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B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentEach month, in our B Corp series, we feature B Corporations that are doing outstanding work in their communities. If there is an emerging issue of interest to B Corporations we will bring that issue to our readers as well.

AMS Fulfillment is proud to be a B Corporation. When we speak about our focus on environmental issues and the decisions we are making to reduce our negative impact on the environment, this is not false or exaggerated or deceptive information. We are proud of all that the AMS Green Team has been able to do to reduce our footprint.

What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing is a term becoming more familiar and of more of concern to the public. A quick google search tells us “Greenwashing is an unsubstantiated claim to deceive consumers into believing that a company’s products are environmentally friendly or have a greater positive environmental impact than what is true.”

Recently B Lab produced an excellent podcast about greenwashing that seeks to answer the following questions: 1) What is the difference between green marketing and greenwashing? 2) How have businesses and the advertising sector misled consumers about their environmental responsibility? 3) How can these same players combat greenwashing? 4) How can consumer awareness combat greenwashing?

Here below you will find text of statements given by Maria Correa, Head of Marketing and Communications at B Lab Europe; Luke Purdy, Director of Social Impact and Group Account Director at Widen + Kennedy; and Sharoni Rosenberg Amszynowski, author of WTF is Purpose and Executive Director at the PwC Chile Foundation.


B Lab Forces for Good Podcast: How Can Business Combat Greenwashing?


Maria Correa: There’s lots of different ways that greenwashing can manifest itself. Sometimes it’s if a product is using nature cues or vague, unfounded words like eco-friendly or green or sustainable or good for the planet, for example. Another way that greenwashing might manifest itself is if a product or if a company is talking about one specific line of products or one initiative that isn’t representative of the majority of what the company does. So, for example, if there’s a capsule collection that’s quote-unquote “more sustainable,” yet the majority of the company’s products are manufactured in an unethical way that might also be greenwashing. We want to incentivize these companies to rethink the way that they do business.

Greenwashing is pervasive. The European Commission did a study where they looked at over 300 different company websites and their claims about environmental practices. They found that 42% of those claims were exaggerated, false, or deceptive. And they found that 37% used vague terms like “conscious,” “eco-friendly,” and “sustainable.”


Luke Purdy: It really does start internally in just making sure that your own company goals, objectives, and values are lining up with what you’re preaching and ultimately being a good partner to your clients and making sure you’re growing their business in a sustainable way. Is there room to move from messaging to action? And this is really important because there’s a lot of brands who are doing interesting things out in the world. But to be completely honest, a commitment doesn’t quite make you special today. You need to really show a plan of how you’re going to get there. So often we ask our clients, what do you want to achieve? What’s the most important thing for your business? And once we both are on the same page with the business objectives and the shared goals, we can then build a plan out of how to reach that. And there’s a lot of different pathways to get there. And so we can come with ideas and creative solutions that are more sustainably minded, that still achieve their goals.

Having genuine purpose as a company is also a way to combat greenwashing. But finding purpose isn’t easy. Sometimes companies can go wrong when they’re trying to find it. And that’s where greenwashing or “purpose” washing can occur.


Sharoni Rosenberg Amszynowski: They need to show that they care for more than the maximization of profits and invest in that. And it’s not just the words, but sometimes you have to make difficult decisions where you sacrifice some of the income for other metrics. (B Corp Certification) gives you like a very good diagnosis over who you are and how you can you move forward. Then if you get the certification, it also pushes you to move forward. So if you are a big company, what are companies doing? First, do you have a sustainability department, someone that coordinates through the areas and could do a mapping of what are your weaknesses and strengths? That’s the first step. Do you do, like, sustainability reports? Because if you do, you have to do an exercise that goes like the material analysis where you see what are the important issues depending on your industry and the specific characteristics of the company.


Readers can listen to the full Podcast HERE.

STEM careers | AMS FulfillmentSTEM is an acronym for the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Discussion of STEM-related programs has become a priority because too few college students are pursuing degrees in these fields, and there is a shortage. It is also of concern that this is a field where women and girls are very underrepresented.  

We understand that in years past the culture considered engineering, math, science and technology career paths for men. STEM professionals can explore diverse fields like aeronautics and biochemistry, science, mathematics, engineering, research, and technology. In the past and unfortunately still today the workforce in these fields is dominated by men. 

Are Women Interested in STEM Careers?

Do women and girls have less interest in science, math and so on, or are girls intentionally tracked away those careers, and offered limited access and opportunity? Some have put forth the myth of a math brain, saying young boys are more naturally math-minded. An article at argues the opposite – that tracking is the reality. 

“Girls and women are systematically tracked away from science and math throughout their education, limiting their access, preparation and opportunities to go into these fields as adults.” 

