SCV Sheriff’s Foundation Hosts Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

SCV Sheriff Dinner - AMS FulfillmentOn April 19, 2018 the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Foundation hosted a recognition and appreciation dinner for the dedicated men and women who volunteer with the SCV Sheriff’s Department. This annual event has become a means for the community to say thank you to the people who give so much of their time and energy in service to all of us.

Deputy Fanny Lapkin and Law Enforcement Technician Maricela Ramirez registered approximately 115 guests including volunteers, Explorers, Youth Activity League teens, sworn officers and other guests. The venue, as in past years, was the Education Building of the Child & Family Center of Santa Clarita. A delicious dinner was prepared and presented by Brenda’s Casamia Catering.

Following the dinner, Ken Wiseman, President of the Sheriff’s Foundation, opened the program by welcoming the volunteers and other guests. Ken introduced SCV Sheriff’s Department Captain Robert Lewis, who expressed gratitude for the volunteers, saying that they have helped the City of Santa Clarita save $303,150.00 per year. He explained that without volunteers he would have to utilize paid Deputies for the volunteer’s jobs. Captain Lewis thanked the Sheriff’s Foundation for hosting the dinner and for their unwavering support of the SCV Station.

Santa Clarita Mayor Laurene Weste, and her husband, were in attendance. Mayor Weste offered her congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to the volunteers, letting them know that they stand out as the ones helping to make our community strong.

Volunteer of the Year, Kristeen Dolan; DCS Volunteer of the Year, Jams Spalding; VOP of the Year, Eliot Yaffe; SAR Volunteer of the Year, Fred Smith; and Explorer of the Year, Ryan Handy, were awarded Certificates and Year Pins presented by Captain Lewis and Deputy Lapkin. Several additional volunteers received awards for hours served, most notably Reinhard Schnepp, VOP, who has contributed 5,000 hours. LA Police Gear provided gifts for the volunteers, and each received a baseball cap imprinted with the American flag and the words HERO’S WELCOME – with a blue line in honor of Peace Officers.

Teens from the Youth Activity League of Val Verde, directed by Deputy Brian Rooney, skillfully served the dinner guests, bussed the tables and cleaned up. The group included Yasmeen Garcia, Lorena Domrique, Cristal Narciso, Juan Narciso, Yani Rincon, and Daisy Sanchez. Deputy Rooney will distribute Certificates of Appreciation to them, signed by Ken and Captain Lewis. The Explorers were extremely helpful in setting up and breaking down the tables and their efforts were sincerely appreciated.

In addition to Ken, Sheriff’s Foundation members in attendance were Jim Biscailuz, Cookie Diaz, Neil Fischer, Mike Delorenzo, Donald Spiller, Bruce Fortine, Gloria Mercado-Fortine, and Foundation Advisors Lieutenant Justin Diez, and Deputy Kevin Duxbury.

Toward the end of the program an opportunity drawing was held and some great gifts were given away. The guests were very complimentary of the event, especially the delicious meal and the inspiring talks by Captain Lewis and Mayor Weste. The dinner was sponsored by the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation Board members, and by Waste Management Corporation. Many Thanks to them for a very successful event.



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