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Women Leaders - AMS FulfillmentThis week our Women in Leadership spotlight shines on Sarah Smith, AMS’ Vice President of Marketing. Sarah joined AMS in June of 2022, so she is our most recent Woman in Leadership! Sarah has more than 16 years of marketing experience, with over five years specifically in the eCommerce & fulfillment industry. She comes to AMS from Rakuten Super Logistics where she served as Director of Marketing. Sarah was responsible for all marketing strategies and implementations, including the development of marketing programs, strategic planning, KPI and KSO goals, budget management, execution, and ROI tracking.

Sarah began her career as a Forecasting and Business Operations Analyst in the CPG vertical. After moving to Las Vegas in 2005, she fell in love with digital marketing – where she has been for over 16 years. She spent most of her time in the travel industry before making the switch to B2B Marketing. Sarah has driven businesses to generate optimum campaign ROI using her analytical knowledge. Sarah holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago.


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Women Leaders - AMS FulfillmentThank you for being in the spotlight Sarah! Our first question has to do with marketing. Have you seen that AMS’ culture and B Corporation focus has an influence on potential clients? Have we reached a place and time within the industry where clients want to see their fulfillment company responsible for being the change?

Yes! Conservation and sustainability are important to us and our clients. We are witnessing firsthand the impact of climate change. Hurricanes are stronger, wildfires are more intense, and here in Las Vegas – Lake Mead is dangerously low.  The supply chain industry is carbon producing; however, AMS is focused on reducing our impact, simple things from LED lighting to recycling, and green warehouses. Climate change is something we all must do our part to tackle – working together we can have a huge impact.

In our introduction to this series, we stated the following: “McKinsey & Company reported that even a 10% increase in gender diversity has a positive impact on EBITDA, above-average profitability, increased company communication and direction, as well as increased sustainability and diversity and inclusion.” We realize that you have been with AMS for a short time, and we’re wondering what you have seen so far as the positive impact of women in leadership at AMS?

AMS is the first organization I have worked for that has more female leaders. This had a huge influence on my decision to join the team. Being in logistics is tough for women, it is a male dominated industry. Only 19% of logistics employees are female, here at AMS, over 50% of leaders are female. AMS has been extremely successful over the last 20 years and I fully anticipate that our growth will be exponential in the coming years due to our leadership.

When you were considering accepting your position at AMS did our B Corporation values, diversity, community involvement, environmentalism and so forth play a role in your Yes decision?  

To answer this question, I need to go back to the 1980s…when I was going to single-handedly save the Amazon Forest. Since that obviously didn’t happen, for decades, I have done what I could to contribute. I have volunteered for organizations like SafeNest (domestic violence survivors) and Get Outdoors Nevada (environmental cleanup). This month, I joined Las Vegas Women in Business for Good, a new organization dedicated to the advancement of women in business.

So, long story short, the B Corp values played a significant role in my decision to join AMS. I have been very fortunate in life – both throughout my career and personally. I feel that now is my time to pay it forward and lead change.

The reason we celebrate women in leadership is because women have historically been denied leadership roles. In your years of service in the corporate world have you faced challenges due to being woman, and if so, how have you overcome them? 

Unfortunately, yes, I have experienced challenges early on in my career. Some were subtle, some were overt. I worked for a power tool company where we were encouraged to learn how to use the power tools. We had a sales rep that didn’t agree with my forecast for accessories (drill bits and such). He made the comment “What do you know about how many drill bits we’ll sell, you’re a woman.” I honestly didn’t know how to respond. It took a few years for me to learn how to handle those type of situations.  By the way – that forecast was just about 100% accurate. 

I can directly attribute my success to my high school, Trinity High School. Trinity was an all-girl college preparatory high school. Being all-girl, Trinity provided an environment that fostered excellence. We didn’t have to deal with a lot of the distractors that were in co-ed schools. The vast majority of women I went to school with have become leaders in their industries. It’s pretty darn amazing. I wish there were more all-girl high schools, those formative high school years really do lay the groundwork for successful careers.

Could you speak about your hopes for all women who are seeking to improve their incomes or careers or lives through advancement up the corporate ladder? 

Women have made some incredible strides in the last couple of decades. When I had my daughter 21 years ago, I vowed to give her the skills to deal with gender discrimination situations. My hope and dream is that she, and no women, ever experiences what I did early in my career.

Thank you for being in the spotlight with this inspiring interview – Sarah Smith, VP of Marketing!

Sustainability - AMS FulfillmentThere is some exciting Green Team news to share this month! A few months ago we began to talk about the Team’s plan to work with College of the Canyons LEED Interns to identify and increase environmental sustainability in our warehouses across the board. In March we announced that COC and AMS are working out the details and looking forward to the “green light” to begin. The next mention of LEED interns was when the Team received resumes and began to review them.

Then in early June we announced the following: In our efforts to become Carbon Neutral we registered with the Climate Registry which is an organization that provides us with the tools to measure and report our carbon footprint. AMS hired a credentialed LEED Green Associate as a summer intern to spearhead this program along with one of our Team members. We are working with a 3rd party to take some early steps towards becoming Carbon Neutral from a facilities perspective.

In this August 2022 Green Team blog we’ll give a brief report on the recommendations made in the LEED intern’s walkthrough assessment, conducted on ‎Friday, ‎June ‎17, ‎2022, by Erin Burgess, LEED Green Associate.