According to the article “Women make up only 28% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), and men vastly outnumber women majoring in most STEM fields in college. The gender gaps are particularly high in some of the fastest-growing and highest-paid jobs of the future, like computer science and engineering.” 

Not Good News for the STEM Workforce

This is not good news for women, or for the culture, and one must ask how are girls and women intentionally being tracked away? Is it true that these fields are viewed as masculine, with teachers and parents underestimating the capabilities of girls in early education, even as early as preschool? 

Some believe that the higher percentage of men in leadership positions leads to women being excluded in hiring, with men preferring male co-workers. The article states that engineering was overwhelmingly considered to be the biggest culprit, with 76 percent of respondents naming it as ‘a man’s world’.  

Another possibility is that girls have fewer role models to inspire their interest in these fields. Growing up they have seen limited examples of female scientists and engineers on television, in movies and in books. Since women clearly are in the minority, and with past cultural conditioning being a reality. that is likely.

STEM Education Anxiety 

Now we come to the theory of Math Anxiety. The aforementioned article states that teachers, who are predominantly women, have math anxiety and they pass this onto girls. The writer states “…. they often grade girls harder for the same work, and assume girls need to work harder to achieve the same level as boys.” This is a bold presumption. 

Still the statistics continue to tell the story of girls and women being disenfranchised in STEM careers. Only 21% of engineering majors and 19% of computer science majors are women. 

We are fortunate to be able to interview a role model, Shannon Crader, Software Development Manager at AMS Fulfillment. Shannon has lived through the experience of education, training and working in a STEM field.  

Thank you Shannon for sharing your thoughts. We would love to hear your viewpoint and perhaps your insight into how we can change this model which has left women and girls out of these higher-paying and beneficial fields. 

“I can’t say that there is such a thing as Math Anxiety or that women have it. Not all STEM careers require high levels of math. It all depends on the application and industry that the individual finds themselves.

I think there are two factors at play in the world. One: there seems to me to be a general societal belief that women don’t want to work in STEM related fields and so they are not encouraged to participate in the classes or material. And two, for a woman to work in a male-dominated industry can be difficult and so women may try to protect others by pointing out the trials that they will experience if they continue forward, in essence discouraging the pursuit of STEM fields.

More attention is being placed on women in STEM these days with wonderful articles like yours highlighting the plight. Women in STEM positions are also reaching out to younger generations and showing them the way through. There is hope!


Zero Emissions - AMS FulfillmentAMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation; one of very few in the industry. The company has a long history of focusing on environmental issues, led by an active and committed “Green Team,” and as a B Corp the environment is a stakeholder in AMS decisions. We believe we’re all responsible for the environment and we all need to be advancing forward with new ideas.

With this background, one can understand how we are excited and pleased to see this news: Ikea, Unilever, A.P. Moller – Maersk, JSW Steel Limited and GeoPost/DPDgroup have pledged to phase out their highest polluting freight vehicles.

According to an article in Supply Chain Drive, “Medium- and heavy-duty trucks account for about 4% of all vehicles on the world’s roads, but they account for 40% of all road transport emissions and one-third of total transport fuel use.” We are delighted to see that the above-mentioned multinational companies have pledged to transition to zero-emissions vehicles by 2040.


Shipper initiative targets zero emission trucking fleets by 2040

By Colin Campbell for Supply Chain Drive


Ikea, Unilever and Maersk are among the founding members of a push to phase out the heaviest, most polluting freight vehicles.

Five multinational companies have committed to transition their medium- and heavy-duty truck fleets in OECD markets, China and India to zero-emissions vehicles by 2040, the environmental nonprofit Climate Group announced last week.

Ikea, Unilever, A.P. Moller – Maersk, JSW Steel Limited and GeoPost/DPDgroup have signed onto EV100+, a pledge to phase out their highest polluting vehicles, as the effort’s corporate founding members. Medium- and heavy-duty trucks account for about 4% of all vehicles on the world’s roads, but they account for 40% of all road transport emissions and one-third of total transport fuel use, according to the announcement.

Gas-powered trucks over 7.5 metric tons “represent the final frontier of zero-emission road transportation, and EV100+ will tackle the heaviest, most polluting vehicles across the world,” Sandra Roling, director of transport at Climate Group, said in a statement.

Medium- and heavy-duty trucks produced more than 5% of all global CO2 emissions in 2019, a percentage projected to rise to 11% by 2050 if companies do not take action to decarbonize their fleets, according to the Climate Group.

Heavy-duty road transportation must decarbonize to comply with the Paris Agreement, and the EV100+ founding members are driving demand from manufacturers and supporting governments in implementing policies encouraging EV adoption, the nonprofit said.

