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Pet appreciation - AMS FulfillmentAs we were preparing to write an April Fools Day blog, an urgent message, aka “barkisis”, came in from AMS Executive Olivia. Olivia is very well-known in the AMS warehouse as a relatively nosey, opinionated, regal “good looker”. She is an executive, after all, so we’re accustomed to paying attention to her and doing as she says… “Yes ma’am,” and things like that. “We’ll get to it right away ma’am.”

Olivia, speaking through a human barklish translator named Marco, expressed her concerns about herself and her family members being harmed by April Fools jokes. “Last year someone dropped milk duds outside the bathroom door on the floor as some kind of April Fools joke and thank heaven I have a good nose. I know enough to avoid chocolate! Who did that??? That was NOT funny!”

We apologized to Olivia and promised her the floor. No more milk duds or any other item that might be dangerous to her or her kin. “We’re sorry… we will keep you in mind when we’re doing April Fools jokes… promise.” Olivia turned tail and walked away followed by Marco. She actually turned for a moment and did a symbolic leg lift, which we understand to be akin to the human middle finger.

Then she began again… barklish started pouring out. “Why don’t you people do blogs about Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month or National Pet First Aid Awareness Month? What about National Heartworm Awareness Month or Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month? You don’t even celebrate Active Dog Month!! I’m beginning to think you people are lame!” Olivia really chewed us out.

She then walked toward the back of the warehouse to commiserate some more with her pal Marco. Marco is the human who had spotted the milk duds (he mistook them for poop and got really grossed out)! We followed and tried to keep out of the way as she stopped for head scratches and pets from her friends. It became very apparent that Olivia has some power at AMS – she is truly at top dog status among the executives, and we were a little worried. We’d better do a good blog!!

Marco speaks fluent barklish and has a long-term snuggle agreement with Olivia. We waited in the background until Olivia left with the humans she allows to love and care for her. Then we approached to find out what kind of blog Olivia wants us to do for April Fools Day. Marco said, one of her AMS compatriots contacted her via Zoom – it was Chewy. Chewy has allowed AMS’ marketing person named Sarah, in Las Vegas, to adopt him. Chewy is very close with Olivia and he wants us to tell a heartbreaking story with a beautiful ending, which is definitely OK with us!! Good stories are good stories!

Chewy came to Sarah from a place called Vegas Shepherd Rescue. According to Marco, Chewy gave a statement in barklish which has been translated into English. Here’s Chewy’s statement:  “It started out ruff for me.  As a pup, I was in an abusive home and was always scared. I escaped and was rescued by Vegas Shepherd Rescue.  After decompressing, I found my furever home.  It wasn’t easy for me – I was so frightened I didn’t even want to go for a car ride!  My new family was patient.  They even brought in a trainer for themselves!  It was fun to watch them learn how to be good dog owners! I never thought life would be so good for me! I still get startled when people scream and loud noises, but I know I won’t be hurt and that I am loved.”  

Wow!! That’s definitely a painful story with a beautiful outcome! Perfect for a blog… but what do we do about April Fools? This Chewy story is no joke… it’s serious stuff. Quite a miracle – good things do happen.

So, we do need to write a blog… and besides… we have to do what Olivia said, with her being an executive and all. A boss is a boss is a boss. Well, how about if we just say Happy April Fools Day – don’t do any jokes that might be harmful to pets – have a heart for all animals, see what joy they bring… and have fun!!

Oh yeah… never mention a relationship with cats in front of Olivia – fair warning!! Do not do it!!!


Green Team - AMS FulfillmentIn our February Green Team Report we focused on plastic waste and the process of recycling plastic waste. We described a recent recycling solution that the AMS Green Team found to help with the plastic waste generated by the fulfillment process. On average, each facility at AMS receives 60-80 stretch wrapped pallets a day, and with 5 facilities, that is A LOT of plastic waste. The Green Team located a company to pick up and properly recycle the bailed plastic stretch film once we reach 10K lbs. AMS placed 92 waste bins in all our warehouse facilities so our Teams can properly dispose of this waste, which will be collected, bailed, weighed, and stored.

Item 1 – Plastics

In the March report, we see the following with regard to plastics recycling: “AMS has discovered that one plastic bail weighs on average 250 lbs.  We need about 39 plastic bails to meet our 10K goal to be recycled, and we get money back! Since our plastic waste training on 3/10, the facility that produces the most plastic waste has accumulated 6 plastic film bails.” That’s excellent news – WTG AMS!!

Item 2 – E-book on sustainable packaging

The second item on the agenda was a new, comprehensive, and excellent e-book on sustainable packaging. It contains examples and recommendations on void fill and dunnage, sustainable mailers tape and labels, and sustainable boxes. This catalog allows AMS clients to examine what is currently available and make informed choices if they wish to move toward sustainable packaging. AMS anticipates that many clients will benefit from this catalog and choose best options for themselves and the environment.

Item 3 – Disposal of plastic hangars

The third item is another problem the Green Team has picked up on and done something about. The report says that on the last Green Team walk through the warehouses, on March 15th, they saw that plastic hangars were being thrown away – to end up in a landfill. They investigated and contacted the client, asking the client to donate, reuse or recycle their plastic hangars, which the client agreed to do.