Recommendations in the category of SAFETY:

  • The front door had safety signage and was locked. Buzz-in was necessary to enter building from the front lobby. There was onsite surveillance and outdoor site lighting. Utilities were properly marked. Speedbumps in parking lot maintain vehicle speed. Equipment marked on floor and handles locked. Fire protection sprinkler system.

Recommendations in the category of SUSTAINABLE SITES:

  • AMS Fulfillment’s Headquarters had open space, including two outdoor eating areas with surrounding landscape for employees to enjoy their lunch or take a break.
  • AMS Fulfillment may have earned points in this category due to the planters and landscape onsite, which provides habitat for some of the local species, collects local rainwater, and reduces the heat island effect created by the remaining parking lot.
  • An assessment could be conducted to see if light pollution created by parking lampposts is within acceptable levels/angles and could be reduced.
  • It is recommended that AMS Fulfillment install a rainwater collection system if one isn’t already present.
  • (Sustainable Site Credit) “Moat” planter wrapped around three sides of the building, about 4’ wide (maybe 5’). Despite the concrete parking lot, there are areas for local rainwater to absorb into ground and stay on-site.

Recommendations in the category of WATER EFFICIENCY:

  • Low flow water fixtures could be installed in the restrooms and breakrooms to reduce Indoor Water Use.
  • Water fixtures with timers and/or sensors are an excellent way to avoid wasteful leaks to reduce Indoor Water Use.
  • It is recommended that AMS Fulfillment install a rainwater collection system if one isn’t already present. The collected gray water could then be used to reduce Outdoor Water Use.
  • Much of the landscaping appeared to include plants that were native or adaptive which reduce outdoor water use.
  • It is recommended that AMS Fulfillment have a professional landscape visit the site(s) and see if there are plants onsite that require too much watering and replace them with native or adaptive plants if necessary.
  • Water use should be metered as another way to earn LEED points or find and repair costly water leaks.
  • If traditional sprinklers are used onsite, it is recommended that these be switched out with drip irrigation as it wastes less outdoor water.

Recommendations in the category of MATERIALS AND RESOURCES:

  • AMS Fulfillment is currently designing a well-developed recycling program for onsite activities as well as incentive programs for employees to recycle at home.
  • Collect and store well-documented Product Disclosures, MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets), etc., that are easily accessed when needed.
  • AMS already has an on-site recycling program both for the waste generated in operations and for waste generated by employees. AMS is currently creating standard colored bins with signage in English and Spanish to designate different types of waste. Bins are placed through the warehouse, office area, and breakrooms. AMS is also in the process of developing an incentive system that will benefit employees for recycling more onsite and encourage them to recycle at home.
  • Cardboard gets bailed with an on-site bailer. Plastic is separated by type as best as possible and goes to Waste Management outside with regular pickup.
  • Pallets: Broken ones get bought back by pallet company at about half price. They fix them up and then resell them.
  • Refrigerant: No refrigeration for operations. A few residential-sized refrigerators in kitchen, break rooms, and conference rooms.
  • Forklifts: 40 Electric and 5-6 Propane
  • Vehicles: A few vehicles on site to transport employees from site to site, not for deliveries or main operations. New semitruck was recently purchased to comply with new CA Commercial Diesel Codes.
  • Shipping: Shipping for main operations is through 3rd parties like USPS, DHL, etc. Scope 3 Paperless Picking: Orders go through a hand-held system rather than paper print outs.
  • Rainforest: Donated to rainforest and saved 50K acres.

Recommendations in the category of INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY:

  • There were lots of living indoor plants providing oxygen and creating a welcoming environment.
  • Bay doors are often open to let in light and fresh air.
  • Skylights are used in some areas to let in daylight without glare.
  • Industrial floor fans were located throughout the warehouse for Thermal Comfort.
  • Replace remaining fluorescent lights with LEDs.
  • Reduce duration of timed light sensors.
  • Ensure that multiple light switches (such as 4-way switches in the office area) only control localized areas so that some lights may remain off when only part of the area is occupied.
  • AMS Fulfillment’s Headquarters had floor-to-ceiling windows in the lobby and most office areas allowing in daylight. They have film so direct glare is minimized. Some have shades like in the lobby that are pulled down for shade. Cubicles have windows built into walls so the daylight can penetrate the entire space.
  • These large windows enabled quality views to mature, healthy trees and filled planters. In addition, cubicle walls have built-in windows, so the views extend through the entire space.

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The LEED report is extensive and the basic environmental information is presented above. We asked Samantha Hicks comment on where AMS will proceed now, and whether the LEED intern participation has been beneficial to the Green Team. 

We very much appreciate the LEED report and the scrutiny of our facilities. The report points to areas we can improve upon quickly and easily, such as more localized lighting and water efficiency and we will be quick to make those changes. We appreciate also the thumb’s up on the many things we are doing well, including our extensive recycling program. Our Green Team is on a sustainability journey, and we welcome all to join us.

AMS has a strong connection with our local community college, and we knew having an intern on our team would bring a new level of knowledge. Plus, it is a great feeling to be part of helping a person build a foundation with relevant job experience for their resume and a future career in LEED.

