Featured Promotion 04/29/2022

Featured Promotion of the Week!
Kelechi U., Returns Supervisor I, HQ Valencia, CA.

Hi! My name is Kelechi.

I have been with AMS since November 2021; started as General Warehouse (Seasonal) then became Returns Supervisor, though I had previous warehouse supervisor experience which leads me to the favorite part about my job.

My favorite part about my job is the ability to recognize talent and the opportunity it provides to grow within the company with the necessary tools and leaders who are willing to teach and coach you through the process. As a leader myself it’s a thing of joy to see my team grow, flourish and be successful while building a career for themselves.

I have been lucky to have great mentors along the way but in AMS my manager Steve Dorst and my director Ignacio Garcia both have been instrumental in my growth. They have always provided everything the team and I need to be successful.

When I am not at work, I like to spend time with my family, play chess and cook. I just started recording episodes for a podcast/YouTube channel educating people about Africa and its culture as well as immigration.

If I can give advice to AMS employees, it would be the same advice my dad gave to me… see your job as more than just a paycheck, treat it like it’s your personal business, stay committed and everything else will fall into place.



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