March 8th was designated “International Women’s Day” by the UN in 1977. And we wonder… why is a women’s day still needed? Well, there is quite a lot of history on the subject of women’s rights. Living in America in 2025 it seems that the oppression and exclusion of the woman should be in the past by now. But truthfully, in some areas of the world, women are still not given respect or equality.
Let’s Look at the History
We found the history of this “day” at the International Women’s Day website [LINK]. They list 1908 as the time when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. Then in 1909 the Socialist Party of America declared February 28th as the first National Woman’s Day. Did our Grandmothers know about it? Well, that’s unlikely.
In 1910 a second International Conference of Working Women was held in Copenhagen. The conference of over 100 women from 17 countries unanimously approved an International Women’s Day.
Following the decision agreed at Copenhagen in Denmark, in 1911 International Women’s Day was honored for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19 March. In 1913-1914 Russian women observed their first International Women’s Day on February 23. They agreed to celebrate the day on March 8 and that has remained the global date for International Women’s Day ever since. International Women’s Day was marked for the first time by the United Nations in 1975. Then in December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions.
What About the Oppression
While we could go through the history, listing when women gained the right to vote, and when women gained the right to own property, and when married women could keep their earnings and so forth and so on… it’s satisfying enough for women to look back to their Mothers and Grandmothers to see that yes, a whole lot of oppression has been overcome.
Our Mothers and Grandmothers can easily return to a time when it was very rare to see a women doctor or a woman lawyer, or woman banker, for that matter. Yet, here we are today, visiting our woman doctor and lawyer and banker. We’re thankful for that, as the professional women we rely on are skilled and trustworthy.
Just as a FYI
Yes, women are able to utilize logic and reason and… Yes, men are able to utilize feeling and intuition. We both have what it takes to be fully human.
Our question is… why has there been oppression? Why was there a need to control women and girls? What fears motivated it? Understanding the why would certainly be an achievement. It’s a question we won’t be able to answer in this writing, but we can say… it’s good that we are better able to see each other as complete human beings.
AMS Fulfillment is truly fair and balanced when it comes to hiring and pay – we don’t operate under the illusion that men can handle those executive positions better than women. We know women can handle decisions as easily and wisely as men. We each are a shining star in our own right.
To the women at AMS Fulfillment… Happy International Women’s Day!! We’re glad you’re here and please smile and enjoy this day that celebrates a whole lot of victories over time.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
March is B Corporation Month and of course we’re going to give our voice and attention to the B Corporation – what is a B Corp, how does a B Corp benefit the culture, and what is the purpose of AMS Fulfillment being a B Corporation?
What it means is that we are not in this world just to make a profit – we are working to create positive change. What kind of change? Changes for whom? What do we do that is different from other fulfillment companies?
In this writing we will focus on the impact we have on the environment, and we’ll follow up with a blog on how we serve our employees and our community. But first things first… what is a B Corporation?
What is a B Corp?
A quick google search gives us this answer:
March is B Corp Month, a global campaign to celebrate businesses that balance profit, people, and the planet. B Corp Month is a time to recognize companies that are working to create positive change.
What are B Corps?
*B Corps are businesses that are certified to demonstrate their social and environmental performance.
*B Corps are committed to stakeholder governance, which means they consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, community, and the environment.
*B Corps are working to create more inclusive workspaces and improve their impact on the planet.
Corporations and ‘Greenwashing’
There is a term being used to describe corporations that present themselves or their products as being environmentally friendly when in fact they are not. That term is ‘greenwashing’. Here’s what Google says about greenwashing:
Corporate greenwashing is when a company misleads the public about its environmental impact to appear more environmentally friendly. It’s a deceptive marketing tactic that can deceive consumers and delay climate action.
The core element of greenwashing is using misleading claims or visuals to give the impression of environmental responsibility without substantial evidence to back it up and delay climate action. Genuine companies are more likely to provide information about energy consumption, water pollution, and emissions.
How to spot greenwashing:
*Be wary of vague terms like “all-natural” or “eco-friendly”
*Look for a lack of evidence to support claims
*Check for third-party research and analyst reports
*Look for official certification from a vetting organization
AMS Fulfillment is the Real Deal
AMS is committed to protecting the environment and we do provide our clients with evidence to support our claim. Recently AMS’ ESG Program Manager, Samantha Hicks, reported on AMS’ 2024 CDP SME Climate score, the highest SME score in 2024, SME B!
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) refers to the environmental data that companies and cities provide to the CDP. CDP SME stands for Carbon Disclosure Project Small and Medium-sized Enterprise. The CDP is an international nonprofit that helps companies and governments manage their environmental impact.
Samantha shared the following information, and we join with her in celebration.
“I am ecstatic to share AMS Fulfillment 2024 CDP SME Climate score, the highest SME score in 2024, SME B!
2024 score: SME B 2023 score: SME B
A CDP score is effectively an overview of the environmental disclosure and performance for a business or organization that discloses their performance through CDP.
AMS Fulfillment’s CDP score is an effective overview and reflection on how well our organization manages our environmental performance and impact towards a low-carbon economy.
These scores are crucial for beginning bold environmental actions as they ensure an accurate and transparent assessment of environmental impacts and progress. In doing so, this supports AMS Fulfillment and our stakeholders to understand our current status and areas needing improvement to effect positive change.
What’s included in CDP disclosure?
*Climate: Companies report on climate-related financial disclosures, such as risks and opportunities
*Water: Companies report on water security, including consumption and related risks
*Forests: Companies report on how they produce, source, and use commodities like timber, soy, and palm oil
*Emissions: Companies report on jurisdiction-wide emissions, energy, buildings, and transport
The CDP calculates scores for each disclosing entity based on the data they provide. These scores are intended to incentivize companies to manage their environmental impact.
And There is More!!
Samantha has shared even more with us! Recently AMS completed a very thorough audit with regard to our B Corporation commitments to the environment. The following is her report:
In AMS Climate Action, we recently completed our first 4-Pillar SMETA Audit in 2025, we continue to report our scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse emissions and offset our emissions through credible projects or carbon neutrality. Our green team is focused on sustainability and waste management.
The Sedex Environment Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) offers businesses a structured approach to assess and communicate their environmental performance. This comprehensive tool provides valuable insights to help your business meet sustainability goals and drive your sustainability initiatives forward. The categories and questions are designed to meet environmental regulations like LKSG and CSRD and reporting frameworks such as GRI and CDP. It covers policies, targets, management controls, monitoring, reporting and engagement activities, and gathers data on GHG emissions, waste, energy, chemical and water management, biodiversity and deforestation. It centralizes environmental data collection, helping users understand a supplier’s environmental maturity and commitments. It also allows suppliers to track their performance, understand their environmental impact and communicate their efforts and needs to clients easily.