What founding members say about the pledge

Statements from executives of EV100+’s five founding companies underscore their understanding of their supply chains’ contributions to CO2 emissions and represents a public commitment to addressing them.

Collaboration across the transportation industry with confidence and clarity is key to accelerating zero-emission truck deployments, Elisabeth Munck af Rosenschöld, Ikea supply chain operations manager, said in a statement.

“The electrification of transport plays a big role in phasing out fossil fuels in the IKEA supply chain,” she said. “We are joining EV100+ to magnify the movement toward sustainable transportation. It is urgent and doable.”

Logistics accounts for 15% of Unilever’s total carbon footprint, making it a focal point in the CPG giant’s push for net-zero emissions across its value chain by 2039, Michelle Grose, vice president, Global Logistics and Fulfilment, said in a statement.

Read the full article HERE.

Warehouse Safety - AMS FulfillmentLast year in October we reported on Lost Time Injuries (LTIs). AMS has a record to be proud of and we know this is from the training and attention given to safety. Before we look at our record during the past year, we can review what Lost Time Injuries are.

According to Safeopedia, a lost time injury is an injury sustained on the job by an employee that results in the loss of productive work time. An injury is considered an LTI only when the injured worker: 1) Is unable to perform regular job duties; 2) Takes time off for recovery, and 3) Is assigned modified work duties while recovering.

The reason LTIs are so significant is that they are key indicators of the effectiveness of the company’s safety program. According to Matthew Warholy, AMS Security & Safety Supervisor, the Lost Time Injury rate is very low at AMS due to the O.S.H.A. safety training courses.

Matthew said, “A large portion of our employees that have been through the course are now empowered to look out for and report any safety issues. We can’t do it alone. The employees are our eyes in the warehouses. We have been able to curtail a large portion of accidents and injuries with simple preventative maintenance.”

See something Say something!

AMS is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment by protecting employees from workplace injury and disease when reasonably possible to do so. Our safety motto, “See Something, Say Something,” plays a huge role in keeping AMS safe. We encourage employees to report any and all types of accidents and injuries, including “near misses.” This provides our Safety Team with an opportunity to identify hazards or weaknesses in our risk management program and correct them to prevent future incidents.  

In March of 2022 AMS began offering OSHA training in Spanish as well as English. With this change, no employees are left out of the loop. Matthew said, “We want everyone empowered to speak up and help us keep the warehouse safe. With our peak season looming, our workforce increases significantly. We will be holding OSHA walks and training. Safety is of the highest regard in our warehouses.”

In 2022, 59 incidents were reported, 3 of which were lost time injuries. That is Safety Success! Nine months with no LTIs at all! AMS Fulfillment is very proud of its safety record, which is in the top percentile for warehouses in the US and has been for some time.

The B Corporation Culture is a Safety Culture. AMS is proud to be a B Corp.

Congratulations ALL!

Employee Appreciation - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of September: Veronica L., Kelechi U., Cody F., Angelica V., Maria L., Anton J., Rachel P. and Gloria G.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them.

The following nominations demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond and deserves Special Thanks! All winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate & T-Shirt!


Veronica L., Procurement Specialist (08/20/2018)
HQ Admin

I would like to nominate Veronica for Employee of the Month because… She has a big job managing all the purchasing for the company and she does it with a smile! She is a great team player helping manage the front desk when needed and is always willing to help in any way that she can. She is a valuable member of the Green Team and takes this committee to heart. We are very lucky to have Veronica in our company and want her to know she is appreciated!


Kelechi U., Operations Supervisor (11/15/2021)
HQ Warehouse

I would like to nominate Kelechi for Employee of the Month because… He has been a great asset to the team in his time here at AMS. We have gained so much knowledge and good intel from him that allows us to succeed in the business. He looks out for the business by assuring we do our best and work our best. When all corners get busy, he has no issue allowing his members to help out and when they are gone, he has no problem getting his hands dirty and get the job done. Returns has never looked so organized and maintained. Kelechi is a great team player and has lots of knowledge and a good relationship with everyone. Has done and extraordinary job managing his team. He has a calm demeanor and a great personality. He treats everyone with respect and always is willing to help everyone to get the job done.


Cody F., Operations Associate II (11/10/2021)

I would like to nominate Cody for Employee of the Month because…  He is reliable and has a strong work ethic. He plays a crucial role in our team and the company’s success. From pulling pallets for big orders to helping us with whatever work we have, he is one we can rely on. Cody’s dedication and hard work he brings to work every day.  He completes every task that is assigned to him. He has become a great asset to this department. Keep up the great work Cody!


