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Pride Month - AMS FulfillmentJune is Gay Pride Month, also called Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month in recognition of the long struggle of LGBTQ individuals for the basic rights of citizenship. It takes place in June in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. This uprising was not the beginning, but it was a tipping point of the Gay Liberation Movement in the US.

During June there will be exciting and uplifting parades and celebrations in the US and elsewhere in the world commemorating the years of struggle for civil rights and the ongoing pursuit of equal justice under the law. The parades and other events also serve to appreciate and celebrate the accomplishments of LGBTQ individuals. Let’s take a look at the timeline and progress.


The pursuit for Gay Rights goes back to 1924 when the Society of Human Rights was organized, founded in Chicago. It is the oldest documented gay rights organization in the US. The founder, Henry Gerber had served in the Army and was stationed in Germany. In Germany there was an open gay community. When he came home, he wanted to replicate it here. He faced threats and was arrested. He fought an uphill battle, and never gave up. In 2015 his house was declared a National Historic Landmark – Henry Gerber House.


The next very significant even took place in Greenwich Village in New York City. The location was a place for young members of the LGBTQ community called the Stonewall Inn. The community was accustomed to being harassed by the police, but on this occasion, when the police began arresting employees for selling liquor without a license and roughing up the patrons there was resistance. A crowd gathered and jeered and threw coins, bottles and debris at the police. The police barricaded themselves in the bar to wait for backup and soon the crowd began rioting. Police forces dispersed the crowd but the rioters came back, off and on, outside the bar for five days. These riots came to be called the Stonewall Uprising, or Stonewall riots. This event ignited the LGBTQ movement.


A march took place in New York to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in June, 1970 that took the movement significantly forward. The idea to hold the march was discussed first at the Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations in Philadelphia. Members proposed “gay power” as the slogan but the final decision was to express pride in their sexual identity and use “gay pride” as their slogan. Estimates of the number of people who marched went from 1,000 to 20,000. At the start there were a few hundred, but by the time the march ended many more people had joined in solidarity. The marchers chanted “Say it clear, say it loud. Gay is good, gay is proud.”


Recognition was finally achieved in 1999 but it took a lot of effort to get there. The country’s first weeklong event and march commemorating Stonewall took place a year after the uprising in Chicago. Another event took place on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles that was the world’s first permitted parade advocating for gay rights. A third significant event, called a “Gay In” took place in San Francisco. These marches and events in June came to be celebrated yearly and were focused on fun, celebration and Pride. LGBTQ Pride came to be celebrated on the last Sunday in June, but official recognition did not come until June of 1999 when President Bill Clinton declared June “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.” “The name changed to “LGBT Pride Month” when President Obama proclaimed the new name. It was changed once again to “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month” (LGBTQ) by President Biden.

Marriage Equality

After years of marching, struggling, petitioning and fighting for equality, for civil rights and human rights, the US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. The year was 2015, June 26. As you can see, it took 90 years to achieve these rights. This was a monumental decision for the LGBTQ community, as it was a long time coming. The ruling meant that in all 50 states same-sex marriages must be allowed with the couples having all of the rights that the law gives to married couples.

We found a list of eight ways to celebrate LGBTQ Pride in June at, and we’d like to share these suggestions with readers.


AMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation, dedicated to a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion. We welcome and appreciate all of our employees, clients and friends regardless of their sexuality, gender, religion or race.  Help us celebrate this month by remembering the long, hard struggle for civil and human rights and recognizing that we still have a way to go to create the world we want to see! Happy LGBTQ Pride Month.

Memorial Day - AMS FulfillmentAll across America the day is recognized both as Memorial Day and as Decoration Day. Decoration Day is the original name used for many years. Memorial/Decoration Day is a time when people visit the graves of their loved ones, clean the graves, put up flags and lay flowers.

There are parades in towns all across America and these parades often include veterans and military personnel. The tradition is to wear a red poppy flower. This poppy was inspired by a poem written at the end of World War I called “In Flanders Fields,” by John McCrae. We will include the poem at the end of this writing.

Also, Memorial Day is unofficially considered the beginning of summer, and quite a few hold their first picnic or outing. Memorial Day weekend is the opportunity to enjoy a weekend with family, and maybe take a weekend trip since Monday is a holiday. So, it’s a feeling of… finally, summer is here, let’s do something!

One of the Original Memorial Day Commemorations

The first Memorial Day is claimed to have taken place in Charleston, SC within a month of the surrender of the Confederacy. The information about this commemoration is interesting and touching. Reports of it were discovered in a Harvard University archive in the late 1990s. The reports revealed that a Memorial Day commemoration was organized by a group of Black people freed from slavery less than a month before.

The story tells that there was a racetrack in Charleston where the Confederate army imprisoned Union captives. While in this prison, more than 260 Union soldiers died from disease and exposure as they were imprisoned in the open air. Their bodies were buried in a mass grave behind the grandstand. When the Confederate troops evacuated Charleston, the men and women who had been freed from slavery gave the Union soldiers a proper burial. They reinterred the bodies in a new cemetery surrounded by a tall white fence. The words inscribed on the fence were: “Martyrs of the Race Course.”