Scope 1 Direct emissions are from sources owned or controlled by an organization. Examples include emissions from burning fuel in vehicles or boilers. Scope 2 Indirect emissions are from purchasing electricity, steam, heat, or cooling. Although they occur at the facility where they are generated, they are accounted for in an organization’s GHG inventory. Examples include emissions from generating electricity for a building. These classifications are used to help organizations plan how to control their climate pollution. They are also used to help readers understand how thorough and ambitious an organization’s climate plans are. Through our reporting platform with The Climate Registry, AMS is able to calculate C02, set reduction targets, and communicate transparency.
“Carbon neutral” generally refers to balancing out your carbon emissions by offsetting them through carbon credits or removal projects. Carbon offsets are tradable credits that compensate for greenhouse gas emissions by investing in credible projects that reduce emissions elsewhere. Some examples of carbon offset projects are conserving forests, wetlands, and grasslands. Reducing emissions from landfills, farms, and coal mines. Building renewable energy, and Carbon-storing agricultural practices. The goal is to remove harmful emissions from earth’s atmosphere.
A company “green team” is a group of employees within an organization who are dedicated to promoting sustainability initiatives and practices by working together to reduce the company’s environmental impact, often by implementing green policies, educating colleagues, and waste management.
Sustainability is the practice of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future. It involves using resources responsibly and wisely, and taking into account the long-term consequences of our actions. Sustainability is an ongoing journey, and the work is never truly done. As your business evolves and new challenges and regulations emerge, continue to innovate, explore new technologies and strategies, and stay at the forefront of sustainable business practices. Sustainability is a social goal for people to co-exist on Earth over a long period of time.
Congratulations AMS Fulfillment
As readers can see… there’s no greenwashing going on here!! AMS does what it says. We are proud of the efforts of our B Corporation to not only say we are committed to the environment – we say it and we prove it. Our clients can be confident in stating that their order fulfillment partner is doing all it can to consider the environment as a stakeholder in the business.
There are many different reasons why our clients choose us to handle their order fulfillment – we’re good at what we do. Our B Corp status is one plus among many. We’re not ‘Green’ to make a false impression… we’re ‘Green’ because we care enough to do everything we can to protect our shared Earth.
More about B Corp Month
The idea for B Corp Month was created by a group of B Corps who brought it to B Lab in 2016. The first B Corp Month was held in 2017.
B Lab is a non-profit organization that certifies companies as “B Corporations” (or B Corps), meaning they meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency, essentially signifying that they prioritize positive impact beyond just profit, making them part of a movement to transform the global economy for the benefit of people and the planet; the “B” stands for “beneficial” in this context.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and because of that reality, we feel the subject is worth covering. A quick internet search will give us a whole lot of advice on things we can do to keep ourselves healthy and avoid the risk of heart disease. Let’s look for something that might truly be helpful.
February is American Heart Month
It was President Lyndon Johnson who established American Heart Month. The year was 1964. It was established in order to encourage people to learn about heart disease and learn how to avoid it. More than fifty years later the disease has not been defeated.
From the Whitehouse [LINK] we read the following: “The first step in confronting the cardiac disease crisis is taking concrete action to lower the odds of diagnosis — and encouraging those in our lives to take all necessary measures to root out unhealthy habits. Research has consistently shown that risk factors contributing to heart disease include obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol use, and smoking. Making small adjustments to our health and routines can yield extraordinary and even life-saving results.”
Lower the Odds
We know when we’re doing something damaging to our body and we do have the power to refrain from damaging behavior. In this writing we will encourage readers to ‘love your heart’… and of course that means taking all of the steps to heart health that you can. Love your self, and love the body that you occupy by eating right, getting exercise, and getting rid of bad habits like smoking.
The following recommendations are from the American Heart Association [LINK].
*Know your risk. Knowing your risk can help you make lifestyle changes.
*Eat a healthy diet. Start making healthy choices that include daily vegetables and less processed foods.
*Be physically active. Move more – it’s one of the best ways to stay healthy, prevent disease, and age well.
*Watch your weight. Stay at a healthy weight for you.
*Check your blood pressure and cholesterol. These are two main risk factors that could lead to heart disease.
“Research has consistently shown that risk factors contributing to heart disease include obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol use, and smoking. Making small adjustments to our health and routines can yield extraordinary and even life-saving results.”
Learn CPR
Something else we can undertake for ourselves and others is to learn how to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation. While there are virtual classes that can be taken online, the best way to learn is in person with a certified CPR instructor. A quick google search brought the following information:
The seven steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are:
*Check the scene: Assess the situation and make sure it’s safe to perform CPR
*Call emergency services: Call 911 or your local emergency number
*Check the person: See if the person is breathing and has a pulse
*Open the airway: If needed, tilt the head back to open the airway
*Perform chest compressions: Push down on the chest about two inches at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute
*Deliver rescue breaths: Pinch the nose and seal your mouth over the person’s mouth, then give two breaths that make the chest rise
*Repeat: Repeat the chest compressions and rescue breaths in a cycle
CPR is a life-saving technique that helps keep blood flowing to someone who isn’t breathing on their own. In the case of an emergency knowing how to do CPR can save a life and has saved many lives.
At the Red Cross website [LINK] we read the following: “It’s also the perfect time to take training from the American Red Cross on how to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to help save lives. Cardiac arrest claims thousands of lives every year. Red Cross CPR/AED classes can help you save a life when every moment counts.”
Love Your Heart
We will conclude with some tips from the American Medical Association [LINK].
The AMA’s six tips for improving heart health to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, include the following:
*Know your blood pressure numbers— visit to better understand your blood pressure numbers and take necessary steps to get your high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, under control. Doing so will reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke.
*Commit to a treatment plan to manage high blood pressure—work with your doctor to create an individualized treatment plan that includes healthy lifestyle changes that you can realistically stick to long-term to help you maintain a lower blood pressure and lower your risk for negative health consequences.
*Be more physically active—regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. It is recommended that healthy adults 18 to 65 years of age should get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity activity.
*Reduce your intake of processed foods, especially those with added sodium and sugar—making simple dietary changes can help you manage or prevent high blood pressure, including eating less sodium, red meat and processed meats, reducing the amount of packaged, processed foods you consume—especially those with added sodium and sugar, and reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. Eat foods that are rich in potassium and add more plant-based foods, such as olive oil, nuts and seeds to your diet.
*Maintain or achieve a healthy weight—take steps to lose weight, if overweight. Being 20 pounds or more overweight could put you at increased risk of developing high blood pressure.
