Featured Promotion 03/25/2022

Featured Promotion of the Week!
Christopher L., Logistics Auditor, WIT, Valencia, CA.

Hi! My name is Chris.

I have been with AMS since October 2020; started as General Warehouse II, grew to Shipping Clerk and now I am a Logistics Auditor. 

My favorite part about my job is being able to clock out knowing the job was finished. The person who had an impact on my career was always supportive and motivated me to keep going. They also are determined, when a job gets started, to finish all the work. This has impacted me by being a standard to live up to and continue in my work ethic and whatever my future holds.

When I am not at work, I like to produce music and play Xbox/Pc games, mainly Ark: Survival evolved, Apex legends, Phasmaphobia, Devour.

If I can give advice to AMS employees, it would be to do your work and stay drama/stress free.




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