From we learn more: “And then on May 1, 1865, something even more extraordinary happened. According to two reports that Blight found in The New York Tribune and The Charleston Courier, a crowd of 10,000 people, mostly freed slaves with some white missionaries, staged a parade around the race track. Three thousand Black schoolchildren carried bouquets of flowers and sang “John Brown’s Body.” Members of the famed 54th Massachusetts and other Black Union regiments were in attendance and performed double-time marches. Black ministers recited verses from the Bible.”

And there were more Commemorations

Waterloo, New York was declared by the government to be the birthplace of Memorial Day in 1966. The Waterloo commemoration was on May 5th, 1866. On this day the businesses closed in the city and the residents held a ceremony and decorated the graves with flowers and flags.

When the Civil War ended in 1865, with so many soldiers who had died, national cemeteries had to be established. Americans in various towns and cities, with and without national cemeteries, held tributes to the fallen soldiers in the late 1860s. They decorated the graves and recited prayers. We can conclude that Decoration Day, which became today’s Memorial Day, began in many places across the country in the years following the end of the Civil War.

Again from we read: “On May 5, 1868, General John A. Logan, leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans, called for a nationwide day of remembrance later that month. “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land,” he proclaimed.

“The date of Decoration Day, as he called it, was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any particular battle. On the first Decoration Day, General James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, and 5,000 participants decorated the graves of the 20,000 Civil War soldiers buried there.”

World Wars I and II

In its early days Decoration Day honored soldiers who died in the Civil War, but that changed after WW I. As that war ended, and once again so many had died, the holiday evolved to commemorate those who gave their lives. And as we know, the holiday now commemorates all who gave their lives, in the Civil War, WW I, WW II, the Viet Nam War, the Korean War, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The date of Memorial Day was always May 30th.

It was in 1968 that Congress established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May to create a three-day weekend for federal employees.

Please enjoy Memorial Day. It is not meant to be somber and sad but is meant to show the most respect we can show, as these men and women gave their lives so that we might be able to enjoy freedom and democracy. It’s the ultimate sacrifice and we thank them.

Here below is the poem, “In Flanders Fields” written after WW I.

“In Flanders Fields”

by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

HERE you will find a YouTube video from the Gullah Geechee community in South Carolina at the location of the “Martyrs of the Race Course” commemoration.

EOM - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of April: David S., Mayra C., Natalie L., Vanessa H., Richard G., Sarah M., Paul S., and Jolene D.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them.

The Employees of the Month for April have been working hard, and we’ve noticed! Congratulations to them on their outstanding performance. We are continually impressed by the results! Our employees play a crucial role in our team and the company’s success.

All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch! 

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David S., Assistant Account Manager (October 2022)
HQ Office, Valencia, CA

David is my nominee for Employee of the Month because he has been a great asset to AMS. He is always willing to help and is also quick to raise his hand when something is not right. He has won the clients’ trust and works great with the operations team. David has been an excellent addition to our team, we are so happy to have him on board. Thank you for all you do David and keep up the great work.


Mayra C., Operations Associate II (April 2012)
HQ WH, Valencia, CA

Mayra has done an amazing job as a data entry clerk making sure all orders are ready for each department. She definitely deserves to be Employee of the Month. She is always paying attention to her work and is very detailed. Mayra always comes in to work with a positive smiling attitude and is willing to help others. She is a complete pleasure to work with. Mayra is a great person, always happy to be there and helps others with an amazing attitude. Thank You Mayra!


Natalie L., Operations Associate II (February 2021)
LIV, Valencia, CA

This month I would like to nominate Natalie. She came in as a part time employee and has become the MVP on the CT team. She is always looking for more efficient ways to process orders. Natalie has taken the time to customize her cart with everything she needs. Because she is so knowledgeable in our many picking processes that we use she has become our official trainer for all new employees and when the east coast team sends someone here to be trained, she is the one to do it. We are all grateful to have her as part of our team and she definitely deserves to be Employee of the Month.


Vanessa H., Assistant Operations Manager I (July 2017)
WIT, Valencia, CA

I would like to nominate Vanessa for Employee of the Month because she is always on top of her efficiency and productivity. She is super detailed and communicative. Vanessa is a pleasure to work with. She assists other departments and is overall an amazing leader and teammate. Thank You Vanessa!


Richard G., Operations Associate II (October 2022)
WIL, Valencia, CA

Richard works very hard to make sure the packing goes out on time and is always helping his coworkers. He is my choice for Employee of the Month. He checks the packaging to make sure they are correct and he makes sure the assembly lines are full for production. Richard is the backbone of AMS Fulfillment. I have been patiently waiting for this moment to nominate the best employees throughout all the AMS warehouses. Richard is one of the most helpful, kind souls and outperforms more than half of the employees respectfully. Regardless of who and what the task is you just know you can count on him. No words can describe his work ethic. We really appreciate Richard!