Erin’s internship report focused on the environmental and social framework of LEED. Through this lens, the Green Team is educated on AMS’ design of our facilities and how our operations impact the environment through energy use, resource use, waste, and emissions. Erin also looked at the AMS impact on people and community, highlighting our ethical behavior, which measures social impact based on performance with the many programs we offer our employees.

Lastly, Erin took on a huge task with spearheading our reporting software for our emissions report, and made great progress by completing 40% of the project in only a few short weeks! AMS next step is to pick up where she left off by collecting and inputting data, then submitting our report to a third-party verification firm.

I am proud to see and be part of AMS’ progress in becoming Carbon/Climate Neutral. Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”


technology integration - AMS FulfillmentAs we continue moving forward through AMS’ growth and the further integration of our East and West teams, we’ve decided to change the structure of the IT teams around to better accommodate AMS’ and our clients’ needs. This includes a shift from an East/West coast structure to one central technology organization. 


Meet Our New VP of Product Management

IT Promotion - AMS Fulfillment

Ken Shaw has been promoted to Vice President of Product Management for WAMS. Ken joined AMS in 2012 and through the years he has been an essential part of the Technology team and the growth at AMS. Ken has continually excelled at being an expert in our systems and keeping up with the constant changes in them, our business, and our clients’ needs. Along the years with AMS he’s helped launch numerous projects including key functionality such as paperless picking, SLU, the Football Pool, and of course WAMS.  

Ken will be leading the Product Management team including all things related to WAMS going forward. This includes all order processing and integration systems such as WAMS, Warehouse Services, InOrder, ProShip, SluPaq, etc. The Product Management team is responsible for identifying new changes/features and working with our internal teams and external clients to create, implement, roll out, and support these features. The Product Management team will also include the imports teams. Questions and requests specific to our order processing systems will be handled by the Product Management team. 

Thank you Ken for your past achievements and congratulations on your new role – VP of Product Management.


Women Leaders - AMS FulfillmentThis week our Women in Leadership spotlight shines on Carmen Kernek, AMS’ Vice President of Human Resources. Carmen joined AMS in October 2017. She possesses a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Administration and has over 25 years of human resources and organizational development experience in a variety of different industries, including fulfillment, retail, aerospace, manufacturing and payroll services.

Carmen’s expertise includes training, organizational development, talent management, leadership and management coaching, as well as creating and implementing policies and procedures. As AMS’ function leader for Human Resources on both coasts, Carmen is passionate about helping the company make the most of their resources and talents, as well as helping individuals reach their potential through growth, education and coaching.

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Women Leaders - AMS FulfillmentThank you for being in the spotlight, Carmen, and for the interview. Our first question is regarding AMS’ hiring practices. AMS is well-known for hiring individuals with disabilities, homeless individuals, persons who have been incarcerated, at-risk youth, single mothers and others for whom gaining employment is a challenge. Have you seen significant challenges and/or significant rewards to AMS from our hiring practices?

AMS is part of the B Corp community, which continuously strives toward reducing inequality, lowering levels of poverty, a healthier environment, build stronger communities and the creation of high-quality jobs with dignity and purpose. By expanding the hiring pool to include many types of candidates from all walks of life and challenges, it solidifies our commitment to B Corp, and our commitment to our associates for equality and diversity. Our hiring practices make a positive impact in our work environment and on society.   

As VP of Human Resources, do you find that AMS’ B Corp status and dedication to employee wellbeing attracts talent to the company?

Absolutely yes, especially within the past two years or so. Employee expectations are rapidly intensifying. Being a B Corp really clarifies our purpose – which includes a space where employees’ work is meaningful and has a positive impact to our community and the environment. Many candidates are unaware of what B Corp stands for and how different that makes us. We have the best job in Talent Acquisition, which involves teaching candidates not only about B Corp, but about how wonderful of an organization we are, offering learning opportunities, to include ESL, Advanced Leadership, Interview and Resume Writing Skills. We offer wonderful programs where we encourage all employees to participate. To mention a few – we have DE&I Training, Safety Committee, Green Team, Volunteer Committee and so much more!

Could you speak about your hopes for all women who are seeking to improve their incomes or careers or lives through advancement up the corporate ladder? 

My hopes for all women who seek to improve their incomes and careers through advancement up the corporate ladder is that they do not let the fear of the unknown stop them from reaching for the things that they desire AND deserve. I have tried to live my adult life remembering eight powerful statements, which I will share, in the hopes that they are as helpful to other women as they are for me:

Believe in Yourself – believe you can, and you will
Stay Strong – Dream, Believe, Achieve
Never Give Up – a little progress each day adds up to big results
Be Grateful – a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles
Work Hard – good things come to those who hustle
Stay Humble – work hard in silence, let success make the noise
Be Kind – Kindness makes you the most beautiful
Keep Smiling – because of your smile, you make life more beautiful

AMS is a very diverse company, and we, like many, consider our diversity to be beneficial, providing a strong foundation and a great deal of talent. As the leader who oversees Human Resources, what do you see as the benefit of diversity for AMS? 

A diverse workforce brings a wide variety of people with different perspectives, insights, education and skill, making it a breeding ground for smarter decisions being made as well as better opportunities for creativity and problem solving.

When you were considering accepting your position at AMS did our B Corporation values, diversity, community involvement, environmentalism and so forth play a role in your Yes decision?  