*If consuming alcohol, do so in moderation as defined by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans—up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men, and only by adults of legal drinking age.
Let’s Do It!
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
We have been hearing the acronym… DE&I…quite a lot in the news lately. We know that DE&I stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, but what does DE&I mean in relation to the practices and decisions of a corporation? That’s our first question.
And we have a second question which concerns the B Corporation and DE&I. Isn’t the B Corporation already committed to a moral stance with regard to the hiring and promotion of employees? Does a B Corporation need to embrace DE&I or is it a ‘given’ that the B Corp will be committed to fairness. Let’s get into it.
Our Questions
*Is DE&I simply some concepts that the business tries to put into practice in some manner?
*Is DE&I a set of policies and procedures adhered to by a corporation?
*Are there hiring and promotion quotas that must be met?
*Is it simply a set of standards?
*Does the corporation itself decide what DE&I means in their setting?
We do need an understanding of the ‘what’ of it and the ‘why’ of it, so we asked Samantha Hicks for an interview. Samantha works as the Environmental, Social, Governance Program Manager at AMS Fulfillment. AMS Fulfillment is a bi-coastal B Corporation that hires around 700 individuals for jobs requiring various levels of skill and training.
Our Interview
Thank you, Samantha, for talking with us and helping us to understand what DE&I is, to the best of your knowledge.
Q: Our first question of course is the one we’ve been asking… to your knowledge is DE&I a set of procedures and/or policies? We’re not asking about AMS Fulfillment, but instead we’re wondering about companies that have been describing themselves as adhering to DE&I – is there any agreement they sign or written record of the concepts?
Samantha: This applies to the Federal Government workforce, including all levels of government, and the medical, aviation, and law-enforcement communities, employing more than 2 million civilians across the country. Federal contractors must establish a written affirmative action plan and placement goals for women and minorities. They must also implement action-oriented programs to accomplish these goals.
Q: Ok, that makes sense. Now could we talk about AMS Fulfillment? According to the website, AMS is JEDI – Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion. Please tell us about the concepts that AMS adheres to.
Samantha: AMS is not a DEI hiring organization, we are a skill-based hiring company. We accept all people into our organization who meet the minimum requirements of the job description.
We offer accommodations, adjustments or modifications made to a workplace or job duties to allow an employee with a disability to perform their job effectively, which can include changes to work schedules, providing specialized equipment, modifying the work environment, or adjusting responsibilities depending on their needs; essentially, anything that helps them fulfill their job duties despite their disability.
We offer equal training opportunities for all workers to develop personal and professional development, offered on-site at the worksite and also online for those who work remotely.
We include all employees in company communications and updates, we aim to survey all employees as we value individualistic perspectives. Transparency is a pillar of AMS.
Our organizational framework promotes the fair treatment and full participation of all people. Our workforce development programs are intended to create a place where everyone is welcome, supported and has the resources to succeed regardless of identity, race or orientation.
Q: That is so inspiring – a corporation being human. Does AMS have goals that it wants to meet?
Samantha: AMS does not have a goal in place to meet a quota of DEI, nor a target to ensure that underrepresented groups have equal opportunities and representation. There are no mandated requirements set for AMS. We embrace DEI because we want to, it’s the right thing to do, it’s best for everyone.
Having experience in HR, I understand that though DEI was pushed onto a platform for companies around 2020, these aren’t new or extreme ideas. Affirmative action and equal employment laws were enacted in the middle of the 1960s. These laws also pushed companies to develop diversity training programs to help employees adapt to increasingly integrated office environments.
AMS sets policies and practices in place to give all employees equal opportunity for career advancement. Though, as a way to acknowledge to our stakeholders the diversity of our workforce, AMS reports statistics to B Lab as required, and reports our stats on our company’s website.
Q: Yes, AMS is unique in that it is a B Corporation. We would like to know a little more about the B Corporation and DE&I. Is that why AMS has chosen JEDI as the model? It is very interesting that Justice has been added. It creates a moral foundation.
Samantha: Justice is a concept often left out when speaking about DEI…
Justice dismantles barriers to resources and opportunities in society so that all individuals and communities can live a full and dignified life. We strive to embed justice into our work to catalyze equitable outcomes for all.
Q: We know that B Corporations work within the community to help and support the people. Who does AMS work with when hiring from the community?
Samantha: When AMS first became B Corp certified in 2017, we took a pledge that our business will conduct business in a way that considers people and the environment with the aim of benefitting all stakeholders. The pledge states that AMS should aspire to do no harm and benefit all through their products, practices, and profits.
As a B Corp, AMS is legally required to consider the impact of our decisions on our employees, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment.
Since the majority of our positions are entry-level, it gives AMS access to a wider range of candidates from different backgrounds and expands the potential for hiring talent. People who are looking to make a career have the opportunity to get their foot in the door of one of the fastest-growing industries globally, third-party logistics. Rising consumer demand for quick and reliable deliveries is driving innovation in our industry, so having a diverse workforce can lead to a better understanding of diverse customer needs.
Additionally, AMS currently partners with Temporary Staffing Agencies, such as Desert Haven, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to developing, enhancing, and promoting the capabilities of persons with developmental disabilities.
B Corps are part of a global movement to build an inclusive and sustainable economy.
Q: We know that Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion are circumstances very much to be desired by employees and clients alike. What does diversity look like at AMS?
Samantha: We promote our grievance policy and have many equitable channels for employees to bring up any issues they may face, including a 3rd party confidential hotline. Our Leadership Teams take actionable steps to eliminate the issues in a timely manner and put actionable steps in place to prevent the issue from happening again. Mental health, safety, harassment and discrimination are taken extremely seriously. We have a culture where we consider our workforce Family, and we take care of each other, all stakeholders including Temps and Clients. We are a PEOPLE business; we take pride in that.
To me, I see diversity thriving in the sense of diverse perspectives at AMS, having many benefits, including increased creativity, improved decision-making, and higher innovation. Employees are more likely to be seen as unique individuals and part of a collective group doing Good for Business. I see equity when AMS develops hi-bred learning platforms, bi-lingual trainings, transparency, and providing resources and support employees’ need to succeed. I see inclusion as a sense of ownership, increased engagement, and improved morale, which leads people to be motivated and committed to their work. AMS activities committee, a group of different people from different locations, departments, tenure and rank, are passionate about including all employees in company activities, as we are ONE.
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are not just words. They are the framework for how we build teams, cultivate leaders, and make business a force for good.
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Thank You Samantha. We very much appreciate your experience and view of DE&I. To us it seems that DE&I is an effort by a corporation to be simply human, recognizing that we are, in fact, ONE family.
