It was a moving, inspiring event indeed – the AMS March for Change. After witnessing, via television, the murder of George Floyd, there was a strong desire within the AMS family to do something to bring about change; to bring an end to the racism and race-based prejudice and discrimination so damaging to us all.

It was a moving, inspiring event indeed – the AMS March for Change. After witnessing, via television, the murder of George Floyd, there was a strong desire within the AMS family to do something to bring about change; to bring an end to the racism and race-based prejudice and discrimination so damaging to us all.
As the world marched and demonstrated with the message, things must change and we’re calling for it, Ken Wiseman, AMS’ Chief Workforce Development Officer was inspired to give voice to the feeling by organizing a march for all employees who wanted to participate.
The plan was made, when to leave each building to arrive at the Livingston warehouse location at noon where there would be a ‘socially distanced’ meeting, with lunch provided and a special guest. Fortunately for the attendees, Jeffrey Forrest, long-time friend of AMS and collaborator in developing the Logistics Apprentice program, was the special guest speaker. Jeffrey serves as VP of Economic and Workforce Development at SCV’s College of the Canyons.
As AMS CEO, Jay Catlin, introduced Jeffrey, he pointed out some of his many achievements. Jeffrey delivered passionate and inspiring remarks, bringing strong applause from the nearly 280 attendees plus many more listening from home via Zoom. Ken Wiseman then took the podium and delivered some very well received remarks, and plans for AMS to ‘turn the light on’ and embrace what we want and need to be as a company committed to diversity.
Ken’s remarks were as follows: As we march into the future and visualize the world we want to live in, what is it we will want to see in this new world? We know we will need all of us acting like family. We will need kindness; we need to listen to each other. We will need to look for ways we can create opportunities for those that need our help. We will need to shed our biases, both conscious and unconscious. We will need to treat people like we want to be treated. We will need to be colorblind. Now we need to drag that image of a better world back into the present and implement a plan to make it happen.
As the meeting closed, and employees returned to their work locations, they had the commitment of AMS ownership, the executive team and every one in attendance to achieve even greater diversity goals.
“Acceptance of a diverse and inclusive workplace will be a condition of being in this family.” Ken Wiseman

Please click this link to see more great photos from the March for Change: