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Sr. Citizens - AMS FulfillmentWe can’t let this day pass without giving some loving attention to all of the Seniors we know, among our employees, among our clients, and in our communities. National Senior Citizens Day is also World Senior Citizens day, so this is a global commemoration in honor of all of our Seniors. Gratitude is the Attitude!

We’re going to begin by utilizing a quote from which feels truly appropriate. “National Senior Citizens Day recognizes seniors who have spent their lives contributing to society and have impacted everyone’s lives for the better. Improved healthcare has changed demographics and increased productivity of older citizens. The country’s foundation and stable sectors are the result of the hard work of our senior citizens and they deserve all our gratitude.”

President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5847 that marked August 21 as the day Seniors will be celebrated. His words at that commemoration are inspiring as well. “We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older — places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.”

There are many Seniors living very productive lives far into their elder years, maintaining good health and strength, and enjoying life fully. We have Seniors among our governmental leaders and they are serving with wisdom, experience and care. Around the world we have Seniors at top levels in our corporations, businesses, places of worship and in all types of employment. We are grateful for the Seniors working at AMS. Experience is a treasure and we very much value diversity in our workforce.

It is also true that many Seniors need the services of community organizations. In alignment with President Reagan’s statement, we would like to uplift a community nonprofit organization that AMS has supported for many years, Senior Concerns.

Senior Concerns Adult Day Center offers activities and programs for Seniors with cognitive or physical impairments. They also deliver hot lunches and evening meals to homebound Seniors with their Meals on Wheels program, helping Seniors to remain in their homes for as long as possible. They provide caregiver support, legal and financial advocate services and volunteer opportunities. The organization’s website speaks of the work they do, and we encourage you to visit. HERE

“We are now a society of more old than young, necessitating a new world order for aging. At Senior Concerns, seniors come alive with enjoyment, affection and contentment, challenging the old age paradigms of losing one’s mind, capabilities or social connectedness. Community members unite to serve the very people who helped build the life we have today. Family caregivers are valued and celebrated. Our lifespans are designed as a process of continuous growth and development. At Senior Concerns it doesn’t end when we get old.”

Looking back from where we are today, August 21 of 2023, we are aware that Seniors sustained a heavy blow during the pandemic, and we mourn the loss of so many. AMS did its best during that time with free vaccination clinics on campus for employees, their families and the community as well as many other efforts to protect employees. But as much as we cared, lives were lost. They will always be appreciated.

As for today, how can we show our gratitude for the wisdom of the elders and regard for them whether in our families, communities or workplace? Give them your time in conversation and listen. Ask if there is anything they need help with and when they tell you, do your best.

Throughout our history, Seniors have achieved much for our families, our communities, and our country. That gives us ample reason this year to reserve August 21 as a time to give a little extra thought and care to the Seniors near us who mean so much to us.

Humanitarian day - AMS FulfillmentWorld Humanitarian Day is an observance created by the United Nations to honor 22 UN humanitarian workers who lost their lives in a bombing attack on the UN Headquarters in Baghdad. It was 20 years ago this year. In honor of the workers, the following paragraph is offered from

“Whenever and wherever people are in need, there are others who help them. They are the affected people themselves – always first to respond when disaster strikes – and a global community that supports them as they recover. Far from the spotlight and out of the headlines, they come together to ease suffering and bring hope.”

Humanitarians are people who step up to save and protect lives and deliver the basic necessities of life, working alongside the communities they serve. We are watching a humanitarian crisis as we speak in Maui, and we’re deeply grateful to the people who have come to help, those who have donated food and supplies, all workers who come to the scene of the tragic disaster. The Maui fires took many lives, destroyed property and the historical evidence of the people who have lived in the area for years. It is devastating, and our hearts go out to all who have experienced such great loss.

While the UN isn’t involved in the Maui crisis, the men and women and young people volunteering and helping and searching there are doing humanitarian work. We do remember the devastating Haiti earthquake and the UN involvement there. This Maui fire seems equally as shocking and heart-wrenching as we read and watch the news.

Many of us can remember the bomb attack, 20 years ago, on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad. It was shocking news, a bomb destroying the UN Headquarters, taking the lives of the workers and killing the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq. When the World Humanitarian Day was established five years later the Resolution was written to give special recognition to all humanitarian workers, promoting humanitarian causes and working to give assistance when there is a crisis. The crisis in Iraq was due to war, and the UN system promised to, “…redouble its efforts to achieve peace, security and development while honoring the lives of those who perished and the thousands of other UN staff members who have given their lives while serving in the cause of peace.”