Item 4 – AMS will be carbon neutral soon

The fourth item on the agenda is about the company’s efforts toward becoming carbon neutral. The report states, “AMS’ journey to being carbon neutral is only a few months away. As of today, our West Coast facilities have officially reported all scope 1 and 2 inventories. We have an estimate of our CO2 emissions and are pleased with the current results! Once we have the East Coast scope 1 and 2 inventories reported, we can officially submit and verify our report to offset our carbon footprint with carbon credits, making AMS carbon neutral. From there, we develop plans to reduce our CO2 emissions.

Item 5 – Great Global Cleanup!

The final item on the agenda is some fun good news. AMS employees, friends and families will be participating in Earth Day, April 22nd, with the Great Global Cleanup! Readers can learn about it HERE.

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Thank you to Samantha Hicks, Corporate Culture and Organizational Development BP, for the March 2023 Green Team Report. We’ll definitely have some Earth Day reporting to do in April!

Employee appreciation - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of February: MARY ANNE T., VICTOR L., RUBEN R., LARRY M., HENRY D., ANDREW C., LORI F., and LEA O.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them.

All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch! 

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MARY ANNE T., Staff Accountant (11/30/2020)
HQ Office- Valencia, CA

I would like to nominate Mary Anne for Employee of the Month because she has consistently taken on more responsibility over the last few months, is proactive in dealing with issues before they escalate, and always volunteers to help with special projects within the department. All of that makes her a valuable member of our team, but my favorite part is that she always does it with a smile and a great attitude.  It’s a pleasure working with her!

VICTOR L., Operations Associate II (05/26/2020)
HQ- WH Valencia, CA

My choice is Victor aka “Driver” for February Employee of the Month. He is always doing a great job at helping us transfer product back and forth and does it with a great attitude. Thank you Victor!!

RUBEN R., Inventory Receiving Lead I (12/20/2007)
LIV- Valencia, CA

Ruben is my nominee for February Employee of the Month. He is a dedicated, hardworking employee that is the ultimate team player. Ruben always has his projects finished on time and is currently receiving for AMS’ biggest client at three different warehouses. Ruben is doing an outstanding job. He is a true asset, and he is a pleasure to work with.  Keep up the GREAT WORK RUBEN!!!”

LARRY M., Inventory Receiving Specialist I (09/13/2022)
WIT- Valencia, CA

Larry is a great asset to our inventory team, and he deserves the nomination for Employee of the Month for February. Larry helps wherever he’s needed and a pleasure to work with. He has had another nomination that “seconds that motion”! We appreciate him!

HENRY D., Operations Supervisor I (09/13/2021)
WIL-Valencia, CA

Henry is my choice for Employee of the Month this month. He has really grown in his position as an Operation Supervisor and manages multiple accounts successfully. He is a very hard worker, willing to help his peers in any way needed and help his co-workers. He is dedicated to his clients and his employees. He handles pressure very calmly and makes the best out of worse scenarios. It is a pleasure working with Henry.

ANDREW C., Developer I (01/28/2008)
New Holland, PA

We are nominating Andrew for February Employee of the Month because he is a huge asset to our department and is incredibly deserving of this recognition. He is always there to lend a hand and is not afraid to dive into any problem. He is insightful, upbeat and a great team member to have. Despite his working a lot of overtime to handle issues with our shipping software application, he has always made himself available for questions or assistance in other areas, and always with a great attitude. He consistently demonstrates exceptional skills and knowledge and makes a tremendous impact on our systems. His positive attitude and excellent communication skills make Andrew a pleasure to work with. Andrew truly embodies the qualities of an outstanding employee and deserves to be recognized for his hard work and dedication.

LORI F., Billing Specialist I (06/18/2001)
New Castle, DE

Lori holds it all together for us here at AMS New Castle and she is our nomination for Employee of the Month. We can go to her for any of our office supply needs, office furniture, packing and shipping material and so much more. She designs and creates informational flyers and posters, as well as any signage we need for our warehouse. Lori also has accounting responsibilities she keeps up with on a regular basis. From your favorite writing tools to monitor risers; anything we need to keep the job going Lori will procure it for us, and she does it with a smile.

LEA O., Exact Staff Newark (09/22/2022)
Newark, DE

We are nominating Lea for Employee of the Month for February. She has been with us since September, and she is a model employee. Lea is here every day and always on time. She always has a positive attitude and is always trying to make everyone around her feel the same. She will stay late whenever she is needed and is always making sure her work is completed for the day. Lea will help wherever she is needed, and she is an important part of our team. So, thank you Lea for all your hard work!!”

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!


Eliminate Racism - AMS FulfillmentMarch 21st has been designated as a day to recognize the long and ongoing struggle to eliminate racial discrimination in the world, in our countries, in our workplaces and in our communities. We are all aware of the growth that has been experienced in our culture, and we appreciate and celebrate all progress. We also are aware that there are areas where racism is unfortunately woven and hidden within the structures, which we would call systemic racism. Systemic racism is real and it takes effort to bring an end to it.

The International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination is established by the UN and observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid “pass laws” in 1960. Apartheid existed well within our lifetimes, and it took effort, organizing, and focused action to finally bring it to an end.

Don’t remember apartheid? Wikipedia says, “It was a system of social stratification wherein white citizens had the highest status, followed by Indians and Coloureds, then black Africans.” The whole world had to get involved to change this, and they did. Human beings brought an end to apartheid. The point is, things change, and we are the ones who change things.