At the time I was hired, we were not yet a certified B Corp, however… we had the culture of one, which quite honestly was very interesting to me as I had never worked for a company with such a dynamic, philanthropic, employee engaging culture. I truly believed that AMS was a wonderfully unique… Being different is awesome… AMS was my unicorn and I most certainly said yes and have enjoyed my unicorn ever since!!

You are in a position of being a mentor to women in leadership at AMS with training and guidance for potential leaders being your expertise. What have you experienced at AMS in mentoring leaders?

I feel that it is our responsibility, as mentors, to educate, inspire, and empower the next generation of female leaders with the core values, attitudes and skills that are the foundation of quality leadership. We have a wonderful grouping of strong women leaders who have chosen to guide, coach, support and be a role model to other up and coming leaders. I feel like I was very lucky as I personally have had the privilege of being mentored and have and will continue to mentor at AMS.

The reason we celebrate women in leadership is because women have historically been denied leadership roles. In your years of service in the corporate world have you faced challenges due to being woman, and if so, how have you overcome them? 

I have been in the workforce since I was 14 years old. I am happy to say that things have changed so much, since those days. During the beginnings of my corporate life, there were some very significant inequalities that I can recall. I overcame them through sacrificing, hard work, demonstrating greatness every chance I got and remembering where I came from …. Humble beginnings.

Thank you for this wonderful interview Carmen Kernek, Vice President of Human Resources!!

B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentEvery year B Lab Global creates a Best for the World list, featuring some of the nearly 5000 B Corporations currently certified. In 2018 AMS Fulfillment was honored to be on the Best for the World list. The headline stated that AMS was a fulfillment company whose mission is to do more than fill orders: AMS provides employment and education to a challenged workforce.

The article stated, “AMS Fulfillment is Best For The World: Community, which is evaluated based on a company’s supplier relations, diversity, involvement in the local community, the company’s practices and policies around community service and charitable giving, and more.”

Then the article went on to state, “While becoming a successful fulfillment company based just north of Los Angeles, AMS has discovered the benefits of employing a workforce of people facing life challenges. The company finds purpose in providing initial job opportunities, as well as skills training to take people beyond that first job.” Read the full article HERE.

This year B Lab Global has an extensive Best for the World 2022 list, divided according to the number of employees and the location of the business in the world. Please view the list HERE.

For our monthly B Corporation Series, we have looked at the Best for the World list of seven companies of comparable size to AMS, featured for their focus on the workforce. Two of those companies are located in the US. We saw that one of those companies was an inspiring manufacturer in the food products industry, the King Arthur Baking Company. We would like to feature and congratulate the King Arthur Baking Company, selected for the 2022 Best for the World list!! Please enjoy reading about this company and the excellent work they do.

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“King Arthur Baking is America’s oldest flour company and premier baking resource, offering ingredients, mixes, tools, recipes, educational opportunities, and inspiration to bakers everywhere since 1790.

“At King Arthur Baking, we believe everyone deserves equal access to the joy of baking. To maintain and continue our history of putting community, our employee-owners, and the planet first, we must also address the social injustices that challenge these values. We recognize that the work of fostering an environment of diversity, equity, and inclusion will never end; there will always be more humbling and meaningful work to do.

“In June of 2020, we made a promise to become better, more effective partners to those who experience injustice and marginalization in our country. This began with establishing a new DEI fund, conducting internal trainings and forming a DEI Team, examining hiring practices, and diversifying our content and voices. This is only the beginning of our work towards true equity, diversity, and inclusion at King Arthur Baking. We will continue to hold ourselves accountable to our intentions and promises through transparency and open communication with our customers and fellow bakers.

“Everyone deserves an equitable seat at the baking table.”

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Congratulations, King Arthur Baking Company, for being Best for the World, 2022.

Women Leaders - AMS FulfillmentOur women in leadership series continues this week with a spotlight on Bobbi Booher, AMS’ Chief Financial Officer. Bobbi is responsible for all Finance and Accounting matters at AMS. She is also tasked with overseeing Human Resources.  

Bobbi came to AMS in February of 2022 from a position as CFO of Fralock Holdings Group. In addition to Finance and Accounting, Bobbi has been responsible for Human Resources, Employee Safety, IT and Purchasing. This gives her a unique view that goes beyond the numbers and results in decision making that aligns key areas both strategically and financially. 

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Women Leaders - Bobbie Booher - AMS FulfillmentThank you, Bobbi for allowing us to shine the spotlight on you! Could you speak about your hopes for all women who are seeking to improve their incomes or careers or lives through advancement up the corporate ladder? 

Especially today, there are more opportunities than ever.  I think the most important thing that anyone can do as they prepare for career advancement is to focus on both the technical skills and soft skills for the career path they are going after.  Then take it to the next level and pursue it with a single-minded focus.  If you can find a mentor that is well respected in the field, even better.  For me personally, gender does not even enter my thought process.  A motto someone shared with me a long time ago was “be the best and the rest will come.”  I’ve found that to generally be true.  If that is not the case where you are, move on.  There are organizations out there that will welcome your expertise and will gladly promote you as high up the corporate ladder as you are prepared and qualified to go.

There are more than 5,000 B Corporations worldwide, but very few fulfillment companies have made the commitment. AMS is truly unique in that we have a number of stakeholders: the employees, the community, the environment, the clients and ourselves. From your viewpoint as CFO, can a company be a B Corp and still be profitable?