All we can do on this day, at this time, is think of Maui and express our gratitude to the people who have hurried to help.

The newspaper, Hawaii Civil Beat, we see the following, “Organizations across Hawaii are mobilizing to help fire victims after thousands were displaced on Maui.” The newspaper goes on to list 12 organizations including the Hawaii Community Foundation, Maui Food Bank, the Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation, the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, the Maui Humane Society and World Central Kitchen plus six more. Read the full article HERE.

These are the Humanitarians and we thank them and lift up their efforts to truly help on a commemorative day honoring them and their spirit.


B Corp - AMS FulfillmentAugust is Civility Month! That’s news to most of us! Let’s start with the appropriate question – what exactly is civility? It sounds like an old-fashioned term, and it definitely is. In considering what is civility, our minds go to the term, civilization. Civility is a term given to people who belong to a particular civilization? Let’s look at the history.

How the Word Changed

Apparently it comes from a Latin word, and the concept evolved over time. Starting in ancient Rome and Greece, the first use was to describe the new republic. It made reference to men with property, who had the rights and duties of citizenship.

Then moving to France, the word changed again. It wasn’t about citizen’s rights, but instead was about behavior and dress and speech between the French lords and those who served them.

Then, during the Renaissance the term rose up a bit to mean the sense of being human and acting with humanity and respect for everyone. The concept also included polished manners and adherence to honor and duty.

Looking at the Changes

Looking at the changes in the meaning of the word civility actually gives us hope that civilizations do evolve as we embrace our humanity. Let’s look at what National Today says about what civility refers to today:

“Today’s meaning of civility is etched in every person’s mind and is a common thread that unites our behavior. As we’re gaining a new understanding of ourselves and the environment around us, we are reaching out to people, sharing our love and care, and being civil to one another. And we still have a long way to go to become a world mostly free of incivility, which is what National Civility Day addresses.”

That’s pretty impressive. Maybe civility would end hunger, bring clean water, end the dumping of toxic waste, end wars, bring justice, move us into a state of brotherhood and sisterhood – we do have a long way to go but as history shows us, we’ve been heading this way for a long time. Of course we can celebrate Civility Month.

What is a Civil Corporation?

What does or what could civility mean to a corporation? We realize our world has a ‘way to go’. That’s why AMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation – we want to Be the Change we’d like to see in the world. What change would that be? How about a world where we fulfill the word Civilization. How about a Civil Society, living with respect for one another first and foremost.

A B Corporation shows respect for the community that surrounds it. We see what is needed and what we can provide. We hire people who are having difficulty finding work, we help the homeless, and the seniors, and the families that need food, and we are happy to find ways to help.

What about the environment? We’ve been ‘green’ for a long time, and we keep finding ways to do better. No ‘greenwashing’ here. What about our employees? We want the best for them – safety in their work environment, free higher education, training for promotion, excellent benefits. What about our clients? We show them the respect of a partner – we’re in their corner.

More than One Way to Profit

We do these things not because we are a B Corporation – we are a B Corporation because we do these things. Corporations are thought of as entities dedicated to shareholders, and making a profit above all. And many do put profit above all. Those will be the ones that dispose of their waste in the cheapest possible way, sadly giving no thought or care to their impact on the environment. The corporation that cares about its impact on the environment is civilized.

Our employees have always been high on our list of priorities. There’s no embarrassing safety record here. We spend the time and money needed to keep our environment safe. Discrimination? Not here. We are a very diverse place and we enjoy each other. Great benefits and education, yes, we can afford it. We don’t put profit above the well-being of our corporate family. Never have.

Our community matters to us. We can clearly see there are areas of need and we find ways to help. And our clients are stakeholders in every decision – true partners. We don’t seek financial profit alone, we seek to profit the world we want to see. Imagine a world where all corporations do business like this – that would be a civilized world – true civility.

So… Happy Civility Month – let’s Be the Civilized!

To learn more about B Corporations, click HERE.

Cat Day - AMS FulfillmentFor all of our cat lovers… your day has arrived. August 8th is International Cat Day and we get to brag a little and enjoy some cat facts.

This commemorative day was created in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. This quote is from them: “International Cat Day takes place on 8 August every year. As custodians of this important day, we’re encouraging cat owners to take five minutes a day to play with their cats to improve their physical health and mental wellbeing. Just like dogs need walking every day, cats need daily play to keep them active and happy.”