From the UN website we see the following:

“The United Nations General Assembly reiterates that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of their societies. In its most recent resolution, the General Assembly also emphasized that any doctrine of racial superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous and must be rejected, together with theories that attempt to determine the existence of separate human races.” Read the full article HERE.

It has been 75 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted. We encourage you to read this beautiful document HERE. The UDHR states that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race and color, among others.

Racism in the US

As we well know, the US has come through a long and painful journey with regard to racism and discrimination. Although racism comes in many colors, the primary battle in the US has been to eliminate racism directed against the descendants of enslaved African men, women and children. We can look back at battles and victories including civil rights and affirmative action.

As mentioned earlier, we are still challenged with systemic racism which is woven into systems such as judicial, educational, healthcare, prison, policing and so forth. It’s the sad truth, but things are always changing for the better, because we do so. With awareness comes the ability and insight to make effective changes. On this commemoration day we can look both at the progress and the work that is yet to be done.

Changes in the Corporate World

In the corporate world, present day efforts to eliminate racial discrimination in the workplace, in hiring and promotion, fall under a set of policies and initiatives called DE&I – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. DE&I initiatives are actions taken by a corporation to prioritize building a diverse workforce, and creating a work environment that is equitable and inclusive for everyone.

AMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation that practices DE&I, and has done so for some time. We have seen that prospective employees are attracted to our company when they see us seeking to establish a workforce made up of diverse backgrounds, with inclusion programs and leaders that support underrepresented groups, especially those that may have faced exclusion and discrimination in other workplaces. DE&I initiatives also serve to keep turnover rates low at AMS and they improve employee morale.

Diversity, equity and inclusion is a mindset that encourages a sense of belonging and improved workplace relationships. Employees are encouraged to embrace differences and deal respectfully with conflict. We also encourage our teams to trust each other and know that they can comfortably address concerns with supervisors. Managers are encouraged to be compassionate and have empathy in resolving disputes. They are asked to focus on the needs of their team.

We asked AMS Senior Program Administrator, Samantha Hicks, for her thoughts on how DE&I is utilized at the company: “We ensure all benefits are provided to all employees. All employees have access to internal job openings. We enroll employees of all backgrounds to all our company trainings, which range from trainings on empathy and cultural differences to college course training. AMS has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, including bullying. Our recruitment team targets under-represented communities, and HR takes steps to ensure all disciplinary action and/or promotions are not due to color or culture, but strictly upon performance, ensuring all employees are treated fairly and have the same opportunity for growth.”

BE the Change

At AMS we seek to Be the Change. Yes, there is change that the world longs to see. We are grateful for all B Corporations who make a legal commitment to change the system… the way of doing things for profit alone. Unthinkable things have been done for the purpose of increasing profit. ‘Profit above all’ is a business structure that is changing. As history tells us, we human beings are continuously seeking to make human rights a reality. It is good to look at history and see what we did right

On this important day, we can pause to remember what the Member Countries of the UN wrote – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – some 75 years ago. The changes we are making to systems are one of the many outcomes of this outstanding Declaration.

And we can also gratefully remember the 69 peaceful demonstrators in Sharpeville, South Africa, whose death brought change to that inhumane system.

Employee holiday - AMS FulfillmentIn our modern culture St. Patrick’s Day means fun, parades, some alcoholic beverages, the color green, Irish food, four leaf clovers, leprechauns, rainbows, pots of gold and maybe some dancing – and anything else Irish we can think of!! It’s a day to have fun with appreciation of the Irish culture.

Google gives us this instruction: The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, céilithe, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks. (Céilithe means dance party.)

What’s going on at AMS?

At AMS Fulfillment we’re having some fun. If you wear green on the 16th (AMS West) and the 17th (AMS East) you’ll get a raffle ticket and maybe win a trip to the prize room! In honor of the leprechaun and the pot of gold, there will be a Gold Coin Challenge. Chocolate gold coins will be placed around the facilities and if you find the lucky number on a coin you’ll get a trip to the prize room! A third trip to the prize room can be won by guessing how many marshmallows are in the Lucky Charms Counting Jar. The closest guess gets the trip to the prize room!

There must be some nice stuff in the prize room!

AND, on that day, 16th or 17th, there will be an Irish Themed Potluck special treat sponsored by the AMS volunteer committee. All staff are encouraged to bring an Irish themed dish.

What does St. Patrick’s Day commemorate?

We found some very interesting historical information! Despite being the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick was actually born in Britain. His parents were both Roman citizens and his mother gave birth to him in 385AD.

Slavery was what brought St. Patrick to Ireland. According to this historical account, when he was a teenager St. Patrick was kidnapped by a pirate raiding party and sold into slavery in Ireland. For many years he was enslaved, looking after sheep, until he was able to escape to a monastery in England. While at the monastery he became a Christian and a Bishop. He then returned to Ireland as a missionary. The story tells that St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity. The point being that there are three leaves making up the same whole.

You can enjoy the full story HERE, and we’ll quote one more paragraph: The tradition of drinking to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day is said to have started with the saint himself, who announced that everybody should have ‘a drop of the hard stuff’ after an innkeeper was less than forthcoming with a bottle of whiskey. While there was a brief period where drinking on St. Patrick’s Day was banned, the tradition has since returned in full force.