Angelica V., General Warehouse I (01/27/2022)

I would like to nominate Angelica for Employee of the Month because… She is an OUTSTANDING employee that shows motivation, energy, creativity, and determination to accomplish every task thrown her way. She always has a great attitude towards all employees and is determined to accomplish daily goals. Angelica leads an assembly team of one of the bigger clients and she with her team do an amazing great job with this client. Her work ethic speaks for itself. She is very dependable, she has perfect attendance, always willing to go the extra mile. She is truly dedicated to her position.


Maria L., Operations Associate II (10/20/2021)

I would like to nominate Maria for Employee of the Month because… She always stays on task, and meets set productivity goals. She has a great attendance record as well. Maria is always willing to help out in other departments and gets good feedback on performance. She is quick at learning new processes and does everything requested with a great attitude which is why I’m sure she does great in other areas besides VAS. It is a pleasure to have her on our team.


Anton J., Inventory Receiving Specialist (06/15/2020)

I would like to nominate Anton for Employee of the Month because… He always takes initiative in receiving to get tasks done. He communicates well with others and to management to make sure nothing gets missed. If trucks come in at lunch time, he will unload the truck first and then take lunch. He does a great job of driving the receiving team to get tasks accomplished daily. I am very proud to have Anton on my team!


Rachel P., Operations Associate I (03/31/2022)
New Holland

I would like to nominate Rachel for Employee of the Month because… She has been a wonderful asset to the company since she started with us. Rachel always works with a sense of urgency and takes pride in everything she does. She is always willing to help others with challenges or questions if they have any. She is always staying late to clean up and make sure the departments are clean for the next crew when they come in. I look forward to continuing to see Rachel grow with us.


Gloria G., Operations Associate I (03/28/2021)
New Castle

I would like to nominate Gloria for Employee of the Month because… Miss Gloria is reliable and works tirelessly on any task given to her with a positive teamwork driven energy and attitude; in any department and/or building for that matter. Consistently. She has been trained and works in every department for all Clients in our facility when asked without question. Also lending her support to Newark Building in various clients. I had to fight to get her back from Mr. Collins! She is valued and appreciated GREATLY. She’s the true definition of an A+ player. We need more like Miss Gloria on our Team; as she is a model Employee.  Her hard work and dedication should be recognized.

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!

Make a Difference - AMS FulfillmentNational Make a Difference day Day was created in 1992 and is celebrated annually on the fourth Saturday of October, which is October 22 this year. Here at AMS we put making a positive difference in the world way up there in all of our decisions. AMS is a B Corporation and B Corps exist to do just that – Make a Difference and be a Benefit to the world!

Just a little history: The B Corporation Movement was started by three individuals, Jay Coen Gilbert, Bart Houlahan, and Andrew Cassoy. The first generation of B Corporations was certified in 2007, and the number of firms earning certification has grown exponentially ever since. There are currently 5,916 Certified B Corporations in 86 countries and 158 industries.

B Corporations make a commitment to care for their employees and create a diverse, inclusive and equitable workforce. The B Corp also is committed to serve their local communities, and protect the environment in their business decisions. The B Corp does not put profit above all, but instead considers employees, community, environment and clients as stakeholders.

AMS is naturally going to celebrate Make a Difference Day as making a difference is foundational. But Make a Difference Day is not just about the companies that make a difference, it is about the individuals who give their time and energy to serve the community.

Here at AMS the employees are shining stars as well, volunteering in their local communities. Employees at AMS have created a Volunteer Committee made up of individuals in both the West and East Coast operations. In consideration of Make a Difference Day, Cassandra C. has agreed to be interviewed about what it’s like to be an employee in a B Corporation.

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Thank you for the interview, Cassandra. First question… What does it mean to you, to be on the Volunteer Committee for a B Corp?

Being on the volunteer board for a B Corp has been very meaningful to me. Before I joined AMS I was very lucky and always thankful to have been blessed by AMS during Thanksgiving and Christmas as a kid. I grew up in a very low-income household, as a kid and now as an adult I know AMS is a special place to be not only for us but for our communities.

As I always say AMS has members with such big hearts, I have met the most kind, caring and selfless people here. I decided to join the volunteer board because I knew I would love to be part of a team that truly does make a difference for us here. Coming from this background/experience, I would always spend time volunteering as a kid, and I know the power of volunteer work. I love to give back and this had been something I gained from mentors who encouraged me to volunteer in my community, so I always had a place in my heart to want to volunteer and give back. These mentors inspired me to do good for others and it always makes me happy knowing I am doing exactly that.