Sarah M., Inventory Receiving Manager I (June 2017)
New Castle, DE

I have chosen Sarah for Employee of the Month because she is running around NC and our new building solving inventory issues all day. She is always available, always here early and always staying late. She goes above and beyond her job function to help wherever she can. So, for that I nominate her, and my peers agree. She is a Great asset.


Paul S., Operations Supervisor I (October 2018)
New Holland, PA

Paul is my choice for Employee of the Month for April. He not only is an extremely hard worker at everything he does, but he is also willing to go outside of his comfort zone to assist other departments and areas of the operation. He’s been an instrumental part of launching a very large piece of business on the East. Thanks, Paul, for your hard work!


Jolene D., Operations Associate I (May 2023)
Newark, DE

Jolene has been with us before the fourth quarter and she is one of the hardest workers we have. She comes in and gets right to work, stays focused and doesn’t get in the mix with anything that doesn’t matter.  She can take constructive criticism and doesn’t get upset. It motivates her to do even better than before. Jolene has a great attitude and is a pleasure to be around. Thank you, Jo, for putting forth your best efforts ALWAYS. You are our choice for Employee of the Month and you deserve it.

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You!


Military appreciation - AMS FulfillmentThere are several commemorations this month honoring and appreciating the men and women who serve or have served in the military. The first is the entire month of May! This month is a time to appreciate and honor all of our military men and women – Military Appreciation Month.  

The second commemoration is May 20th – Armed Forces Day. Armed Forces Day is a time to recognize and thank all of the US armed forces: The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard. The Army National Guard and the Air National Guard are reserve components of their services and they are honored as well. 

The third commemoration is Memorial Day, taking place this year on Monday, May 29th, the last Monday in May. Memorial Day is a time to honor those who died while fighting in the U.S. Armed Forces. It is a somber day as we remember and thank the heroes who gave their lives in service to our freedom. 

In this current writing we want to sincerely thank all AMS employees who have served in any branch of the Armed Forces.  

To tell the story of what it means to serve, what is gained from service, how military service can shape the life experience of a person we thank Stephen Williams, AMS Director of Operations for agreeing to speak with us about his personal experience. 

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Thank you Mr. Williams for speaking with us about your service, and how serving in the military has impacted your life. 

#1 – First, could you tell us about when you joined the military and what branch of the Armed Forces you served in? 

I served active duty in the United State Navy from 2010-2014.  I served as a member of Amphibious Construction Battalion 2 in both Bravo and Hotel company. I currently serve in the United States Air Force Reserve as a member of the Civil Engineers in the Water Fuels and Maintenance flight. 

#2 – How would you say your time in the military impacted your life and the years that followed? Did it teach you, shape you or change you? 

My time in the military is special to me. I initially joined as means to serve the country. I was born in Jamaica but was raised in NYC.  During my time in NYC I remember being in school during the terror attack of 9/11. I remember the initial mixed emotions I felt after the act. My fellow classmates and I were directly impacted by the attack, and that was the event that compelled me to join the military. 

I joined as an enlisted member of the Navy after I graduated college. Basic training and my time served taught one characteristic that I bring with me everywhere. The concept that even in hectic situations a level head will prevail and treat each skill like a tool in your toolbox. Those lessons changed and taught me. It taught me the value of getting skills and expanding on those skills. Take those skills seriously and use them when needed. 

Sometimes you only have one chance to perform a task, and those tools may be the difference between success and failure. Learning that level heads prevailed changed me. I was not a hot-tempered person, but I never saw the value in being able to defuse a situation, or use your calm to change an outcome. Boot camp and taking part in the missions of my unit helped me see the value in staying calm in pressure situations.   

#3 – How would you like to see military service commemorated, i.e. what can we do to thank you and others who made this commitment to protect us and our freedoms? 

I would like to see just recognition for the sacrifices service members have made, in form of a moment of silence or a kind word. 

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We can definitely offer the kind word in this tribute. We thank all active and reserve military among us at AMS and throughout the country. Your willingness to serve and even give your life to defend and protect this country is noble and very deeply appreciated.

We are publishing this tribute blog on Armed Forces Day, 2023, which is May 20th. Armed Forces Day was established in 1949, led by President Harry S. Truman. The following statement from speaks for all of us:

“On Armed Forces Day, we share our unending appreciation for the proud patriots who answer the call to serve, taking the sacred oath to defend our Constitution. The brave members of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard and Reserve forces represent the best of our Nation. Today and every day, we honor their immeasurable service on behalf of our grateful Nation.”

Thank you from AMS!!

Mother's Day - AMS FulfillmentHappy Mother’s Day to all AMS Mothers!! We thank you for being working mothers, giving your time and energy to AMS. We know that motherhood has been a great skills training ground for you. We see that you do tend to have well-honed soft skills and emotional intelligence from that experience. We also see that you are very good at multitasking and time management (juggling the demands of work and home pretty well). Thank you for offering support to your co-workers where needed and being someone who can be counted on to lead and deliver.

Thank you AMS Mothers!! You’re the Best!!

Plus… Happy Mother’s Day to all Daddy Mothers – you’re spectacular, super in the role! We see you handing out the Mama love.