Absolutely, both in the traditional sense and in ways that may be a little harder to measure.  B Corps are always thinking about how to partner with others for the greater good.  Those partnerships often bring dividends that were never contemplated.  Giving back to employees and the local community only strengthens everyone involved, including the company.  People want to work where their efforts are recognized and appreciated, and where companies invest in their growth and wellness.  This in turn provides companies with great employees who are then committed to paying it forward as well.  What a great environment to be part of!  I think it is similar within the local community.  When you do good, other local businesses support you and vice versa.  This creates a network of like-minded people that can come together for the greater good.  Companies need to be profitable to be able to provide these opportunities and charitable works.  When the right balance is struck, I think it works better for all involved than the more traditional model which tends to value profits over good corporate citizenship. Like all things, the right balance brings the most reward to all shareholders, including investors, who more and more, want to invest in companies that take a broader view.

The reason we celebrate women in leadership is because women have historically been denied leadership roles. In your years of service in the corporate world have you faced challenges due to being woman, and if so, how have you overcome them? 

I do believe California can be unique in the sense that we are typically a bit ahead of the times.  I don’t believe I have ever been denied a leadership role based on gender, but I certainly have faced challenges from time to time that likely had a gender bias to them. I’ve also been the only female on many leadership teams or in other executive/board settings.  My approach in life is to always have faith in myself and to face things head on.  I don’t let challenges derail me and if someone treats me poorly, I let them know it’s not okay.  I find a direct and professional approach typically stops those sorts of things in their tracks. To be honest, I don’t even give them the “credibility” or the influence over me that would be required to derail me.  While I sometimes get annoyed, I just don’t let it change me or my goals.  I’ve found that to work well.  If you don’t give something credence, it’s hard for others to as well.  One thing that I really appreciate here at AMS is the diversity across the board.  There are many women in leadership here and on our Board of Directors. 

Thank you for the interview Bobbi Booher, Chief Financial Officer, AMS Fulfillment!



Thank you for your exemplary performance during the month of June: Melissa L., Ivette E., Alma CG., Dora G., Xiomara V., Jonathan H., Sarah M., Ethan H. and Orville M.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them.

The following nominations demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond and deserves Special Thanks! All winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate & T-Shirt!

Melissa L., Sr. Financial Analyst (04/19/2021) &
Ivette E., Controller (09/23/2019)
HQ Office, Valencia, CA

While this may be a little unusual, I have two nominations this month in the Finance Department for extraordinary effort. I’ll call this one the going the extra mile nomination. Both Melissa and Ivette put forth a tremendous effort to ensure we could hit our financial reporting deadlines over the last two months. There were so many obstacles and unusual situations that all came together to create the perfect storm over the last few weeks. If not for both of their outstanding performances, additional efforts, and amazing dedication to getting it done, we would not have been able to overcome the obstacles being thrown in our path. That team effort made all the difference and brought a chaotic chain of events to a happy ending. Thanks to both for the get it done attitude and poise under pressure!

Alma C G. (aka “Letty”), Operations Lead I (07/28/2004)
HQ Warehouse, Valencia, CA

I would like to nominate Alma aka Letty for Employee of the Month because every day she comes in determined to get the job done. She is so versatile between all the different clients we juggle at the walls. She always has a positive attitude and is willing to help out all of our team members. She’s super reliable and willing to stay and help Operations clear everything out. So thankful for all of the hard work that she has put in and continues to do. Thank you, you are an all-star.

Dora G., Operations Associate II (10/26/2021)
LIV, Valencia, CA

I would like to nominate Dora for Employee of the Month because she has a strong work ethic, positive attitude, and attention to detail. I have been receiving multiple compliments on her behalf. She is a team player, and lately has been sent to help in other departments and other buildings as well. She isn’t the only one receiving compliment, but she has been mentioned the most. Dora always makes sure she completes/performs tasks assigned with accuracy and with a sense of urgency, so the positive comments are in line as I feel the same way.

Xiomara V., Operations Associate II (04/28/2022)
WIL, Valencia, CA

I would like to nominate Xiomara for Employee of the Month because she is an excellent co-worker. She has 100% commitment to do the job professionally; she is fast and efficient. Xiomara accepts all challenges. She is very dedicated to the job and always does the job correctly to get it done. She is a fresh key team player in Williams. I appreciate her commitment to her work.

Jonathan H., Inventory Receiving Specialist I (10/11/2021)
WIT, Valencia, CA

I would like to nominate Jonathan for Employee of the Month because he has shown exceptional performance as an inventory teammate and gone above and beyond all expectations to ensure product is where it goes. He performs his daily tasks before the time requirements as well as fulfilling all requests put in by myself, Maria, and the team. Thank you!

Sarah M., Inventory Receiving Manager I (06/18/2017)
New Castle, DE

I would like to nominate Sarah for Employee of the Month in New Castle DE. Sarah and I started in special project together 5 to 6 years ago! She now manages all special projects & kitting for our building while managing all of our Inventory & Returns! She has been an asset to Echodata and AMS Fulfillment! She’ s super reliable and very knowledgeable, with a mind like an elephant regarding all products and locations in our entire warehouse for all clients. She takes her laptop home when she’s off or on vacation to be available to us whenever we need to solicit her expertise. Sarah deserves to be recognized for all of her hard work and dedication!