Every year we like to put some thought into a Valentine blog and offer our readers some romance… especially poems that remind people how good it is to have someone to love. When we took a moment to read last year’s Valentine poems, something seemed to be ‘missing’. What was missing?
Men!! Valentine’s Day is attractive to women and girls, but we know that men can enjoy romance too. So, this year we’re going to do our best for the men. We want this blog to be ‘flowers and candy’ for the men in our lives!
Our first poem is written by a woman named Ellise Imbriglio. [LINK]
He is My Summer He is like a summer’s day, Radiating warmth and joy, wherever he goes. Just as the sun graces the sky, his presence lights up my world. His laughter, like a gentle breeze, Brings a refreshing sense of happiness to my heart. With every smile, he blossoms like a vibrant flower, enchanting me with his charm. His touch, as gentle as a sun-kissed breeze, Sends shivers of delight down my spine.
Like a summer’s day, he is full of life and adventure, Igniting a sense of wanderlust within me. His love is like the golden rays of sunlight, Enveloping me in a comforting embrace, Melting away any worries or troubles. With him, every moment feels like a carefree summer’s day, Filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.
That was a beautiful offering!! It is definitely romantic, as the writer compares her beloved to the warmth of a sunny summer day. We all know a man who lights up the room, whether it is a father or son or brother or beloved – yes, this poem has the ring of truth. Now let’s see if love trumps money… this one is written by Junie D’Alessandro. [LINK]
All We Need Is Love Love’s simple path, let’s tread together, No fights, just letting go, forever. Silly things fade, they hold no worth, We don’t need fancy things on Earth. No riches, cars, or clothes to flaunt, Just you and me, that’s all we want.
In our arms, memories will unfurl, Money won’t matter, only love’s swirl. When we’re old, we’ll cherish the past, It’s moments, not dollars, that will truly last. Hand in hand, we’ll embrace life’s call, No need for more, just love, that’s all.
Wow!! That is well said! When we are old are we going to cherish our dollars or our moments where love provided all we need? It’s the love that matters and we know that. Our first two poems have made the point that the man is loved for his light (mind), not his money. Now let’s look at the feeling of safety and protection. Yes, we do feel safe in the arms of a man who cares. This poem is written by Makaela Trethewey. [LINK]
He is my Protection, My Haven He is my unwavering protector, A stalwart sentinel who holds me in a warm cocoon. Like an ancient oak, he stands resolute, His strong limbs sheltering me from the tempestuous winds of life. His presence is a celestial constellation, Guiding me through the darkest nights, And illuminating my path with unwavering devotion. With each beat of his valiant heart, He thwarts adversity, Warding off any harm that dares to approach.
His tender touch, Gentle as the soft petals of a blooming flower, Imbues me with a sense of invulnerability. His love, a majestic fortress of unwavering dedication, Fortifies my spirit, Empowering me to conquer any tribulation that may cross our path. With him as my gallant guardian, I fear no shadow, For his love envelops me in a sanctuary of eternal protection.
Yes, it’s true. With him we experience the feeling of protection. And there we have it – he is our sunshine, our treasure and our protector. Now, let’s conclude with the love poem for all time – the best of the best!! This is written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
How Do I Love Thee? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day’s Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of our AMS employees, clients and friends – we hope you enjoy our ‘flowers and candy’ for the men in our lives!!
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
We’re moving into February, and it’s designated as a time to learn, recognize and celebrate the achievements within Black History – Black History Month. Is there a benefit to increasing our knowledge of Black history for a month? At AMS we would answer… of course there is! There is a benefit to learning Black history all year, but one month is a start!
For many years our educational system made little mention of the struggles and experiences of the men, women and children whose ancestors endured and survived being enslaved. Black history really hasn’t been taught in our American culture and it’s not hard to understand why – it’s a painful history. Nonetheless there is a whole lot to be learned and there are more than a few magnificent heroes to inspire us.
What we would like to do in this writing, is validate the importance of Black History Month and offer some Black history that readers may not have thought about, which is the reason for the ‘month’. As readers likely know, we are still culturally burdened by racism and that must come to an end.
Segregation – What Was Done and Why
After slavery ended, our history books tell us about reconstruction, Jim Crow, and segregation. Let’s look at what segregation actually was and what it accomplished. According to the History website [LINK], the first ‘official’ segregation was Black Codes. From the website we read:
“These were laws passed throughout the South starting around 1865, that dictated most aspects of Black peoples’ lives, including where they could work and live. The codes also ensured Black people’s availability for cheap labor after slavery was abolished.”
The next enforced policy was called Jim Crow laws. “Segregation soon became official policy enforced by a series of Southern laws. Through so-called Jim Crow laws (named after a derogatory term for Blacks), legislators segregated everything from schools to residential areas to public parks to theaters to pools to cemeteries, asylums, jails and residential homes.
“In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that segregation was constitutional. As part of the segregation movement, some cities instituted zoning laws that prohibited Black families from moving into white-dominant blocks. In the 1920s, Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover created a federal zoning committee to persuade local boards to pass rules preventing lower-income families from moving into middle-income neighborhoods, an effort that targeted Black families.”
And official segregation continued on and on. During the great migration period from 1916 to 1970 “Whites Only” signs not only appeared in the South but in the North too. This included segregated schools and neighborhoods. Red-Lining, which mapped Black areas of the cities as bad risks for mortgages, continued into the 1970s.
The article concludes by pointing out that segregation persists in the 21st Century. “Studies show that while the public overwhelmingly supports integrated schools, only a third of Americans want federal government intervention to enforce it. The term “apartheid schools” describes still-existing, largely segregated schools, where white students make up 0 to 10 percent of the student body. The phenomenon reflects residential segregation in cities and communities across the country, which is not created by overtly racial laws, but by local ordinances that target minorities disproportionately.”
What is the outcome of these years of ‘separate and unequal’? We asked Google and here is the answer: “The median white household holds around 10 times the wealth of a median Black household, reflecting a persistent racial wealth gap due to historical and ongoing systemic inequalities; meaning, on average, white families have a much larger net worth compared to Black families.”
Segregation Ends – Thank You Rosa Parks
The source of the following information is Wikipedia and a book entitled Black Heroes of The Twentieth Century.
Rosa Parks was born Rosa Louise McCauley in Tuskegee, Alabama, on February 4, 1913, to Leona (née Edwards), a teacher, and James McCauley, a carpenter. A student at the Industrial School for Girls in Montgomery, she took academic and vocational courses.
Rosa and her husband Raymond Parks were active in Montgomery’s chapter of the NAACP. She worked as the chapter’s youth adviser; on voter registration drives and was secretary of the NAACP’s Montgomery branch in 1943. As the 1950’s began, the segregated seating policies on public buses were growing as a source of resentment and bitterness within the Black community in Montgomery.