No worries – we’ll play with our cats. And we’ll be happy to celebrate a Cat Day, dedicated to learning about these wonderful animals and finding new ways to help, protect and enjoy them. Cats are really spectacular animals, each one with a personality and attitude. They’re inquisitive, independent, adventurous and communicative. Let’s get a glimpse of cat history and then some pointers on how to help stray or feral cats, and finally, an excellent NOVA video about cats.

What is their history?

Most of us know that the historical record of domesticated house cats goes back to Egypt. They are descended from the wildcat, brought indoors (or they invited themselves indoors) at some point. The following is from the National Today website:

“The first historical human record about cats could be found in Ancient Egyptian Civilization’s culture. We all seem to relate cats with Egyptians, because of their adoration and consideration of cats as gods. Mafdet was the first known cat deity and was regarded as the protector against snakes, scorpions, and evil during the First Dynasty, so for them, cats were not just deities, but also protectors.”

After the Egyptian Dynasty, cats increased in popularity. The Greeks and Romans used them as pest control, and in the East it was wealthy people who owned cats. But cats were in for a downfall in the Middle Ages where they were associated with superstition and were accused of carrying disease during the Black Death. Many cats were killed. It took around 300 years before their reputation improved.

How did they get here to the US? During colonization in the Americas cats were kept on the ships to kill the vermin. When the ship was in port, the cats would leave the ship, go ashore, find what they wanted and flourish.

Why Dogs and Cats?

This interesting explanation of why dogs and why cats is from the Smithsonian: “When humans were predominantly hunters, dogs were of great use, and thus were domesticated long before cats. Cats, on the other hand, only became useful to people when we began to settle down, till the earth and—crucially—store surplus crops. With grain stores came mice, and when the first wild cats wandered into town, the stage was set for what the Science study authors call ‘one of the more successful biological experiments ever undertaken.’ The cats were delighted by the abundance of prey in the storehouses; people were delighted by the pest control.”

Nowadays, a cool looking, fun-behaving cat is something of an Internet treasure – and we have about half of a billion among us. Thanks to the International Fund for Animal Welfare cats have this August 8th holiday! With an estimated global population of 600 million cats, half of which are thought to be unowned, we do need to talk about feral cats.

How to help Feral Cats

  • Should you give them shelter? Absolutely yes. If you live in an area with cold climates, create a space where they can escape the temperatures of winter, and the heat of summer.
  • Should you feed them? Yes, put out some water and food too if you think they’re in need.
  • There may be a rescue group in your area that practices Trap-Neuter-Return. If you find one, that is a very kind thing to do as a female cat can get pregnant up to five times a year.
  • Make sure the cat is actually homeless. Some who do have a home may wander the neighborhood.
  • If there is a cat that shows an interest in being ‘adopted’, and you can find a home, please do.

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And now as a gift to all readers, here is an excellent NOVA documentary on cats. Click HERE.


Community - AMS FulfillmentAMS East has dedicated this month to recognizing our Caribbean-American employees, friends, and fellow citizens, and learning about the history and the cultures in the Caribbean Islands. We know so little of the experience of our fellow Americans from the Islands, and getting to know them a little better is our goal.

Caribbean-American Heritage

The following is from LaTanya Warren, Human Resources Manager, AMS East:

“During Caribbean-American Heritage Month, we celebrate the achievements and dreams of the millions of people of Caribbean origin now living in the United States while honoring the shared history of joy and perseverance that has united and enriched life across our region for centuries.

“There is no single Caribbean-American identity. The mix of cultures, languages, and religions alive across the United States and the islands reflects the diversity of spirit that defines the American story. Meanwhile, our countries are bound by common values and a shared history — overcoming the yoke of colonialism, confronting the original sin of slavery, and charting new opportunities across borders and generations.”

Most of us can only name a few islands with our most familiar being Jamaica due to Bob Marley and Reggae music, and Haiti, due to the devastating earthquake. Let’s learn a little more about the Caribbean.

The Nations and the Languages

There are thirteen sovereign nations in the Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago. Bermuda isn’t included in this list as it is in the North Atlantic, but many do include it among the Caribbean islands.

What languages are spoken in the Caribbean? There are six official languages and quite a few non-official ones. The official ones include four from colonization – Dutch, English, French and Spanish, and two official ones that the people have retained… Haitian Creole and  Papiamentu, which is also a Creole language.

The Original People

Who were the original people on the Islands, prior to colonization and the slave trade? They were the Taíno (or Arawak). The Taíno people populated the Caribbean islands and Florida. And there are three others – the Kalinago and Galibi in the Windward Islands; and the Ciboney in western Cuba. Are there still Taíno people in the Islands? The answer is yes – there are estimated to be descendants of the Taíno in the low ten-thousands.