And… Happy Mother’s Day to all who have Mothers! Happy Mothers day to all who have Grandma Mothers – they are fantastic!! And Happy Mothers day to all who had Auntie Mothers, all who have learned from teacher Mothers, enjoyed neighbor Mothers, hung out with best friend’s Mom Mothers and on and on.

A Mother is the one who birthed you, and she is also everyone who has loved you, watched over you, hugged and fed you, made you feel ‘at home’, straightened you out sometimes, and made you feel seen and heard. For there to be a world… there must be Mothers.

How can we possibly honor and appreciate Mother on this special day?

#1 Spend some time talking with her. Did you know that more phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year? Apparently holiday chats with Mom have caused phone traffic to spike by as much as 37 percent, so google says. It appears talking with Mom is high on the list of things to do. It brings her happiness – keep it up – do it.

#2 If you were a hard one to deal with, tell her you apologize and you realize that you put her to the test sometimes. She forgave you long ago and you know it, but tell her anyway. Chances are she made some mistakes too. We all do. Forget her flaws and make her feel good – that’s a great gift you can give her. She’ll never forget it.

#3 If you have an idea of something she needs or likes and you can give it to her, do so. Give her something she needs or something you know she loves to have. A gift will last and give her some joy tomorrow. Find the perfect one! Things that matter are great Mother’s Day gifts.

And if your mother is gone from you, remember her in your heart. Talk with her there. Love doesn’t die.

Here’s a Mothers Day poem by Kipling called “Mother o’ Mine” that touches on the depth of Motherhood. Mother is the life-giver – an incredible role indeed. Our Mothers gave us physical life and that is a wonder of nature. The ones who played the Mom role for us gave life to our heart’s trust, which is a life foundation we all need.

“Mother o’ Mine”

If I were hanged on the highest hill,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!
I know whose love would follow me still,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

If I were drowned in the deepest sea,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!
I know whose tears would come down to me,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

If I were damned of body and soul,
I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine!

— Rudyard Kipling


A lovely and enjoyable tribute is offered in this YouTube video. We’ll include it as a little gift to your heart. You can access the video HERE.

Happy Mother’s day – make it beautiful.


Mental Health - AMS FulfillmentOf all of the commemorations in the month of May, none is more important and more appreciated than Mental Health Awareness MonthDuring the month of May we are encouraged to bring attention to the importance of mental health and the resources available to support it.  

It’s an excellent idea to discuss mental health. We are living in a time that seems so fragile. Stress is almost a given, for all of us. Who among us could not use a ‘mental health day’ every now and then!  

The Stigma of Mental Illness 

First let’s talk about the stigma, prejudice and discrimination in our culture with regard to mental illness. According to an article in more than half of people with mental illness do not receive help for their disorders. The reason given is that people avoid or delay seeking treatment due to fears of being treated differently or of losing their jobs. That’s a sad reality. 

The article points toward types of stigma, one being negative or discriminatory treatment by the public, and the other is self-stigma where an individual feels shame or has a negative attitude toward self.  

The article states, “Stigma often comes from lack of understanding or fear. Inaccurate or misleading media representations of mental illness contribute to both those factors.” An additional issue they point toward is cultural. “Stigma around mental illness is especially an issue in some diverse racial and ethnic communities and it can be a major barrier to people from those cultures accessing mental health services.” 

Finally, the article states, “A review of studies on stigma shows that while the public may accept the medical or genetic nature of a mental health disorder and the need for treatment, many people still have a negative view of those with mental illness.” Read the article HERE

It’s a Changing World 

Imagine how devastating it would be to fear losing your job or not getting an advancement because of a mental health diagnosis. While we realize there are workplaces where stigma, prejudice and discrimination exist, we also know that we are in a changing world.  

The B Corporation is evidence of that changing world. B Corporations are committed to creating a work environment that supports the growth and health of employees, setting a high standard with regard to respect for employees, and that respect includes employees with a mental illness.  

AMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation with a long record of being committed to the well-being of employees. With regard to mental health, AMS offers a program called EAP, or Employee Assistance Program, at no cost to the employee. This program provides direct and immediate help to employees who feel the need for counseling.  

If an AMS employee is going through a stressful or traumatic experience, they can call and speak to a trained professional counselor at any time, 24/7. The EAP offers help with everything from stress management and depression, to relationship challenges, to budgeting. Whatever the problem or issue, the counseling is available. 

Mental Health Awareness 

What can we accomplish with mental health awareness? One would hope that we have collectively been through enough in these past three years of covid stress to accept the fact that mental distress, trauma and illness could happen to any one of us. What we need to overcome is the stigma attached to a diagnosis, or the discrimination and prejudice. That includes our own judgement of ourselves.  

During this Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s challenge ourselves to examine our world and see how the stresses and strains have affected our overall health, including our mental health. Look around and look within – from our neighborhoods to genetics, to the many factors come into play when it comes to mental health. 

At a website called Mental Health America, there is a toolkit that includes information about how an individual’s environment impacts their mental health, suggestions for making changes to improve and maintain mental well-being, and how to seek help for mental health challenges. Visit the website HERE. 

Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in May in the United States since 1949, and it was started by this very organization – Mental Health America. 