Ethan H., Operations Supervisor I (05/19/2019)
New Holland, PA

I would like to nominate Ethan for Employee of the Month for the following reasons:  he came from a day shift receiver position to be the supervisor for our new second shift schedule.  He brings a wealth of product knowledge from his time on the receiving dock. He is a patient teacher/coach to employees. He always has a positive attitude and the willingness to help with anything that needs to be done. His presence and abilities have contributed greatly to the success as we are having on 2nd shift.

Orville M., Exact Staff Assembly, contracted (05/20/2022)
Newark, DE

I would like to nominate Orville for Employee of the Month because he has been with us for a short time but in that time, he has impressed the leadership in the building with his work ethic. He is always willing to step in and help. Thank you, Orville, for being a great addition to the team!!

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!


Women in Leadership - AMS FulfillmentThe first of our Women in Leadership series features the President of AMS West, Betty-Lou Wiseman. Betty-Lou truly needs no introduction at AMS or within the community. She has been a leader, a mentor, an inspiration and a force for good in the community for 18 years. We are delighted to shine a light on one of the most loved and respected members of the AMS family!

Betty-Lou joined AMS in June of 2004 as Executive Vice President of Client Services. Her passion to organize and lead team members in areas facing challenges, brought her over the years into all areas of the business including Client Services, Operations, IT, Sales, HR, and Accounting. She was promoted to President in May of 2019. In 2020 when the company faced the pandemic challenge as an essential business, Betty-Lou was instrumental in helping the nearly 400 employees stay safe and helping the clients fulfill their orders. It has been a herculean task and Betty-Lou has handled this challenge as if she was made for the job.

Betty-Lou has served on the Board for the SCV Domestic Violence Center and is an avid supporter of fundraising events supporting the local SCV Sheriff Station, SCV Search & Rescue, Senior Concerns, multiple youth organizations and Single Mothers Outreach. Recently the Heritage Valley Boys and Girls Club asked Betty-Lou to become a Member of the Board of Directors, and she was delighted to accept that responsibility as well. Upholding AMS’ commitment as a B Corporation, with a strong focus on service to the community, Betty-Lou works on AMS’ Volunteer Champion Committee and volunteers at an event every month. She also manages AMS’ annual holiday meals and gift program to several community areas and families in need.

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Women in Leadership - Betty-Lou Wiseman - AMS Fulfillment

Thank you for the interview, Betty-Lou, and your willingness to be in the spotlight. In last week’s introduction we referenced a report that gender diversity brings about many positives that align with our B Corp values. Could you offer your thoughts on the women you work with and those you have mentored?

When joining AMS to build a Client Service team the first place I looked was within AMS. I have mentored two women that started in the warehouse to become Directors within the company. Zuleika Gonzales worked in the Shipping department, and I knew that she was someone who had the energy and drive to be in the Client Service Department. She moved up the ranks and currently is a Director who manages a team of ten associates and manages our top three accounts. Evelyn Ruiz is also someone I recruited from the warehouse where she was working in Operations. She has also moved up the ranks to a Director. Mentoring both of these young women has made me so proud of them to see how they professionally embraced a leadership role. Both Zuleika and Evelyn are original employees of AMS being with the company for 18 years.

We know that as President you have been focused on all of our B Corp goals, and we thank you for that. We have seen over the years that your heart is in service to the community, and you are recognized, loved and appreciated for your work. Could you talk about the rewards and your personal joys in serving the SCV community?

Community has been near and dear to my heart. Single Mothers Outreach has become an organization that AMS supports. Our clients know all about SMO and they have become supporters of this organization that helps single mothers and children as well. My favorite and most memorable times, in so many ways, are the Holiday Family Adoptions for an underserved community nearby. The camaraderie within the company of departments adopting a family, buying gifts, and wrapping them is like we are Santa’s little helpers, but in reality we really are helping families have a holiday to remember. We gather our gifts and meet our families and all share in the joy, tears and seeing happy families take their gifts home to put under the tree. The teamwork, the giving, and the satisfaction that we did this for our community together is so very rewarding.

Thank you for this interview, Betty-Lou Wiseman, President, AMS West! 

diverse cultures - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation that embraces the value of a diverse workforce. Studies have shown that a diverse workforce creates a strong foundation and exceptional pool of talent. We see that talent manifested from our warehouse employees to the executive staff. AMS is proud to have such a diverse workforce.

The focus of this first ‘AMS Appreciates’ blog is Marco Pelaez, VP of Operations, West Coast. Marco’s life story is unique and yet, like all of us, he has endured hardships and enjoyed successes along the way.  

Marco has been put to the test since early 2020 when the pandemic began. As the VP of Operations, Marco took everyone’s health and safety as his main concern – he took his employees’ safety and well-being to heart. Although the pandemic is far from over, we have come through a great deal, grown closer as employees, and have learned a lot. We asked Marco if he would be willing to share his story and allow us to appreciate him.

Thank you for the interview, Marco. Could you tell us about yourself, where you were born and any challenges you experienced in your early journey?

I was born in Puebla, Mexico. My first challenge started when my parents decided to send me to Marion, Indiana as an exchange student in my senior year of high school. I had to learn English at that point, and I was forced to learn the language in express mode as I was the only Spanish-speaking person in high school. That was my first challenge. After I was done with high school, I went back to Mexico to become a commercial pilot, hoping to work for a major airline company. After working for a private small company flying Cessnas 150s and 172s I decided to move to the USA full time and to work on something different.  