African men, women and children were forcibly transported to the Islands as early as 1502 to replace the dwindling Taíno labor supply. The colonial powers first came in search of gold, but as mining decreased, they introduced livestock and sugarcane crops. The populations of the Islands today are majority descendants of African men and women who were transported there as slave labor. There is a small minority of Europeans, East Indians, Chinese, Middle Eastern and Indigenous Peoples.

Recognize and Appreciate

So how do we recognize and celebrate Caribbean-American Heritage? Number one, we inform ourselves as to the painful history of colonialism, slavery and near-genocide. We appreciate with gratitude the ending of these practices. And most of all we appreciate the cultures of the descendants of enslaved Africans, their survival stories and their talent and minds and experiences.

In a recent blog on Black Business Month, we encouraged readers to shop at Black-owned businesses in August. La Tanya (AMS East) is doing just that. As part of the celebration, she is ordering Caribbean themed lunch for the warehouse team from a local, black-owned, female-owned, catering business. May we suggest one more good idea… get to know where the best Jamaican restaurant in your neighborhood is located! You’ll be glad you did.

The following is a quote from the Presidential Proclamation in recognition of Caribbean-American Heritage Month.

“A central promise of this country is the idea that everyone is created equal and deserves to be treated equally throughout their lives. It is a cornerstone of our common heritage in this hemisphere, even as we keep striving to finally make that vision real. Caribbean-American Heritage Month is a chance to celebrate the rich diversity that covenant has brought us and to renew its promise for future generations of Caribbean Americans and for us all.”

Black Business - AMS FulfillmentWe’re happy to see that there is a month dedicated to supporting Black-owned businesses. This commemorative month, focused on supporting Black businesses across the nation and in our communities, is one more welcomed step in our country’s striving for diversity and equity.

According to an article at National Day Calendar, “Historian John William Templeton and engineer Frederick E. Jordan Sr. founded National Black Business Month in August 2004 to ‘drive the policy agenda affecting the 2.6 million African-American businesses.’”

According to the article, the categories of Black-owned businesses cover a very broad field including health care, repair and maintenance, personal services, advertising firms, auto dealerships, restaurants, beauty salons, barbershops, banks, insurance companies, consulting services, construction companies, clothing and shoes, cosmetics and many more.

We went to the Black Enterprise Magazine for more in-depth information on Black businesses. “The history of Black entrepreneurship can be traced back to the late 1700s — when free and enslaved Black people opened small businesses like barbershops and tobacco outlets. The number of Black-owned firms rose with emancipation and then, despite the times, grew during the early 20th century. From 1900 to 1930, the period was known as the ‘golden age’ for Black-owned businesses. Segregation helped nurture Black-owned districts, including Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

“There were other pivotal time frames reflecting the spirit of Black Business Month. One was the founding of the National Negro Business League in 1900 by the iconic Booker T. Washington. Now called the National Business League, the organization calls itself America’s oldest and largest trade group for Black businesses. Another stellar moment was the launch of Black Enterprise Magazine more than half a century later. In August 1970, the late Earl G. Graves, Sr., published the magazine’s first issue. It served largely as a guidebook for Black entrepreneurs seeking to launch and grow their companies.”

The article goes on to emphasize the importance of consumers and business owners supporting Black-owned businesses to help them rebound from the pandemic, where 53% of Black business owners saw their revenues fall by 50%, versus 37% of white business owners. Read the full article HERE.

A quick Internet search will provide listings of Black-owned businesses in your vicinity. In addition to those listings, Good Housekeeping Magazine provides a listing of Black-owned businesses of all types.

AMS Fulfillment is a B Corporation, committed to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in our hiring and promotion. Currently AMS is developing a JEDI Committee, focused on educational experiences and on centering the voices and experiences of minority colleagues to learn with and from, and to foster a work culture that is welcoming, inviting, and inclusive.

We encourage our readers to investigate and locate Black-owned businesses in your area as well as online and buy those new shoes, or repair that car, or get that gorgeous dress, or get that home repair done, or check out that spa, or go out to enjoy dinner in a Black-owned restaurant during the month of August, and beyond.

Check out ten Black-owned B Corporations HERE.

Employee - AMS FulfillmentThere is no avoiding stress – we feel it. As we attempt to return to normal, post pandemic, we find ourselves somewhat changed, mentally and emotionally. People are experiencing anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression, and our question is, how can the work environment advance mental health and help employees de-stress and return to normal or better?

