Featured Promotion 01/28/2022

Featured Promotion of the Week!
Matthew W., Safety & Security Manager, Valencia, CA

Hi! My name is Matt.

I have been with AMS since November 2018. My favorite part about my job is that it’s never the same two days in a row. Constant change, problem solving, and attention to detail are parts of my job that keep me going. Describing my mentor, he paid attention and made sure that he reminded our staff what a great job we did. He was fair though… he kicked our butts when we needed it. I always respected that.

When I am not at work I like to work out, and spend time with my girlfriend Victoria and my three kids. I also enjoy vintage flea markets, my vintage truck and repurposing antiques to become something cool.

If I can give any advice to AMS Employees, it would be to never stop learning. Always ask questions and look at the next step forward for your career. You never know what opportunities may come your way.



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