May we continue to grow past the stigma associated with mental illness and become loving friends of ourselves and each other.

Cinco de Mayo - AMS FulfillmentHappy Cinco de Mayo to all AMS employees and a big salute to all AMS employees of Mexican heritage. The 5th of May celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. According to the History website, in Mexico May 5th is not celebrated as an important holiday, but in the United States, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and heritage!

“Within Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is primarily observed in the state of Puebla, where the amazing victory occurred, and some other parts of the country also take part in the celebration. Traditions include military parades, recreations of the Battle of Puebla and other festive events. For many Mexicans, however, May 5 is a day like any other: It is not a federal holiday, so offices, banks and stores remain open.”

The History website tells us that in the US Cinco de Mayo is really a celebration of Mexican-American culture. Rather than asking the History website to tell us about the holiday, we have approached Marco Pelaez, AMS West’s VP of Operations, to tell us how he looks at the celebrations. Marco was born in Puebla, Mexico and as an adult has lived both in Mexico and the US, so Marco is the perfect one to ask… do YOU celebrate Cinco de Mayo?

“In regards to what it means to Mexican-Americans, they get confused as most of them think that the 5th of May is Independence Day. For us it is just a celebration of the battle between the French army and the Mexican army. It is not considered a National holiday or a Federal holiday, however, all schools are out honoring the epic battle. May 5th is not a celebration of the Mexican-American culture. I do not celebrate this date as this is just considered a remembrance of the epic battle.”

Marco went on to say that Mexican Americans like to remember and celebrate the victory over Napoleon’s French army as they were considered the most powerful army back then. Another important factor is that the Mexican army was integrated with the majority of indigenous from the region surrounding the city of Puebla.

Thank you Marco for helping us understand more about Cinco de Mayo in the eyes of a man born in Puebla!

OK, now let’s not get it wrong… there are a lot of parties and celebrations going on and they’re super fun. The parties are especially prevalent in California and Nevada. But before we go out and ‘party’ let’s look into some more information about this battle. It didn’t win independence, but it did win something very important to the people of Puebla and apparently the people of the US as well.

We did a search for information on the battle of Puebla and we ended up at the Library of Congress website. Wow!! Is it ever interesting!! We’ll post two paragraphs so readers can get an idea of why this battle is called EPIC!

“Cinco de Mayo has its roots in an 1861 decision by Mexican President Benito Juárez. Facing a nation in financial ruin after two years of civil war, he suspended payment of foreign debts to the United Kingdom, Spain and France. All three nations sent warships to Mexico to seize payment, landing in Veracruz, on the Gulf Coast. The first two soon cut deals for repayment and withdrew. The French, led by Emperor Napoleon III, had more on their minds, planning to conquer the nation and establish a pro-French monarchy to rule it.

“An elite French military force headed for Mexico City was stopped on May 5, 1862, at Puebla, a city about 80 miles southeast of the capital city. The Mexican forces were led by Texas-born general Ignacio Zaragoza. Working with a ragtag army, he defeated the superior French forces. The French withdrew and were forced to await reinforcements, which took nearly a year. The victory only delayed the eventual French victory (that government lasted until 1867, when it was overthrown) but it was a significant morale boost for a beleaguered nation.”

As we continue to read about this incredible history, we see that these battles are woven in with the Civil War battles in the US and Cinco de Mayo celebrations date all the way back to 1866!!

The article goes on to talk about early celebrations of this victory and it concludes…

“So as you gather with friends for the 160th anniversary of Cinco de Mayo, you might have to remind some that it is not Mexican Independence Day (that’s Sept. 16). But now you can share a story about how, as Crook-Castan, the retired American diplomat puts it, the French defeat at Puebla had a profound impact on the Civil War and “it may well have saved the Union.”” You can read the full article HERE.

Please enjoy learning all about this fascinating history and also feel free to celebrate an EPIC battle that had an impact on a whole lot of things including the outcome of the Civil War!! Isn’t that amazing!! Happy Cinco de Mayo!! And Thank You Marco! 


Earth Day - AMS FulfillmentIn the beginning of April we posted a blog about Earth Month and we talked about our Green Team, and some of our AMS Volunteers planning to participate in Earth Day events. Earth Day came, and AMS Volunteers were out on the trails, cleaning up and doing their best to respect the environment. We promised to let the readers know how we did, and here we are proudly saying Thank You to the AMS Volunteers – we did it beautifully!!

There were three cleanups for which volunteers could sign on and participate. One was the Towsley Canyon Cleanup in Newhall, CA; the second was at the Quartz Hill Reservoir Cleanup, which is in the LA area; and the third was in Stevens, PA, called the Middle Creek Wildlife Cleanup.

Here below is our report from the Green Team’s Samantha Hicks:

Towsley Canyon Cleanup
6 employees- (12 Hours)
1 minor Volunteer – (2 hours)

“What I would love to highlight about this cleanup, is that this is a popular hiking trail, so locals saw how AMS was out there making a difference. It is also a good reminder to hikers the keep their trash with them for a proper waste bin, and the effect that they have on others when they throw their trash on the trail.”