Did you make your move to the US alone, or did family members join you? When you returned, what career did you choose?

Being the youngest of a family of six – four brothers and one sister – I was the only one that wanted to do things outside the family circle. I tried to prove to everyone that I was able to do things away from family and on my own.

I moved alone. All my family members live in Mexico as they never had any interest in moving to the USA. Changing my life, away from family, I’ve had to deal with many challenges. I held different jobs starting from the bottom – I remember my hourly wage back then was $3.25/hr. I worked lots of overtime, seven days per week when the opportunity was available for me. Then I said to myself, for me to move up within my job opportunities, I need to start getting an education.  

Logistics and Distribution was my next career choice. I received an opportunity to go back to school while working for SFE Technologies. They paid for my education with the only condition – to get grades no lower than “B” – otherwise I would have to pay. They promoted me to a Materials Control Supervisor, and I was able to implement a brand new process system within the company, TQM/JIT.

How excellent that the company paid for your education! You must have been performing exceptionally well… and congratulations on the process system! Did you confront other challenges during that time?

In 1994, I lost everything I owned during the Northridge earthquake. My apartment complex was right at the epicenter of the seismic area, and my second-floor apartment ended on the first floor. I had to start from zero that year, and that was very challenging. Also, at the same time I continued working on my education in business administration.

I worked for B.U.M Equipment as a Logistics/Transportation Manager. The main challenge there was to drop the freight cost to all their retail stores. Back then they had 90 stores across the country. In 1996 I started working for RightSideUp as an operations manager, and within the first couple of years I went from Ops Manager to Director of Operations to Vice President of Operations.

From what we understand, the Fulfillment Industry is where you met AMS’ co-founder and current CEO, Jay Catlin. At what point did Jay come into your life?

Jay Catlin and I worked together in a fulfillment company for six years before AMS was started. The company was RightSideUp. When Jay made the move to leave the company and start working with his father to build AMS Fulfillment, he called me and asked me to join him. That is where everything started. I came into AMS at the invitation of Jay as Vice President of Operations. 

We understand you have been involved in community service as a member of the SCV Search and Rescue Team, and this experience played a role during the COVID-19 challenges. Did you work alongside AMS’ long-time CEO, Ken Wiseman?

Yes, I did work alongside Ken. Helping the community was what we talked about, and we continue to this day to talk about different ideas and projects. Becoming a Search and Rescue Team Member was another challenge as I needed to get my EMT license to be part of the team. I got my license and I have been doing it for the last 15 years.

During the early years Ken and I would go on weekend hikes and talk about daily work challenges and come up with different ideas or solutions for AMS. This helped me to grow and helped me to look at things from a different perspective. When I applied those ideas into the operation, it made it more efficient.

During the pandemic, the SCV Sheriff’s Department offered me the training to start vaccinating people. During that time, I vaccinated over 750 people – Sheriff’s deputies, city employees, jail workers and their family members also including some portion of AMS employees.

Dealing with COVID-19, I took this virus personally and wanted to protect our employees and make them feel that they were safe while working at AMS. Since then, we have provided 12 vaccination clinics and 98% of our employees are fully vaccinated including booster shots.

Marco, your life story is so inspiring! Could you share your thoughts on working for a B Corporation? Has it made a difference to you? 

When you work for a B Corporation, you learn that employees are more important than profitability and when you apply that concept, the results are very positive. We saw this during the pandemic, where the most important part for us was the employees. The safety results were very positive for the employees and the company.

We’re so glad you’re part of the AMS family, Marco, and we thank you for caring for the AMS employees, and for caring for the community as well. AMS Fulfillment appreciates you!

Women Leaders - AMS FulfillmentWe are excited to announce a new blog series featuring AMS’ women in leadership. As a B Corporation, we are driven by high-value standards including diversity and inclusion. We are proud to have a leadership team that is about 50% female. We are proud of our diversity and attribute our success over the last 20 years to our B Corp values.

Fortune Magazine recently published an article about the achievements of women, stating that the number of women run businesses on the Fortune 500 hit an all-time record in 2021 of 41. This is a significant milestone but the article goes on to say:  

“While these achievements are notable, they’re only part of the story. Having a total of 41 women chief executives amounts to female leadership for just 8.1% of the Fortune 500. Says Lorraine Hariton, CEO of the gender equality organization Catalyst, ‘We need to tell the optimistic—but not exuberant— story around what’s happening for women.’” 

McKinsey & Company  reported that even a 10% increase in gender diversity has a positive impact on EBITDA, above-average profitability, increased company communication and direction, as well as increased sustainability and diversity and inclusion.

Our blog series will shine the spotlight on AMS’ women in leadership positions, looking at their achievements and listening to their hopes for all women. We will ask how AMS is doing with our B Corporation goals, i.e. how are we serving our clients with integrity, transparency, and dedication to their success; how are we serving the communities in which we exist; how are we watching over and caring for the well-being of our employees; how are we focused on reducing our environmental impact; and how are we keeping ourselves and our own stability in mind in order to be a profitable business.  

Our series will be featuring the President of AMS West, the CFO, the VP of Human Resources, VP of Marketing, Directors of Client Services, and Operation Managers.  

We look forward to beginning our series by shining the spotlight on the President of AMS West, Betty-Lou Wiseman! Stay tuned!

