Featured Employee 1/13/25

Employee - AMS Fulfillment

Featured Employee of the Week
Steffon T., Inventory Receiving Specialist I at Churchman’s, DE.

Hi! I’m Steffon.
I am an Inventory Receiving Specialist I at Churchman’s, DE, and have been with AMS since November 2014.

I am proud of the way AMS has accepted me and welcomed me with open arms.
Self-Descriptive Adjective
One word to describe myself is ambitious.
More of a paradoxical guide, my dad. He was never there for me so that made me stronger as a MAN.
The biggest goal I am currently working toward is to be a better person and a better worker. There is always room for improvement.
The most challenging assignment I have ever worked on is anything that has to do with computers.
Professional Advice
If I could go back to the start of my career and give myself one piece of advice, I would tell myself Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot do something.
Job Switch
If I could switch jobs with anyone at AMS, it would be Nobody, I LOVE my position A LOT.
I’m not mean at all. People always say I look mean but I’m not.
Surprising Fact
A surprising fact about me is that I’m outgoing!
I am enthusiastic about being on time for work because I am passionate about my job.
Family Recipe
None really, I’m not a big food guy.
Basketball and working out.
The three things I would bring to a deserted island would be my phone, a car, and of course my wife!

Thank you, Steffon, for growing with AMS!



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