Here are some more enjoyable facts!

* Irish Americans wore green as a reminder that they were nationalists first and foremost.
* The mythical belief that wearing green would make you invisible to leprechauns originated in America.
* People began pinching those who didn’t wear green as a reminder that leprechauns would sneak up and pinch green-abstainers.
* The Irish eat bacon and cabbage, not corned beef and cabbage.
* St. Patrick probably didn’t drive all the snakes out of Ireland.
* Scientists have said that it’s highly unlikely that there were any snakes to begin with and there are no fossils to disprove the theory.
* St. Patrick’s given name was Maewyn Succat. When he became a priest he adopted the name – Patrick.
* The day a saint passes away is considered a holy day to celebrate their ascension into heaven. St. Patrick passed away on March 17.
* ‘Drowning the shamrock’ (drinking to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day) is said to have started with St. Patrick!
* It is offensive to wear orange on St. Patrick Day. Orange has been identified with unionists or loyalists, people who are loyal to the British crown.
* There is a story that St. Patrick left his ashwood walking stick in the ground while he went off to try and convert the villagers of a small town to Christianity. The effort took so long that the walking stick became an ash tree. 

For how long has this holiday been a holiday?

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated annually on March 17, the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over 1,000 years.

So there we have it! A 1,000 year old celebration! Thumb’s up to the Irish! Let’s enjoy this historical legacy and give some due respect to the wearing of the GREEN!

Pi Day - AMS FulfillmentIt’s Pi day today – yes – Pi, not Pie. But if the day inspires you to eat a piece of pie go right ahead!! Pies are circular after all.

We’re not mathematicians! There are some math experts at AMS and we’ll check in with one of them later. But for now, most of us are Pie lovers, not Pi lovers. So what is Pi day, and more importantly… why do we have a Pi day?

Pi is a unit of measurement. Imagine a circle with a line across it. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of that circle to its diameter—a number just a little bit bigger than three. The diameter is twice the radius or double the length from any point on the circle to its center. Got that? The circumference is the distance around a circle.

An irrational transcendental number?

We are told that the symbol π has helped scientists understand the universe. When they defined π it inspired a new notion of the measurement of angles. It was a new unit of measurement. What’s kind of mind blowing about Pi is when you do the math, the resulting number is never ending – it just goes on and on!

Here’s a quote from google: The pi value in fraction is 22/7. It is known that pi is an irrational number which means that the digits after the decimal point are never-ending and being a non-terminating value. Therefore, 22/7 is used for everyday calculations.

Here’s a little more from Google for us: If you want to measure its diameter, you could use a normal tape measure wrapped around the object to measure its circumference – that is the distance around the outside of the object, and then calculate the diameter by dividing the circumference by pi.

So, divide the number by 3.14 or 22/7 as the previous paragraph said. The answer will be an irrational transcendental number? This is too much thinking.

Why it matters enough to have a DAY!

According to they chose March 14 as Pi Day because 3.14 represents the first three digits of pi, and it also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday. Here is the full story.

“March 14 marks Pi Day, an annual celebration of the mathematical sign pi. Founded in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw, March 14 was selected because the numerical date (3.14) represents the first three digits of pi, and it also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday.

“The first Pi Day celebration took place at the Exploratorium (Shaw’s place of work), a San Francisco-based interactive science museum, and featured a circular parade and the eating of fruit pies. It wasn’t until 2009, however, that it became an official national holiday when the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation.

“Why all the fuss about pi? The Ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes is most commonly credited with being the first to accurately calculate the estimated value of pi. Since it is an irrational, transcendental number, it continues on to infinity—the pi-ssibilities are endless! The seemingly never-ending number needs to be abbreviated for problem solving, and the first three digits (3.14) or the fraction 22/7, are commonly accepted as accurate estimations.

“In mathematics, this infinite number is crucial because of what it represents in relation to a circle—it’s the constant ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Pi is also essential to engineering, making modern construction possible.”

Essential to Engineering! That’s fairly easy to see, that Pi would be essential to modern engineering and construction. This is a very significant day to lots of folks in our world – thank you Creator for π.

What does an AMS ‘math person’ say?

We asked Shannon Crader, our Software Development Manager what Pi day means to her. Shannon said, “Pi day is so much fun. I love the puns and the completely legit reason to eat pie (cherry, of course)! It’s also a way to create some excitement around math which is typically a somewhat dry subject for kids. Since Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, pie and pizza both work to make learning fun on Pi day!

“Did you know that there was a Super Pi day? It was celebrated on March 14, 2015. This was because the date was 3/14/15, adding two more digits of pi. The real excitement came two times later that day when the first 10 digits of Pi were represented by including the time: 3/14/15 9:26:53 (am and pm).”

Shannon concluded, “One more fun thing for you: If you write the first 3 digits of Pi backwards (3.14), it looks like the word PIE.”

If you prefer to appreciate pie, well all is not lost. While searching the net we found a lot of places offering free pie on Pi day. Pillsbury has a special pie recipe, for the Pi Pie! It looks like for pizza makers this Pi day is a big annual celebration day!!

So, have some pie today and enjoy the fact that π exists and that the shape of round goes on and on and on… and on.

