Featured Promotion 08/19/2022

Employee promotion AMS Fulfillment

Featured Promotion of the Week
Liliana M., Inventory Receiving Manager II, Valencia, CA.

Hi! My name is Lili.

I have been with AMS since September 2002 and have recently been promoted to Inventory Receiving Manager II.

My favorite part of my job is to see my team work together to accomplish the most difficult projects accurately and on time.

The characteristics of the person who had an impact on my career is a woman leader, who has a strong character, and a great heart. She Inspired me to lead with determination to accomplish every project, and she has compassion to see the humanity in every employee.

When I am not at work, I like to enjoy the outdoors.

If I can give advice to AMS employees, it would be to lead your life with integrity, and to always do what is right even when no one is there to see you. Teamwork and communication are the key to succeed in every project. Enjoy the simple things in life. Love and hug your family every time you have a chance.




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