There was a lot of fear in the world with COVID, and uncertainty. We held strong and here at AMS. We did everything we could, plus some, to alleviate that fear and stay well. Even though we dedicated ourselves to keeping employees safe, some of us lost friends or family, and some of us may be experiencing ongoing health effects of covid. Every one of us has experienced a loss of one depth or another. We lost a way of life.

If we can learn techniques to gain a greater level of health and well-being and have access to counseling and understanding we can experience a recovery and greater mental health.

The World Health Organization website published a “Wake-up call to all countries to step up mental health services and support.” The article states that anxiety and depression have increased by 25%. According to the article, mental health conditions have prompted 90% of countries to increase mental health and psychosocial support. The WHO Director-General was quoted as saying, “This is a wake-up call to all countries to pay more attention to mental health and do a better job of supporting their populations’ mental health.”

What is AMS doing to help employees deal with the mental health effects of uncertainty and loss from the pandemic? We asked Samantha Hicks, Corporate Culture and Org. Development Business Partner. 

“To best support employee’s emotional health, we must consider every aspect of what makes us human.

“Work life balance – the time we spend at work has an undeniable influence on our personal lives and well-being. We are all human, so leaders support employees having to take time off work due to day care issues or coaching their kid’s baseball team, or caring for a loved one, for example.

“Volunteer committee – we spend more time at work than we do with our own families. Our volunteer committee fosters a culture where employees can be themselves and have fun at work.

“Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – doing nothing to support employee mental health contributes to the stigma that prevents people from seeking help when they need it. It’s not up to company leaders to diagnose conditions. But it is an organizational responsibility to recognize when employees are struggling and offer ways to help. AMS offers employees and their household free EAP, with mental health services accessible and readily available for all.”

For more information on AMS’ Employee Assistance Program, you are welcome to contact the HR Department. 

During the lockdown many of us experienced loneliness from the social isolation. While AMS was considered essential, and we stayed open, quite a few people were sent home, to work from home utilizing the Internet. We were no longer able to engage with family and friends. We also experienced fear of infection, suffering and grief for loved ones and friends. And far from least, we had new financial worries.

According to the WHO, young people are more at risk of suicidal and self-harming behaviors, and also, the data indicates that women have been more severely impacted than men and people with pre-existing physical health conditions, such as asthma, cancer and heart disease, were more likely to develop symptoms of mental disorders.

Unfortunately, during the pandemic mental health services were disrupted. Today many people are still unable to get the care and support they need. We encourage AMS employees and families to take advantage of the free Employee Assistance Program if they feel it might be beneficial.

AMS is a B Corporation, and we consider our employees vital to our success, and worthy of our investment.

Read the full WHO report HERE.

Employees - AMS FulfillmentThank you for your exemplary performance during the month of June: Angelina C., Abad D., Marlen L., Dessire P., Stephen H., Judy A., Eric L., and Amber P.

In the fulfillment industry, employees directly serve the company’s clients, making their efforts vital to the growth and success of the business. At AMS Fulfillment we appreciate and value our employees, and we respect and invest in them. Every month we see our employees working so hard with such outstanding dedication and we are continually impressed by the results they produce!

Congratulations to this month’s winners! All Winners will receive an Employee of the Month Certificate, T-Shirt, and Quarterly Celebration Lunch! 


Angelina C., Janitor I, (05/05/2015)
HQ, Valencia, CA

We nominate Angelina because she does an excellent job in making sure all is clean and organized. She is always smiling and working hard. She is very conscious of making sure all is sanitized to the best of her ability. She knows the importance of making sure that we all have a safe and clean environment and is helpful in what is needed to tend to the facility. The best part is she is very polite, courteous, and respects everyone.


Abad D., Janitor I, (11/08/2022)
LIV, Valencia, CA

Abad is definitely the one we want to nominate for her hard work here at our Livingston facility. She has a strong work ethic with keeping everything clean, up to par, and she is accommodating everybody with their different needs. Since her arrival, all employees have seen and mentioned the big change in the cleanliness in the warehouse. She is always smiling and bringing everyone’s spirits up with her cheerful spirit, respect, and politeness. Her eager attitude to help has won the hearts of many employees here at Livingston. We are in a playful battle with HQ because she is wanted everywhere she goes. Thank you, Abad, being such a positive asset in the AMS facilities.