Blacks were required to pay their fares at the front of the bus, and then board again through the back door. The white bus drivers would harass Blacks, sometimes driving away before they were able to get back on the bus. On December 1, 1955, Parks took her seat in the front of the “colored section”. When the driver asked Parks and three other Black riders to give up their seats to whites, Parks refused and was arrested; she soon agreed to let the NAACP provide legal council. Rosa Parks’ case was filed in United States District Court, which ruled in her favor, declaring segregated seating on buses unconstitutional, a decision later upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
What is the Mountaintop?
At this [LINK] readers can find one of the inspiring and brilliant speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King. What is the mountaintop? Could that be the realization that we are one human family with no one lesser or greater because of ethnicity or experience or skin color? Why do we want to learn Black history? It is our key to understanding what was done to a Beautiful People who were horrendously mistreated for financial profit.
“Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop.
“And I don’t mind.
“Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!”
Let’s Just B It
AMS Fulfillment is a business that puts People before profit – we always have, and we always will. It matters to us that our employees are rewarded for their labor and respected for their humanity. It matters to us that we treat our clients as partners. And it matters to us that we don’t damage the earth, and we do help our communities. Black history is American history and human history. Yes, we wish to learn from this experience and grow – let it open our minds and hearts as we reach for the mountaintop.
We’re moving into the Lunar New Year. It may seem less than important to some of us… but… Lunar New Year is a major holiday in a fairly large number of Asian countries, and in the Asian diaspora. Chinese New Year is a holiday we enjoy and look forward to, and of course it celebrates the Lunar New Year. Let’s begin with a definition of Lunar New Year from Brittanica [LINK].
“Lunar calendar, any dating system based on a year consisting of synodic months—i.e., complete cycles of phases of the Moon. In every solar year (or year of the seasons) there are about 12.37 synodic months. Therefore, if a lunar-year calendar is to be kept in step with the seasonal year, a periodic intercalation (addition) of days is necessary.”
A little more easily understood definition shows up in a google search:
“A lunar calendar is a calendar that tracks the phases of the moon, or synodic months, to determine the months, weeks, and days of the year. The moon’s phases are the regular changes in the moon’s shape as seen from Earth.”
Google tells us that one full cycle of phases is 29.5 days, and twelve lunar months is about 354 days. We also find some examples of lunar calendars:
*Islamic calendar: The most widely used purely lunar calendar. Ramadan is celebrated in the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. *Sumerian calendar: One of the first calendars based on the moon’s phases. *Hebrew calendar: A lunisolar calendar used by the Jewish people. *Hindu calendar: A lunar calendar with 12 months.
Chinese New Year – the Wood Snake!!
When looking into the Chinese New Year celebrations, one of the most enjoyable journeys is into the twelve zodiac animal signs. This year’s animal, for the 2025 Lunar New Year, is the wood snake! What does the wood snake predict? Let’s see if we can find out.
First of all, in the Chinese zodiac, each year is represented by one of 12 zodiac animals. The 12 animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig.
2025 Predictions – the Wood Snake
Here below is the information from Google on what 2025 should bring according to the Chinese zodiac:
The Year of the Wood Snake begins on January 29, 2025, and ends on February 12. The Lunar New Year and the Chinese New Year are one and the same. The snake is the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac cycle.
What does the Year of the Wood Snake mean?
The snake symbolizes mystery, complexity, transformation, and initiation.
The wood element is associated with growth and creativity.
The Year of the Wood Snake is said to be a time of strategic thinking, adaptability, and prosperity.
What can we expect in the Year of the Wood Snake?
Career: People working in creative or analytical fields, such as education, research, and the arts, may have an advantage.
Finances: Financial growth may be gradual but steady. Thoughtful investments and strategic planning can lead to economic stability.
Relationships: Charm may attract positive outcomes in relationships.
Health: It may be important to take care of health by avoiding an irregular diet, overwork, and getting enough sleep.
Personal growth: The snake can represent personal evolution and healing.
What is Your Animal?
The year of the wood snake sounds pretty positive!! Also, in the Chinese zodiac, readers can find out their birth animal and the attributes of that animal. For example… if a person was born in 1968 their animal will be the Monkey and the personality traits will be… sharp, smart, curiosity. This [LINK] will take readers to the Creative Arts Guild website and a PDF where the animals/years are listed.
At another entertaining website called China Highlights [LINK], we find out that the monkey’s lucky colors are white, blue and gold. We’re entering the year of the snake so let’s see… the snake’s lucky numbers are 2, 8 and 9, the lucky colors are black, red and yellow and the lucky flowers are the orchid and cactus.
China Highlights gives us some more fun information: “There is an interesting legend about the origin of Chinese zodiac. The Jade Emperor wanted to select 12 animals to be his palace guards. He preferred the Ox to be the first for its honesty and diligence, but out of everyone’s expectation, the smart Rat covertly hid on the Ox’s back and occupied the first place at the essential moment. The Tiger was crowned as the King of the Forest while the Dragon was titled the Lord of the Sea, and they ranked behind the Ox. The Rabbit won a race with the Dragon and gained No. 4. The Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, and Rooster followed. The Dog was punished to be the last one for biting the Rabbit in a pet. Actually the Dog was the 11th, because there is one being late for the interview – the Pig finally took the last place.”
Where are the Celebrations?
Wikipedia gives us the following list of areas where the Lunar New Year is celebrated. The list is so broad that recently the UN made the Lunar New Year an official floating holiday: Middle East, West Asia, East Asia, China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, South Asia, India, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Singapore and North America.
The celebrations are going to be taking place until February 12th, so we encourage readers to look for colorful parades and parties happening near you. At this YouTube [LINK] readers can enjoy last year’s Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco!!
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
Horrific scenes of the fires in California are causing our friends and clients to worry about AMS! How are we doing? AMS is located on both coasts, and our West Coast headquarters and warehouses are located in Valencia, California. In this writing we will answer some well-being questions from our friends and readers.
Before we proceed, we would like readers to know that due to the heroic efforts of the Los Angeles firefighters, any fires that remain are not threatening us, and our people are doing well. The fires are behind us and either 100% snuffed out or soon will be.
CEO Responds Day 1
On day one AMS CEO, Jay Catlin, sent out a company-wide communication expressing his concern and support for employees in the face of the SoCal Fires and high winds. “I’m asking you all to prioritize your personal situation and consider your own circumstances and safety before choosing to head into work… if there is a mandatory evacuation or evacuation warning in your area, please take care of your personal situation and do not come into work. Everyone should know that their safety comes first and we respect your decisions to prioritize safety for yourselves and your families, even if there is not an evacuation warning in your area.”