Quartz Hill Cleanup
2 employees- (4 Hours)
3 Community Volunteers – (6 Hours)
6 minors Volunteers – (12 hours)

“What I would love to highlight about this cleanup, is that the community volunteers found AMS Cleanup on Great Global Cleanup! AMS was the only registered cleanup in Antelope Valley. AMS really did have an impact on our community, not only by cleaning it up, but by inspiring locals in our community to also make a difference on Earth Day. We cleaned up everything from broken glass and plastic to containers of oil, which I properly dumped the oil at the local recycling center. My entire truck bed was filled to the top!”

PA and DE Earth Day

Our PA and DE volunteers ran into a weather issue. They were rained-out of the Middle Creek Wildlife Cleanup, but according to Samantha they still did their Earth Day celebration indoors.

“Though I do not have an official headcount, our PA and DE volunteers inspired employees to make the most of the rainy day and to make their difference indoors by planting seeds and recycling items in their house. No rainy day stops us from making a difference!”

April is an important month for us in our environmental focus, and AMS employees support the company’s efforts by volunteering for Earth Day events. The following is from Samantha:

“Earth Day 2023! AMS registered with The Great Global Cleanup. Employees, friends, and family volunteers cleaned up Quartz Hill, CA, open Joshua tree land- blossomed with wildflowers, Towsley Canyon trails- fresh water streams, and PA and DE volunteers planted indoor herbs, vegetables & recycled due to the storm. Feels good to be with people making a difference in our community. Shout out to the 13 million volunteers in 187 countries who participated in 2023 Great Global Cleanup.”

Thank You to the AMS Green Team for staying at it and recognizing that you DO make a difference. AMS is a B Corporation and AMS is also a lot of wonderful employees who Volunteer!! Thank You!!

Here below are some photos of our volunteers at work!


Green Team - AMS Fulfillment
Towsley Canyon Cleanup
Green Team - AMS Fulfillment
Towsley Canyon Cleanup
Green Team - AMS Fulfillment
Towsley Canyon Cleanup
Green Team - AMS Fulfillment
Joshua Tree
Green Team - AMS Fulfillment
Joshua Tree
Green Team - AMS Fulfillment
Joshua Tree

Arbor Day - AMS FulfillmentWhat if there was a national holiday where we celebrate TREES!! That would be really wonderful for the Earth and all of us living here. What if that holiday was in the Springtime during Earth Month!! Well… guess what… there IS. That national holiday is on Friday, April 28 and it’s called Arbor Day.

Arbor Day celebrates the planting, upkeep and preservation of trees. It’s global, celebrated in the Springtime around the world. Preservation of trees brings to mind the destruction of the rainforest – a devastating practice that concerns us all. There are many efforts of organizations to plant trees and repair what has been destroyed. Some organizations focus on the rainforest, some focus in areas where strip mining has been done, and some focus on inner city deserts. We will share two of these inspiring stories.

AMS gives their holiday gift to Rainforest Trust because trees matter and rainforests matter a whole lot. AMS is a B Corporation with a focus on preserving the environment. For several years a group of employees, making up the AMS Green Team, has been engaged in reducing our environmental impact. We report on their progress in our Green Team blog.

Interestingly, people have been concerned with the environment for 150 years as evidenced by Arbor Day! Arbor Day dates back to the 1870s when a couple, Julius and Caroline Morton, purchased 160 acres of land in Nebraska City and planted a wide variety of trees and shrubs in a flat stretch of barren land. Julius Morton became the editor of the state’s first newspaper. He used the platform to stress the ecological importance of trees. His readers recognized the importance of his message and from this beginning came Arbor Day.

Arbor Day became an official state holiday in Nebraska in 1885. Within 20 years Arbor Day was celebrated in every state but Delaware. In 1907 the US President, Theodore Roosevelt, issued an Arbor Day proclamation to school children as follows:

“It is well that you should celebrate your Arbor Day thoughtfully, for within your lifetimes the Nation’s need of trees will become serious. We of an older generation can get along with what we have, though with growing hardship; but in your full manhood and womanhood you will want what nature once so bountifully supplied and man so thoughtlessly destroyed.”

How can we celebrate Arbor Day? People often plant a tree and dedicate that tree to a loved one. Trees bring so much reward as they grow and flourish and flower and bear fruit. The founder of Arbor Day left a message that resonates strongly today: “Other holidays repose upon the past; Arbor Day proposes for the future.”

Some Tree Stories

There are some fascinating historical stories of people planting trees that go back to Spain in 1594, so this idea is not a new thing. But it is more urgent than ever before as we see vital forests and other areas stripped of their animal, plant and tree life in order to extract resources.

We would like to share with readers two stories, among many, of people and organizations giving back life to the land by planting trees. The first is about what is called a ‘food desert’. In a low-income community, in Miami, where there are no fresh food stores and good food is very hard to find, there is a garden growing, with abundant fruit trees that offer the neighborhood food as well as beauty. Quoting from the article:

“Brownsville is what is known as a food desert. Food deserts are areas in urban and rural settings that lack traditional supermarkets—in other words, processed food wastelands. Nearly 24 million Americans live in areas with limited or no access to grocery stores that offer fresh produce. Like so many food deserts, Brownsville was left with little hope. Until the community came together and grew it.” Enjoy the full story HERE.