If I can be part of making a positive impact/difference count me in! Being on this board knowing it’s going to help others is very important to me. If you are someone who likes to participate and help others, I would recommend reaching out to any board member if you are interested to join!  

What a beautiful message! Could you give us a quote about your volunteering experience at AMS?

The upcoming quote can wrap up how I contributed to the team and the mindset I have. It’s a quote from Kobe Bryant, “The most important thing is to try to inspire people so they can be great in whatever they want to do.” Being part of the Board, I know for me I have had many people inspire and motivate me, I hope I can do the same for others. 

Thank You Cassandra and All!! Happy Make a Difference Day!

Boss appreciation - AMS FulfillmentAccording to Google, “National Boss’s Day in the United States has been celebrated annually on or around October 16th since 1962. If October 16 falls on a weekend, it is observed on the following working day. This day was created to show your appreciation to a great boss who inspires and supports you.”

Well we do have some great Bosses here at AMS, so this message comes with heartfelt appreciation for every one of them starting with our CEO and Executive Team – Thumb’s UP to our top “Boss” Bosses!

In the dictionary there’s Boss and “Boss,” and sometimes a Boss is also “Boss!”

A Boss would be the person in charge. A “Boss” is excellent at what they do, even if what they do is a mop up a spill. If you do your chore like a “Boss”… well that’s the meaning of the word!

So at AMS we’re celebrating our “Boss” Bosses!

We asked a few co-workers some questions: #1 What makes a good boss? #2 What would you like to tell your boss? # 3 Describe your boss in three words.

Ten inspiring responses came back!! Here they are!!

Ida L. #1 A good boss respects you as a person. #2 Thanks, Boss – you’re good. #3 Sharp, skilled, kind.

Gawain W. #1 A good boss is someone who teaches, supports, listens, and helps you grow. #2 Thanks for the support and opportunities! #3 Supportive, funny, firecracker.

Stacy C: #1 A good boss presents a hard-working mindset, determination as a unit, and remaining neutral. #2 Thank you for pushing me as hard as you do. #3 Intelligent, hardworking, and analytical. 

Marelyn M: #1 She’s understanding when it comes to work and outside of work situations. #2 That you have grown to be an amazing person. #3 She’s funny outgoing has a lot of patience. (to Vanessa H)

Rich G: #1 Her integrity makes her a good boss. #2 After leaving an employer I worked for 32 years, I have not regretted one day since coming to AMS. The major reason I can say that is because of the support I receive from my boss Kim. #3 Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control, Indomitable Spirit. (to Kim P)

Cassandra C: #1 A good boss is someone that shows appreciation, kindness and great leadership skills. A good boss will always be willing to listen. #2 I would like to tell my boss thank you for always wearing their heart on their sleeve, for encouraging me to grow and to always reach for the stars. #3 understanding, motivated and a leader. 

Alma D: #1 A boss will lead by example and always have a positive mood which encourages his Team to have a positive attitude. #2 After so many years working side by side I learn new things daily from you overall. #3 Great Dad, ambitious, accommodating, empathetic. (to Michael G)

Pearl R: #1 A good boss is someone who will not get upset when you lose your temper. #2 That he or she is doing an awesome job and thank you for being there when I need to talk. #3 Great teacher thanks!

Veronica L: #1 A good boss listens, supports and encourages his/her employees personally and professionally. #2 Thank you for your guidance and support. #3 I admire my boss for her tenacity and perseverance, always setting the example of working hard and meeting goals. She is smart, empathetic and amazing in every way!

Melissa L: #1 A good boss is transparent, inclusive, compassionate, and caring. #2 You are genuine, a great leader and a role model. I truly appreciate you and I’m thankful to have you as my boss. #3 Leader, Dedicated, Committed. (to Bobbi)

Thank you ALL for appreciating your Boss!

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For the past few months we’ve been celebrating the women in leadership here at AMS with a series of blogs in which we interview each individual Boss to find out about their journey and shine a spotlight on them. AMS has a very good balance of men and women bosses and we’re not just proud of that, we’re enjoying the benefits of it. We invite you to visit our NEWS page and enjoy the “Women in Leadership” series!

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And there we go!! Happy Boss Day to every “Boss” Boss here at AMS. We truly do appreciate you – a good boss means a LOT!


Calif. sues Amazon - AMS FulfillmentAmazon is a giant – there’s no doubt about that. According to a recent AP News article, “Amazon controls roughly 38% of online sales in the U.S., more than Walmart, eBay, Apple, Best Buy and Target combined, according to the research firm Insider Intelligence. About 2 million sellers list their products on Amazon’s third-party marketplace, accounting for 58% of the company’s retail sales.”