Marlen L., Operations Lead I, (08/15/2016)
WIL, Valencia, CA

We are nominating Marlen for Employee of the Month because she oversees nine accounts and manages two different shifts successfully. She is always on time, and cross-trains employees with kindness and patience. She is always open to new processes and willing to take anyone to the next level. She enjoys her career, and she is creative in cultivating new ways to keep processes running smoothly. She is a pleasure to work with and a true asset to the Williams team.


Dessire P., Operations Associate II, (03/21/2023)
WIT, Valencia, CA

Dessire is our choice for June Employee of the Month. She is an excellent team player. Her commitment to get the job done quickly and efficiently is unlike any other. She is friendly and does not mind helping others when asked for help. She always has a smile and positive attitude at work. She definitely deserves this honor!


Stephen H., IT Support II, (11/18/2021)
IT, Valencia, CA

We are nominating Stephen because he does everything he can to help AMS be as productive a company as possible. He is always willing to help an IT counterpart or any person that needs assistance. He will always do it with a smile on his face. Whether a simple fix or a complex project, he will always see to it that it is done properly and on time. He has a very professional demeanor and seems to have a good relationship with everyone he encounters. I have had several workers make very positive comments about Stephen. He truly deserves employee of the month.


Judy A., Operations Associate I, (09/08/2022)
New Castle, DE

Judy is our choice for employee of the month because since she joined the team, she has been an A+ employee. She is always here early and jumps right into her work with a positive, smiling attitude on her face. She will do anything you ask her to do and will get it done fast. She goes above and beyond with one of our most challenging clients. We appreciate all her hard work.


Eric L., Operations Associate I, (08/12/2021)
New Holland, PA

Eric recently joined our receiving team and quickly learned all that is needed to get product from dock to stock. He’s done a terrific job and he is our choice for Employee of the Month! Great work Eric!


Amber P., Operations Lead I, (10/03/2022)
Churchman’s, New Castle, DE

We are nominating Amber because she has stepped up and met every challenge we’ve had moving into this new facility. She deserves Employee of the Month! With each month of CT B2B growing she has adapted and grown with it and shown the ability to work in a fast-paced busy environment day in and day out. Thank you Amber!

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To all of our Honorees, please know that whatever role you play, you are the reason for our success. Congratulations and Thank You! Keep up the great work!


charity - AMS FulfillmentOne of the ways that AMS has served the community for many years is to arrange for the charitable donation of inventory that our fulfillment clients have offered for donation.

There are times when a fulfillment company client has older inventory or overstock inventory sitting on the shelves, taking up space in the warehouse. This inventory is sometimes sold through a liquidator. But another option, one that AMS encourages, and many AMS clients prefer, is to donate inventory to nonprofit organizations in the community. This has been the practice at both AMS East and AMS West for a number of years. We locate nonprofits that are in need of donations, and we facilitate the gift of clients’ products.

In the first six months of 2023 AMS clients have partnered with us to donate over $350,000 worth of product to help support nonprofits in our communities. The products include T-shirts, items of clothing, household detergents, coffee, makeup, shoes, nail polish, and all kinds of other products as well.   

The clients of AMS place value in our B Corporation status and they are inspired to use their business as a force for good as well. Another positive in some cases it that there are more advantages for the client to donate stagnant merchandise rather than clear it through a liquidator. Liquidators look for the lowest price possible and then resell for profit. By donating that nonmoving merchandise to charity, AMS clients can earn a federal income tax deduction up to twice the cost and have the satisfaction of knowing that their merchandise is going to a nonprofit in the local community.

When an AMS client comes to us, knowing we are a B Corp, and asks for suggestions on how and where to donate, our client service team will investigate the inventory and report to the client any products or clothing items that have been stagnant. Then the team will determine which community organizations would benefit, and suggest that organization to the client as a recipient.           

AMS began this form of charitable contribution as early as 2004. We have searched for nonprofits within our local communities that are fostering civic engagement and leadership, driving economic growth, and strengthening the fabric of our communities. We also look into the nonprofit’s mission in action when our employees, families or neighbors are direct beneficiaries.

Some of the organizations that have received donations from our clients are as follows: 

East coast – Phoenix Used Clothing, Plummer Community Correction Center, Horizon House Peer Recovery Center, Network Connect, Inc. 

West coast – Bridge to Home, Single Mothers Outreach, LA Homeless Shelter.

Samantha Hicks, Corporate Culture and Org. Development Business Partner, handles the charitable contributions at AMS West and LaTanya Warren, Human Resources Manager handles the contributions at AMS East. Both Samantha and LaTanya have the help of hard-working teams that know the community and facilitate the donations. Our drivers, who deliver the donations, get to experience the smiles and gratitude and they do enjoy it. Ultimately our donations team includes clients, client services, nonprofits, and delivery drivers, all feeling good about making the world a better place.