Our second story is about a wonderful forest in West Virginia called Monongahela National Forest. Apparently when the US Forest Service acquired the land there were areas in the forest that had been mined and they hadn’t been restored. The soil in these areas was compacted and there was no native tree cover. This brings invasive species. You can read the story of how the Arbor Foundation, the US Forest Service and an organization called Green Forests Work went in, removed the invasive species, prepared the land and planted trees. There are 25,000 acres being restored. Link to the story HERE.

We would like to offer one more link just for fun. At this link you’ll find a list of famous trees, giving honor to persons or events: HERE. If you have the space and the inspiration to plant a tree for someone you love, please follow your inspiration, send us a photo of your tree and your dedication and we will add the photo to this blog below. Send to the Green Team and… Samantha Hicks![email protected] 


B Corporation - AMS FulfillmentFor several years we have been writing a B Corporation Series, featuring for the readers some inspiring B Corporations in each blog. April is Earth Month, and B Corporations are focused on the environment and environmental issues. One of the most often discussed issues this year is climate justice. In #38 of our Series we will introduce several B Corporations focused on climate justice.

Google tells us… “Climate justice connects the climate crisis to the social, racial and environmental issues in which it is deeply entangled. It recognizes the disproportionate impacts of climate change on low-income and BIPOC communities around the world, the people and places least responsible for the problem.”

The question for this writing, is how are B Corporations facing Earth Month and Earth Day – what are the B Corps doing? Quoting from a recent article at “If B Corps are going to lead a movement of real corporate accountability for this crisis, this work must recognize that social and economic inequity and climate change are linked, that business has been the primary actor in driving forward both, and that the communities that do the least to drive the climate crisis are most heavily impacted by its devastation. In short, our movement’s response to climate change must be grounded in climate justice.”

The article goes on to say that B Corporations, every day, work toward an economic system based not on extraction but on regeneration. There are four B Corps that the article features as examples of being centered on climate justice.

Right People Renewable Energy

First is a company called Right People Renewable Energy (RPRE). The article gives a little history, describing RPRE as a company that…“operates in Singapore and Indonesia, transformed from a labor supply company for the oil and gas sector to a renewable energy business providing employment in low-income and rural communities.”

RPRE describes itself as a company that helps customers switch from pollutive fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy, stating, “We are your all-in-one solar provider.” The company serves industrial clients and it provides a number of services to help the company make the change. You can visit their website HERE.

Green Heffa Farms

The next company they feature is a Black-owned medicinal plants and herbs farm called Green Heffa Farms, based in North Carolina. They describe themselves as a farm, a tea company, a natural health brand, and an educational resource. Their website states, “We do a lot on our 14.84 acres.”

“It is our mission to provide our customers with an exemplary experience while providing expanding access to agriculture for underserved and under-represented farmers.” They not only grow their products, which are tea blends, steam blends, herb blends and hemp flower blends, they provide everything from teaching farming to employing individuals in the community to the best ecological practices. This appears to be is an exceptional B Corporation. You can visit their website HERE.

Lotus Foods and Jubilee Justice

These two B Corps are featured together as Lotus Foods has diversified and strengthened their natural products company, and their domestic supply chain, by partnering with Jubilee Justice. According to the article, Jubilee Justice is…”an organization supporting Black farming communities with resources that foster restoration of land stewardship and regenerative foodways.”

The mission of Jubilee Justice is inspiring: “We envision an America where the institutional injustices concerning Land, Race and Money, that are rooted in a history of extraction and exploitation, both spiritually and materially transform toward justice, equity and repair. It will require the redistribution of resources, the equal sharing of knowledge and information, cross-racial and personal healing based on a worldview of interdependence and the active acknowledgement of the Earth and soil upon which all life depends as sacred.” Read about Lotus Foods HERE and Jubilee Justice HERE.

As a B Corporation, AMS is inspired and encouraged by these exceptional B Corporations. We hope our readers enjoy learning about the many dedicated B Corporations that are keeping AMS company in this changing world.

DE&I - AMS FulfillmentOn March 29 the Los Angeles Business Journal hosted an important industry event – their annual Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Symposium & Awards at the JW Marriott in Los Angeles. We are very pleased to announce that AMS’ CEO, Jay Catlin, was among the business leaders nominated as finalists at the event for the DE&I CEO of the Year Award.

During the morning session three panel discussions took place with experts covering topics that unfolded and explained some of what has been learned from experience with regard to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. The topics were: “The Cost of Inequity;” “Building a Diverse & Multi-Generational Workforce;” and “What’s Really Working: Journey to Success.” The LABJ DE&I awards panels were exceptionally informative and the awards luncheon followed.

The entire event was live, featuring industry experts discussing ways to advance diversity in the workplace and enable equity and inclusion. At the luncheon business leaders were championed for their ongoing efforts to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. We are very pleased and proud that Jay and AMS Fulfillment were honored for the longstanding commitment of the company to a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce.