Amazon continues to face scrutiny and numerous lawsuits. In a recent article, we pointed out that the company was investigated in both the US and EU for giving an advantage in search engine results to their own private-label products. Now in California, Amazon is again facing a lawsuit brought by the State of California that accuses the company of preventing competition by penalizing sellers and suppliers offering cheaper prices elsewhere.

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California sues Amazon, alleging its policies cause higher prices everywhere

By Alina Selyukh and Raquel Maria Dillon


California sued Amazon on Wednesday, accusing the company of pushing sellers and suppliers into anticompetitive deals that lead to higher prices, including at rival online stores.

The lawsuit, filed by state Attorney General Rob Bonta, focuses on the way Amazon — the largest online retailer — deals with third-party merchants, who account for most of the sales on the platform.

California alleges that Amazon penalizes sellers and suppliers that offer cheaper prices elsewhere on the internet, including Walmart and Target, for example by displaying their items lower or less prominently or outright blocking their new postings.

“Amazon makes consumers think they are getting the lowest prices possible,” the lawsuit alleges, “when in fact, they cannot get the low prices that would prevail in a freely competitive market because Amazon has coerced and induced its third-party sellers and wholesale suppliers to enter into anticompetitive agreements on price.”

California’s antitrust lawsuit is among the biggest legal challenges to Amazon in recent years, as lawmakers and regulators in the U.S. and abroad have investigated the retail giant for potential anticompetitive practices.

Read the full article HERE.

Photo Credit: Marques Thomas

Women in Leadership - AMS FulfillmentThis week the AMS spotlight shines on Sarah Madison, Inventory and Inbound Manager for AMS New Castle, DE Division. Sarah joined EchoData in 2017 as DFC Operator/Assembly. She comes from the Philadelphia area and studied Social Work at Temple University.  Sarah says, “A huge part of my background and who I am today comes from joining Alcoholics Anonymous. Those that know me, know that recovery is a passion of mine. It brought me to Delaware back in April 2017 and I’ve been here ever since.”

Prior to joining EchoData Sarah lived in Wilmington, DE and helped run Burgess Beginnings, a Women’s Recovery Home. At Burgess Sarah was linked with a local organization called Attack Addiction, that assists with funding in the community for recovery efforts, addiction education and legislation. 

In 2017 Sarah was given the opportunity to work for EchoData by Maryanne Amalfitano, Director of Client Services, Delaware Division. Sarah says, “I have learned and grown so much during my time here and it has been very exciting to be a part of the transition from Echo to AMS. I love that AMS is a B-Corp because giving back to the community we live in and working from a people-first perspective are ideals I live by in my own personal life.” 

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Thank you for being in the AMS Women in Leadership spotlight, Sarah. You have a strong background in assisting women in their recovery from addiction, for which we sincerely thank you. What would you say are the greatest challenges for you in changing from a focus on community service to working in fulfillment services?

I would say the biggest challenge over the years has been changing my thought process from serving others selflessly to a more business-minded process. I struggled with this balance my first couple years working here and I cannot say the job came first. Through some incredible mentorship and people like Maryanne who saw something in me I did not see or value at the time, I was given a chance to learn and grow and ultimately thrive here. I still like to think my recovery and my family come first and foremost in everything I do, but I have also been able to learn to prioritize and show up responsibly for my job. 


You came to EchoData under the guidance of your mentor, Maryanne. Since social work and service to others has been such a big part of your life, have you been able to mentor others at AMS who come on board and need guidance?

I like to think I have been able to pass on knowledge and help guide associates along their journey here – it excites me to see other people learn new things and begin operating independently. To see the confidence grow in them is a gift. I always let people know they can have as much or as little to do with their growth in the company as their mind will allow them – I started out in assembly/pick and pack and once I realized I had potential in another department I kept that drive going. I try to keep a positive spin on everything and share that over and over with employees because positivity naturally produces productivity.


What was the transition from EchoData to AMS like for you? Were there any difficulties or did you find the companies very similar in their culture?

I have enjoyed the transition to AMS! It has brought about so many new opportunities for growth, new technology, new process, new people! I love the education classes that associates have access to, the leadership courses – being a part of a much larger organization than EchoData has brought about benefits that were not as accessible for a smaller company. There are always complexities to this type of a transition but the challenge helps me grow. I can’t say the cultures were very different but there is much more to offer all employees through AMS and for that I am grateful!


Have you found ways in which to participate in the B Corporation culture at AMS?

We have hosted a few events here in New Castle for the employees which have doubled as fund-raisers or food drives and that has been a positive way to participate in the community. I have also attended quite a few of the online courses and they have been wonderful. I look forward to getting more involved in the community. I love to hear about how much the West coast facilities have been able to reach out into their local organizations and I see that for the East coast division in the near future so it’s something to look forward to as we grow more solid in our AMS foundation. 


