so, a green fulfillment company will be recycling and re-using, purchasing recycled products, using them wisely and sorting for landfill vs. recycling.  

What about cleaning, heating and cooling the warehouse spaces? AMS uses eco-friendly cleaning agents, disinfectants and cleaning solutions. We also have installed LED lighting and natural skylights in every warehouse, and energy efficient bulbs. Breakroom lighting is motion censored, and lobbies are predominantly naturally lit. With regard to equipment, AMS partnered with energy saving consultants to reduce electrical consumption by 10% per hour of charge time from forklifts using charging stations, and we have replaced our propane powered machinery with rechargeable battery-type machines. 

What about the employees? A number of AMS employees have taken advantage of our offering of Vanpool. AMS has adopted and has maintained an average of three Vanpools, and this has taken an average of 21 vehicles off the road, reducing emissions and saving on employee gas and car maintenance. AMS installed an electric charging car station at our Headquarters. Also, we use biodegradable paper products for employee events, and we have placed purified water dispensers in each warehouse to encourage the re-usable AMS water bottles which every employee is given.

There are many ways for a fulfillment company to ‘think green’ and we’re committed to do our best, and as a B Corporation, do our part on behalf of the planet. AMS is collaborating with 3rd party Carbon Neutral Experts, along with College of the Canyons LEED Interns, to identify, and increase environmental sustainability in our warehouses across the board. And finally, AMS West Green Team and the AMS East Green Team officially launched their joint efforts this January and we look forward to sharing their progress.

Lunar New Year - AMS FulfillmentChinese New Year, also called lunar new year, has begun. Businesses that rely on imports from China historically have taken note of this holiday as it has an effect on manufacturing and shipping. Chinese New Year has been something to anticipate and prepare for, over the years. But this year ‘more’ is expected, as explained in a recent article in Supply Chain Drive. During this holiday, when historically factories and ports in China have shut down, there are even more uncertainties due to Covid restrictions and quarantines.

Quoting from the article: “In previous years, factory output in China during the Lunar New Year was affected by the number of workers who took extended holidays. This year it is unclear if China will allow millions of workers to travel for holidays due to strict COVID lockdown policies…  even if people can travel, they may need to quarantine before returning to work.”

The 2022 Chinese New Year began on Tuesday, February 1st. It signals the beginning of a very extensive festival that marks the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring.

An article in East West magazine explains that businesses shut down about 10 days before the New Year to allow workers to travel home, stating that “…the holiday can disrupt production and shipping schedules for up to three weeks or more. Since China is an economic giant in the global exporting industry, the effects of CNY can ripple around the world, especially for retailers and anyone else who relies on imports from China.”

So that explains the Lunar New Year supply chain concerns. If products don’t ship prior to the New Year, they could be delayed by a month because both the manufacturing and the ports close down. The article has a number of recommendations for companies that source from China. Click HERE to read more.

What is the Chinese New Year holiday about? It is a colorful, exciting, enjoyable time with family, with events, parades, amazing foods, fireworks, and lots of fun. The celebrations are based on the Chinese zodiac, utilizing animals and elements to predict what is to come in the new year.

What does the Year of the Tiger have in store for us? The following paragraphs have our answer:

“The Year of the Rat (2020) was about survival, and the Year of the Ox (2021) was about anchoring ourselves in a new reality. The Year of the Tiger will be about making big changes. This will be a year of risk-taking and adventure. We’re finding enthusiasm again, both for ourselves and for others. Everyone is fired up, generosity is at an all-time high and social progress feels possible again.

“The Tiger is associated with Yang (masculine, active) energy. Tigers do things their own way and hate being told what to do. Expect things to rapidly change this year. Sudden disruptions in career, romance and home life should be expected. Some of us will thrive through taking great leaps, while others might crash and burn. So while it’s important to follow our intuition and run with our wildest dreams, that means we also have to keep our egos in check.”

The Chinese Zodiac also gives attention to the five elements: earth, wood, metal, fire and water. These elements affect the animal sign. In 2022 the tiger is the ‘water tiger’. The horoscopes say that water brings out the emotions and water tigers are family oriented. The water tiger wants to do what’s best for everyone.

That’s a good forecast!! Water Tiger! We will want to do what’s best for everyone in 2022! Sounds like a perfect year for a B Corporation!!

Photo Credit: Ranae Smith

Black History - AMS FulfillmentWe’re grateful that there is a month dedicated to studying Black history as it offers the opportunity to look at the big picture and evaluate where we stand at AMS. Black history is American history and world history; it is past and current.

As a B Corporation, AMS Fulfillment has committed to practice diversity, equity and inclusion in all of our decisions. As we set a higher standard we also recognize that the violation of human rights is still with us in this world, and we still have a way to go.

Black history in the US begins with a decision to deny the humanity of another human for the sake of extracting a profit. The following is a quote from an excellent documentary film, The Story of American Slavery:

“The slavers… they knew that these were human beings, because they were, obviously. They were clearly human beings. At the same time, they were objects of profit, and those two concepts couldn’t really be reconciled. And they never were reconciled. The humanity of these slavers was simply suppressed for the sake of gold. And the shocking thing is that human beings are able, indefinitely, to suppress the urgings of their common humanity… and to deny it for the sake of making profits.”

Today in the US, and at AMS, we’re dedicated to repairing that decision by honoring every human being, and treating every human being fairly for our own sake – perhaps the word should be Equity.

A very important decision in history, and one that should be studied in order to understand our world, is a decision made in the early American colonies. The landowner class imported indentured servants. There was an instance where two white men and one black man who were servants (slaves for a time period of several years), escaped. They were caught. America’s destiny was decided by the judicial decision that followed: the white men were given a couple of extra years of slavery and the black man was given enslavement for the rest of his natural life.

What does it take to repair that decision? It certainly takes a month dedicated to the study of Black history… and more. There is a reward for looking into this history, and that is the opportunity to see victories of the human spirit – the times when heroic people stood for what they Knew was right, sometimes at a great cost. We still have work to do, but there has been true progress for every American in the victories of Black Americans.

We hope readers will find a quiet time to view the very informative documentary film, mentioned above. The Story of American Slavery: Documentary on How Slavery Dominated America

Finally, Samantha Hicks, AMS Programs and Services, offered her thoughts on this special month of learning:

“AMS constantly strives to ensure we have diversity through best hiring practices, DEI and Leadership training, and promotional opportunities. We are proud to have strong Black Leaders, as well as our amazing support group.”

During Black History Month AMS also produces ‘spotlights’ on the warehouse TV screens, and these include nominated employees. The month will begin with a tribute to Chris Bolden, Supervisor, who started as a General Warehouse position, and earned his way to Leading a Team.