One more thing from Shannon: “Here is a nifty College Humor song on you-tube that is fun to listen to and watch on Pi day:” LINK

Warehouse Safety - AMS FulfillmentIn the Spring of 2020 the AMS Safety Team took on the greatest challenge to employee safety they had ever been presented with. Employees at the AMS Fulfillment Center were considered essential workers, asked to stay on the job and risk the threat of COVID exposure. The safety team worked triple speed to separate the workstations by six feet and install plexiglass shields. Shields were installed throughout the warehouses, in the lunchroom and classroom – everywhere needed. 

AMS increased the number of bathrooms, hired a team to sanitize all surfaces throughout the day, placed stations where employees could wash and sterilize their hands, installed devices to check all incoming personnel for elevated body temperature, had custom face masks made for all employees and visitors – the safety team did everything they could.

AMS Safety Team was Exceptional!

The team’s efforts were so thorough, and safety was given such high priority that we decided to do a series of safety blogs as a guide to other warehouses. We did a series of 24 blogs, covering the various choices and changes AMS was making. 

Marco Pelaez, VP of Operations, took one more exceptional step and arranged for vaccine clinics to be held on the AMS campus. Over a period of two years Marco held 14 clinics that administered vaccines to people from within AMS and the surrounding community. People received the vaccines at no cost, and they could bring their children, ages 12 and up. AMS employees and the community took strong advantage of these clinics.  

Is the pandemic over? 

Gradually we began to emerge from the pandemic. Over the past few months rules that AMS had in place on mask wearing, sanitizing and temperature taking have eased off in the warehouse. Knowing that 98% of AMS employees are fully vaccinated, Marco and the team followed the CDC guidelines carefully and started easing up the mask-wearing and the safety distancing. They have continued to follow the proper protocols when employees are sick with COVID-19.

Have we reached the end of the pandemic? A headline from states: “US to end COVID-19 emergency declarations on May 11!” The article states that the current administration will end COVID-19 emergency declarations on May 11, 2023. This means that COVID tests and vaccines are no longer going to be free of charge.  

The article states, “The government has been paying for COVID-19 vaccines, some tests and certain treatments under the PHE declaration. When it expires, those costs will be transferred to private insurance and government health plans.” It ends with a warning, “COVID-19 cases are declining in the United States, though more than 500 people continue to die each day from the disease, government data showed.” 

Remember to Protect Yourself and Others

This statement agrees with Marco, who offered the following. “Even though the government is lifting all restrictions, please keep in mind that the virus is going to stay around for a long time and, we need to be mindful about experiencing any symptoms of getting sick and act to protect ourselves and others at the workplace. We ask employees to wear a mask if any symptoms are present and feel free to remove the mask when well.

“Just remember to protect yourself first so you can protect others. And most importantly, if you test for COVID-19 and the test is positive, stay home and get well. If the test is negative, depending upon the severity of the symptoms, stay home or wear a mask to avoid getting other people sick.”

Thank You to the Safety Team

We asked Marco what it has been like, to protect essential employees during this very dangerous time. He stated, “Keeping employees safe during this pandemic has been a very stressful experience. We had to learn about this virus, not knowing how it behaves, and at the same time try to keep people feeling safe and secure at the workplace. We also had to learn about the CDC safety protocols and implement them at AMS. They were two long years of stress, tears and satisfaction.

“When we were able to bring the vaccination clinics to our workplace and see the employees’ response as they brought their friends, kids, and family members to our clinics it was a big win for AMS. We knew that we were providing our employees with the best protection against this virus.”

We would like to offer a very sincere THANK YOU to Marco and the entire safety team for being an example for other warehouses and businesses with essential employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Women's Day - AMS FulfillmentMarch 8 is International Women’s Day. This is a day when we celebrate the achievements and contributions of women, and we also look at areas where women still face discrimination or oppression.

We all know the history and the struggle, and we wonder… what are women facing today? In the business world there has been a lot of progress, and the glass ceiling is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Progress is being made in the STEM arena and we appreciate that. Also we’ve looked at the top position in Fortune 500 companies and there is improvement there too. But, around the world there are still more severe battles to be fought with regard to education and there are areas of the world where oppression is the norm.

The Biggest Challenge

An article in Politico magazine asked a group of women lawmakers and presidential candidates what they see as the biggest challenge facing women in the US, and internationally. We’ll look at two responses.

Answer #1: “One of the struggles that underlies all of our policy battles is the continued lack of women in positions of power. From corporate boardrooms, to the courts and political leadership around the world, the lack of women in senior positions continues to stymie progress on issues from pay to humanitarian aid to discrimination in all its forms. The sooner we understand that the lack of women in leadership roles holds back not only women, but all people, the sooner we will be able to advance society as a whole.”

Answer #2: Women in the world, particularly in developing and middle-income countries, face the far more elemental problem of still being considered property. Saudi Arabia’s system, for one, is open about this relationship, requiring women to get the permission of their male “guardian” to enroll in school, travel or take a job. But in many countries, women are still forced to be legally and socially subservient to men, with no means of gaining financial or social independence, much less equal agency. A global women’s movement must thus focus on creating legal and social conditions in which women and men have equal access to nutrition, health care, education, jobs and the ability to control their bodies and choose a mate. We will be making progress when parents around the world greet the birth of a girl with equal pleasure and expectation as the birth of a boy.”