His first concern was for the employees, and we appreciate him for that. We know that people across the country are rightfully focused on California, concerned about their friends and about the ones affected by the fires. Just the thought of such a loss is painful.
Our Well-Being
The fires started on January 7th, and the closest fire to our AMS facilities was the Hurst fire, approximately 15 miles away from the Valencia facilities. We did not experience unhealthy air at the facilities, we didn’t have any power outages and while there were some road closures, the major highways from the ports to AMS were open.
Thankfully, to this day, among our employees, there has been no loss of life and property. We have encouraged our employees to use the Employee Assistance Program for emotional support, well-being, and available resources. It’s free, and it can be very helpful.
One More Fire
As our friends, clients and employees know, on January 21st another fire broke out in a location near the Hurst fire and this one, called the Hughes fire, came close enough for us to be asked to evacuate the facilities. This time we did experience smoke in the air. How did we respond? Below we have a message and a photo from George Romano,Facilities Director, to the executive team:
“I wanted to share this picture with you and the team. I think the picture demonstrates the saying, “Most people run from danger, but the real heroes run towards the danger”.
“During the evacuation on Wednesday, while everyone in the area was heading home to their families, Matthew Warholy, Brian Nicholas, and Carlos Rubio remained at work to assist me with setting up our other back-up generator at HQ.
“The generator that is at HQ (what timing) had the coolant sensor fail and would not allow the generator to start. As a precautionary measure, we brought the other generator down from Witherspoon and wired it into the HQ warehouse, ensuring that if power was shut down, it would not affect AMS’ operations. This could not have been possible without these three guys giving it their all.
“It is an honor to be able to work beside such dedicated employees as Matthew, Brian, and Carlos.
That message was followed by the message below, sent by Keith Echegaray, VP of Process Improvement:
“Hey All,
“Just confirming here. WIT is evacuated and locked. @Matthew Warholy please remotely arm. WIL is evacuated armed and locked. LIV is evacuated and Greg B is going to be arming. HQ is evacuated and @Matthew Warholy will be arming.”
Evacuation Lifted
Within a few hours the evacuation was lifted, and the facilities were opened again. As readers can see, AMS employees handled our response very well during this time of crisis and loss for so many. We offer sincere thanks to our employees and our management team.
The fire has been contained and people in the area who were asked to evacuate have been able to return. Thankfully, through it all AMS employees have experienced no loss of life or property from the fires, including this most recent one.
Getting Involved – Helping
One of AMS’ valued Clients has donated over 8,500 units of inventory to a local LA Organization supporting those affected by the fires. AMS employees are coming together to fundraise through our annual V-Day Employee Cookie Drive, where 100% of proceeds will go towards “Direct Relief”, whose mission is to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergency situations.
We are grateful to be able to join with others in helping those who have experienced loss. We are thankful for our clients and employees whose spirit is to donate and volunteer to help those who are suffering the loss of their homes and property. The fires have been devastating and the losses have affected us all. And we are grateful that our Headquarters and warehouses have been spared. AMS is committed to the environment as a stakeholder in our business, and we will continue with our work to combat climate change and its effects.
AMS & Environmental Concerns
We often speak about the fact that AMS considers the environment a stakeholder in our business decisions. Addressing environmental issues is a critical responsibility for companies in today’s world and AMS takes this responsibility seriously. Companies can address environmental issues through various strategies and initiatives that prioritize environmental sustainability, promote responsible practices, and drive positive change. But how does AMS address environmental issues?
One essential approach is to conduct environmental impact assessments. These assessments help companies understand the specific environmental effects of their operations, products, and services. By identifying and evaluating their environmental impact, businesses lower negative effects and optimize resource use. AMS is in the process of foregoing our first 4-Pillar SMETA audit. Additionally, AMS has been measuring, offsetting, and reducing our emissions since 2023.
Another key aspect is implementing effective waste management strategies. AMS has adopted recycling programs, reducing packaging waste, and encouraging the reuse of materials.
Thank you, friends, clients and readers for your concerns for AMS and our valued employees. We are doing well during this crisis, and grateful that we can help others.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
Every year when we celebrate and honor the life of Dr. King, our focus is on civil rights. But how much do we know about civil rights? What are our civil rights? Who gave them to us? Let’s look into civil rights in order to better understand the incredible gift that Dr. King’s life and passion was to us.
And let’s also look at the reality of what came before. What is Jim Crow? Why did we need laws outlining the rights of US citizens – civil rights (also correctly referred to as human rights.)
Civil Rights
To get things started we asked Google what civil rights are:
“Civil rights are legal rights that protect people from discrimination and ensure equal citizenship. They are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.”
We went to HHS dot gov [LINK] for the answer on civil rights in healthcare and social services:
“The HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, religion, and sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity) by certain health care and human services entities: state and local social and health services agencies, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, insurers who are participating in the maketplaces and receiving premium tax credits, and other entities receiving federal financial assistance from HHS.”
Human beings have a right to nondiscriminatory healthcare and social services from the government and HHS makes that clear. We can thank Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King for his leadership role in bringing this into reality. His battle was on behalf of a people whose ancestors had been enslaved and who had been discriminated against as 2nd class citizens or worse.
Life Before Civil Rights
What came before was Jim Crow. Here’s how Google defines Jim Crow.
“Jim Crow was a derogatory term for the system of legalized racial segregation in the United States that lasted from the post-Civil War era until 1968. Origin: The term comes from a fictional Black character in minstrel shows in the 1830s and 1800s. The character was portrayed by white performers in blackface makeup and was treated with disdain.”
It’s hard to imagine being subjected to such hatred and disrespect, and yet this is what Dr. King and the leaders who joined with him were up against. Jim Crow laws mandated separate facilities. This included schools, transportation, restrooms, café and restaurant dining. There was a law passed in 1896 called “Plessy v. Ferguson” that established the “separate but equal” doctrine… i.e. Jim Crow laws. Obviously there was no ‘equal’ in separate but equal.
At civil rights dot org [LINK] we see what happened when President Kennedy stepped into the picture.
“After the Birmingham police reacted to a peaceful desegregation demonstration in May 1963 by using fire hoses and unleashing police dogs to break up thousands of demonstrators, President Kennedy introduced the Civil Rights Act in a June 12 speech. “Are we to say to the world, and much more importantly, to each other, that this is the land of the free except for the Negroes?” he said.”
Honoring Dr. King
When we look at Dr. King’s very great gifts to our culture, we see that he, a Christian minister, led marches for the right to vote, labor rights, desegregation as well as other marches for civil rights. From Wikipedia we read the following: “He oversaw the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott and later became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). As president of the SCLC, he led the unsuccessful Albany Movement in Albany, Georgia, and helped organize some of the nonviolent 1963 protests in Birmingham, Alabama.”