Thank you Sarah for a very inspiring and enjoyable interview!




Employee Appreciation - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of August: ANGIE G, KARLA E., YESENIA P., NORBERTO E., SYLVESTER J., KRISTINA S., BRITTANY C. and NICK L.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them.

The following nominations demonstrate that the individual being recognized has gone above and beyond and deserves Special Thanks! All winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate & T-Shirt!

ANGIE G., Account Manager I (01/25/2021)
HQ Admin, CA

I would like to nominate Angie for Employee of the Month because she always works hard. She has a good attitude and has been a great addition to the Client Service team. Angie always has a calm demeanor and thinks situations through for the best result.

KARLA E., Operations Associate III (01/04/2021)
HQ Warehouse, CA

I would like to nominate Karla for Employee of the Month because she continues to learn the business by “getting our of her comfort zone” and learning new things. She motivates all to work efficiently and helps others in working together to solve the problem. When she helps, she makes sure she does the job correctly and makes sure not only that she does it right but helps others understand as well. Little by little she gains more business knowledge and does not mind the extra work. She is a team player and a motivator and willing to help when the business needs the help.

YESENIA P., Operations Manager I (03/01/2005)

I would like to nominate Yesi for Employee of the Month because she has done an amazing job with the clients she manages. She is constantly looking for improvements in her department, does an amazing job helping fellow team members and consistently wows me with the ownership of her department.

NORBERTO E., Operations Associate II (11/12/2021)

I would like to nominate Norberto for Employee of the Month because he works at the Wall here at LIV and his work ethic is outstanding. He gets his job done and constantly is helping others to complete a task. He is requested when other departments need help and has no problem working at other AMS locations. He has great attendance and his co-workers see him as “TEAM PLAYER.” Thank you for all your hard work!

SYLVESTER J., Operations Supervisor I (11/12/2021)

I would like to nominate Sylvester for Employee of the Month because he is our Operations Supervisor for a difficult and busy client. He has done an extraordinary job managing over twenty employees, inbound custom receipts and manages all workload accordingly. He is key to our team. He has a great personality and is always willing to help in other areas. He is always smiling and making jokes to everyone.  He is an example of a great leader!

KRISTINA S., Operations Supervisor I (09/07/2022)
New Castle, DE

I would like to nominate Kristina for Employee of the Month because she is an Operations Supervisor and has been with the company for countless years. She shows an extreme dedication to the job, in before the sun rises and stays until the job is finished. She works tirelessly without a complaint and with a genuinely happy disposition. This last month I have seen her take on the onboarding of a new challenging client and she has done so with passion to get it done right. Krissy is a team-player and a pleasure to work with!

BRITTANY C., Operations Lead I (11/01/2021)
Newark, DE

I would like to nominate Brittany for Employee of the Month because she has been with us for a few months now and came here to help with catching up on orders and that she did. She came in and ran the show bringing others up to speed, and helping motivate others, including myself. Since she has been promoted to a lead she guides her team very well, teaching them anything to be successful. She goes even above her job duties and is always eager to learn more. She is certainly a “go getter” and when she puts her mind to it, she WILL get it done. Her work ethic is incomparable. Thanks for all you do Brittany!

NICK L., Operations Associate II (12/07/2020)
New Holland, PA

I would like to nominate Nick for Employee of the Month because he is a strong member of our team. He has operational prowess and the ability to problem solve challenges on the fly. This year he led the reset of the pick area which resulted in a much more efficient pick that led to a higher output, improved RPH and improved turnaround.

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!


Women in Leadership - AMS FulfillmentThis week our spotlight shines on Maryanne Amalfitano, Director of Client Services, Delaware Division. Maryanne is a uniquely trained individual with over 28 years of 3PL experience. In 1994 she joined the Sheeran Direct Marketing team as an Account Executive. While there she was promoted in 2005 to Assistant Vice President of Sales, and in March of 2008 she was promoted again to Director of Client Services.

In April of 2012 Echodata purchased Sheeran Direct Marketing. Maryanne kept her position as the Director of Client Services where she had first-hand involvement in the training and daily coordination of Account Manager, Customer Service and Telemarketing Representative activities.

In January of 2020, Echodata and AMS merged as one company. Maryanne is currently Director of Client Services for the Delaware Division. She has also served as Ops Director in the absence of hiring a new director for this division several times over the years. 

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Thank you for being in the AMS Women in Leadership spotlight, Maryanne. In reading your bio we see an incredibly broad base of experience in 3rd Party Fulfillment. Could you give us a brief glimpse into how it was to handle so many roles in companies that are changing and in transition? Did it come easily or was it as challenging as we imagine?