The world of Business

In the world of business, there is a measure that tells a lot. Here is the headline from a January 2023 issue of Forbes Magazine: Women CEOs run more than 10% of Fortune 500 companies for the first time in history. Women have made great progress in the business world, and there are many companies where women hold CEO, President, CFO and other executive positions, but the Fortune 500 representation lets us know there is significantly more to achieve. Here’s a paragraph from the article:

“It’s fair to ask whether it’s worth celebrating a meager 2% difference, especially when it also makes clear how far we still have to go for equal representation (almost five times where we’re at today). Yet, these victories, however small, do matter. After all, the biggest leaps require innumerable small steps to make them possible. So before rolling up our sleeves and getting back to work, let’s take a moment to recognize how far we’ve come by celebrating some of the history-making women who brought us over the 10% line.” To read the stories click HERE.

How is AMS Doing

One might ask… how is AMS Fulfillment doing with regard to women in top management? We can brag a little about that as we have a very balanced and strong representation. Last July we began a blog series called “Women in Management.” In that blog series we interviewed ten of AMS’ women in management.

Our first interview was with someone the entire company loves and respects, Betty-Lou Wiseman, President of AMS West. You can enjoy that interview HERE. We also did a great interview with AMS CFO Bobbie Booher, click HERE, and another fun interview with Dori Bornstein, Human Resources Manager for AMS East, HERE. All ten of the interviews are available at this LINK. The featured image for this International Women’s Day blog is of the latest woman to join the AMS team, Sarah Smith, VP of Marketing. Enjoy her interview HERE.

The International Picture

What can be done to be of help to women of the world? This question is discussed at the United Nations under the theme of “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”.

The UN website explains, “This theme is aligned with the priority theme for the upcoming 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW-67), ‘Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls’.” We encourage you to visit the website HERE and read about what the UN is doing to support the women of the world.

We close with a salute to all of the women of the world on this International Women’s Day, March 8, 2023. It has been a long journey, and we still have a way to go, but oh the victories!!

World Wildlife - AMS FulfillmentHow does a Fulfillment Company recognize and celebrate World Wildlife Day? Let’s explore.

World Wildlife Day was established by the United Nations on December 20th, 2013. A day of recognition of world wildlife was first proposed by Thailand. The goal was to raise awareness that the world’s animals and vegetation are in a poor state. Thailand’s proposal was inspired by a series of articles in a UK newspaper about the destruction of habitat and wildlife in East Africa, written by Sir Julian Huxley. It was a businessman named Victor Stolan who pointed out the urgent need for an international organization to raise funds for conservation. Thailand made the proposal and the UN General Assembly established the commemorative day. We celebrate it on March 3rd.’

We all know our Earth is amazing – the wild animals and wild plants are amazing. We love our Home – the beautiful abundant Earth.


What does the UN say?

Let’s look at some facts from the UN.

50,000 Wild Species Meet Needs of Billions Worldwide

*1 in 5 people around the world rely on wild species for income and food, while 2.4 billion people depend on wood fuel for cooking.

*It seems surprising, but cacti, seaweeds, giraffes, parrots, and oak trees are groups of species endangered. Currently there are one million species under threat.

As the UN website pointed out, billions of people benefit daily from the use of wild species for food, energy, and medicine. While most of us will not be consuming wild plants, we do use wood and some wild plants for health. Many of us turn to nature for recreation and inspiration, and that’s our primary experience with wildlife. Since we do love the wild natural world, we have a desire to protect it and see it continue in good health and balance.

As said, there are approximately one million species under threat of extinction. That’s distressing. Conservation is absolutely vital, and we need to explore and see how the wonderful biodiversity of our world can be conserved.

The UN website states: This Day reminds us of the urgent need to step up the fight against wildlife crime and human-induced reduction of species, which have wide-ranging economic, environmental and social impacts. Given these various negative effects, Sustainable Development Goal 15 focuses on halting biodiversity loss.

Goal 15

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.


What can corporations do?

If we ask “what can AMS Fulfillment do,” the answer is “everything possible.”

When we look at the destruction of forests, oceans, and streams we unfortunately find corporations as the major destructive force. The reality of environmental destruction for financial profit is dispiriting, and we have to be willing to look into it and call it out. We the People can have some power in deciding who we’re willing to support with our dollars. provides some helpful information, and we can do our own research as well.


The B Corporation Movement

The B Corporation movement is made up of corporations that care about their impact on the environment and are willing to put that care into action. As a B Corporation, AMS invests in making its own impact on the environment as small as possible. We know that plastics and similar waste products in the environment are damaging to wildlife, so in addition to recycling for many years, and using recycled or biodegradable packaging, recently we took another step with regard to recycling plastic.

Out of concern for the forests AMS makes an annual contribution to the Rainforest Trust on behalf of our clients. They are doing some good work. Our desire is to be carbon neutral soon, and have no negative impact on the beautiful world we share.

What else can we do? We can create awareness and talk about the very concerning activities that take place in pursuit of profit. At you will find some materials to share, especially with children and youth. They are the future leaders of wildlife conservation and they deserve a future where we humans live in harmony with wildlife that share the planet with us.