Jay gave the following statement on his nomination as a finalist: “It is both humbling and an honor to have been nominated for the LA Business Journal’s DE&I 2023 CEO of the Year award. I, along with the other finalists, am an advocate of DE&I.  Since AMS was founded over 20 years ago, diversity, equity, and inclusion have been integral to our success. Although I didn’t win the award, I will continue to ensure that AMS is one of the best companies to work for – and DE&I is at the heart of AMS.”

AMS Fulfillment has cherished diversity ever since its establishment – inclusive of all, dealing fairly and equally with all. Long before AMS became a B Corporation, the company was showing employees the utmost respect, fairness and equity. AMS actively recruits employees from underserved communities, and the AMS workforce mirrors the community. Not only does AMS provide a safe work environment, the company is committed to excellent benefits including free college-level educational classes and training for advancement.

AMS Fulfillment knows that diverse organizations bring a wider range of ideas and experiences to problem-solving, helping companies connect with a broader range of audiences in a culturally competent way. As a B Corporation, AMS is committed to putting purpose over profit. B Corporations are a global movement, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as care for the community and the environment.

Congratulations Jay Catlin for a well-deserved honor. We are proud of how you have guided AMS and thankful for the CEOs before you. AMS is actually Being the change we wish to see in the world. Congratulations to our Finalist!!

DE&I - AMS FulfillmentDE&I - AMS FulfillmentDE&I - AMS FulfillmentDE&I - AMS Fulfillment


Earth Month - AMS FulfillmentWe have just entered the month of April! It’s an exciting time for all who are ready for the end of Winter and the return/rebirth of Springtime. But April has even more significance to environmentalists and B Corporations. Not only is Earth Day in April, on the 22nd, but the entire month of April is Earth Month – a time when we give our attention to issues that affect us and Mother Nature.

A quick visit to Google, utilizing the search term “man-made environmental disasters” gives one a sad look at what has been done to the earth in the process of doing business and making a ‘profit’. At we see a list of ten disasters, most of which have occurred from the 1970s to today. It’s our reality, as citizens of this earth, and one which this commemorative month seeks to change for the better.

Earth Month started as a response to a January 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, which caused major destruction to the environment. In response to that disaster, Earth Month was first celebrated on April 4, 1970.

According to National Today, “ …Earth Month became a global event after 200 million participants from 141 countries joined the initiative. By 1992, the United Nations became actively involved too, which further enhanced the organization’s visibility. Today, Earth Month is widely recognized as one of the most important month-long observances in the world.”

AMS is a B Corporation, and as such, our focus is on doing our best… doing whatever we can to reduce our negative impact on the environment. Purpose before profit is the goal of a B Corporation, and at AMS we seek to Be the Change in a number of ways, very much including our focus on environmental impact. There is a dedicated “Green Team” at AMS made up of employees who meet monthly to discuss improvements that can be made to reduce the environmental impact of our warehouses and offices.

The AMS Green Team is very much engaged in purchasing and using recyclable or biodegradable products. Our Purchasing Department has created a catalog, for use by our clients, of recommended products. As with any fulfillment company, AMS must deal with plastics and packaging – things that need recycling in order to not end up in a landfill. We have found ways to bundle and donate plastic stretch film for recycling into usable products. And we do many other things with regard to packaging, lighting, equipment… anything we can do to reduce our negative impact on the environment.

April is an important month for us in our environmental focus, and AMS employees support the company’s efforts by volunteering for Earth Day events. This year there are four events AMS employees will be participating in as follows:

*AMS Towsley Trail Hike (Cleanup): Start time 10:00 a.m.
24335 The Old Road, Newhall, CA 91321
Register by contacting  [email protected].

*Quartz Hill Open Space Joshua Tree Cleanup: Start time 10:00 a.m.
Quartz Hill Reservoir, 40th St W and M-6, just past Equestrian Way
Register by contacting [email protected]

*Middle Creek Wildlife Cleanup: Start Time 11:00am.
100 Museum Rd, Stevens, PA, 17578, USA 
Register by contacting  [email protected]

*Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity
ReStore Pack-A-Truck: Start Time 9:00am
321 A Independence Blvd, Dover, DE 19904 
More information and Registration at their Website:  

The theme for Earth Day 2023 is Invest In Our Planet, continuing on the same theme from 2022. It’s a call for governments, businesses and individuals to invest in a better future for the planet. Kathleen Rogers, President of offered these encouraging words:

“In 2023 we must come together again in partnership for the planet. Businesses, governments, and civil society are equally responsible for taking action against the climate crisis and lighting the spark to accelerate change towards a green, prosperous, and equitable future. We must join together in our fight for the green revolution, and for the health of future generations. The time is now to Invest In Our Planet.”

At AMS Fulfillment we do invest in our planet every day, and we are pleased and proud to be a B Corporation, being the change that we all wish to see in the world. Later this month we will feature the work of our Green Team volunteers on Earth Day! We encourage readers and everyone to do their part in honoring Mother Earth. Have a Happy Earth Month – Volunteer!!