The most challenging aspect was keeping up with my Department and providing better training. The benefit of wearing multiple hats at times is that it gives you a better appreciation for what the other members of the team deal with and it helps you to understand Operations processes on the floor.


What was it like for you when AMS and Echodata merged? Did you know much about AMS? Was there any knowledge of the B Corporation commitment?

I had some experience with merges since I originally came from Sheeran Direct. Echodata and AMS had similar work ethics and culture, so it made the transition easier.  I had some knowledge of B Corporation and did additional research.


Considering all of the roles you played you must have mentored quite a few people. Is there anyone who stands out as having been a mentor to you?

My first mentor was Lori Homsher who was the VP of IT at Sheeran Direct. She explained how EDI, XML, etc. integrations worked with clients and how it affected our day-to-day processes. She also inspired me to set goals and achieve them.

My second mentor is Kim Peszek who expanded my capabilities to lead my team and set expectations with clients and employees. 

These mentors have had a great impact in my personal values and position within the company.


As you know, AMS is unique in that it has so many women in leadership positions, and that’s why we’re shining the spotlight! Over your 28 years did you feel being a woman kept you from progressing within any one of the companies?

I have been very fortunate to have great bosses that valued my leadership and hard work through the years.


It seems that in client services you get to know the clients well. Would you say the clients are appreciative of the B Corp culture – is it a plus for them?

The B Corp culture was new to some of our legacy clients and our newer clients are very excited that AMS is a B Corp company and have even promoted in their marketing ads.


Thank you Maryanne for this excellent, informative interview!

greenwashing | AMS FulfillmentThe term ‘Greenwashing’ was coined in 1986 as various companies began to convey the false impression in their advertising of being ‘green’ when in fact they were not. Environmentalists took note and coined the term ‘Greenwashing’. In the years that followed, as consumers became more conscious of environmental damage and chose to support companies that care about the environment, the B Corporation came into existence. Since 2007 B Corps have made a legal commitment to develop a green culture and make efforts to measure and reduce their impact on the environment.


What is Greenwashing and how can companies avoid it?

‘Companies really need to be held accountable when they greenwash,’ expert says

by Alyssa Sporrer

When a company makes a claim about its environmental or social practices that is not true, that’s called greenwashing. Companies that do this are often seeking customer or investor support or approval, especially if they are under pressure to reduce emissions.

One example of greenwashing in the transportation industry is Volkswagen. The company advertised its vehicles as low-emission, eco-friendly vehicles when they were in fact violating Clean Air Act levels of nitrogen oxides, which are air pollutants that harm human health.  

The company sold approximately 590,000 model 2009 to 2016 vehicles equipped with devices designed to help the vehicles’ software “cheat on federal emissions tests,” according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Some trucking companies may be using electric truck pilots as a way to “display some sort of green credential but not really to lay the foundation for broader scale implementation,” Tharsis Teoh, technical manager at the Smart Freight Centre, told FreightWaves. 

This could be considered greenwashing if the company is drawing a lot of attention to an EV pilot for five-plus years and isn’t doing much to reduce emissions companywide.

“Companies really need to be held accountable when they greenwash,” Maya van Rossum, founder of the Green Amendment For The Generations Movement, told FreightWaves. She said there are sometimes legal ramifications for misleading customers about sustainability claims, but it’s difficult when companies make general claims that are hard to prove false.

Teoh said his opinion is that greenwashing in trucking “isn’t really severe,” but he prefaced the statement by saying it was just based on observations and not on industrywide data.

He said it’s typical that a vehicle may have “zero-emissions vehicle” or “100% electric refrigeration” displayed on the side of a battery electric truck or a truck using a battery instead of a generator tied to a diesel engine for refrigeration. Teoh said, “I doubt they get very far in misleading claims.” 

However, he said using the term “zero-emissions vehicle” for electric or fuel cell vehicles is inaccurate, “unless the upstream emissions to produce the electricity or hydrogen also do not produce emissions.”

Until the electricity grid runs on 100% renewable energy, more correct terms may be “zero tailpipe emissions vehicle” or “almost zero-emissions vehicle.”

Another area that needs greater clarification is biofuels. Teoh said companies need to be transparent about what kind of biofuels they use and what level of biofuel blend it is. The more biofuel there is mixed in with conventional fuel, the greater the emissions benefits. 

The greenhouse gas emissions of biofuel also vary greatly depending on the feedstocks used and where they were sourced from. Teoh said it’s important that trucking companies find out and disclose that specific information to their customers or the public.

Read the full article HERE.

Photo Credit: Brian Yurasits