And one more thing… we can appreciate the wildlife in our own back yard, as well as in the nature preserves and the national parks nearby. In past years AMS volunteers have signed on to help in the local efforts to respect, restore and protect the nature preserves and rivers nearby. Let’s keep it up, AMS!!

Happy World Wildlife Day! Protect, Restore and Promote.

Click HERE to watch an enjoyable UN video on World Wildlife Day.


B Corp Month - AMS FulfillmentMarch is designated as B Corporation Month. At AMS Fulfillment we know what a B Corporation is, and what a B Corp does, because we are one! But for those who don’t know let’s ask Google.

“B Corp Certification is a designation that a business is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials.”

B Corp Certification

The process of certification is not easy, but AMS undertook it and achieved B Corporation certification in 2017. At that time AMS had already been focused on helping and serving the communities that surround us, we were already engaged in offering excellent benefits and on-campus educational opportunities to our employees, and we were recycling and being as environmentally conscious as we could be. All of this while serving our clients as their operations partner.

Being the change had been our goal since the founding of the company, so achieving B Corp certification didn’t require a lot of changes in what we were doing, but it did require some effort.

We went through the process, achieved the certification, and kept on improving. The AMS Green Team has continually upgraded our facilities, packaging, and recycling. We are so proud of our achievements with regard to our facilities and equipment, our use of recycled materials, and our recent gains in the recycling of plastics. With regard to valuing our employees, their educational opportunities, their safety, their benefits, we are top notch and always looking to improve. We have wonderful relationships in the community in hiring individuals that face difficulties, and helping those in need. And we serve our clients with the same dedication to their success as would the operations arm of their own business.

B Corporation Month

Let’s look at what B Corporation Month means to the world. From we see the following:

Every year during March, B Lab, Sistema B, and the global B Corp community join together to celebrate everything it means to be a B Corp. Throughout the month we build awareness and educate different audiences on the ways in which the movement is transforming the economic system for the better. Talking about what it means to be a B Corp, we strengthen the meaning, understanding, and trust around the B Corp Certification.

The world is facing some of the biggest crises and challenges of our time. Our environment is in rapid decline. Social justice gaps are widening, not closing. By choosing to prioritize profit over people and the planet, most businesses are adding to the problem.

This B Corp Month, the We Go Beyond campaign will present the world with the community of impactful businesses who go beyond the harmful status quo and take action to transform the economic system. 

We encourage you to visit the website HERE and enjoy the full message.

The B Corp Community

At this time there are over 6,300 Certified B Corporations around the world. These corporations span across more than 150 industries and they employ almost 400,000 people. AMS Fulfillment is proud to be a part of this community that puts people and the environment before profit. Click HERE for a directory of B Corporations around the world.

As we continuously strive to improve, our clients know that we are going the extra mile to protect the environment and care for our employees and our community. Our B Corporation certification attracts clients protective of their brand, and we enjoy employee loyalty and longevity as well. By living up to the standards of a certified B Corporation, we also stand out against the increasingly prevalent “greenwashing” engaged in by larger companies. Certification lets our clients know that they are doing business with a truly environmentally responsible fulfillment company.

The AMS Culture

We frequently talk about the AMS family, and the AMS culture. The reason we have such a strong culture is the fact that we have a purpose. While profit may enable a business, purpose is what drives it. There are five stakeholders in the decisions that AMS makes – our community, our employees, our shared Earth, our clients and our stockholders. We do not live for profit alone. We are here to Be the Change and we are thankful to the founders of the B Corporation movement, and all of the 6,300 businesses that join with us.

The organization’s website,, features a number of stories by and about B Corporations under the categories of Racial Equity, Stakeholder Economy, Climate Action, and B Corps. We encourage you to visit and enjoy these inspiring stories.

Happy B Corporation Month!! Let’s continue to Be the Change we want to see in the world.

Employee appreciation - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of January: PAOLA A., SILVIA S., LIDIA P., JACK S., ERIK V., DAVID N., AMBER S., and GAIL N.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them.

All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch!

PAOLA A., Talent Acquisition Specialist (08/2021)
HQ Admin HR, CA

I would like to nominate Paola for Employee of the Month because… Paola is a rockstar who tackles any assignment given to her with enthusiasm. She was recently promoted to a Talent Acquisition Specialist, and she has hit the ground running. She is a team player, hard worker, and a true asset to not only the Talent Acquisition team but to AMS as a whole.

SILVIA S., Operations Lead II (01/2004)
HQ Warehouse, CA

Silvia is my choice for Employee of the Month. She is always actively getting her work done efficiently and in a timely manner. She helps people search for items missing and always does her best to problem solve before asking for help. She always comes to work with a smile. Silvia understands her work and gets it done no matter what. She understands the needs of the business, and therefore she works hard to get it done the first time around. Even when it was slow, she asked for more work and helped inventory and receiving this past season. From sorting to replenishment and picking she does it all.

LIDIA P., Operations Associate III (12/2018)

My nomination for January Employee of the Month is Lidia. We really needed someone to help manage the day-to-day requests for our largest client. They constantly have daily requests for specifications, email inquiries and managing very tight shipping windows. Lidia volunteered to take on this task and she is the perfect person to manage this because of her attention to detail and her drive. Her dedication to doing her best has helped us tremendously by helping the department run much smoother.