Samantha had this to say regarding the donation process: “How I help decide on the charity has to do with the product being donated and which non-profit can best benefit from that item.”

We are very grateful to our clients who approach us to offer donations of their older inventory. There are also instances where we reach out to clients and recommend donation of their overstock or older inventory. We appreciate every client that thinks of the community and the benefit of donation to people in need. AMS is a B Corporation and we consider the communities in which we live as stakeholders in our decisions.

Mandela Day - AMS FulfillmentThe UN General Assembly, in November of 2009, declared July 18th as “Nelson Mandela International Day.” The reason for their declaration was that Nelson Mandela, born on this day, devoted 67 years of his life in service to humanity. Due to the dedication and sacrifice of Nelson Mandela, the efforts of the people he led and inspired, and international pressure upon the government of South Africa, we today have a better world. Please click HERE to read the UN Declaration.

Time has passed since the end of apartheid in South Africa, and young people in today’s world may not know and understand the long battle that was engaged in to bring an end to this horrific system of racism, prejudice and discrimination.

In honoring the life of Nelson Mandela we will first answer the question… what is apartheid? The following paragraph is from “Apartheid, (Afrikaans: “apartness”) policy that governed relations between South Africa’s white minority and nonwhite majority for much of the latter half of the 20th century, sanctioning racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhites.”

Apartheid was strongly resisted by Black South Africans. The African National Congress (ANC) campaigned to defy the system by entering white areas, using white facilities and refusing to carry “passes”. The government banned the ANC in 1960.

Nelson Mandela was an ANC activist who committed his life to the overthrow of the apartheid system. Because of his activities as an attorney and a leader, he was arrested in 1956 for seditious activities. His ‘treason trial’ prosecution was unsuccessful, but he was arrested again in 1962 as an ANC leader and sentenced to life imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the State. He spent 27 years in prison.

During these years the government of South Africa came under increasing international pressure to end the apartheid system. Finally, under fears of a racial civil war, the President of South Africa, President F.W. deKlerk, released Mandela from prison. That was in 1990. Nelson Mandela and President deKlerk led efforts to bring an end to apartheid. In the 1994 multiracial election, Mandela led the ANC to victory and became President of South Africa. In 1996, the country initiated a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in an attempt to reckon with the gross human rights violations during apartheid.

The History website covers how apartheid was brought to an end through internal and international pressure. “The formal end of the apartheid government in South Africa was hard-won. It took decades of activism from both inside and outside the country, as well as international economic pressure, to end the regime that allowed the country’s white minority to subjugate its Black majority. This work culminated in the dismantling of apartheid between 1990 and 1994.” We encourage readers to enjoy the full article HERE.

The UN resolution that created Nelson Mandela Day International recognizes Mandela’s service to humanity. Nelson Mandela was and is a true international hero who contributed significantly to a better world.

AMS Fulfillment is happy to recognize and honor his service. On Nelson Mandela Day International we encourage our readers to study the life of this man who helped to create a better world through 67 years of battle and sacrifice. We believe that every one of us has the ability and the responsibility to change the world for the better! Thank you Nelson Mandela!

At the Nobel Peace Prize website readers can enjoy some biographical information and find inspiration in the life of this exemplary man. Click HERE to enjoy this information.

B Corp - AMS FulfillmentWhen we see something inspiring that B Corporations are doing, we like to share it with the readers. Such a moment has come regarding reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in Canada and beyond. According to a message from B The Change, certified B Corporations in Canada are working with the government in exploring ways to create reconciliation models that can be applicable beyond the Canadian border.

Quoting from the message: “During a recent B Corp Leadership Development (BLD) webinar, Indigenous peoples and allies shared practices, policies, and pathways for reconciliation. Gwen Bridge of Gwen Bridge Consulting emphasized the importance of trust-based relationships as a framework for healing.”

The reason that reconciliation is so inspiring and valuable is that it seeks to address past wrongs, repair relationships, create understanding, restore trust, and rebuild. According to the article, Indigenous Peoples are 5% of the population but they maintain 80% of the biodiversity. The framework that Gwen Bridge referred to involves learning from Indigenous Peoples and it provides a foundation for a relationship.

Gwen Bridge went on to say, “It’s really important to understand how Indigenous peoples view their relationship to the land — land is the fundamental relationship. Reconciliation is the work we’re doing in support of the relationship.”