Photo credit: Amy Hirschi


Green Team - AMS FulfillmentLast month’s Green Team Report covered a wide range of topics. We talked about what AMS is doing in the warehouses to reduce the carbon footprint. In addition, we provided a long list of how we’re handling recycling. The Team also reported on employee transportation and we finished with the latest news. Please refer to the June report for an overview of what a fulfillment company can do to consider our impact on the environment and make decisions that will reduce negative environmental impact.

In our earlier Earth Day report we talked about our membership in the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and the AMS Purchasing Department’s decision to create a sustainable packaging catalog to assist our clients in their decision making.

“AMS Fulfillment is proud to say we are an active member of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, whose sole purpose is to change the packaging norms and educate businesses on sustainable packaging. To help our clients with options for sustainable packaging, we are creating a Sustainable Packaging Catalog for them to order sustainable supplies and different options from different companies, with the goal of encouraging them to think more eco-friendly with their products.”

This month we will focus again on how the AMS Purchasing Department makes decisions with an eye toward sustainability. Our Purchasing department’s goal is to focus on procuring eco-friendly, sustainable shipping supplies along with everyday standard office supplies. The report is as follows:

Although pick tickets are not used as often, last year AMS switched from standard pick tickets to eco-friendly pick tickets whose base stock is 100% recyclable, certified through the SFC (Sustainable Forestry Council). The adhesive is a soy-based adhesive that is 100% recyclable. Pick tickets originally came from Illinois and the eco-friendly ones are manufactured in LA which reduced carbon footprint of trucking in the product as well as saving on freight and shipping time.

Another impactful investment has been purchasing a cardboard shredder. Instead of baling all the cardboard, we can take cardboard and shred it which can in turn be used as dunnage to fill in empty spaces in boxes. 

The copy paper used in all facilities is 100% fully recycled paper certified by the manufacturer and it’s free of elemental chlorine and its by-products.

When it comes to standard office supplies here is a list of some items purchased:

  • BIC Ecolutions writing pens (made with 74% recycled plastic)
  • Post-It Greener notes made with water-based adhesive and 100% recycled paper.  They are also sourced from certified renewable and responsibly managed forests.
  • 9×6 notebooks with kraft board cover with paper made from 80% sugarcane waste fibers
  • Compostable paper plates
  • Compostable forks, spoons, and knives (made of PLA and BPI certified)
  • Sustainable whiteboard cleaner (contains bio-based cleaning agents
  • Refillable Dry Erase Markers

We have a trio of trash cans in the HQ lobby that have clear signs to make recycling easier. There is also a green box to dispose of batteries safely.

The AMS Green Team continues to work toward our goal, meeting weekly to discuss options and make decisions on how to reduce AMS’ footprint on the environment. Our goal is to be carbon neutral, and we’re pressing forward with the environment as a stakeholder in our decisions.

B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentIn our B Corp series we report on news within the B Corporation community, often focusing on inspiring B Corps and their stories. Our May blog talked about B Lab having reached 5000 B Corps. In June we spoke about women in leadership moving corporations toward sustainable development goals (SDG) and we explained what SDGs are.

This month we have taken note of a very important announcement at the three Co-Founders of B Lab are passing the torch to new leadership. At AMS Fulfillment, we see the B Corporation as vital to a future where human beings and the earth are no longer exploited. We have chosen to be the change we all want to see in the world and are very happy and proud to be in the company of a growing number of B Corporations. We welcome the new leadership and look forward to a future where the B Corporation leads the way.

At we see the following announcement:

“Sixteen years ago this week, B Lab was formally launched by three college friends committing themselves to a Declaration of Interdependence. The three of us — Andrew, Bart, and Jay — shared a hope for a better way to do business: better for workers, better for communities, better for the planet.”

The article goes on to talk about the beginning, the inspiration, the ideas and what they saw as the opportunity to address challenges.

“The very first B Corps were certified 15 years ago, in June 2007, at the BALLE (now Common Future) conference at UC Berkeley. 19 pioneering companies stood up in a room and said “We Are In” without having any idea what they were in for. By the end of that year, we had certified 81 Founding B Corps, each signing a copy of the Declaration of Interdependence as an expression of our shared values and additional requirement of their certification.”

The article talks about having reached the milestone of 5,000 B Corps spanning 80 countries and 150 industries. The authors explain that the movement “…has never been about building an empire of B Corps, and that the certification is a means, not an end. B Corps have a direct impact on their workers, communities, and environment; they are making collective commitments to be net zero on climate, to reduce inequality, and to build racial equity in their companies; and their advocacy has resulted in the passage of legislation in 52 jurisdictions around the globe to upgrade fiduciary duty and corporate governance.”

The founders welcome Eleanor Allen as B Lab’s new Lead Executive as follows:

“We believed that the organization would be best served by moving from a founder-led organization to a professionally managed global network. After an 18 month search, we are beyond thrilled that Eleanor has agreed to carry the torch of leadership into this next decade of impact.

“The three of us remain totally passionate about and totally committed to this movement. We will continue to contribute outside of day to day operating roles, with Jay leading Imperative 21, a collaborative organization that is building narrative power for a just economy, and Andrew and Bart as executive members of the B Lab Board of Directors and advisors to Eleanor.”

AMS Fulfillment joins in welcoming Eleanor to the constellation of leaders that is the B Global Network. Please read the full article HERE.