JACK S., Operations Associate II (02/2022)

I am nominating Jack for Employee of the Month because he is a great employee and is always willing to help others who need help. He always has a positive attitude. We are glad to have Jack as a part of our team.

ERIK V., Operations Associate II (03/2022)

I have chosen to nominate Erick for January Employee of the Month. Erick has gone above and beyond in our client’s department and has only been here a short time. When he got hired, he quickly learned the engraving process along with PNP and he has done an outstanding job learning all procedures quickly. He comes to work with a positive attitude and is ready to work. He is willing to help in any department without hesitation. We are so happy to have Erick working with us at WIT!

DAVID N., Operations Associate I (03/2022)
New Castle, DE

David is my choice for Employee of the Month for January. He has been with us for a couple years and has never clocked in a minute late. He works with pride and dedication to his daily routine. David has one of those jobs that no one thinks about during an RPH discussion, but the building is well aware when he has a day off because he is a vital part of the day-to-day operations. He always has a smile on his face and a friendly word – or whole conversation! I have never heard him complain about his job, unless we give him help and then he lets us know he can handle it – that’s the type of ownership everyone should take for their department, their day-to-day tasks, etc. David is such a joy to work with and we should count ourselves lucky to have him here in New Castle!!!

AMBER S., Operations Supervisor I (05/2022)
Newark, DE

My nomination for January Employee of the Month is Amber. She started with a temp agency, moving to an AMS employee as a Lead and now an Operations Supervisor!!! I can remember one of our first conversations… “Hey Amber where do you see yourself going as an employee with AMS?”  Amber replied, “I just want to be somebody.” Amber is a very talented hard-working person. She is a go getter and thrives to be the best!! It is great to be able to witness your growth and success. Thank You for all your efforts Amber, and I look forward to working with you for many years to come.

GAIL N., Account Manager I (12/2020)
New Holland, PA

I would like to nominate Gail for Employee of the Month because she goes above and beyond to provide extraordinary customer service to all of her clients. She is always willing to work with Operations to find the best way for AMS to serve her clients. Gail is a leader in her role and has an incredible work ethic. She is always willing to assist the team in anything needed. She is creative in cultivating new ways to keep processes running smoothly. Gail is a pleasure to work with and a true asset to the Client service team.

** **

To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!


Kindness Activities - AMS FulfillmentWe have been enjoying and practicing Random Acts of Kindness for some years now. Sometimes we intentionally wait for another driver to merge, we give an insightful compliment, we happen to have some cash in the pocket for the homeless man, we help get an item off the top shelf, we like how it feels to be kind. In fact, we’ve been into it for so long that a new word has been coined: RAKtivist!! That’s a random acts of kindness activist!!

Let’s let Google tell us… what is a RAKtavist?

“They’re the people that end up brightening what otherwise would’ve been ‘just a normal day’. You know the sort. The clerk at the store who tells you to ‘have a great day’…and really means it. The person on the bus who offers their seat to a pregnant or elderly person. The little, tender gestures when you need them most, (but expect them the least).

“Yep. Those are the ones that stay with you. The Random Acts of Kindness that connect you to your humanity, reminds you how much love there is in the world, and inspires you to pay it forward. Can you imagine a world where Kindness is the Norm?

“Yeah. That’s the world RAKtivists want. That’s why they do what they do. And it requires some intentional actions. The RAKtivist community connects passionate people to one another to share ideas and resources and celebrate kindness in everyday life.”

Well that’s interesting. RAKtivists inspire and celebrate Random Acts of Kindness. That’s definitely not normal in today’s world, but it could be and it might be in the future if we make it so.

History of this Kindness week

We’ve long been aware of the phrase and the concept of a spontaneous gesture of kindness towards someone who needs it. The phrase “practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty” was coined in 1982 in response to another phrase about random acts of violence. It was intended to put an end to violence. A children’s book was created with the overarching message that every individual can choose to become an agent of goodness and beauty.

We have also encountered this term in pop culture. The 2007 film “Evan Almighty” concludes with God telling Evan, the main character, that the only way to transform the world is by doing one Act of Random Kindness (ARK) at a time. You can read more about the history HERE.

Random Acts of Kindness Week is celebrated annually from February 14 to February 20. During the week we are encouraged to find ways in which we can become a positive influence in each other’s lives. If we can… why would we not? Even one small act of kindness can mean a great deal to somebody. You never know what circumstances changed because you inserted a positive moment. The world can be selfish and cruel sometimes and in such a world, it is important for us to make a habit of being kind to one another. A smile, a positive word, a gesture of help, and if that act gives someone hope it can go a very long way.

Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

There is an organization called the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation where people have written their stories of kindness. One of the pages they offer is called “kindness at work.”

They offer an action plan for kindness at work, pointing out seven steps to cultivate a workplace culture where people feel connected, where they have a sense of purpose and where they are appreciated and recognized for their contributions.

  • Setting a Tone
  • Modeling Behavior
  • Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment
  • Strengths, Mistakes and Growth Mindset
  • Trust, Boundaries and Belonging
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Celebration


Visitors to the page can download a guide and read an inspiring pledge. AMS, as a B Corporation, is committed to employee well-being. We appreciate this special Random Acts of Kindness Day, and week and we encourage everyone to enjoy being kind – go ahead and lift the spirit of your co-worker today.