What is Dunnage in Shipping & Why is it Important?

A box of packing material pellets and red tape – AMS Fulfillment

The package arrives and it’s on the porch. It’s kind of heavy but you struggle and get it into the house. You go to the kitchen for a nice sharp knife, and you cut the tape to open the box. What comes out first? One might say… some packaging ‘stuff’, but there is a better word…iit’s dunnage! 

It’s interesting to search for a definition of the word ‘dunnage’. A Google search gets a definition that’s a bit outdated: 1. loose wood, matting, or similar material used to keep a cargo in position in a ship’s hold; 2. a person’s belongings, especially those brought on board a ship..

Scrolling down the page we find a definition that matches what we found when opening the package – it was #3: 1. Solid dunnage materials: These materials are used for heavy cargo; 2. Soft dunnage materials: Soft dunnage options are used when transporting lightweight and small packages; and. 3. Paper-based dunnage materials. These materials are also used for lightweight cargo

Truth be told, though dunnage has been with us since the 15th century, its etymological history remains a mystery.

What is Dunnage?

Our subject for this writing is, “what is dunnage and why is it important?” Despite the mystery of the word’s origin, we do know what dunnage is and we know it is meant to protect the item that is being shipped. Dunnage can be kraft (recycled) paper, foam, air pillows, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, corrugated paper as well as more sturdy items such as solid plastic, wood and steel.

Types of Dunnage

There are several common types of dunnage, which we will go over. Some of these types are used to fill empty spaces, and they are called ‘void fill’ dunnage. Other types of dunnage are ‘protective’, in that they shield delicate items from impact or vibrations. And there are ‘blocking and bracing’ dunnage used on larger shipments to prevent movement. 

Protective dunnage can be kraft paper, wrapped around an item being shipped in order to protect it from damage or keep it from moving around inside of a box or package. The kraft paper type of dunnage is bio-degradable and it is a popular item for securing products during shipping. 

Protective dunnage can also be air pillows and bubble wrap. The air pillows and bubble wrap can be bio-degradable plastic and re-usable as well. Bubble wrap is used to protect delicate products from any sort of breakage or injury during the shipping process. The air pillows will most likely be void fill dunnage, taking up space in the box to keep the item being shipped from moving around. 

Solid plastic dunnage can be both protective and blocking and bracing, used to protect high-value items. It is custom designed for specific shipping needs. We also see wood and steel listed as dunnage, and these items will also most likely be used for blocking and bracing of larger products.

Corrugated paper is one of the more popular forms of proper dunnage, used for void fill and protection. Packing peanuts are also used for void fill. Both of these products can protect heavier items and they are sustainable, meaning they can be made of recycled materials and also can be bio-degradable. 

Foam dunnage is used to protect sensitive items such as electronics as well as fragile or sharp items. This type of dunnage can be used for void fill, protection and blocking and bracing.

Why is Dunnage Important in Shipping?

Dunnage is important in shipping for the obvious reason of protecting the item being shipped. As we mentioned, some dunnage is used for void fill. What that means is that the empty spaces in the package are filled to keep the item from moving about. Dunnage is also used to protect fragile items from breaking or getting damaged in some way. 

Using the right form of dunnage is a means of cost saving in that the business is much less likely to have products returned for refunds or replacement due to damage to the product. Also, when the item arrives at its destination in pristine condition, it leads to customer satisfaction. 

There are industry standards with regard to packaging, and compliance with these regulations is necessary. Also, customers want to see eco-friendly dunnage. Shippers are turning toward bio-degradable dunnage both for the sake of the customer, and also for the sake of environmentalism on the part of the shipper.

Choosing the Right Dunnage for Your Business

There are a number of things to consider when choosing dunnage for shipping. First, what is the product that is going to be shipped? Is it fragile, is it heavy, does it have sharp edges, is it small or large and so forth. 

Also to be considered are several more factors. Are we trying to meet a budget? Is there a need to use something reusable or disposable? Should the dunnage be environmentally friendly? Does the owner of the product have a preference or a brand image they wish to emphasize? 

The shipper should always know whether their dunnage is bio-degradable and whether it is sufficient in protecting a fragile item. Also to be considered is the size of the package. The shipper would not want to put a small item into a large package, as this would increase the cost of the shipping and it would require more dunnage.

Dunnage in the Fulfillment Process

AMS Fulfillment utilizes bio-degradable dunnage in the packages it ships. The exception would be if the client provides its own package and dunnage in order to emphasize the brand image. AMS utilizes all types of dunnage, depending on the product they are shipping. This includes kraft (recycled) paper, air pillows, bubble wrap, corrugated paper and foam. The use of solid plastic would be at the request of the client, and wood and steel are seldom used except in very heavy items.


The choice of dunnage is very important in that the product needs to be protected from damage while shipping, and the box needs to be of an appropriate size so that the cost of shipping is as economical as possible. Companies doing shipping should evaluate what kind of packing materials and dunnage they want to utilize for all of their products. Dunnage that is bio-degradable is definitely a plus, and the dunnage needs to be the right type to protect the product. 

AMS Fulfillment uses eco-friendly packaging and dunnage. AMS works to save on the cost of shipping for their clients by utilizing the appropriate size of packaging for the product, and the right dunnage for void fill or protection of the product.



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