It is important to recognize harms done to Indigenous Peoples in the US and Canada, and as a B Corporation, AMS supports and appreciates efforts of B Corporations to create healing and bring about economic and social parity. Thank you Gwen Bridge Consulting. Readers can enjoy the full article linked below.

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Relationships As a Framework for Reconciliation Within Businesses

“By adopting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Canada committed to legal, economic, and moral actions that acknowledge and recognize the harms done to Indigenous peoples during colonization.” Read the full article HERE.


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We are pleased to share with readers two additional B Lab articles that feature ideas and inspiration to guide businesses on the pathway to racial equity as well as information on plans for reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.


A Framework for Collective Business Action Toward Racial Equity
New Impact Improvement Program Helps B Corps
Explore Racial Equity Practices and Policies

“Providing a way for business leaders to build anti-racist companies and a more equitable economy was the key goal at the inception of the first Racial Equity Impact Improvement Program led by B Lab U.S. & Canada. The program, launched in April 2023, included leaders from 12 Certified B Corporations who took an eight-week journey of education and exploration about racial equity with guidance from experts at partner organizations.”  Read the full article HERE.

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How B Corps Can Commit to a Racial Equity Journey
Highlights from Listen & Level Up: Disrupting with Love and Humanity

“As part of its work to build an inclusive economy that works for all people, B Lab U.S. & Canada prioritizes racial equity as one of three pillars in its Theory of Change. Initiatives in support of this include the Level program for women business owners who also identify as Black, Indigenous, or other People of Color. Through models of engagement and support on B Corp Certification, the Level program takes aim at barriers to business funding and growth these women typically face due to systemic racism.” Read the full article HERE.


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AMS Fulfillment is fully committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and we appreciate the work of other B Corporations on reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and racial equity. We can all learn from each other and be inspired and strengthened in our efforts.

Green team - AMS FulfillmentThere are some very important awareness events in July, having to do with the oceans and our natural environment. The AMS Green Team would like to inform readers about ‘Plastics Free July’. We have all seen and grieved at the sight of wildlife, and especially ocean life, being harmed and destroyed by plastics that have been discarded – not recycled, or not reused or properly disposed of.

From the website Plastic Free, we read the following: “Humans have been harming the ocean’s ecosystem for hundreds of years with plastics, toxic waste, oil spills, and much more. Land-based waste products end up in seas, oceans, and beaches. Ocean trash affects the health of wildlife, people, and local economies. The trash in the water and on the shore can be ingested by wildlife, or entangle animals with lethal consequences. Plastic also attracts and concentrates other pollutants from surrounding seawater, posing a contamination risk to those species that then eat it. Scientists are studying the impacts of that contamination on fish and shellfish as well as the possible impact it may have on human health.”

And here is the truth that really calls us to action: “Plastic has been found in 59% of seabirds such as albatross and pelicans, in 100% of sea turtle species, and more than 25% of fish sampled from seafood markets around the world.”

The website is doing an Ecochallenge for people to take in their own homes, with regard to their personal use of plastic. The challenge offers ways to refuse plastic and reduce single-use plastic for one month. We encourage readers to take the challenge at this link: HERE

AMS and Plastic Reuse and Recycling

The majority of the waste in a fulfillment services company will be corrugate and plastic stretch film (used for packing, wrapping, and shipping of many types of items). Corrugate is recyclable, and AMS recycles it. But plastic stretch film is not accepted in the majority of recycling centers unless it is bailed and in very large amounts. Stretch film is generally made with linear low-density polyethylene, which is denoted as category four in recycling programs.

The AMS Green Team felt they had to come up with a solution, as the stretch film was rejected for recycling and therefore it was ending up in a landfill, and it was quite a lot. Each of the AMS’ five facilities receive 60-80 stretch wrapped pallets a day. After some searching, the Team located a company that will pick up and recycle bailed plastic stretch film once it reaches 10K lbs. To solve this, AMS purchased 92 waste bins enabling the team to properly dispose of this waste so it could be bailed, weighed, and stored until the facility has 10K pounds, at which time it is recycled.

What’s really good about this plastic recycle option is that it qualifies for re-use as composite lumber. It can also be made into new bags, pallets, containers, crates, and pipe. That is the point of it all.

This is Plastics Free July, and the goal of being plastics FREE is a wonderful one. We know there are ongoing efforts to develop alternatives to plastic that will be bio-degradable. We’re keeping our eyes on alternatives to plastic as that is our goal as well. AMS is a Certified B Corporation, and the environment is a stakeholder in our decisions.


Recycle - AMS Fulfillment

AMS bins of plastic stored for recycling