Dr. King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech during the 1963 March on Washington. Many of us have seen him on video at the Lincoln Memorial, delivering that inspiring message to America. Following that march he helped to organize two of the marches from Selma to Montgomery.
We know that Dr. King was jailed for his activities several times and he was made a target of the FBI. Deservedly, Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He continued on with objection to the Vietnam war and his desire to end poverty. His life was ended in 1968 by an assassin’s bullet.
Human Progress Achieved
Finally, once again from the Civil Rights website we read the following: “The House passed the bill on February 10, 1964 after 70 days of public hearings and testimony from more than 275 witnesses, but a 57-day filibuster prevented the Senate from voting. Finally, on June 10, 1964, the Senate voted to end the filibuster and passed the bill a week later. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the most sweeping civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed and paved the way for the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, among other key laws.”
Thank You Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Through your heart and your courage we the people have become better human beings… and that is a victory for all.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
So many businesses, particularly in Apparel, are in scramble mode as a result of recent regulatory changes with Mexico, effectively closing down the practice of inbounding containers of product that are intended to go across the border to capitalize on the eCommerce de minimis loophole (no tariffs on transactions below $800). Brands are also aware that the US is likely to close the eCommerce loophole via changes to existing Section 321 de minimis laws. With the current and pending changes, it’s clear that the practice of inbounding goods to Mexico is likely coming to an end.
The Mexican government’s Tax Administration Service (SAT) imposed 19 percent tariffs on all imported merchandise shipped via couriers from countries without an international trade agreement with Mexico, such as China. The imposed 19% tax came shortly after Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum escalated tariffs on finished clothing products, including jackets, dresses and shirts amongst other apparel items which will now have tariffs reach as high as 35 percent.
On top of all of this, Sheinbaum’s decree restricts duty-free finished apparel items from entering the country if it was intended to be re-exported to the U.S. through Mexico’s IMMEX import program.
The new measures are going into effect just weeks before Donald Trump assumes office. American lawmakers have sought to reform Section 321 de minimis legislation that is now being leveraged by numerous eCommerce apparel companies, where foreign shipments worth $800 or less are able to enter the U.S. market duty free. US businesses, CBP and politicians have been critical of the current loophole via Section 321 due to it being anticompetitive for many US-based e-commerce businesses, and that it could be exploited for drug trafficking into the U.S.
Program Freezes and AMS Support:
The bottom line with all of this is that Brands are now seeking US-based solutions for their supply chain logistics and Fulfillment. Some brands have been completely frozen by the actions taken in Mexico! AMS CAN HELP YOU! Give us a call and get your business back on track quickly. Our team is equipped to provide the necessary support to ensure a smooth transition and help you minimize downtime.
What did we experience in 2024 that deserves another look? Well… let’s not talk about the price of butter… or coffee. We can skip that. Actually, we can skip quite a few things… especially politics. Let’s review the AMS Newsroom blogs and see what we felt was worth our attention!
2024 Predictions
Our first post was 2024 predictions! How did we do? Was it off base or out of the park? Here’s a quote from Martek dot org: “Humans aren’t going to be taken out of the customer experience entirely in 2024.Instead, look for AI-augmented systems to help make experience and service more efficient for marketers and agents. Organizations realize that for more challenging issues, customers want to have the ability to connect with a human.”
That’s the truth!! What a great relief when a human comes on the line! It was predicted we would experience more human contact – was it accurate… did we? Well, at AMS we truly value human to human communication. When a phone call is made to us, the visitor or client will not be subjected to a seemingly endless system without a human. We answer the phone! What about others? We have seen some improvement – after making our way through a government office menu we found the possibility for a real human voice, so maybe they’re catching on… people like to talk to people – not AI.
Let’s look at one more prediction, this one about the workforce: “The author states that technology will help alleviate worker shortages and improve retention. In addition to improving retention, experts believe technology will improve productivity and decision making of both existing employees and new talent with state-of-the-art tools. It is also predicted that the workforce will be freed up from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex problems and decisions that require human interaction.” Well, this one is a pretty accurate prediction. AMS increasingly makes use of technology and it does improve productivity and improve our employees’ work experience.
First there was Spring
What about some of our other blogs? We honored Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 and on March 6th we began a series on Women’s History. “Readers are well aware that in the US women had to fight for the right to vote and to own property. We will cover the Suffrage Movement in this first blog in our women’s history series. We will also cover the Women’s Movement of the sixties and seventies, where we saw women begin to be accepted as professionals – doctors, lawyers, accountants, business owners and so forth.” We have a very good balance at AMS with men and women in leadership, and it’s with gratitude that we can look back and see the country’s progress… yes, we’ve come a long way as a culture.
Harriett Tubman Day came up on March 10th and March 19th brought us the Spring Equinox! April is Earth Month, and with our focus on the environment, we let our readers know! “Every month is Earth Month at AMS Fulfillment. We never forget about doing what we can do to minimize any damage to the environment caused by operating our business. But since there is a commemoration going on in April, and April 22nd is Earth Day we are happy to join in and encourage others to honor our beautiful planet.”
Then there was Summer
At the end of May we looked into safety at AMS. We take employee safety very seriously and we have a very good record. “At AMS we always have and always will design our tasks to fit the worker. We also protect the health of our employees through comprehensive safety training with regard to ergonomics. Every employee is trained in the best methods of avoiding strain on the body, and this training is done following OSHA guidelines. AMS has an outstanding safety record with far fewer lost-time injuries than most of our competitors, and we also strive for continuous improvements in our training procedures. AMS is into Safety!!”
On we go to June and July. June 16th was Father’s Day and of course a high point of the year for all of our extraordinary AMS Dads. “We want to offer an overflowing plate of respect and appreciation and gratitude to all of the fathers among the AMS employees and clients and friends. We thank you for your strength, your guidance, your sacrifice, your time, your influence and your love. We hope your Day is perfect, whether there are gifts or a big meal or a fun outing – we want it to be perfect.”
In June we celebrated Pride Month and Black Music Month and Juneteenth. Then on to July and the 4th. “How to Celebrate: Fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, picnics, parades, baseball games, naps, sleeping in, hiking, camping, hanging out at home, going to the beach, dinner with friends, working and getting paid time and a half. Lots of choices for this holiday!”
The rest of July and August was fairly quiet. August is National Wellness Month, so of course we looked into how we’re caring for the health of our employees. We asked Samantha Hicks, ESG Program Manager, to give us some info on how we help the employees with stress management and she gave us the following info about AMS’ EAP Program. “An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary, confidential program that offers free mental health services to employees and their families. EAPs can help with a range of issues that affect mental and emotional well-being, including:Stress,Grief, Family problems, Psychological disorders, Alcohol and substance abuse,Depression, Anxiety,Work-life balance.” The EAP Program is just one of the ways we help our employees enjoy wellness.
And then came Fall
September came around with the Fall Equinox on the 22nd. When Fall comes, we start thinking about and gearing up for Peak Season. There is an interesting headline showing up on September 18th – AMS Prepares for our First 4-Pillar SMETA Audit. SMETA stands for Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit. It assesses a company’s ethical and sustainable business practices. The four pillars of a SMETA audit are: Labor Standards, Health and Safety, Environmental Assessment, and Business Ethics. “We want our clients to be able to evaluate AMS’ working conditions, aiming to promote collaboration, visibility, continuous improvement, and responsible sourcing practices. This is the reason for the SMETA audit.
“The audit findings are assessed against the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code and take into account legal requirements, international standards, and good practice. The SMETA audits rely on a certified third-party provider to conduct inspections at AMS premises, processes, documentation, and technical systems. Upon our completion of the audit, our clients will be able to tell their customers how AMS demonstrates its commitment to ethical sourcing, sustainable practices, and social responsibility. This can be important for building trust with customers, investors, and stakeholders who prioritize ethical considerations in their business relationships.” AMS is a B Corporation, and that means ‘ethics’. It’s important to us to give our potential clients a choice to be proud of.
When we enter the Fall season we’re heading toward Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then comes Black Friday. Things get busy at AMS so our minds are focused on getting the job done.
Just to review, November is Native American Heritage month, and we recognized Veterans Day on November 11th. Then we move into December and our much-loved holiday season. Here we find Bodhi Day, Christmas, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah! AMS is incredibly busy during these weeks, making sure everyone gets their gifts right on time and in perfect condition. And then… we stepped into 2025.
New Year
We hope you have enjoyed our memory journey through 2024. We’ve entered a new year, and it is once again a new opportunity to live up to a truly human standard.
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AMS Fulfillment is a Certified B Corporation, dedicated to People and Planet before Profit. We work to B the Change we wish to see in the world.
AMS is a B Corporation. As we begin 2025, let’s talk about what it means to be a ‘B’. First of all, the ‘B’ in B Corporation stands for ‘Benefit for all’. B Corporations are businesses that have been certified by B Lab, making a legal commitment to benefit all stakeholders. Who are the stakeholders? Who has a stake in AMS?
Before we talk about our stakeholders, let’s look at the google definition of ‘B Corporation’.
“A B Corporation, or Benefit Corporation, is a business that meets strict standards for social and environmental performance, transparency, and legal accountability:
Social and environmental performance: B Corps promote corporate social responsibility, such as improving the environment, reducing economic inequality, and improving access to high-quality jobs.
Transparency: B Corps are transparent about their business practices.
Legal accountability: B Corps meet higher legal accountability standards than traditional businesses.”
Now that we have some small idea of what a B Corporation is, let’s talk about our stakeholders. We list them as: Employees, Community, Environment, Clients and Ourselves.
B Corporations impact employees by providing a sense of purpose and meaning in their work through a strong commitment to social and environmental responsibility, often leading to better employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention, as well as access to initiatives and programs focused on employee well-being and community involvement. Essentially, AMS aims to create a positive impact by prioritizing employee welfare and aligning their work with personal values.
Our commitment to employees is extensive – we want them safe in the workplace and we do a lot to make that a reality. We want them enjoying their workday, with health care available, enjoying free on-site educational opportunities, with supervisors who care and listen, fairly paid, experiencing no prejudice or discrimination in any form, and we want them rewarded, frequently, for their efforts on behalf of our Clients.
Some of the ways our commitment impacts employees are as follows:
Increased purpose and meaning: Employees feel more connected to their work knowing the company actively contributes to positive social and environmental change, enhancing job satisfaction and motivation.
Attracting top talent: B Corporation certification acts as a draw for individuals seeking careers with a strong ethical and sustainable focus, helping companies attract high-quality employees. During the past few years, we have heard and seen individuals mocked on social media as a “DE&I hire”. The implication is that the person has not been hired based on merit or qualifications, but to meet a race or gender quota. AMS practices DE&I but that does not mean we hire based on a race or gender quota. We hire qualified applicants based on their abilities to do the job. Regarding DE&I, we hire individuals with disabilities, we hire the homeless, single parents, and persons who have had difficulty being hired due to a criminal record. That’s what DE&I looks like at AMS.
Employee-centric policies: B Corporations often implement progressive workplace policies and employee wellness programs, promoting work-life balance and employee well-being.
Transparency and accountability: The B Impact Assessment process requires companies to regularly evaluate their practices, including those related to employee treatment, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Collaborative decision-making: B Corporations often encourage employee input and participation in decision-making processes, promoting a sense of ownership and engagement.
Our hiring practices are one of the ways we make the community a stakeholder. We work with community organizations that help the disabled, the homeless, single parents, persons with a record, and through our hiring practices we do serve the community. AMS also partners with clients to help them with their product end cycle. We ensure that their product is not improperly disposed of and help to donate to communities in need.
Opportunities for impact: Employees can actively participate in company initiatives aimed at social and environmental impact, contributing to community projects or sustainability efforts. The AMS Activities Committee engages employees in voluntary activities such as fundraising for local communities in need and participation in clean-up efforts in the community. We are very proud of our employees who have organized the volunteer efforts in community projects.
For years we have been monitoring our use of resources and doing everything we can to reduce our use with regard to electricity, heating and cooling. AMS has eliminated the use of gasoline powered forklifts and installed energy-saving lighting in our warehouses. Due to the dedicated efforts AMS achieved Carbon Neutral status in 2023. We continued our efforts in 2024, and we will continue in the years to come.
Our recycling efforts are exceptional as well. In 2023 we recycled over one million pounds of cardboard and after much searching and effort we found a way to recycle stretch plastic. AMS employees have organized a ‘Green Team’ and their goal is to minimize and even eliminate our contribution to landfills.
It goes without saying that our valued clients are stakeholders – our employees understand that their labor is 100% for the clients. We look upon clients as partners and communicate with them on all matters. Our Client Services team is in frequent communication with the client representatives, and we value this communication. So, yes… our clients are stakeholders – always have been and always will be.
A Force for Good!
We are very dedicated to the B Corporation goals and proud to be a B Corporation. If readers would like to know more about B Corporations, please visit this [LINK] which takes you to the B Lab website. They say, “We won’t stop until all business is a force for good,” and we agree. AMS aims to be a force for good in the world!